CHAR_REF_PROBABLE_WS Boolean indicating whether a character is a probable white space
character (ch <= 0x20) that was the replacement text of a character
reference is stored in augmentations using the string "CHAR_REF_PROBABLE_WS".
ENTITY_SKIPPED Boolean indicating whether an entity referenced in the document has
not been read is stored in augmentations using the string "ENTITY_SKIPPED".
PARSER_SETTINGS Internal performance related feature:
false - the parser settings (features/properties) have not changed between 2 parses
true - the parser settings have changed between 2 parses
NOTE: this feature should only be set by the parser configuration.
final public static String ATTRIBUTE_DECLARED(Code)
Boolean indicating whether an attribute is declared in the DTD is stored
in augmentations using the string "ATTRIBUTE_DECLARED". The absence of this
augmentation indicates that the attribute was not declared in the DTD.
final public static String BALANCE_SYNTAX_TREES(Code)
Balance syntax trees feature ("validation/balance-syntax-trees").
final public static String BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY(Code)
Input buffer size property ("input-buffer-size").
final public static String CHAR_REF_PROBABLE_WS(Code)
Boolean indicating whether a character is a probable white space
character (ch <= 0x20) that was the replacement text of a character
reference is stored in augmentations using the string "CHAR_REF_PROBABLE_WS".
The absence of this augmentation indicates that the character is not
probable white space and/or was not included from a character reference.
final public static String CONTINUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR_FEATURE(Code)
Continue after fatal error feature ("continue-after-fatal-error").
final public static String CREATE_CDATA_NODES_FEATURE(Code)
Boolean indicating whether an entity referenced in the document has
not been read is stored in augmentations using the string "ENTITY_SKIPPED".
The absence of this augmentation indicates that the entity had a
declaration and was expanded.
final public static String ERROR_HANDLER_PROPERTY(Code)
final public static String HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMALOCATIONS_FEATURE(Code)
Honour all schemaLocations feature ("honour-all-schemaLocations").
final public static String IDC_CHECKING_FEATURE(Code)
Feature to ignore errors caused by identity constraints ("validation/identity-constraint-checking")
final public static String ID_IDREF_CHECKING_FEATURE(Code)
Perform checking of ID/IDREFs ("validation/id-idref-checking")
final public static String IGNORE_XSI_TYPE_FEATURE(Code)
Feature to ignore xsi:type attributes on elements during validation,
until a global element declaration is found. ("validation/schema/ignore-xsi-type-until-elemdecl")
If this feature is on when validating a document, then beginning at the validation root
element, xsi:type attributes are ignored until a global element declaration is
found for an element. Once a global element declaration has been found, xsi:type
attributes will start being processed for the sub-tree beginning at the element for
which the declaration was found.
Suppose an element A has two element children, B and C.
If a global element declaration is found for A, xsi:type attributes on A, B and C,
and all of B and C's descendents, will be processed.
If no global element declaration is found for A or B, but one is found for C,
then xsi:type attributes will be ignored on A and B (and any descendents of B,
until a global element declaration is found), but xsi:type attributes will be
processed for C and all of C's descendents.
Once xsi:type attributes stop being ignored for a subtree, they do not start
being ignored again, even if more elements are encountered for which no global
element declaration can be found.
final public static String INCLUDE_COMMENTS_FEATURE(Code)
Comments feature ("include-comments").
final public static String INCLUDE_IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE(Code)
Include ignorable whitespace feature ("dom/include-ignorable-whitespace").
final public static String IS_STANDALONE_FEATURE(Code)
Is standalone feature ("is-standalone").
final public static String JAXP_PROPERTY_PREFIX(Code)
Internal performance related feature:
false - the parser settings (features/properties) have not changed between 2 parses
true - the parser settings have changed between 2 parses
NOTE: this feature should only be set by the parser configuration.
final public static String RESOLVE_DTD_URIS_FEATURE(Code)
Resolve DTD URIs feature ("resolve-dtd-uris").
final public static String ROOT_TYPE_DEFINITION_PROPERTY(Code)
Schema type of the root element in a document ("validation/schema/root-type-definition").
final public static String SAX_FEATURE_PREFIX(Code)