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# Name:
# Purpose:      map class object used for all map processing.
#               gets data from
#               based on modle by Joseph N. Straus
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2001-2006 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

#smoothness vector: 7 registers
#uniformity vector: UV: 12 registers
#balance vector: 12 registers

import copy
from athenaCL.libATH import dialog
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import language
lang = language.LangObj()
from athenaCL.libATH import SC
from athenaCL.libATH import pitchTools
from athenaCL.libATH import MCdata

vlMapDict = MCdata.vlMapDict  # table of all voice maping

_MOD = ''


# formats used here

class MapClass:
   """utility functions for map class operations
   def flipMap(self, sourceMap):
      """reverses the direction of a map, from Large-to-small, to small-to-large
      length of map is number of positions in the source
      sourcePos = len(sourceMap)  

      noDifVal     = 0           
      difValBasket = []
      for entry in sourceMap:
         if drawer.isList(entry):  # not an int
            for sub_entry in entry:
                if sub_entry in difValBasket:
            if entry in difValBasket:
      # number of different values is the number of positions in the destination
      destinationPos = len(difValBasket) 

      if sourcePos == destinationPos:
         # if these are equal no flip necessary
         return sourceMap      
      elif sourcePos > destinationPos:
         flipedMap = []
         # this is case where going from larger to smaller set. 
         #this is the form that the map dictionary uses for reference
         for val in difValBasket:
            # find register positions for each value in the basket. 
            # there will be more than one
            tempImbedList = []
            #if sp is > destP we do not need to check for imbedded tuples
            indexCount = 0
            for entry in sourceMap: 
               if entry == val:
               indexCount = indexCount + 1
            if len(tempImbedList) > 1:
               newMapEntry = tuple(tempImbedList)
               newMapEntry = tempImbedList[0]
      else: # destination Pos > source Position
         flipedMap = []
         # construct an empty map
         newMapNoRegisters = destinationPos
         for entry in difValBasket:
         indexCount = 0
         for entry in sourceMap:
            if drawer.isList(entry):  # not an int
               for sub_entry in entry:
                  flipedMap[sub_entry] = indexCount
               flipedMap[entry] = indexCount
            indexCount = indexCount + 1

      flipedMap = tuple(flipedMap)
      return flipedMap

   # data access
   def _getMapSrcDstSize(self, sourceMap):
      #length of map is number of positions in the source
      sourcePos = len(sourceMap)  

      noDifVal     = 0           
      difValBasket = []
      for entry in sourceMap:
         if drawer.isList(entry):  # not an int
            for sub_entry in entry:
                if sub_entry in difValBasket:
            if entry in difValBasket:
      # number of different values is the number of positions in the destination
      destinationPos = len(difValBasket)
      return sourcePos, destinationPos

   def getMapDict(self, srcSize, dstSize):
      """returns a dictionary of index numbers : map pairs for the given sizes. 
         these are not sorted, and index numbers are only for permanent 
         reference to source
      if (srcSize > 6 or srcSize < 1 or 
         dstSize > 6 or srcSize < 1):
         return None # returns None as error code
      # no change nec, this is the format of the map dictionary
      if srcSize >= dstSize: 
         return vlMapDict[(srcSize, dstSize)]
      else:  # need to flip all the maps in the reverse dictionary
         # must reverse these to get a dict to then reverse the mappings of
         sourceDict = vlMapDict[(dstSize, srcSize)]  
         newDict    = {}
         for key in sourceDict.keys():
            map = sourceDict[key]
            newMap = self.flipMap(map)
            newDict[key] = newMap
         return newDict

   def getNoMaps(self, srcSize, dstSize):
      """return possible maps between any two sizes"""
      map = self.getMapDict(srcSize, dstSize)
      if map == None: return None
         return len(map.keys())

   def getSingleMap(self, srcSize, dstSize, mapIndexNo):
      # a single map corrolating to the index and size args
      # map index numbers stat at 1, not at 0
      if (srcSize > 6 or srcSize < 1 or 
         dstSize > 6 or srcSize < 1):
         return -1
      # no change nec, this is the format of the map dictionary
      if srcSize >= dstSize: 
            map = vlMapDict[(srcSize, dstSize)][mapIndexNo]
            return -1
      else:  # need to flip all the maps in the reverse dictionary
            # must reverse these to get a dict to then reverse the mappings
            sourceMap = vlMapDict[(dstSize, srcSize)][mapIndexNo]
            return -1
         map = self.flipMap(sourceMap)
      return map

   def fetchMap(self, mapIdTuple):
      srcSize = mapIdTuple[0]
      dstSize = mapIdTuple[1]
      mapIndexNo = mapIdTuple[2]
      return self.getSingleMap(srcSize, dstSize, mapIndexNo)


   def mapIdTupleToString(self, mapIdTuple):
      srcSize = mapIdTuple[0]
      dstSize = mapIdTuple[1]
      mapIndexNo = mapIdTuple[2]
      return '%i:%i-%i' % (srcSize,dstSize,mapIndexNo)

   def rawMapToString(self, rawMap):
      ### returns map as string with letters
      translationDict = {0 : 'a',
                         1 : 'b',
                         2 : 'c',
                         3 : 'd',
                         4 : 'e',
                         5 : 'f' }
      msg = '('
      # length of map is number of positions in the source
      sourcePos = len(rawMap)
      for entry in rawMap:
         if drawer.isList(entry):  # not an int
            msg = msg + '('
            for sub_entry in entry:
                msg = msg + translationDict[sub_entry]
            msg = msg + ')'
            msg = msg + translationDict[entry]
      msg = msg + ')'
      return msg

   def stringToMap(self, stringMap):
      """assumes that strings is a comma separated list of maps"""
      goodMap = 0
      goodKey = 0
      # takes a string and returns a mapTuple Id, if the map exists
      translationDict = {'a' : '0',
                         'b' : '1',
                         'c' : '2',
                         'd' : '3',
                         'e' : '4',
                         'f' : '5' }
      for letter in translationDict.keys():
         stringMap = stringMap.replace(letter, translationDict[letter])
         newMap = eval(stringMap)
         return None
      srcSize, dstSize = self._getMapSrcDstSize(newMap)
      mapDict = self.getMapDict(srcSize, dstSize)
      if mapDict == None: return None
      for key in mapDict.keys():
         if mapDict[key] == newMap:
            goodMap = 1
            goodKey = key
      if goodMap != 1: return None
      ### map is good, return it
      return (srcSize, dstSize, goodKey) 

   def genVlPairs(self, pcsX, pcsY, map):
      # generates one vl pair set for single map (takes rawmap, not mapTupleId)
      # this method does not check for the appropriate map; should be 
      # checked elsewhere
      srcSize = len(pcsX)
      #length of map is number of positions in the source, i.e. size
      sourcePos = len(map) 
      srcPosCount = 0
      vlTuples = []
      for mapEntry in map:
         if drawer.isList(mapEntry):
            for sub_entry in mapEntry:
               sourcePC = pcsX[srcPosCount]
               destinationPC = pcsY[sub_entry]
               vlTuples.append((sourcePC, destinationPC))               
            sourcePC = pcsX[srcPosCount]
            destinationPC = pcsY[mapEntry]
            vlTuples.append((sourcePC, destinationPC))
         srcPosCount = srcPosCount + 1
      return tuple(vlTuples)

   def genSingleVlDiagram(self, pcsX, map):
      # map here is a raw map, not an idTuple
      # returns a dictionary of numbered rows, with pcsX and its next 
      # movement as strings
      translationDict = {0 : 'a',
                         1 : 'b',
                         2 : 'c',
                         3 : 'd',
                         4 : 'e',
                         5 : 'f' }
      rowDict = {0 : [],
                 1 : [],
                 2 : [],
                 3 : [],
                 4 : [],
                 5 : [] }

      srcPosCount = 0
      for mapEntry in map:
         if drawer.isList(mapEntry):
            mapTranslated = []
            for sub_entry in mapEntry:
            stringMap = ''
            for letter in mapTranslated:
               stringMap = stringMap + '%s' % letter
            mapTranslated =  stringMap #+ ')'
            mapTranslated = translationDict[mapEntry]

         srcPosCount = srcPosCount + 1
      keyList = rowDict.keys()
      for key in keyList:
         if len(rowDict[key]) == 0:
            rowDict[key] = ' ' * 9  # 9 spaces for spacer
            sourcePCS, mapToPosition = rowDict[key]
            stringEntry = '%s %s' % (str(sourcePCS).rjust(2),
            rowDict[key] = stringEntry
      return rowDict

   def genDoubleVlDiagram(self, pcsX, pcsY, map):
      """ returns a dictionary of numbered rows, 
          with pcsX and its next movement as strings
      rowDict = self.genSingleVlDiagram(pcsX, map)
      rowKeys = rowDict.keys()
      for i in range(0,len(pcsY)):
         if len(rowDict[i]) == 0:
            rowDict[i] = rowDict[i] + '%s' % str(pcsY[i]).rjust(2)
      return rowDict    

   def getAllVl(self, pcsX, pcsY):
      """returns a dictionary of key : ((), ()) vl tuple paris,  pcsX and pcsY 
      can be of any size =< 6; the key is the same as the mapDict key
      if len(pcsX) > 6 or len(pcsX) < 1 or len(pcsY) > 6 or len(pcsY) < 1:
         return 'pcs of this size are not supported'

      vlDict = {}
      srcSize = len(pcsX)
      dstSize = len(pcsY)
      mapDict = self.getMapDict(srcSize, dstSize)

      for key in mapDict.keys():
         map = mapDict[key]
         vlPairs = self.genVlPairs(pcsX, pcsY, map)
         vlDict[key] = vlPairs
      return vlDict

   def genMapFromVlPairs(self, rawVlPairs, pcsX, pcsY):
      """analizes vl pairs with appropriate pcsX and y and finds correct map
      pcs should be a tuple and not a list
      # returns -1 on error
      # NOTE! in some cases of dif sized boundaries this function will not 
      # identify a vlPair b/c of a slitting or merging pair being in the 
      # wrong internal (embedded) order. this hould be fixed in the future
      foundPcsX = []
      foundPcsY = []
      # test pcsY is sorted so as to comparte to the extracted pcsY and test 
      # for eq dont know referential ordering of pcsY, so must sort and then 
      # comparte to prove eq
      # added to anticipate strange error found from bug report
      #if None in rawVlPairs: return -1 # something went wrong
      pcsXconstituents = []
      pcsYconstituents = []
      for entry in pcsX:
         if entry in pcsXconstituents:
      for entry in pcsY:
         if entry in pcsYconstituents:
      testPcsY = copy.copy(pcsY)
      testPcsY = list(testPcsY)

      # rawVlPairs should alwas been in the order of pcsX, from top to bottom
      for pair in rawVlPairs:
      foundPcsX = tuple(foundPcsX)
      testFoundPcsY = copy.copy(foundPcsY)
      foundPcsY = tuple(foundPcsY)
      foundPcsXconstituents = []
      foundPcsYconstituents = []
      for entry in foundPcsX:
         if entry in foundPcsXconstituents:
      for entry in foundPcsY:
         if entry in foundPcsYconstituents:

      # every elemen in the pcs must be represented in the found; qunatity, 
      # thought, does not matter
      if pcsXconstituents != foundPcsXconstituents: return -1
      if pcsYconstituents != foundPcsYconstituents: return -1

      srcSize = len(pcsX)
      dstSize = len(pcsY)
      foundMap = []
      # fill with 0s for source positions

      if srcSize == dstSize:
         if foundPcsX != pcsX: return -1
         if testFoundPcsY != testPcsY: return -1
      elif srcSize < dstSize:
         # if destination os larger, foundPCS will only match for Y
         if testFoundPcsY != testPcsY: return -1
      elif srcSize > dstSize:
         # if source is larger, foundPCS will only match for X
         if foundPcsX != pcsX: return -1

      rawVlPairs = tuple(rawVlPairs)
      vlPairDict = self.getAllVl(pcsX, pcsY)
      foundMapKey = 0
      for key in vlPairDict.keys():
         if vlPairDict[key] == rawVlPairs:
            foundMapKey = key
      # search for single mistake made in rawVL if source<DEST
      if foundMapKey == 0:
         # if it does not eidentify a pair, it may still be there but entered 
         # in the wrong order
         if srcSize < dstSize:
            tempRawVlPairs = copy.copy(rawVlPairs)
            tempRawVlPairs = list(tempRawVlPairs) # user may have entered tuple
            for counter in range(0, len(tempRawVlPairs)):
               if counter + 1 == len(tempRawVlPairs):
               #check first postiion in this pair and next
               if tempRawVlPairs[counter][0] == tempRawVlPairs[counter+1][0]: 
                  a = tempRawVlPairs[counter]
                  b = tempRawVlPairs[counter+1]
                  tempRawVlPairs = list(tempRawVlPairs)
                  tempRawVlPairs[counter]    = b
                  tempRawVlPairs[counter+1]  = a
                  tempRawVlPairs = tuple(tempRawVlPairs)
                  for key in vlPairDict.keys():
                     if vlPairDict[key] == tempRawVlPairs:
                        foundMapKey = key
               if foundMapKey != 0:
                  # replace the original vlPairs with the new, corrected ones
                  rawVlPairs = tempRawVlPairs
                  # restore original if no match made. 
                  #this will only correct 1 mistake, not two
                  tempRawVlPairs = copy.copy(rawVlPairs)
                  tempRawVlPairs = list(tempRawVlPairs)
         else: return -1  ## failed search
      # search for multiple mistakes in rawVL if source<DEST
      if foundMapKey == 0:
         # if it does not eidentify a pair, it may still be there but entered 
         # in the wrong order
         if srcSize < dstSize:
            tempRawVlPairs = copy.copy(rawVlPairs)
            # user may have entered tuple
            tempRawVlPairs = list(tempRawVlPairs) 
            for counter in range(0, len(tempRawVlPairs)):
               if counter + 1 == len(tempRawVlPairs):
               #check first postiion in this pair and next
               if tempRawVlPairs[counter][0] == tempRawVlPairs[counter+1][0]:
                  a = tempRawVlPairs[counter]
                  b = tempRawVlPairs[counter+1]
                  tempRawVlPairs = list(tempRawVlPairs)
                  tempRawVlPairs[counter]    = b
                  tempRawVlPairs[counter+1]  = a
                  tempRawVlPairs = tuple(tempRawVlPairs)
                  for key in vlPairDict.keys():
                     if vlPairDict[key] == tempRawVlPairs:
                        foundMapKey = key
               if foundMapKey != 0:
                  #  replace the original vlPairs with the new, corrected ones
                  rawVlPairs = tempRawVlPairs 
                  # DONOT restore original if no match made. this will only 
                  # correct > 1 mistake, not 1
                  pass #tempRawVlPairs = copy.copy(rawVlPairs)  
            return -1  ## failed search
      if foundMapKey == 0:
         return -1
      # returns a standard map partial ID for the given source dest. size
      # returns vl pairs because they may have been auto corrected
      # (srcSize, dstSize, foundMapKey)
      return (foundMapKey, rawVlPairs)

   def displacement(self, srcSet, dstSet, posToTransform):
      """finds value of displacement between two sets
      position to transform is either 1 or 0, for second or first
      finds a new set that has maximal displacement
      srcSize = len(srcSet)
      dstSize = len(dstSet)
      # dont care if inversion is the same, which it may be
      if posToTransform == 0:  # first set changes
         setToChangeP = srcSet
         setToChangeI = SC.psInverter(srcSet)
         setConstant  = dstSet
      # this is a PitchSpace inversion
      else:  # second set changes
         setToChangeP = dstSet
         setToChangeI = SC.psInverter(dstSet)
         setConstant  = srcSet

      setsToCompare = []
      for transInt in range(0,12):  ## all values 0 to 11
         pcsetTP = SC.pcSetTransposer(setToChangeP, transInt)
         pcsetTI = SC.pcSetTransposer(setToChangeI, transInt)  
         if pcsetTP == pcsetTI: # symmetrical set; dont need inversion
      minDispl = 9999  # init value very large
      maxDispl = 0  # init value very small
      allResults = []

      for setEntry in setsToCompare:
         tSet, transInt = setEntry # this set is setToCahnge
         if posToTransform == 0:  # first set changes
            SMTHdict, SMTHorderKey = self.sortSMTH(tSet, setConstant)
         else: # last set changes
            SMTHdict, SMTHorderKey = self.sortSMTH(setConstant, tSet)
         # get most smooth
         SMTHvector, SMTHdispl = SMTHdict[SMTHorderKey[0]]
         mapTupleId = (srcSize, dstSize, SMTHorderKey[0])
         scTupleID, dif = SC.findNormalT(tSet)            

         if SMTHdispl <= minDispl:
            minDispl = SMTHdispl        
            if SMTHdispl >= maxDispl:
               maxDispl = SMTHdispl

         allResults.append((SMTHdispl, tSet, scTupleID, 
                               transInt, mapTupleId))

      # list of four things: (1) smoothness displacement, (2) the pcs set (y) 
      # that was compared to x, (3) the set class of this set (3-11 obviously, 
      # but -1 is the inversion), (4) the transposition that was used, and (5) 
      # the map that was found as most smooth for that comparison

      #for line in allResults:
      #   print _MOD, line
      # does not matter what 'foundForm' is; could be the inverse of a 
      # forte inverse, which is a forte prime
      return minDispl, maxDispl, allResults, len(setsToCompare)

   def getSetSizeBounds(self, query=None, termObj=None):
      """utility interactive command to get src, dest pair from the user
         if no query provided, one supplied
         if minimum can be set to 2 or 1"""

      if query == None:
         query = lang.msgMCenterVoiceRange
      while 1:
         sizeInput = dialog.askStr(query, termObj)
         if sizeInput == None or sizeInput == '':
            return None
         if sizeInput.find(':') != -1: # it has a ':'
            sizeInput = sizeInput.replace(':', ',')
            voiceSizes = eval(sizeInput)
            srcSize = voiceSizes[0]
            dstSize = voiceSizes[1]
            dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCbadVoiceRange, termObj)    
         if (srcSize >= 1 and srcSize <= 6 and 
            dstSize >= 1 and dstSize <= 6 and 
            len(voiceSizes) == 2):
            dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCbadVoiceValue, termObj)    
      return srcSize, dstSize

   def _parseMapInputTupe(self, usrStr):
      """"determine type of map input
      possible: completeMap, rawMap, rawVlPairs, partialMap"""
      inputType = None
      # scan for types of input
      if usrStr.find('-') != -1 and usrStr.find(':') != -1:
         inputType = 'completeMap'
      # if the user has entered an incorrect format for a map class 
      # (only one -, or one :)
      elif usrStr.find('-') != -1 or usrStr.find(':') != -1: 
         # this means that we already have proper source and dest sizes
         return None # case 2
      elif usrStr.find(',') != -1 or usrStr.find('.') != -1:
         if (usrStr.find('a') != -1 or usrStr.find('b') != -1 or 
             usrStr.find('c') != -1 or usrStr.find('d') != -1 or 
             usrStr.find('e') != -1 or usrStr.find('f') != -1):
            # raw maps are notated with letters, like (a,b,c)
            inputType = 'rawMap'    
            # raw vl pairs are notated with the ints of a pc class
            inputType = 'rawVlPairs'
      else: # case 3
         usrStr = drawer.strToNum(usrStr, 'int')
         if usrStr != None: # an integer
            inputType = 'partialMap'
            return None
      return inputType

   def _evaluateCompleteMap(self, usrStr, updateSrcDst, 
                            srcSize, dstSize, termObj):
      """convert usrStrings that encode complete mapClass specificiations
      in the form 3:2-3 or the like
      if updateSrcDst, will read srcDst value form map notation
      otherwise, compares with supplied src/dst sizes"""
      usrStr = usrStr.replace(':', ',')
      usrStr = usrStr.replace('-', ',')
      # value should be a three element list of integers after evaluation
      tempMapTuple = drawer.strToSequence(usrStr, 3, ['int'])
      if tempMapTuple == None: return None # forces value to be len of 3
      # first two values must be between 1 and 6 (1:6, for ex)
      if (tempMapTuple[0] >= 1 and tempMapTuple[0] <= 6 and 
          tempMapTuple[1] >= 1 and tempMapTuple[1] <= 6):
         # check tt start and end size == src and dst
         if updateSrcDst: # need to get new values
            srcSize = tempMapTuple[0]
            dstSize = tempMapTuple[1]
         # update w/ new sizes 
         maxMapKey = self.getNoMaps(srcSize, dstSize)
         # check values agains src/dst
         if tempMapTuple[0] != srcSize or tempMapTuple[1] != dstSize:
            query = lang.msgMCbadMapChoice % (srcSize, dstSize, maxMapKey)
            dialog.msgOut(query, termObj)
            return None
      # length is not == 3, or values are greater/less than they should be
      else: # this is an error
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCnoSuchMap, termObj)            
         return None
      # only need last value from temp typle
      map = self.getSingleMap(srcSize, dstSize, tempMapTuple[2])
      if map == -1 or map == None:  # returns -1 on error
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCnoSuchMap, termObj)     
         return None
         mapIdTuple = (srcSize, dstSize, tempMapTuple[2])
      return map, mapIdTuple     

   def _evaluatePartialMap(self, usrStr, updateSrcDst, 
                           srcSize, dstSize, termObj):
      """partial map is simply an integer; if src and dst sizes are known
      then must be w/n range; otherwise, get from user w/ interactive
      usrData = drawer.strToNum(usrStr, 'int')
      if usrData == None: return None # should not happen, as should be intable
      if updateSrcDst:
         post = self.getSetSizeBounds() # interactiv ecommand
         if post == None: # bad sizes gotten from user
            dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCbadVoiceValue, termObj)
            return None
            srcSize, dstSize = post # assign to src/dst            
      maxMapKey = self.getNoMaps(srcSize, dstSize)
      # usrData must be less tn max and greater = to 1
      if not (usrData <= maxMapKey and usrData >= 1):
         query = lang.msgMCbadMapChoice % (srcSize, dstSize, maxMapKey)
         dialog.msgOut(query, termObj)        
         return None
      map = self.getSingleMap(srcSize, dstSize, usrData)
      if map == -1 or map == None:  # returns -1 on error
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCbadRawMapFormat, termObj)     
         return None
         mapIdTuple = (srcSize, dstSize, usrData)
      return map, mapIdTuple     

   def _evaluateRawMap(self, usrStr, updateSrcDst, 
                       srcSize, dstSize, termObj):
      """raw map is an alphabetic string notation tt may include
      mapIdTuple = self.stringToMap(usrStr)
      if mapIdTuple == None:
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCbadRawMapFormat, termObj)     
         return None
      map = self.fetchMap(mapIdTuple)
      if map == -1 or map == None:
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCbadRawMapFormat, termObj)  
         return None
      usrSrcSize, usrDstSize = self._getMapSrcDstSize(map)
      if not updateSrcDst: # provided src/dst
         # if usrStr does not match src/dst sizes
         if (usrSrcSize != srcSize or usrDstSize != dstSize):
            query = lang.msgMCbadMapChoice % (srcSize, 
                    dstSize, self.getNoMaps(srcSize, dstSize))
            dialog.msgOut(query, termObj)
            return None                  
      return map, mapIdTuple     

   def _evaluateRawVlPairs(self, usrStr, updateSrcDst, 
                           srcSet, dstSet, termObj):
      """raw vl pairs are a notation that uses a list of pairs
      the pairs are separated by commas or double dashes?
      note: this takes srcSet, dstSet, not sizees
      # updateSrcNecsesary
         rawVlPairs = eval(usrStr)
         rawVlPairs = tuple(rawVlPairs)
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCgetBadVlParse, termObj)        
         return None
      # need to check if if rawVlPairs has the right data
      # generate sample sets from size
      if len(rawVlPairs) < 1 or len(rawVlPairs) > 6 or None in rawVlPairs:
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCgetBadVlParse, termObj)
         return None
      # examine that this is a list of lists, each w/ 2 values
      for pair in rawVlPairs:
         if not drawer.isList(pair) or len(pair) != 2:
            dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCgetBadVlParse, termObj)
            return None
      # must get user boundarys sizes, b/c in vl-pairs there is no way 
      # of telling if a duplication is a real or phanton redundancy
      if not updateSrcDst: # if not, will be updated below
         srcSize = len(srcSet)
         dstSize = len(dstSet)      
      if updateSrcDst:
         post = self.getSetSizeBounds() # interacitve command
         if post == None:
            dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCbadVoiceValue, termObj)
            return None
         else: srcSize, dstSize = post
         # need to search and extract voice leading from provided data
         foundPcsX = []
         foundPcsY = []
         # rawVlPairs should alwas been in the order of pcsX, 
         # from top to bottom
         for pair in rawVlPairs:
         foundPcsX = tuple(foundPcsX)
         foundPcsY = tuple(foundPcsY)
         foundPcsYsorted = copy.copy(foundPcsY)
         # if sizes are equal, strip of actual pcs from the user entered 
         # vl-parts. otherwise generate demos
         if (len(foundPcsX) == srcSize and len(foundPcsY) == dstSize):
            while 1:
               usrStr = dialog.askStr(lang.msgMCgetRefOrder % 
                       repr(foundPcsY).replace(' ',''), termObj)
               if usrStr == None: return None
               try: # what is this?
                  orderedPcsY = eval(usrStr)
                  dialog.msgOut(lang.msgConfusedInput, termObj)
               testOrderedPcsY = copy.copy(orderedPcsY)
               testOrderedPcsY = list(testOrderedPcsY)
               # if these are not the same, the user has entered a bad 
               # referential ordering
               if foundPcsYsorted != testOrderedPcsY:
                  dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCgetRefOrderBad, termObj)        
               else: break
            srcSet = foundPcsX # was same as demoPcsX
            dstSet = orderedPcsY # was same as demoPcsY
            dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCgetBadVlPairs, termObj)
            return None
      # can apply to acquisition methods 
      mapSearchResult = self.genMapFromVlPairs(rawVlPairs, srcSet, dstSet)
      if mapSearchResult == -1 or mapSearchResult == None:
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCgetBadVlParse, termObj)
         return None
         partialMapId = mapSearchResult[0]
         correctedVlPairs = mapSearchResult[1]
      map = self.getSingleMap(srcSize, dstSize, partialMapId)
      if map == -1 or map == None:  # returns -1 on error
         maxMapKey = self.getNoMaps(srcSize, dstSize)
         query = lang.msgMCbadMapChoice % (srcSize, dstSize, maxMapKey)
         dialog.msgOut(query, termObj)     
         return None         

      mapIdTuple = (srcSize, dstSize, partialMapId)
      return map, mapIdTuple     
   def getUserMap(self, pcsX=(), pcsY=(), termObj=None, read=None):
      """gets map from user, returns -1 on cancel
      if read == string will try to match this string to a map
      returns None on error
      problem is that map can be specified w/o a src or dst
      updateSrcDst = 1   # change to 0 if pcs args are passed in
      mapGotten = ()
      mapIdTuple = ()
      # case where no pcs are supplied, user must enter
      # will have to create dest set after getting boundary lengths
      if len(pcsX) == 0 or len(pcsY) == 0:
         updateSrcDst = 1
         # set to empty values
         srcSize = 0
         dstSize = 0
         srcSet = []
         dstSet = []
         srcSize = len(pcsX)
         dstSize = len(pcsY)
         if (srcSize >= 1 and srcSize <= 6 and dstSize >= 1 and dstSize <= 6):
            srcSet = tuple(pcsX)
            dstSet = tuple(pcsY)
            # stop sets from being recalculated based on length
            updateSrcDst = 0
          # source inputs are out of range for number of voices
         else: return None, None
      attempts = 0
      while 1:
         inputType = ''
         if read != None:
            # dont try more than once when reading
            if attempts > 0: return None, None 
            usrStr = read
            readMode = 1
            usrStr = dialog.askStr(lang.msgMCgetMapMenu, termObj)
            if usrStr == None: return None, None
            readMode = 0
         attempts = attempts + 1
         # get usrStr type
         inputType = self._parseMapInputTupe(usrStr)
         if inputType == None:
            if not updateSrcDst: # if not updating src and dst sizes
               msg = lang.msgMCbadMapChoice % (srcSize, dstSize, 
                                 self.getNoMaps(srcSize, dstSize))
               dialog.msgOut(msg, termObj)  
            else: # dont know src or dst, but still got an error
               dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCnoSuchMap, termObj)   
            continue # get data again from user
         # complete map is given as 3:2-1 or variant
         # only need index value; strip src and st size
         if inputType == 'completeMap':
            post = self._evaluateCompleteMap(usrStr, updateSrcDst, 
                                             srcSize, dstSize, termObj)
            if post == None: continue
            mapGotten, mapIdTuple = post # assign values
         # user enters single number but has not entered boundary sizes
         elif inputType == 'partialMap':
            post = self._evaluatePartialMap(usrStr, updateSrcDst, 
                                            srcSize, dstSize, termObj)
            if post == None: continue
            mapGotten, mapIdTuple = post # assign values
         # rawMaps are alphabetic strings
         elif inputType == 'rawMap': # no boundary entered
            post = self._evaluateRawMap(usrStr, updateSrcDst, 
                                        srcSize, dstSize, termObj)
            if post == None: continue
            mapGotten, mapIdTuple = post # assign values
         # note: this takes srcSet, dstSet, not sizes
         elif inputType == 'rawVlPairs': # no boundary entered
            post = self._evaluateRawVlPairs(usrStr, updateSrcDst, 
                                            srcSet, dstSet, termObj)
            if post == None: continue
            mapGotten, mapIdTuple = post # assign values
         # this should not happen, but errors creep in here:
         if mapIdTuple == None or len(mapIdTuple) == 0:
            return None, None # two None args necessary
         # provide display and ask user if this is what they want
         if readMode: # if reading just return
            return mapIdTuple, mapGotten

         # provide dummy sets if only size provided
         if updateSrcDst: # src/dst dize in 0,1 of mapIdTuple
            srcSet = tuple(range(mapIdTuple[0]))
            dstSet = tuple(range(mapIdTuple[1]))

         rowDict = self.genDoubleVlDiagram(srcSet, dstSet, mapGotten)
         printKeyList = rowDict.keys()
         for key in printKeyList:
            tempRow = rowDict[key].strip()
            if tempRow == '': continue
            else: dialog.msgOut('%s%s\n' % (lang.TAB, rowDict[key]))
         # final confirmation
         query = lang.msgMCthisAsthat % (self.mapIdTupleToString(mapIdTuple),
         askUsr = dialog.askYesNoCancel(query, 1, termObj)            
         if askUsr != -1 and askUsr != 1:
            continue               # return to top of loop if rejected
         elif askUsr == -1: return None, None
         elif askUsr == 1: break
      return mapIdTuple, mapGotten

   def getUserMapFromRank(self, sourceSet, destinationSet, orderKey, 
                          methodTypeString, termObj=None):
      srcSize = len(sourceSet)
      dstSize = len(destinationSet)
      'gets map from user, returns -1 on cancel'
      # type string is used in prompt
      while 1:
         query = lang.msgMCchooseRank % (methodTypeString, len(orderKey))
         choice = dialog.askStr(query, termObj)
         if choice == None:
            return None
            choicePos = eval(choice)
            choicePos = choicePos - 1  # human offset correction
            dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCnoSuchRank, termObj)
         if choicePos in range(0, len(orderKey)):#success
            mapIdTuple = (srcSize, dstSize, orderKey[choicePos])
            ### createa  display
            rowDict = self.genDoubleVlDiagram(sourceSet, destinationSet, 
            printKeyList = rowDict.keys()
            for key in printKeyList:
               tempRow = rowDict[key].strip()
               if tempRow == '':
                  dialog.msgOut(lang.TAB + ('%s\n' % rowDict[key]), termObj)
            query = lang.msgMCthisAsthat % (self.mapIdTupleToString(mapIdTuple), 
            askUsr = dialog.askYesNoCancel(query, 1, termObj)     
            if askUsr != -1 and askUsr != 1:
               continue               # return to top of loop if rejected 
            elif askUsr == -1:
               return None
            elif askUsr == 1:
               return mapIdTuple
            dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMCnoSuchRank, termObj)

   def SMTH(self, pcsX, pcsY, map):
      # this is the measure of smoothness
      # pcs must be of same size before entering this_function, map is a 
      # rawMap, not mapTUpleId
      if len(pcsX) > 6 or len(pcsX) < 1 or len(pcsY) > 6 or len(pcsY) < 1:
         return 'pcs of this size are not supported'

      vlPairs = self.genVlPairs(pcsX, pcsY, map)
      vectorS = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
      for pcs_voice in vlPairs:
         x = pcs_voice[0]
         y = pcs_voice[1]
         dist = abs(x-y)
         dist = pitchTools.pcTransposer(dist, 0)  #trans by 0 to perf mod 12
         if dist > 6:
            dist = 12 - dist
         vectorS[dist] = vectorS[dist] + 1
      reg_i = 0
      totalS = 0
      for reg in vectorS:
         totalS = totalS + (reg * reg_i)
         reg_i = reg_i + 1
      return vectorS, totalS

   def sortSMTH(self, pcsX, pcsY):
      # returns a dictionary and a list
      # the dictionary containts refNo for map : values
      # list contains ordered refNo according to sorting principles 
      if len(pcsX) > 6 or len(pcsX) < 1 or len(pcsY) > 6 or len(pcsY) < 1:
         return None # error, bad size
      mapDict = self.getMapDict(len(pcsX), len(pcsY))
      keyList = mapDict.keys()
      dictS = {}
      for key in keyList:
         vectorS, totalS = self.SMTH(pcsX, pcsY, mapDict[key])
         dictS[key] = vectorS, totalS

      # list of keys in sorted order
      # the order of the pcs entered _does_ matter, b/c references are made only
      # to map index numbers, not fleshed out vl-pair tuples.
      # sorts smallest to largest in a list
      orderKey = []
      for key in keyList:
         vectorS, totalS = dictS[key]
         if orderKey == []:
         index = 0
         for entry in orderKey:
            # !!! want smallest first!!!
            # if current total is > than this total | DO nothing
            if totalS > dictS[entry][1]:  #entry is a key, 1, gets the total
               index = index + 1
               if index == len(orderKey):
               # if greater, and this is the last entry, put at end 
               # (its the largest)
            # if current total is < than this total | DO insert
            elif totalS < dictS[entry][1]:  #entry is a key, 1, gets the total
            # when less than or equal to in orderKey, insert at that index
               orderKey.insert(index, key)
            # if current total is == than this total | DO more analysis
            elif totalS == dictS[entry][1]:  #entry is a key, 1, gets the total
               # if current vector reg 6 is  < than this vector 6 | DO insert
               if dictS[key][0][6] < dictS[entry][0][6]: 
                  orderKey.insert(index, key)
               elif dictS[key][0][6] > dictS[entry][0][6]: # if >, do nothing 
                  index = index + 1
                  if index == len(orderKey):
                  if dictS[key][0][5] < dictS[entry][0][5]: 
                     orderKey.insert(index, key)
                  elif dictS[key][0][5] > dictS[entry][0][5]: # if >, do nothing 
                     index = index + 1
                     if index == len(orderKey):
                     if dictS[key][0][4] < dictS[entry][0][4]: 
                        orderKey.insert(index, key)
                     elif dictS[key][0][4] > dictS[entry][0][4]:#if >,do nothing 
                        index = index + 1
                        if index == len(orderKey):
                        if dictS[key][0][3] < dictS[entry][0][3]: 
                           orderKey.insert(index, key)
                        elif dictS[key][0][3] > dictS[entry][0][3]:
                           #if Greater, do nothing 
                           index = index + 1
                           if index == len(orderKey):
                           if dictS[key][0][2] < dictS[entry][0][2]: 
                              orderKey.insert(index, key)
                           elif dictS[key][0][2] > dictS[entry][0][2]:  
                           # if greater, do nothing 
                              index = index + 1
                              if index == len(orderKey):
                              if dictS[key][0][1] < dictS[entry][0][1]: 
                                 orderKey.insert(index, key)
                              elif (dictS[key][0][1] > 
                                 # if greater, do nothing 
                                 index = index + 1
                                 if index == len(orderKey):
                                 if (dictS[key][0][0] < 
                                    orderKey.insert(index, key)
                                 elif (dictS[key][0][0] > 
                                       # if greater, do nothing 
                                    index = index + 1
                                    if index == len(orderKey):
                                 else: # do nothing
                                    index = index + 1
                                    if index == len(orderKey):
        # if greater, and this is the last entry, put at end (its the largest)
               index = index + 1
               # if greater, and this is the last entry, 
               # put at end (its the largest)
               if index == len(orderKey):
      return dictS, orderKey

   def printSortSMTH(self, pcsX, pcsY):
      dictS, orderKey = self.sortSMTH(pcsX, pcsY)
      msg = 'final sort  %s\n' % (repr(orderKey).replace(' ', ''))
      msg = msg + '[vector]:[displacement]:\n'
      for key in orderKey:
         line = ''
         map = self.getSingleMap(len(pcsX), len(pcsY), key)
         for entry in dictS[key]:
            line = line + repr(entry).replace(' ', '') + ':'
         mapString = self.rawMapToString(map)
         msg = msg + '%sMC %i, map %s\n' % (line.ljust(55), key, mapString)
      print msg

   def UNIF(self, pcsX, pcsY, map):
      vlPairs = self.genVlPairs(pcsX, pcsY, map)
      vectorU = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
      for pcs_voice in vlPairs:
         x = pcs_voice[0]
         y = pcs_voice[1]
         dist = y-x
         if dist < 0 or dist > 11:
            dist = pitchTools.pcTransposer(dist, 0)  #trans by 0 to perf mod 12
         vectorU[dist] = vectorU[dist] + 1

      valuesU = []
      for reg in vectorU:
      valuesU.reverse() #in order form largest to smallest, with duplicates

      orderedIcPeaksU = []  # contains ordered index positions, not values
      dummy_vector = copy.copy(vectorU)    
      for value in valuesU:  # has all values for every reg, incl 0s
         if value != 0:
            i = dummy_vector.index(value) #get value's index numver
         dummy_vector[i] = -1  # knock out so that will not get chosen again
      ### use to finde span
      double_range = range(0,12) + range(0,12)
      start   = 0 
      count   = 0
      max     = 0
      for i in double_range:
         count = count + 1
         if vectorU[i] == 0 and start == 0:
            start = 1
            count = 1
         elif vectorU[i] == 0 and start == 1:
         elif vectorU[i] != 0 and start == 1:
            start = 0
            if (count - 1) >= max:
               max = count - 1
         elif vectorU[i] != 0 and start == 0:
      spanU = 12 - max

      ### find offset
      UNIFoffsetCandidates = []        
      ## print 'unif ordered ic peaks %r' % orderedIcPeaksU
      for peaksIndex in orderedIcPeaksU:
      # ordered peaks contains the register position of non-zero entries
         mvt_from_list = []  
         # for the current peakIndex, this is the remaining index positions 
         # that need to be tested to
         for i in range(0,12):
            # dont want 0s or the value equal to peaks index 
            if vectorU[i] == 0 or i == peaksIndex:
         # find all possible mod 12 locations for the destination
         destination   = peaksIndex
         destNegative  = peaksIndex - 12
         destPositive  = peaksIndex + 12
         temp_distance = 0  ### the accumulator of the distances in the mvt list
         for currentOriginPeak in mvt_from_list:
            startIndex = currentOriginPeak
            a = abs(destination - startIndex)
            # find all possible dstinances to the mod12 destinations,
            # and choose the shortest
            b = abs(destNegative - startIndex)
            c = abs(destPositive - startIndex)
            posibleDistanceList = [a,b,c]
            shortestDistance = min(posibleDistanceList)
            temp_distance = temp_distance + (shortestDistance * 
         # print 'mvt from originPeak %r to peaksIndex %r, dis fnd %i, wghtd as 
         # %i' % (currentOriginPeak, peaksIndex, shortestDistance, 
         # (shortestDistance * vectorU[currentOriginPeak]))
         #print 'Unif candidiate total distance  %r' % (temp_distance)
         UNIFoffsetCandidates.append((temp_distance, peaksIndex))

      offsetU = 99999
      for (offset, peaksIndex) in UNIFoffsetCandidates:
         if offset <= offsetU:
            offsetU = offset
      offsetIcPeakU = []
      for (offset, peaksIndex) in UNIFoffsetCandidates:
         if offset == offsetU:
      maxU = 0
      for entry in vectorU:
         if entry >= maxU:
            maxU = entry
      # vector, index of nonzero entries, ties for shortest Offset, span, offset
      return vectorU, orderedIcPeaksU, offsetIcPeakU, maxU, spanU, offsetU

   def sortUNIF(self, pcsX, pcsY):
      # returns a dictionary and a list
      # the dictionary containts refNo for map : values
      # list contains ordered refNo according to sorting principles 
      if len(pcsX) > 6 or len(pcsX) < 1 or len(pcsY) > 6 or len(pcsY) < 1:
         return None
      mapDict = self.getMapDict(len(pcsX), len(pcsY))
      keyList = mapDict.keys()
      dictU = {}
      for key in keyList:
         n = self.UNIF(pcsX, pcsY, mapDict[key])
         vectorU, orderedIcPeaksU, offsetIcPeakU, maxU, spanU, offsetU = n
         dictU[key] = (vectorU, orderedIcPeaksU, offsetIcPeakU, 
                       maxU, spanU, offsetU)

      # list of keys in sorted order
      # the order of the pcs entered _does_ matter, b/c references are made only
      # to map index numbers, not fleshed out vl-pair tuples.

      # sorts smallest to largest in a list (we want largest, 
      # to smallest, so reverse at end)
      orderMax = []  # sort list according to 
      for key in keyList:
         maxU = dictU[key][3] # 3 gets the max vale for any vector register
         if orderMax == []:
         index = 0
         for entry in orderMax:
            if maxU > dictU[entry][3]:  #entry is a key, 3, gets the MAX
               index = index + 1
               if index == len(orderMax):
            elif maxU <= dictU[entry][3]:  #entry is a key, 1, gets the max
               orderMax.insert(index, key)
               index = index + 1 
               # was orderKey, not orderMax
               if index == len(orderMax):
                  # orderKey.append(key) # was incorrect?
      # 5 gets the offset vale for any vector register# this is a list of 
      # indexNos that give the order of Max values, from the highest 
      # to the lowest.

      # this sort is necessary
      # sorts smallest to largest in a list
      orderSpan = []  ## sort list according to 
      for key in keyList:
         spanU = dictU[key][4]  ## 4 gets the span vale for any vector register
         if orderSpan == []:
         index = 0
         for entry in orderSpan:
            if spanU > dictU[entry][4]:  #entry is a key, 4, gets the span
               index = index + 1
               if index == len(orderSpan):
            elif spanU <= dictU[entry][4]:  #entry is a key, 4, gets the span
               orderSpan.insert(index, key)
               index = index + 1 
               # orderSpan here was given as orderKey
               if index == len(orderSpan):

      # sorts smallest to largest in a list
      orderOffset = []  # sort list according to 
      for key in keyList:
         # 5 gets the offset vale for any vector register
         offsetU = dictU[key][5]
         if orderOffset == []:
         index = 0
         for entry in orderOffset:
            # entry is a key, 5, gets the offset
            if offsetU > dictU[entry][5]:
               index = index + 1
               if index == len(orderOffset):
            # entry is a key, 5, gets the offset
            elif offsetU <= dictU[entry][5]:  
               orderOffset.insert(index, key)
               index = index + 1 
               # orderOffset here was orderKeu
               if index == len(orderOffset):

      # sort by offset, max, then span: orderOffset, orderMax, orderSpan
      # conversion max >>> offset      # span >>> max      # offset >>> span
      orderKey = []  # sort list according to 
      for key in orderOffset:  # take offset list as initial sort
         UNIF_max    = dictU[key][3]  ## 3 gets the max
         spanU   = dictU[key][4] # 4 gets the span
         offsetU = dictU[key][5] # 5 gets the offset
         if orderKey == []:
         index = 0
         for entry in orderKey: ## this is the list of keys already sorted
            # if current offset is > than this offset | DO nothing
            if offsetU > dictU[entry][5]: 
               index = index + 1 # index keeps tracks of position in orderKey`
               if index == len(orderKey):
            # if current offset is < than this offset | 
            # current max is > this max | DO insert
            elif offsetU < dictU[entry][5] and UNIF_max > dictU[entry][3]: 
               orderKey.insert(index, key)
            # if current offset is < than this offset | 
            # current max is < this max | DO nothing
            elif offsetU < dictU[entry][5] and UNIF_max < dictU[entry][3]: 
               index = index + 1 # index keeps tracks of position in orderKey`
               if index == len(orderKey):
            # if current offset is == than this offset | 
            # current max is > this max | DO insert
            elif offsetU == dictU[entry][5] and UNIF_max > dictU[entry][3]: 
               orderKey.insert(index, key)
            # if current offset is == than this offset | 
            # current max is < this max | DO nothing
            elif offsetU == dictU[entry][5] and UNIF_max < dictU[entry][3]: 
               index = index + 1 # index keeps track of position in orderKey`
               if index == len(orderKey):
            # if current offset is == than this offset | 
            # current max is == this max | current span is <= this span | 
            # DO inset
            elif (offsetU == dictU[entry][5] and UNIF_max == dictU[entry][3] and
               spanU <= dictU[entry][4]): 
               orderKey.insert(index, key)
            # if current offset is == than this offset | 
            #current max is == this max | 
            #current span is > this span | DO nothing
            elif (offsetU == dictU[entry][5] and UNIF_max == dictU[entry][3] and
               spanU <= dictU[entry][4]): 
               # index keeps tracks of position in orderKey`
               index = index + 1               
               if index == len(orderKey):
               index = index + 1 
               if index == len(orderKey):

      return dictU, orderKey, orderMax, orderSpan, orderOffset

   def printSortUNIF(self, pcsX, pcsY):
      a = self.sortUNIF(pcsX, pcsY)
      dictU, orderKey, orderMax, orderSpan, orderOffset = a
      msg = 'final sort  %s\nmax sort    %s\nspan sort   %s\noffset sort %s\n' % (repr(orderKey).replace(' ', ''), 
         repr(orderMax).replace(' ', ''), repr(orderSpan).replace(' ', ''), repr(orderOffset).replace(' ', ''))
      msg = msg + '[vector]:[peaks]:[offset-peaks]:max:span:offset:\n'
      for key in orderKey:
         line = ''
         map = self.getSingleMap(len(pcsX), len(pcsY), key)
         for entry in dictU[key]:
            line = line + repr(entry).replace(' ', '') + ':'
         mapString = self.rawMapToString(map)
         msg = msg + '%sMC %i, map %s\n' % (line.ljust(55), key, mapString)
      print msg

   def BAL(self, pcsX, pcsY, map):
      vlPairs = self.genVlPairs(pcsX, pcsY, map)
      vectorB = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
      for pcs_voice in vlPairs:
         x = pcs_voice[0]
         y = pcs_voice[1]
         dist = x + y
         dist = pitchTools.pcTransposer(dist, 0)  #trans by 0 to perf mod 12
         vectorB[dist] = vectorB[dist] + 1

      valuesB = []
      for reg in vectorB:
      valuesB.reverse() # now in order form largest to smallest

      orderedIcPeaksB = []  
      dummy_vector = copy.copy(vectorB)    
      for value in valuesB:
         i = dummy_vector.index(value)
         if value != 0:
         dummy_vector[i] = -1  # knock out so that will not get chosen again

      double_range = range(0,12) + range(0,12)
      start   = 0 
      count   = 0
      max     = 0
      for i in double_range:
         count = count + 1
         if vectorB[i] == 0 and start == 0:
            start = 1
            count = 1
         elif vectorB[i] == 0 and start == 1:
         elif vectorB[i] != 0 and start == 1:
            start = 0
            if (count - 1) >= max:
               max = count - 1
         elif vectorB[i] != 0 and start == 0:
      spanB = 12 - max

      # find offset
      BALoffsetCandidates = []        
      # print 'bal ordered ic peaks %r' % orderedIcPeaksB
      # ordered peaks contains the register position of non-zero entries
      for peaksIndex in orderedIcPeaksB:
         mvt_from_list = []
         # for the current peakIndex, this is the remaining index positions 
         # that need to be tested to
         for i in range(0,12):
            # dont want 0s or the value equal to peaks index 
            if vectorB[i] == 0 or i == peaksIndex:
         # find all possible mod 12 locations for the destination
         destination   = peaksIndex
         destNegative  = peaksIndex - 12
         destPositive  = peaksIndex + 12
         temp_distance = 0  ### the accumulator of the distances in the mvt list
         for currentOriginPeak in mvt_from_list:
            startIndex = currentOriginPeak
            # find all possible dstinances to the mod12 destinations, 
            # and choose the shortest
            a = abs(destination - startIndex) 
            b = abs(destNegative - startIndex)
            c = abs(destPositive - startIndex)
            posibleDistanceList = [a,b,c]
            shortestDistance = min(posibleDistanceList)
            temp_distance = temp_distance + (shortestDistance * vectorB[currentOriginPeak])
            # print 'mvt from originPeak %r to peaksIndex %r, dis fnd %i, wghtd as %i' % (currentOriginPeak, peaksIndex, shortestDistance, (shortestDistance * vectorB[currentOriginPeak]))
         #print 'Bal candidiate total distance  %r' % (temp_distance)
         BALoffsetCandidates.append((temp_distance, peaksIndex))

      offsetB = 99999
      for (offset, peaksIndex) in BALoffsetCandidates:
         if offset <= offsetB:
            offsetB = offset
      BALoffset_icPeak = []
      for (offset, peaksIndex) in BALoffsetCandidates:
         if offset == offsetB:
      BALmax = 0
      for entry in vectorB:
         if entry >= BALmax:
            BALmax = entry
      # vector, index of nonzero entries, ties for shortest Offset, span, offset
      return vectorB, orderedIcPeaksB, BALoffset_icPeak, BALmax, spanB,  offsetB

   def sortBAL(self, pcsX, pcsY):
      # returns a dictionary and a list
      # the dictionary containts refNo for map : values
      # list contains ordered refNo according to sorting principles 
      if len(pcsX) > 6 or len(pcsX) < 1 or len(pcsY) > 6 or len(pcsY) < 1:
         return None
      mapDict = self.getMapDict(len(pcsX), len(pcsY))
      keyList = mapDict.keys()
      dictB = {}
      for key in keyList:
         a = self.BAL(pcsX, pcsY, mapDict[key])
         vectorB, orderedIcPeaksB, BALoffset_icPeak, BALmax, spanB, offsetB = a
         dictB[key] = (vectorB, orderedIcPeaksB, BALoffset_icPeak, 
                       BALmax, spanB, offsetB)

      # list of keys in sorted order
      # the order of the pcs entered _does_ matter, b/c references are made only
      # to map index numbers, not fleshed out vl-pair tuples.

      # sorts smallest to largest in a list 
      # (we want largest, to smallest, so reverse at end)
      orderMax = []  ## sort list according to 
      for key in keyList:
         BALmax = dictB[key][3]  # 3 gets the max vale for any vector register
         if orderMax == []:
         index = 0
         for entry in orderMax:
            if BALmax > dictB[entry][3]:  #entry is a key, 3, gets the MAX
               index = index + 1
               if index == len(orderMax):
            elif BALmax <= dictB[entry][3]:  #entry is a key, 1, gets the max
               orderMax.insert(index, key)
               index = index + 1 
               # was orderKey, not orderMax
               if index == len(orderMax):
      # this is a list of indexNos that give the order of Max values, 
      # from the highest to the lowest.

      # this sort is necessary
      # sorts smallest to largest in a list
      orderSpan = []  ## sort list according to 
      for key in keyList:
         spanB = dictB[key][4]# 4 gets the span vale for any vector register
         if orderSpan == []:
         index = 0
         for entry in orderSpan:
            #entry is a key, 4, gets the span
            if spanB > dictB[entry][4]: 
               index = index + 1
               if index == len(orderSpan):
            #entry is a key, 4, gets the span
            elif spanB <= dictB[entry][4]:  
               orderSpan.insert(index, key)
               index = index + 1 
               # was orderKey, not orderSpan
               if index == len(orderSpan):

      # this sort is not nec, keep for testing
      # sorts smallest to largest in a list
      orderOffset = []  ## sort list according to 
      for key in keyList:
         # 5 gets the offset vale for any vector register
         offsetB = dictB[key][5]
         if orderOffset == []:
         index = 0
         for entry in orderOffset:
            #entry is a key, 5, gets the offset
            if offsetB > dictB[entry][5]:  
               index = index + 1
               if index == len(orderOffset):
            #entry is a key, 5, gets the offset
            elif offsetB <= dictB[entry][5]:  
               orderOffset.insert(index, key)
               index = index + 1 
               # was orderKey, not orderOffset
               if index == len(orderOffset):

      ## sort by offset, max, then span: orderOffset, orderMax, orderSpan
      ## conversion max >>> offset      # span >>> max      # offset >>> span
      orderKey = []  ## sort list according to 
      for key in orderOffset:  # take offset list as initial sort
         maxB    = dictB[key][3]  ## 3 gets the max
         spanB   = dictB[key][4]  ## 4 gets the span
         offsetB = dictB[key][5]  ## 5 gets the offset
         if orderKey == []:
         index = 0
         for entry in orderKey: ## this is the list of keys already sorted
            # if current offset is > than this offset | DO nothing
            if offsetB > dictB[entry][5]: 
               index = index + 1                 
               # index keeps tracks of position in orderKey`
               if index == len(orderKey):
            # if current offset is < than this offset | 
            # current max is > this max | DO insert
            elif offsetB < dictB[entry][5] and maxB > dictB[entry][3]: 
               orderKey.insert(index, key)
            # if current offset is < than this offset | 
            # current max is < this max | DO nothing
            elif offsetB < dictB[entry][5] and maxB < dictB[entry][3]: 
               index = index + 1                
               # index keeps tracks of position in orderKey`
               if index == len(orderKey):
            # if current offset is == than this offset | 
            #current max is > this max | DO insert
            elif offsetB == dictB[entry][5] and maxB > dictB[entry][3]: 
               orderKey.insert(index, key)
            # if current offset is == than this offset | 
            # current max is < this max | DO nothing
            elif (offsetB == dictB[entry][5] and maxB < dictB[entry][3]): 
               index = index + 1                 
               # index keeps tracks of position in orderKey`
               if index == len(orderKey):
            # if current offset is == than this offset | 
            # current max is == this max | current span is <= this span | 
            # DO inset
            elif (offsetB == dictB[entry][5] and maxB == dictB[entry][3] 
               and spanB <= dictB[entry][4]): 
               orderKey.insert(index, key)
            # if current offset is == than this offset | 
            # current max is == this max | current span is > this span | 
            # DO nothing
            elif (offsetB == dictB[entry][5] and maxB == dictB[entry][3] 
               and spanB <= dictB[entry][4]): 
                # index keeps tracks of position in orderKey`
               index = index + 1                
               if index == len(orderKey):
               index = index + 1 
               if index == len(orderKey):
      return dictB, orderKey, orderMax, orderSpan, orderOffset

   def printSortBAL(self, pcsX, pcsY):
      a = self.sortBAL(pcsX, pcsY)
      dictB, orderKey, orderMax, orderSpan, orderOffset = a
      msg = 'final sort  %s\nmax sort    %s\nspan sort   %s\noffset sort %s\n' % (repr(orderKey).replace(' ', ''), 
         repr(orderMax).replace(' ', ''), repr(orderSpan).replace(' ', ''), repr(orderOffset).replace(' ', ''))
      msg = msg + '[vector]:[peaks]:[offset-peaks]:max:span:offset:\n'
      for key in orderKey:
         line = ''
         map = self.getSingleMap(len(pcsX), len(pcsY), key)
         for entry in dictB[key]:
            line = line + repr(entry).replace(' ', '') + ':'
         mapString = self.rawMapToString(map)
         msg = msg + '%sMC %i, map %s\n' % (line.ljust(55), key, mapString)
      print msg | Contact Us
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