| java.lang.Object net.sf.saxon.number.Numberer_en net.sf.saxon.number.Numberer_de
Numberer_de | public class Numberer_de extends Numberer_en (Code) | | Class Numberer_de is designed simply to demonstrate how to write a number formatter
for a different language. This one will be activated for language="de", format="eins",
author: Michael H. Kay |
dayName | public String dayName(int day, int minWidth, int maxWidth)(Code) | | Get a day name or abbreviation
Parameters: day - The month number (1=Sunday, 7=Saturday) Parameters: minWidth - The minimum number of characters Parameters: maxWidth - The maximum number of characters |
getEraName | public String getEraName(int year)(Code) | | Get the name for an era (e.g. "BC" or "AD")
year: the proleptic gregorian year, using "0" for the year before 1AD |
getOrdinalSuffixForDateTime | public String getOrdinalSuffixForDateTime(String component)(Code) | | Get an ordinal suffix for a particular component of a date/time.
Parameters: component - the component specifier from a format-dateTime picture, forexample "M" for the month or "D" for the day. a string that is acceptable in the ordinal attribute of xsl:numberto achieve the required ordinal representation. For example, "-e" for the day componentin German, to have the day represented as "dritte August". |
monthName | public String monthName(int month, int minWidth, int maxWidth)(Code) | | Get a month name or abbreviation
Parameters: month - The month number (1=January, 12=December) Parameters: minWidth - The minimum number of characters Parameters: maxWidth - The maximum number of characters |
ordinalSuffix | protected String ordinalSuffix(String ordinalParam, long number)(Code) | | Construct the ordinal suffix for a number, for example "st", "nd", "rd"
Parameters: ordinalParam - the value of the ordinal attribute (used in non-Englishlanguage implementations) Parameters: number - the number being formatted the ordinal suffix to be appended to the formatted number |
toOrdinalWords | public String toOrdinalWords(String ordinalParam, long number, int wordCase)(Code) | | Show an ordinal number as German words (for example, Einundzwanzigste)
toWords | public String toWords(long number)(Code) | | Show the number as words in title case. (We choose title case because
the result can then be converted algorithmically to lower case or upper case).
Methods inherited from net.sf.saxon.number.Numberer_en | protected void alphaDefault(long number, char formchar, FastStringBuffer sb)(Code)(Java Doc) public String dayName(int day, int minWidth, int maxWidth)(Code)(Java Doc) public String format(long number, String picture, int groupSize, String groupSeparator, String letterValue, String ordinal)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getEraName(int year)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getOrdinalSuffixForDateTime(String component)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getTimezoneName(int tz)(Code)(Java Doc) public String halfDayName(int minutes, int minWidth, int maxWidth)(Code)(Java Doc) public String monthName(int month, int minWidth, int maxWidth)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String ordinalSuffix(String ordinalParam, long number)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setCountry(String country)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toAlpha(long number, int min, int max)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toAlphaSequence(long number, String alphabet)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toOrdinalWords(String ordinalParam, long number, int wordCase)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String toRoman(long n)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toWords(long number)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toWords(long number, int wordCase)(Code)(Java Doc) static void tz(double offset, String name, String country)(Code)(Java Doc)