| java.lang.Object net.sf.saxon.StandardURIResolver
StandardURIResolver | public class StandardURIResolver implements NonDelegatingURIResolver,Serializable(Code) | | This class provides the service of converting a URI into an InputSource.
It is used to get stylesheet modules referenced by xsl:import and xsl:include,
and source documents referenced by the document() function. The standard version
handles anything that the java URL class will handle.
You can write a subclass to handle other kinds of URI, e.g. references to things in
a database.
author: Michael H. Kay |
recognizeQueryParameters | protected boolean recognizeQueryParameters(Code) | | |
StandardURIResolver | public StandardURIResolver()(Code) | | Create a StandardURIResolver, with no reference to a TransformerFactory
StandardURIResolver | public StandardURIResolver(Configuration config)(Code) | | Create a StandardURIResolver, with a reference to a TransformerFactory
Parameters: config - The Configuration object.This is used to get a SAX Parser for a source XML document |
queryParametersAreRecognized | public boolean queryParametersAreRecognized()(Code) | | Determine whether query parameters (such as ?validation=strict) are to be recognized
true if query parameters are recognized and interpreted by Saxon. |
resolve | public Source resolve(String href, String base) throws XPathException(Code) | | Resolve a URI
Parameters: href - The relative or absolute URI. May be an empty string. May containa fragment identifier starting with "#", which must be the value of an ID attributein the referenced XML document. Parameters: base - The base URI that should be used. May be null if uri is absolute. a Source object representing an XML document |
setRecognizeQueryParameters | public void setRecognizeQueryParameters(boolean recognize)(Code) | | Indicate that query parameters (such as ?validation=strict) are to be recognized
Parameters: recognize - Set to true if query parameters in the URI are to be recognized and acted upon.The default (for compatibility and interoperability reasons) is false. |
tryToExpand | public static String tryToExpand(String systemId)(Code) | | If a system ID can't be parsed as a URL, we'll try to expand it as a relative
URI using the current directory as the base URI: MHK addition.