FeatureKeys defines a set of constants, names of Saxon configuration
options which can be supplied to the Saxon implementations of the JAXP
interfaces TransformerFactory, SchemaFactory, Validator, and ValidationHandler.
author: Michael H. Kay
RECOGNIZE_URI_QUERY_PARAMETERS RECOGNIZE_URI_QUERY_PARAMETERS must be a Boolean; it determines whether query parameters (things after "?")
in a URI passed to the document() or doc() function are specially recognized by the system default URIResolver.
STRIP_WHITESPACE STRIP_WHITESPACE must be a string set to one of the values "all", "none", or "ignorable".
This determines what whitespace is stripped during tree construction: "all" removes all
whitespace-only text nodes; "ignorable" removes whitespace text nodes in element-only content
(as identified by a DTD or Schema), and "none" preserves all whitespace.
final public static String ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS(Code)
ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS must be a Boolean; it determines whether calls to external functions are allowed
final public static String COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER(Code)
net.sf.saxon.sort.CollationURIResolver .
This resolver will be used to resolve collation URIs used in stylesheets compiled or executed under the
control of this TransformerFactory
final public static String COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER(Code)
net.sf.saxon.CollectionURIResolver .
This resolver will be used to resolve collection URIs used in calls of the collection() function
NAME_POOL must be an instance of net.sf.saxon.om.NamePool
final public static String OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER(Code)
OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER must be an instance of net.sf.saxon.OutputURIResolver
final public static String RECOGNIZE_URI_QUERY_PARAMETERS(Code)
RECOGNIZE_URI_QUERY_PARAMETERS must be a Boolean; it determines whether query parameters (things after "?")
in a URI passed to the document() or doc() function are specially recognized by the system default URIResolver.
Allowed parameters include, for example validation=strict to perform schema validation, and strip-space=yes
to perform stripping of all whitespace-only text nodes.
STRIP_WHITESPACE must be a string set to one of the values "all", "none", or "ignorable".
This determines what whitespace is stripped during tree construction: "all" removes all
whitespace-only text nodes; "ignorable" removes whitespace text nodes in element-only content
(as identified by a DTD or Schema), and "none" preserves all whitespace. This whitespace stripping
is additional to any stripping caused by the xsl:strip-space declaration in a stylesheet.
final public static String STYLE_PARSER_CLASS(Code)
STYLE_PARSER_CLASS must be an XMLReader. This identifies the parser used for stylesheets and
schema modules.
TREE_MODEL must be an Integer: Builder.STANDARD_TREE or Builder.TINY_TREE
final public static String VALIDATION_WARNINGS(Code)
VALIDATION_WARNINGS must be a Boolean. This determines whether validation errors in result
documents should be treated as fatal. By default they are fatal; with this option set, they
are treated as warnings.
VERSION_WARNING must be a Boolean. This determines whether a warning should be output when
running an XSLT 2.0 processor against an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet. The XSLT specification requires
this to be done by default.
XML_VERSION is a character string. This determines the XML version used by the Configuration: the
value must be "1.0" or "1.1". For details, see
Configuration.setXMLVersion(int) .