| de.danet.an.workflow.rmsimpls.eisrms.aci.RmsConnection
All known Subclasses: de.danet.an.workflow.rmsimpls.ldaprmsra.LdapRmsConnection, de.danet.an.workflow.rmsimpls.propsrmsra.PropsRmsConnection,
RmsConnection | public interface RmsConnection extends Serializable(Code) | | This interface defines a connection to a resource management system
accessed via JCA.
author: Michael Lipp |
authorizers | Collection authorizers(String key) throws ResourceException(Code) | | Given a resource's key, return the collection of
resource entries this resource is authorized for.
This method usually returns all groups a user is a
member of and all roles assigned to a user.
Parameters: key - the resource's key a collection of RmsEntry objects, notincluding the resource identified by the key throws: ResourceException - if an error occurs |
close | void close() throws ResourceException(Code) | | Close the connection.
listResources | Collection listResources() throws ResourceException(Code) | | List all available resources.
throws: ResourceException - if an error occurs |
selectResources | Collection selectResources(Object resSel) throws ResourceException(Code) | | This optional method selects resources based on the resource
selection criteria passed as parameter.
Usually, criteria for the resource selection must be determined
within the resource assignment, based on the list of resources
obtained with
RmsConnection.listResourceslistResources . Implementations of resource
management facilities may, however, support some query
functionality that eases this task for the resource assignment
service. The resource assignment service may have received
such resource selection information from the workflow engine
de.danet.an.workflow.spis.ras.ResourceAssignmentService.autoAssignResourcesautoAssignResources (the workflow component has
obtained the information propably as part of the process
description and passed it through transparently).
Parameters: resSel - an object that describes resource selection criteria collection of RmsEntry objects throws: UnsupportedOperationException - if the resource managementservice does not support this feature. throws: ResourceException - if an error occurs |