Method Summary |
public WfResource | asResource(Principal principal) Return the resource associated with the given principal. |
public Collection | authorizers(WfResource resource) Return the authorizers for the given resource. |
public Principal | caller() Returns the user currently authenticated as a Principal . |
public Configuration | configuration() Return the workflow engine configuration. |
public void | doAbandon(Activity act, ExceptionResult result) Abandon an activity in a new transaction,
i.e. |
public void | doAbandonLocal(Activity act, ExceptionResult result) Abandon an activity in a new transaction,
i.e. |
public void | doFinish(WfActivity act, Map result) Set a result and complete an activity in a new transaction,
i.e. |
public void | doFinishLocal(WfActivity act, Map result) Set a result and complete an activity in a new transaction,
i.e. |
public InvocationResult | doInvokeLocal(ExtApplication appl, Activity act, Map params) Invoke a tool in a new transaction, i.e. |
public void | doTerminateLocal(ExtApplication appl, Activity act) Terminate a tool in a new transaction, i.e. |
public void | ejbActivate() Not called for stateless EJB. |
public void | ejbCreate() Create a new instance of ProcessDefinitonDirectoryBean. |
public void | ejbPassivate() Not called for stateless EJB. |
public void | ejbRemove() A container invokes this method before it ends the life of the session
object. |
public Object[] | eventServiceData() Return the event service connection data. |
public Object | executeBatch(Batch batch) Execute a batch in the context of the workflow service
i.e. |
public Collection | history(WfExecutionObject execObj) Returns a collection of WfAuditEvent s associated with
this process describing its history. |
public boolean | isMemberOfWorkItems(WfResource resource, WfAssignment assignment) Find out if a given assignment belongs to the work items assigned to
a particular resource.
Parameters: resource - the resource. Parameters: assignment - the assignment in question. |
public Collection | knownResources() Return the known resources. |
public | processDefinitionDirectory() Return the process definition directory of the workflow engine. |
public ProcessDirectory | processDirectory() Return the process directory of the workflow engine. |
public ExtProcessDirectoryLocal | processDirectoryLocal() Return the process directory of the workflow engine. |
public void | processEvent(WfAuditEvent event) Process the given event. |
public void | removeAuditEvents(String procKey) Clears the history of the process with the given key. |
public ResourceAssignmentService | resourceAssignmentService() Return the resource assignment service used by the
workflow engine. |
public WfResource | resourceByKey(String key) Return the resource associated with the given key. |
public void | setSessionContext(SessionContext context) Set the session context and get new data source. |
public Collection | workItems(WfResource resource) Return the assignments of a given resource.
Parameters: resource - the resource. |