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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Workflow Engines » pegasus 2.1.0 » org.griphyn.vdl.classes 
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public class List extends Value implements Cloneable,Serializable(Code)
This class implements the list argument type used for parameters passed to transformations from derivations.
   Jens-S. Vöckler
   Yong Zhao
   $Revision: 50 $
See Also:   Value
See Also:   Scalar

Constructor Summary
public  List()
     Default ctor.
public  List(Scalar firstChild)
     Convenience ctor: Initializes the list, and stores the given Scalar as first child into the list.

Method Summary
public  voidaddScalar(Scalar vScalar)
     Accessor: Appends as Scalar value to the list.
public  voidaddScalar(int index, Scalar vScalar)
     Accessor: Insert a Scalar at a specific position.
public  Objectclone()
     Creates and returns a copy of this object.
public  booleancontainsLFN(String filename, int linkage)
     Determines if the list contains an LFN of the specified linkage. The logic uses short-circuit evaluation, thus finding things is faster than not finding things.
public  EnumerationenumerateScalar()
     Accessor: constructs the iterator for the List items.
public  java.util.ListgetAllLFN(int linkage)
     Determines all LFN instances of a given scalar that match the specified linkage.
public  intgetContainerType()
     Accessor: Obtains the value type of this class.
public  java.util.ListgetLFNList(int linkage)
     Determines all LFN instances of a given scalar that match the specified linkage.
public  ScalargetScalar(int index)
     Accessor: Obtains the value of a specific item in the list.
  index - is the position of which to obtain the value of.
public  Scalar[]getScalar()
     Accessor: Gets an array of all Scalars in the list.
public  intgetScalarCount()
public  java.util.ListgetScalarList()
     Accessor: Gets an array of all Scalars in the list. This list is read-only.
public  StringgetSymbolicType()
     This method determines which container is being used in the abstract base class in order to kludgy statements when printing debug info.
public  IteratoriterateScalar()
     Accessor: constructs the iterator for the List items.
public  ListIteratorlistIterateScalar()
     Accessor: constructs the iterator for the List items.
public  ListIteratorlistIterateScalar(int start)
     Accessor: constructs the iterator for the List items.
  start - is the starting position for the sub-iteration.
public  voidremoveAllScalar()
     Accessor: Removes all elements in the List.
public  ScalarremoveScalar(int index)
     Accessor: Removes a single element from the List.
public  voidsetScalar(int index, Scalar vScalar)
     Accessor: Overwrite an element at a given position.
  index - is the position to use.
public  voidsetScalar(Scalar[] scalarArray)
     Accessor: Replaces all elements with a new list of Scalar s.
public  voidsetScalar(Collection scalars)
     Accessor: Replaces all elements with a new list of Scalar s.
public  voidtoString(Writer stream)
     Dumps the list and all its contents into a string.
public  voidtoXML(Writer stream, String indent, String namespace)
     Dump the state of the current element as XML output.

Constructor Detail
public List()(Code)
Default ctor.

public List(Scalar firstChild)(Code)
Convenience ctor: Initializes the list, and stores the given Scalar as first child into the list.
  firstChild - is the first element in the list

Method Detail
public void addScalar(Scalar vScalar) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Accessor: Appends as Scalar value to the list.
  vScalar - is the Scalar to append to the list.
  IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the value cannot be added.
See Also:   Scalar

public void addScalar(int index, Scalar vScalar) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Accessor: Insert a Scalar at a specific position.
  index - is the position to insert the item into
  vScalar - is the Scalar to append to the list.
  IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the value cannot be added.
See Also:   Scalar

public Object clone()(Code)
Creates and returns a copy of this object. a new instance.

public boolean containsLFN(String filename, int linkage)(Code)
Determines if the list contains an LFN of the specified linkage. The logic uses short-circuit evaluation, thus finding things is faster than not finding things. Searching a list is a potentially expensive method.
  filename - is the name of the LFN
  linkage - is the linkage to check for, -1 for any linkage type. true if the LFN is contained in the scalar, false otherwise.
See Also:   org.griphyn.vdl.classes.LFN
See Also:   
See Also:   Scalar.containsLFN(Stringint)

public Enumeration enumerateScalar()(Code)
Accessor: constructs the iterator for the List items. an enumeration to walk the list with.

public java.util.List getAllLFN(int linkage)(Code)
Determines all LFN instances of a given scalar that match the specified linkage. This is a higher-level method employing the given API.
  linkage - is the linkage to check for, -1 for all filenames. a set of logical filename instances that match the linkageand were part of the scalar. The result may be an empty set, if nosuch result were to be found.
See Also:   Scalar.getAllLFN(int)
See Also:   LFN
See Also:   

public int getContainerType()(Code)
Accessor: Obtains the value type of this class. By using the abstract method in the parent class, List objects can be distinguished from Scalar objects without using the instanceof operator. the fixed value of being a scalar.
See Also:   Value.LIST
See Also:   

public java.util.List getLFNList(int linkage)(Code)
Determines all LFN instances of a given scalar that match the specified linkage. This is a higher-level method employing the given API. Note that also linkage of NONE will not be found in wildcard search mode.
  linkage - is the linkage to check for, -1 for all filenames. a set of all logical filenames that match the linkage andwere part of the scalar. The result may be an empty set, if no suchresult were to be found. For a linkage of -1, complete LFNs will bereturned, for any other linkage, just the filename will bereturned.
See Also:   Scalar.getLFNList(int)
See Also:   
See Also:   Derivation.getLFNList(int)
See Also:   
See Also:   LFN
See Also:   

public Scalar getScalar(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Accessor: Obtains the value of a specific item in the list.
  index - is the position of which to obtain the value of. The Scalar at the specified position.
  IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index points to an elementthat is beyond the list boundaries.

public Scalar[] getScalar()(Code)
Accessor: Gets an array of all Scalars in the list. an array of Scalars.
See Also:   Scalar

public int getScalarCount()(Code)
Accessor: Obtains the element count of the internal list number of elements in the internal list

public java.util.List getScalarList()(Code)
Accessor: Gets an array of all Scalars in the list. This list is read-only. an array of Scalars.
See Also:   Scalar

public String getSymbolicType()(Code)
This method determines which container is being used in the abstract base class in order to kludgy statements when printing debug info. the symblic identifier for the type of the Value.

public Iterator iterateScalar()(Code)
Accessor: constructs the iterator for the List items. an enumeration to walk the list with.

public ListIterator listIterateScalar()(Code)
Accessor: constructs the iterator for the List items. an enumeration to walk the list with.

public ListIterator listIterateScalar(int start)(Code)
Accessor: constructs the iterator for the List items.
  start - is the starting position for the sub-iteration. an enumeration to walk the list with.

public void removeAllScalar()(Code)
Accessor: Removes all elements in the List.

public Scalar removeScalar(int index)(Code)
Accessor: Removes a single element from the List. Each component in this vector with an index greater or equal to the specified index is shifted downward to have an index one smaller than the value it had previously. The size of this vector is decreased by 1.
  index - is the position at which an element is to be removed. the Scalar that was removed.
  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index was invalid.

public void setScalar(int index, Scalar vScalar) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Accessor: Overwrite an element at a given position.
  index - is the position to use. It must be within the list.
  vScalar - is the new value to replace the element with.
  IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the position is outside the list.

public void setScalar(Scalar[] scalarArray)(Code)
Accessor: Replaces all elements with a new list of Scalar s.
  scalarArray - is the list to replace the original list with.

public void setScalar(Collection scalars)(Code)
Accessor: Replaces all elements with a new list of Scalar s.
  scalars - is the list to replace the original list with.

public void toString(Writer stream) throws IOException(Code)
Dumps the list and all its contents into a string. The list will be terminated by brackets, elements separated by komma, space. Elements itself will be dumped by recursive calls to the element specific method of the same name.
  stream - is a stream opened and ready for writing. This can alsobe a string stream for efficient output.
  IOException - if something fishy happens to the stream.

public void toXML(Writer stream, String indent, String namespace) throws IOException(Code)
Dump the state of the current element as XML output. This function traverses all sibling classes as necessary, and converts the data into pretty-printed XML output. The stream interface should be able to handle large output efficiently, if you use a buffered writer.
  stream - is a stream opened and ready for writing. This can alsobe a string stream for efficient output.
  indent - is a String of spaces used for prettyprinting. The initial amount of spaces should be an empty string.The parameter is used internally for the recursive traversal.
  namespace - is the XML schema namespace prefix. If neitherempty nor null, each element will be prefixed with this prefix,and the root element will map the XML namespace.
  IOException - if something fishy happens to the stream.

Fields inherited from org.griphyn.vdl.classes.Value
final public static int LIST(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int SCALAR(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.griphyn.vdl.classes.Value
abstract public Object clone()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public boolean containsLFN(String filename, int linkage)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public java.util.List getAllLFN(int linkage)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public int getContainerType()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public java.util.List getLFNList(int linkage)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getSymbolicType()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static boolean isInRange(int x)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setName(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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