A class for loading and displaying XPages. This class manages access to
individual pages and coordinates update of the dispaly area. Pages can also be
displayed as part of a frameset. The page manager caches the pages to improve
performance and maintain state.
setPageDisplay(XPageDisplay pgDisplay) Set the interface to invoke when a page has been displayed.
Reads the startup parameters Frames and UsesFrames to control loading of
the frame set.
Get the page currently displayed by a particular target container
Parameters: target - the target container name the page or else null if the page hasn't been loaded yet.
Load a page. Check first to see if we have it in the Hashtable when the
cache flag is set to true.
Parameters: className - the name of the class we want to load. Parameters: cache - whether or not to cache the page or check the cache the cached page or the newly created page.
Set the interface to invoke when a page has been displayed.
Reads the startup parameters Frames and UsesFrames to control loading of
the frame set. If Frames is not specified it defaults to "frames", and if
UsesFrames is not specified it defaults to "true".
Parameters: pgDisplay - The XPageDisplay interface
Set the page loader class. XuiBuilder is an example of a secondary page
loader that loads pages from an XML description.
Parameters: pl - the page loader instance