| net.sf.saxon.tree.ElementWithAttributes net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
All known Subclasses: net.sf.saxon.style.SaxonCollation, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLOtherwise, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLForEachGroup, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLTemplate, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLDocument, net.sf.saxon.style.AbsentExtensionElement, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCopy, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLFunction, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLMatchingSubstring, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLWhen, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLKey, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLApplyImports, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLAnalyzeString, net.sf.saxon.style.SaxonWhile, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCharacterMap, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCopyOf, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLOutput, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLDecimalFormat, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLSort, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLSequence, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLNumber, net.sf.saxon.style.SaxonDoctype, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLPreserveSpace, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLAttributeSet, net.sf.saxon.style.LiteralResultElement, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLForEach, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLElement, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLStylesheet, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralVariable, net.sf.saxon.style.SaxonEntityRef, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLFallback, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLOutputCharacter, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLNamespaceAlias, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLMessage, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralIncorporate, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLNextMatch, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLImportSchema, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLStringConstructor, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLPerformSort, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLIf, net.sf.saxon.style.SaxonImportQuery, net.sf.saxon.style.ExtensionInstruction, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLChoose, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLResultDocument, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLApplyTemplates, net.sf.saxon.style.SaxonScript, net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCallTemplate,
StyleElement | abstract public class StyleElement extends ElementWithAttributes implements Locator,Container,InstructionInfo(Code) | | Abstract superclass for all element nodes in the stylesheet.
Note: this class implements Locator. The element
retains information about its own location in the stylesheet, which is useful when
an XSL error is found.
Method Summary | |
public int | allocateLocationId(String systemId, int lineNumber) | public void | allocateSlots(Expression exp) | public boolean | backwardsCompatibleModeIsEnabled() | public XSLVariableDeclaration | bindVariable(int fingerprint) | public void | checkEmpty() | protected void | checkSortComesFirst(boolean sortRequired) | public void | checkTopLevel(String errorCode) | protected void | checkUnknownAttribute(int nc) Check whether an unknown attribute is permitted. | public void | checkWithinTemplate() | abstract public Expression | compile(Executable exec) Compile the instruction on the stylesheet tree into an executable instruction
for use at run-time.
either a ComputedExpression, or null. | protected void | compileError(TransformerException error) | protected void | compileError(String message) | protected void | compileError(String message, String errorCode) Compile time error, specifying an error code
Parameters: message - the error message Parameters: errorCode - the error code. | public Expression | compileSequenceConstructor(Executable exec, AxisIterator iter, boolean includeParams) Compile the children of this instruction on the stylesheet tree, adding the
subordinate instructions to the parent instruction on the execution tree. | protected void | compileWarning(String message, String errorCode) | protected boolean | definesExcludedNamespace(short uriCode) Check whether this node excludes a particular namespace from the result. | protected boolean | definesExtensionElement(short uriCode) Check whether a particular extension element namespace is defined on this node. | protected Expression | fallbackProcessing(Executable exec, StyleElement instruction) Perform fallback processing. | public void | fixupReferences() Fix up references from XPath expressions. | public boolean | forwardsCompatibleModeIsEnabled() | protected AttributeSet[] | getAttributeSets(String use, List list) Get the list of attribute-sets associated with this element.
This is used for xsl:element, xsl:copy, xsl:attribute-set, and on literal
result elements
Parameters: use - the original value of the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute Parameters: list - an empty list to hold the list of XSLAttributeSet elements in the stylesheet tree.Or null, if these are not required. | public String | getAttributeValue(String clarkName) Get an attribute value given the Clark name of the attribute (that is,
the name in {uri}local format). | protected ItemType | getCommonChildItemType() | public int | getConstructType() Get the type of construct. | public SlotManager | getContainingSlotManager() | public XSLStylesheet | getContainingStylesheet() | protected String | getDefaultCollationName() | protected short | getDefaultXPathNamespace() | public Executable | getExecutable() | protected StyleElement | getLastChildInstruction() Find the last child instruction of this instruction. | public int | getLineNumber() | public int | getLineNumber(int locationId) | public LocationProvider | getLocationProvider() Get the LocationProvider allowing location identifiers to be resolved. | public NamespaceResolver | getNamespaceResolver() Get the namespace context of the instruction. | public int | getObjectFingerprint() Get a fingerprint identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name,
variable name, key name, element name, etc. | public int | getObjectNameCode() Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name,
variable name, key name, element name, etc. | public int | getPrecedence() Get the import precedence of this stylesheet element. | public PreparedStylesheet | getPreparedStylesheet() Get the PreparedStylesheet object. | protected XSLStylesheet | getPrincipalStylesheet() Get the principal XSLStylesheet node. | public Iterator | getProperties() Get an iterator over all the properties available. | public Object | getProperty(String name) Get the value of a particular property of the instruction. | protected ItemType | getReturnedItemType() Determine the type of item returned by this instruction (only relevant if
it is an instruction). | public SchemaType | getSchemaType(String typeAtt) Get the Schema type definition for a type named in the stylesheet (in a
"type" attribute). | public StaticContext | getStaticContext() | public XSLFunction | getStylesheetFunction(int fingerprint, int arity) Get a FunctionCall declared using an xsl:function element in the stylesheet
Parameters: fingerprint - the fingerprint of the name of the function Parameters: arity - the number of arguments in the function call. | public String | getSystemId(int locationId) | public NamePool | getTargetNamePool() | public int | getTypeAnnotation(SchemaType schemaType) | public BigDecimal | getVersion() | protected WithParam[] | getWithParamInstructions(Executable exec, boolean tunnel, Instruction caller) Get the list of xsl:with-param elements for a calling element (apply-templates,
call-template, apply-imports, next-match). | public boolean | isExcludedNamespace(short uriCode) Check whether a namespace uri defines an namespace excluded from the result. | protected boolean | isExplaining() | public boolean | isExtensionNamespace(short uriCode) Check whether a namespace uri defines an extension element. | public boolean | isInstruction() Determine whether this node is an instruction. | protected boolean | isPermittedChild(StyleElement child) | public boolean | isTopLevel() | protected void | issueWarning(TransformerException error) | protected void | issueWarning(String message, SourceLocator locator) | public Expression | makeAttributeValueTemplate(String expression) | public Expression | makeExpression(String expression) | final public int | makeNameCode(String qname) Make a NameCode, using this Element as the context for namespace resolution, and
registering the code in the namepool. | public SavedNamespaceContext | makeNamespaceContext() Make a NamespaceContext object representing the list of in-scope namespaces. | public Pattern | makePattern(String pattern) | public SequenceType | makeSequenceType(String sequenceType) | protected SortKeyDefinition[] | makeSortKeys() | protected static TraceWrapper | makeTraceInstruction(StyleElement source, Expression child) | public void | markTailCalls() Mark tail-recursive calls on templates and functions. | public boolean | mayContainFallback() | public boolean | mayContainSequenceConstructor() | public void | postValidate() Hook to allow additional validation of a parent element immediately after its
children have been validated. | abstract public void | prepareAttributes() Set the attribute list for the element. | public void | processAllAttributes() | final public void | processAttributes() Process the attribute list for the element. | protected void | processDefaultCollationAttribute(String nc) | protected void | processDefaultXPathNamespaceAttribute(String nc) | protected void | processExcludedNamespaces(String nc) | protected void | processExtensionElementAttribute(String nc) | protected void | processVersionAttribute(String nc) | public void | reportAbsence(String attribute) | public void | setLineNumber(int lineNumber) | public void | setObjectNameCode(int nameCode) | protected void | setValidationError(TransformerException reason, int circumstances) | public void | substituteFor(StyleElement temp) Make this node a substitute for a temporary one previously added to the tree. | public Expression | typeCheck(String name, Expression exp) Type-check an expression. | public Pattern | typeCheck(String name, Pattern pattern) Type-check a pattern. | protected void | undeclaredNamespaceError(String prefix, String errorCode) | public void | validate() Check that the stylesheet element is valid. | protected void | validateChildren() Validate the children of this node, recursively. | public void | validateSubtree() |
REPORT_ALWAYS | final public static int REPORT_ALWAYS(Code) | | |
REPORT_IF_INSTANTIATED | final public static int REPORT_IF_INSTANTIATED(Code) | | |
defaultCollationName | protected String defaultCollationName(Code) | | |
defaultXPathNamespace | protected String defaultXPathNamespace(Code) | | |
extensionNamespaces | protected short[] extensionNamespaces(Code) | | |
reportingCircumstances | protected int reportingCircumstances(Code) | | |
StyleElement | public StyleElement()(Code) | | Constructor
allocateLocationId | public int allocateLocationId(String systemId, int lineNumber)(Code) | | Allocate a location identifier
allocateSlots | public void allocateSlots(Expression exp)(Code) | | Allocate slots in the local stack frame to range variables used in an XPath expression
Parameters: exp - the XPath expression for which slots are to be allocated |
backwardsCompatibleModeIsEnabled | public boolean backwardsCompatibleModeIsEnabled()(Code) | | Determine whether backwards-compatible mode is enabled for this element
bindVariable | public XSLVariableDeclaration bindVariable(int fingerprint) throws StaticError(Code) | | Bind a variable used in this element to the compiled form of the XSLVariable element in which it is
Parameters: fingerprint - The fingerprint of the name of the variable the XSLVariableDeclaration (that is, an xsl:variable or xsl:param instruction) for the variable throws: net.sf.saxon.trans.StaticError - if the variable has not been declared |
checkEmpty | public void checkEmpty() throws XPathException(Code) | | Convenience method to check that the stylesheet element is empty
throws: XPathException - if it is not empty |
checkSortComesFirst | protected void checkSortComesFirst(boolean sortRequired) throws XPathException(Code) | | Check that among the children of this element, any xsl:sort elements precede any other elements
Parameters: sortRequired - true if there must be at least one xsl:sort element throws: XPathException - if invalid |
checkTopLevel | public void checkTopLevel(String errorCode) throws XPathException(Code) | | Convenience method to check that the stylesheet element is at the top level
throws: XPathException - if not at top level |
checkUnknownAttribute | protected void checkUnknownAttribute(int nc) throws XPathException(Code) | | Check whether an unknown attribute is permitted.
Parameters: nc - The name code of the attribute name |
checkWithinTemplate | public void checkWithinTemplate() throws XPathException(Code) | | Check that the stylesheet element is within a sequence constructor
throws: XPathException - if not within a sequence constructor |
compile | abstract public Expression compile(Executable exec) throws XPathException(Code) | | Compile the instruction on the stylesheet tree into an executable instruction
for use at run-time.
either a ComputedExpression, or null. The value null is returned when compiling an instructionthat returns a no-op, or when compiling a top-level object such as an xsl:template that compilesinto something other than an instruction. |
compileError | protected void compileError(String message, String errorCode) throws XPathException(Code) | | Compile time error, specifying an error code
Parameters: message - the error message Parameters: errorCode - the error code. May be null if not known or not defined throws: XPathException - |
compileSequenceConstructor | public Expression compileSequenceConstructor(Executable exec, AxisIterator iter, boolean includeParams) throws XPathException(Code) | | Compile the children of this instruction on the stylesheet tree, adding the
subordinate instructions to the parent instruction on the execution tree.
the array of children |
definesExcludedNamespace | protected boolean definesExcludedNamespace(short uriCode)(Code) | | Check whether this node excludes a particular namespace from the result.
This method checks this node only, not the ancestor nodes.
Parameters: uriCode - the code of the namespace URI being tested |
definesExtensionElement | protected boolean definesExtensionElement(short uriCode)(Code) | | Check whether a particular extension element namespace is defined on this node.
This checks this node only, not the ancestor nodes.
The implementation checks whether the prefix is included in the
[xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute.
Parameters: uriCode - the namespace URI code being tested |
fallbackProcessing | protected Expression fallbackProcessing(Executable exec, StyleElement instruction) throws XPathException(Code) | | Perform fallback processing. Generate fallback code for an extension
instruction that is not recognized by the implementation.
Parameters: instruction - The unknown extension instruction |
fixupReferences | public void fixupReferences() throws XPathException(Code) | | Fix up references from XPath expressions. Overridden for function declarations
and variable declarations
forwardsCompatibleModeIsEnabled | public boolean forwardsCompatibleModeIsEnabled()(Code) | | Determine whether forwards-compatible mode is enabled for this element
getAttributeSets | protected AttributeSet[] getAttributeSets(String use, List list) throws XPathException(Code) | | Get the list of attribute-sets associated with this element.
This is used for xsl:element, xsl:copy, xsl:attribute-set, and on literal
result elements
Parameters: use - the original value of the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute Parameters: list - an empty list to hold the list of XSLAttributeSet elements in the stylesheet tree.Or null, if these are not required. an array of AttributeList instructions representing the compiled attribute sets |
getAttributeValue | public String getAttributeValue(String clarkName)(Code) | | Get an attribute value given the Clark name of the attribute (that is,
the name in {uri}local format).
getCommonChildItemType | protected ItemType getCommonChildItemType()(Code) | | Get the most general type of item returned by the children of this instruction
the lowest common supertype of the item types returned by the children |
getConstructType | public int getConstructType()(Code) | | Get the type of construct. This will be a constant in
Location . This method is part of the
InstructionInfo interface
getContainingSlotManager | public SlotManager getContainingSlotManager()(Code) | | Get the SlotManager for the containing Procedure definition
the SlotManager associated with the containing Function, Template, etc,or null if there is no such containing Function, Template etc. |
getContainingStylesheet | public XSLStylesheet getContainingStylesheet()(Code) | | Get the containing XSLStylesheet element
getDefaultCollationName | protected String getDefaultCollationName()(Code) | | Get the default collation for this element
getDefaultXPathNamespace | protected short getDefaultXPathNamespace()(Code) | | Get the default XPath namespace code applicable to this element
getLastChildInstruction | protected StyleElement getLastChildInstruction()(Code) | | Find the last child instruction of this instruction. Returns null if
there are no child instructions, or if the last child is a text node.
getLineNumber | public int getLineNumber()(Code) | | |
getLineNumber | public int getLineNumber(int locationId)(Code) | | |
getLocationProvider | public LocationProvider getLocationProvider()(Code) | | Get the LocationProvider allowing location identifiers to be resolved.
getNamespaceResolver | public NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver()(Code) | | Get the namespace context of the instruction.
getObjectFingerprint | public int getObjectFingerprint()(Code) | | Get a fingerprint identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name,
variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically.
If there is no name, the value will be -1.
getObjectNameCode | public int getObjectNameCode()(Code) | | Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name,
variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically.
If there is no name, the value will be -1.
getPrecedence | public int getPrecedence()(Code) | | Get the import precedence of this stylesheet element.
getPreparedStylesheet | public PreparedStylesheet getPreparedStylesheet()(Code) | | Get the PreparedStylesheet object.
the PreparedStylesheet to which this stylesheet element belongs |
getPrincipalStylesheet | protected XSLStylesheet getPrincipalStylesheet()(Code) | | Get the principal XSLStylesheet node. This gets the principal style sheet, i.e. the
one originally loaded, that forms the root of the import/include tree
getProperties | public Iterator getProperties()(Code) | | Get an iterator over all the properties available. The values returned by the iterator
will be of type String, and each string can be supplied as input to the getProperty()
method to retrieve the value of the property.
getProperty | public Object getProperty(String name)(Code) | | Get the value of a particular property of the instruction. This is part of the
InstructionInfo interface for run-time tracing and debugging. The properties
available include all the attributes of the source instruction (named by the attribute name):
these are all provided as string values.
Parameters: name - The name of the required property The value of the requested property, or null if the property is not available |
getReturnedItemType | protected ItemType getReturnedItemType()(Code) | | Determine the type of item returned by this instruction (only relevant if
it is an instruction). Default implementation returns Type.ITEM, indicating
that we don't know, it might be anything. Returns null in the case of an element
such as xsl:sort or xsl:variable that can appear in a sequence constructor but
contributes nothing to the result sequence.
the item type returned |
getSchemaType | public SchemaType getSchemaType(String typeAtt) throws XPathException(Code) | | Get the Schema type definition for a type named in the stylesheet (in a
"type" attribute).
throws: XPathException - if the type is not declared in animported schema, or is not a built-in type |
getStaticContext | public StaticContext getStaticContext()(Code) | | Get the static context for expressions on this element
the static context |
getStylesheetFunction | public XSLFunction getStylesheetFunction(int fingerprint, int arity)(Code) | | Get a FunctionCall declared using an xsl:function element in the stylesheet
Parameters: fingerprint - the fingerprint of the name of the function Parameters: arity - the number of arguments in the function call. The value -1indicates that any arity will do (this is used to support the function-available() function). the XSLFunction object representing the function declarationin the stylesheet, or null if no such function is defined. |
getTargetNamePool | public NamePool getTargetNamePool()(Code) | | Get the namepool to be used at run-time, this namepool holds the names used in
all XPath expressions and patterns
getTypeAnnotation | public int getTypeAnnotation(SchemaType schemaType)(Code) | | Get the type annotation to use for a given schema type
getVersion | public BigDecimal getVersion()(Code) | | Get the numeric value of the version number on this element,
or inherited from its ancestors
getWithParamInstructions | protected WithParam[] getWithParamInstructions(Executable exec, boolean tunnel, Instruction caller) throws XPathException(Code) | | Get the list of xsl:with-param elements for a calling element (apply-templates,
call-template, apply-imports, next-match). This method can be used to get either
the tunnel parameters, or the non-tunnel parameters.
Parameters: tunnel - true if the tunnel="yes" parameters are wanted, false to get Parameters: caller - |
isExcludedNamespace | public boolean isExcludedNamespace(short uriCode)(Code) | | Check whether a namespace uri defines an namespace excluded from the result.
This checks whether the namespace is defined as an excluded namespace on this
or any ancestor node.
Parameters: uriCode - the code of the namespace URI being tested |
isExplaining | protected boolean isExplaining()(Code) | | Determine whether saxon:explain has been set to "yes"
isExtensionNamespace | public boolean isExtensionNamespace(short uriCode)(Code) | | Check whether a namespace uri defines an extension element. This checks whether the
namespace is defined as an extension namespace on this or any ancestor node.
Parameters: uriCode - the namespace URI code being tested |
isInstruction | public boolean isInstruction()(Code) | | Determine whether this node is an instruction. The default implementation says it isn't.
isPermittedChild | protected boolean isPermittedChild(StyleElement child)(Code) | | Specify that certain children are permitted for this element
isTopLevel | public boolean isTopLevel()(Code) | | Test whether this is a top-level element
makeAttributeValueTemplate | public Expression makeAttributeValueTemplate(String expression) throws XPathException(Code) | | Make an attribute value template in the context of this stylesheet element
makeNameCode | final public int makeNameCode(String qname) throws XPathException, NamespaceException(Code) | | Make a NameCode, using this Element as the context for namespace resolution, and
registering the code in the namepool. If the name is unprefixed, the
default namespace is not used.
Parameters: qname - The name as written, in the form "[prefix:]localname". The name must havealready been validated as a syntactically-correct QName. throws: XPathException - if the qname is not a lexically-valid QName, or if the nameis in a reserved namespace. throws: NamespaceException - if the prefix of the qname has not been declared |
makeNamespaceContext | public SavedNamespaceContext makeNamespaceContext()(Code) | | Make a NamespaceContext object representing the list of in-scope namespaces. The NamePool
used for numeric codes in the NamespaceContext will be the target name pool.
makeSortKeys | protected SortKeyDefinition[] makeSortKeys()(Code) | | Construct sort keys for a SortedIterator
an array of SortKeyDefinition objects if there are any sort keys;or null if there are none. |
markTailCalls | public void markTailCalls()(Code) | | Mark tail-recursive calls on templates and functions.
For most instructions, this does nothing.
mayContainFallback | public boolean mayContainFallback()(Code) | | Determine whether this type of element is allowed to contain an xsl:fallback
mayContainSequenceConstructor | public boolean mayContainSequenceConstructor()(Code) | | Determine whether this type of element is allowed to contain a sequence constructor
postValidate | public void postValidate() throws XPathException(Code) | | Hook to allow additional validation of a parent element immediately after its
children have been validated.
prepareAttributes | abstract public void prepareAttributes() throws XPathException(Code) | | Set the attribute list for the element. This is called to process the attributes (note
the distinction from processAttributes in the superclass).
Must be supplied in a subclass
processAllAttributes | public void processAllAttributes() throws XPathException(Code) | | Process the attributes of this element and all its children
processAttributes | final public void processAttributes() throws XPathException(Code) | | Process the attribute list for the element. This is a wrapper method that calls
prepareAttributes (provided in the subclass) and traps any exceptions
processDefaultCollationAttribute | protected void processDefaultCollationAttribute(String nc) throws XPathException(Code) | | Process the [xsl:]default-xpath-namespace attribute if there is one
Parameters: nc - the Clark name of the attribute required |
processDefaultXPathNamespaceAttribute | protected void processDefaultXPathNamespaceAttribute(String nc)(Code) | | Process the [xsl:]default-xpath-namespace attribute if there is one
Parameters: nc - the Clark name of the attribute required |
processExcludedNamespaces | protected void processExcludedNamespaces(String nc) throws XPathException(Code) | | Process the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute if there is one
Parameters: nc - the Clark name of the attribute required |
processExtensionElementAttribute | protected void processExtensionElementAttribute(String nc) throws XPathException(Code) | | Process the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute if there is one
Parameters: nc - the Clark name of the attribute required |
processVersionAttribute | protected void processVersionAttribute(String nc) throws XPathException(Code) | | Process the [xsl:]version attribute if there is one
Parameters: nc - the Clark name of the attribute required |
reportAbsence | public void reportAbsence(String attribute) throws XPathException(Code) | | Convenience method to report the absence of a mandatory attribute
throws: XPathException - if the attribute is missing |
setLineNumber | public void setLineNumber(int lineNumber)(Code) | | |
setObjectNameCode | public void setObjectNameCode(int nameCode)(Code) | | Set the object name code
substituteFor | public void substituteFor(StyleElement temp)(Code) | | Make this node a substitute for a temporary one previously added to the tree. See
StyleNodeFactory for details. "A node like the other one in all things but its class".
Note that at this stage, the node will not yet be known to its parent, though it will
contain a reference to its parent; and it will have no children.
typeCheck | public Expression typeCheck(String name, Expression exp) throws XPathException(Code) | | Type-check an expression. This is called to check each expression while the containing
instruction is being validated. It is not just a static type-check, it also adds code
to perform any necessary run-time type checking and/or conversion.
typeCheck | public Pattern typeCheck(String name, Pattern pattern) throws XPathException(Code) | | Type-check a pattern. This is called to check each pattern while the containing
instruction is being validated. It is not just a static type-check, it also adds code
to perform any necessary run-time type checking and/or conversion.
validate | public void validate() throws XPathException(Code) | | Check that the stylesheet element is valid. This is called once for each element, after
the entire tree has been built. As well as validation, it can perform first-time
initialisation. The default implementation does nothing; it is normally overriden
in subclasses.
validateChildren | protected void validateChildren() throws XPathException(Code) | | Validate the children of this node, recursively. Overridden for top-level
data elements.
validateSubtree | public void validateSubtree() throws XPathException(Code) | | Recursive walk through the stylesheet to validate all nodes
Methods inherited from net.sf.saxon.tree.ElementWithAttributes | public void copy(Receiver out, int whichNamespaces, boolean copyAnnotations, int locationId) throws XPathException(Code)(Java Doc) public AttributeCollection getAttributeList()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getAttributeValue(int fingerprint)(Code)(Java Doc) public int[] getDeclaredNamespaces(int[] buffer)(Code)(Java Doc) public int[] getInScopeNamespaceCodes()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getPrefixForURI(String uri)(Code)(Java Doc) public short getURICodeForPrefix(String prefix) throws NamespaceException(Code)(Java Doc) public String getURIForPrefix(String prefix, boolean useDefault)(Code)(Java Doc) public void initialise(int nameCode, AttributeCollectionImpl atts, NodeInfo parent, String baseURI, int lineNumber, int sequenceNumber)(Code)(Java Doc) public Iterator iteratePrefixes()(Code)(Java Doc) public void sendNamespaceDeclarations(Receiver out, boolean includeAncestors) throws XPathException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setNamespaceDeclarations(int[] namespaces, int namespacesUsed)(Code)(Java Doc)