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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » XML » saxonb » net.sf.saxon.expr 
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All known Subclasses:   net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMinor,  net.sf.saxon.expr.EarlyEvaluationContext,
public interface XPathContext (Code)
This class represents a context in which an XPath expression is evaluated.

Method Summary
public  voidchangeOutputDestination(Properties props, Result result, boolean isFinal, int validation, SchemaType schemaType)
     Set a new output destination, supplying the output format details.
public  ValueRepresentationevaluateLocalVariable(int slotnumber)
public  XPathContextgetCaller()
     Get the calling XPathContext (the next one down the stack).
public  ComparatorgetCollation(String name)
public  ConfigurationgetConfiguration()
public  ItemgetContextItem()
public  intgetContextPosition()
public  ControllergetController()
     Get the Controller.
public  GroupIteratorgetCurrentGroupIterator()
     Get the current group iterator.
public  SequenceIteratorgetCurrentIterator()
     Get the current iterator.
public  ModegetCurrentMode()
     Get the current mode.
public  RegexIteratorgetCurrentRegexIterator()
     Get the current regex iterator.
public  TemplategetCurrentTemplate()
     Get the current template.
public  ComparatorgetDefaultCollation()
public  intgetLast()
public  ParameterSetgetLocalParameters()
public  NamePoolgetNamePool()
public  InstructionInfoProvidergetOrigin()
     Get information about the creating expression or other construct.
public  intgetOriginatingConstructType()
     Get the type of location from which this context was created.
public  SequenceReceivergetReceiver()
     Get the Receiver to which output is currently being written.
public  StackFramegetStackFrame()
     Get a reference to the local stack frame for variables.
public  ParameterSetgetTunnelParameters()
     Get the tunnel parameters that were passed to the current function or template.
public  XPathContextMajor.XSLTContextgetXSLTContext()
public  booleanisAtLast()
public  XPathContextMajornewCleanContext()
public  XPathContextMajornewContext()
     Construct a new context as a copy of another.
public  XPathContextMinornewMinorContext()
     Construct a new minor context.
public  voidsetCaller(XPathContext caller)
public  voidsetCurrentIterator(SequenceIterator iter)
     Set a new sequence iterator.
public  voidsetLocalVariable(int slotnumber, ValueRepresentation value)
public  voidsetOrigin(InstructionInfoProvider expr)
     Set the creating expression (for use in diagnostics).
public  voidsetOriginatingConstructType(int loc)
     Set the type of creating expression (for use in diagnostics).
public  voidsetReceiver(SequenceReceiver receiver)
public  voidsetTemporaryReceiver(SequenceReceiver out)
     Set the receiver to which output is to be written, marking it as a temporary (non-final) output destination.
public  booleanuseLocalParameter(int fingerprint, LocalParam binding, boolean isTunnel)
     Use local parameter.

Method Detail
public void changeOutputDestination(Properties props, Result result, boolean isFinal, int validation, SchemaType schemaType) throws XPathException(Code)
Set a new output destination, supplying the output format details.
Note that it is the caller's responsibility to close the Writer after use.
  XPathException - if any dynamic error occurs; andspecifically, if an attempt is made to switch to a final outputdestination while writing a temporary tree or sequence
  props - properties defining the output format
  result - Details of the new output destination
  isFinal - true if the destination is a final result tree(either the principal output or a secondary result tree); false ifit is a temporary tree, xsl:attribute, etc.

public ValueRepresentation evaluateLocalVariable(int slotnumber)(Code)
Get the value of a local variable, identified by its slot number

public XPathContext getCaller()(Code)
Get the calling XPathContext (the next one down the stack). This will be null if unknown, or if the bottom of the stack has been reached.

public Comparator getCollation(String name) throws XPathException(Code)
Get a named collation

public Configuration getConfiguration()(Code)
Get the Configuration

public Item getContextItem()(Code)
Get the context item the context item, or null if the context item is undefined

public int getContextPosition() throws DynamicError(Code)
Get the context position (the position of the context item) the context position (starting at one)
  DynamicError - if the context position is undefined

public Controller getController()(Code)
Get the Controller. May return null when running outside XSLT or XQuery

public GroupIterator getCurrentGroupIterator()(Code)
Get the current group iterator. This supports the current-group() and current-grouping-key() functions in XSLT 2.0 the current grouped collection

public SequenceIterator getCurrentIterator()(Code)
Get the current iterator. This encapsulates the context item, context position, and context size. the current iterator, or null if there is no current iterator(which means the context item, position, and size are undefined).

public Mode getCurrentMode()(Code)
Get the current mode. the current mode

public RegexIterator getCurrentRegexIterator()(Code)
Get the current regex iterator. This supports the functionality of the regex-group() function in XSLT 2.0. the current regular expressions iterator

public Template getCurrentTemplate()(Code)
Get the current template. This is used to support xsl:apply-imports the current template

public Comparator getDefaultCollation()(Code)
Get the default collation

public int getLast() throws XPathException(Code)
Get the context size (the position of the last item in the current node list) the context size
  XPathException - if the context position is undefined

public ParameterSet getLocalParameters()(Code)
Get the local (non-tunnel) parameters that were passed to the current function or template a ParameterSet containing the local parameters

public NamePool getNamePool()(Code)
Get the Name Pool

public InstructionInfoProvider getOrigin()(Code)
Get information about the creating expression or other construct.

public int getOriginatingConstructType()(Code)
Get the type of location from which this context was created.

public SequenceReceiver getReceiver()(Code)
Get the Receiver to which output is currently being written. the current Receiver

public StackFrame getStackFrame()(Code)
Get a reference to the local stack frame for variables. Note that it's the caller's job to make a local copy of this. This is used for creating a Closure containing a retained copy of the variables for delayed evaluation. array of variables.

public ParameterSet getTunnelParameters()(Code)
Get the tunnel parameters that were passed to the current function or template. This includes all active tunnel parameters whether the current template uses them or not. a ParameterSet containing the tunnel parameters

public XPathContextMajor.XSLTContext getXSLTContext()(Code)
Get the XSLT-specific part of the context

public boolean isAtLast() throws XPathException(Code)
Determine whether the context position is the same as the context size that is, whether position()=last()

public XPathContextMajor newCleanContext()(Code)
Construct a new context without copying (used for the context in a function call)

public XPathContextMajor newContext()(Code)
Construct a new context as a copy of another. The new context is effectively added to the top of a stack, and contains a pointer to the previous context

public XPathContextMinor newMinorContext()(Code)
Construct a new minor context. A minor context can only hold new values of the focus (currentIterator) and current output destination.

public void setCaller(XPathContext caller)(Code)
Set the calling XPathContext

public void setCurrentIterator(SequenceIterator iter)(Code)
Set a new sequence iterator.

public void setLocalVariable(int slotnumber, ValueRepresentation value)(Code)
Set the value of a local variable, identified by its slot number

public void setOrigin(InstructionInfoProvider expr)(Code)
Set the creating expression (for use in diagnostics). The origin is generally set to "this" by the object that creates the new context. It's up to the debugger to determine whether this information is useful. Where possible, the object will be an InstructionInfoProvider , allowing information about the calling instruction to be obtained.

public void setOriginatingConstructType(int loc)(Code)
Set the type of creating expression (for use in diagnostics). When a new context is created, either this method or XPathContext.setOrigin should be called.
  loc - The originating location: the argument must be one of the integer constants in classnet.sf.saxon.trace.Location

public void setReceiver(SequenceReceiver receiver)(Code)
Change the Receiver to which output is written

public void setTemporaryReceiver(SequenceReceiver out)(Code)
Set the receiver to which output is to be written, marking it as a temporary (non-final) output destination.
  out - The SequenceOutputter to be used

public boolean useLocalParameter(int fingerprint, LocalParam binding, boolean isTunnel) throws XPathException(Code)
Use local parameter. This is called when a local xsl:param element is processed. If a parameter of the relevant name was supplied, it is bound to the xsl:param element. Otherwise the method returns false, so the xsl:param default will be evaluated
  fingerprint - The fingerprint of the parameter name
  binding - The XSLParam element to bind its value to
  isTunnel - True if a tunnel parameter is required, else false true if a parameter of this name was supplied, false if not | Contact Us
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