This class scans the version of the document to determine
which scanner to use: XML 1.1 or XML 1.0.
The version is scanned using XML 1.1. scanner.
author: Neil Graham, IBM author: Elena Litani, IBM version: $Id: 572055 2007-09-02 17:55:43Z mrglavas $
determineDocVersion(XMLInputSource inputSource) This methods scans the XML declaration to find out the version
(and provisional encoding) of the document.
startDocumentParsing(XMLEntityHandler scanner, short version) Reset the reference to the appropriate scanner given the version of the
document and start document scanning.
Field Detail
final protected static String ENTITY_MANAGER(Code)
Property identifier: entity manager.
final protected static String ERROR_REPORTER(Code)
This methods scans the XML declaration to find out the version
(and provisional encoding) of the document.
The scanning is doing using XML 1.1 scanner.
Parameters: inputSource - short - Constants.XML_VERSION_1_1 if document version 1.1, otherwise Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0 throws: IOException -
Reset the reference to the appropriate scanner given the version of the
document and start document scanning.
Parameters: scanner - - the scanner to use Parameters: version - - the version of the document (XML 1.1 or XML 1.0).