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athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH »
# Name:
# Purpose:      General image processing and drawing tools using PIL, Tk, and 
#               vector graphics
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2004-2006 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import os, random, string, copy, time, array
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import interpolate
from athenaCL.libATH import fontLibrary
# dialog import for finding dlg visual formats
from athenaCL.libATH import osTools

_MOD = ''

# note: this imports must match those tested in drawer.imageFormats
   import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont #, ImageFilter ImageTk
   PIL = 1
except ImportError:
   PIL = 0
   import Tkinter
   TK = 1
except ImportError:
   TK = 0
FONTPATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Library', 'FontsPIL')
if not os.path.exists(FONTPATH):
   FONTPATH = None
   # load the better than nothing default
   # print _MOD, 'no PIL fonts available'

# these methods borrowed from:

def RGBToHTMLColor(rgb_tuple):
   """ convert an (R, G, B) tuple to #RRGGBB """
   if drawer.isStr(rgb_tuple):
      if rgb_tuple[0] == '#': # already a string
         return rgb_tuple
   for x in rgb_tuple:
      assert x < 256 and x >= 0
   hexcolor = '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb_tuple
   # that's it! '%02x' means zero-padded, 2-digit hex values
   hexcolor = hexcolor.upper()
   return hexcolor

def HTMLColorToRGB(colorstring):
   """ convert #RRGGBB to an (R, G, B) tuple """
   colorstring = colorstring.strip()
   if colorstring[0] == '#': colorstring = colorstring[1:]
   if len(colorstring) != 6:
      raise ValueError, "input #%s is not in #RRGGBB format" % colorstring
   r, g, b = colorstring[:2], colorstring[2:4], colorstring[4:]
   r, g, b = [int(n, 16) for n in (r, g, b)]
   return (r, g, b)
def HTMLColorToUnitRGB(colorstring):
   """ converts #RRGGBB to postScript style float values
   assume that there are 256 values"""
   max = 255.0
   r, g, b = HTMLColorToRGB(colorstring)
   r = r / max
   g = g / max
   b = b / max
   return r, g, b

def HTMLColorToPILColor(colorstring):
   """ converts #RRGGBB to PIL-compatible integers"""
   colorstring = colorstring.strip()
   while colorstring[0] == '#': colorstring = colorstring[1:]
   # get bytes in reverse order to deal with PIL quirk
   colorstring = colorstring[-2:] + colorstring[2:4] + colorstring[:2]
   # finally, make it numeric
   color = int(colorstring, 16)
   return color

def PILColorToRGB(pil_color):
   """ convert a PIL-compatible integer into an (r, g, b) tuple """
   hexstr = '%06x' % pil_color
   # reverse byte order
   r, g, b = hexstr[4:], hexstr[2:4], hexstr[:2]
   r, g, b = [int(n, 16) for n in (r, g, b)]
   return (r, g, b)

def PILColorToHTMLColor(pil_integer):
   return RGBToHTMLColor(PILColorToRGB(pil_integer))

def RGBToPILColor(rgb_tuple):
   return HTMLColorToPILColor(RGBToHTMLColor(rgb_tuple))

# added for easy processing
def FloatToRGB(cellValue):
   """translate a cell value to a color or gray shade
   positive shift will make that much brighter
   negative shift will make darker"""
   # must invert cell value, so 1 is black, or 0
   cellValue = 1-cellValue
   # if not float return after reversing, could be a decimal
   return (float(str(cellValue)) * 255, float(str(cellValue)) * 255,
          float(str(cellValue)) * 255)

#    if not drawer.isInt(cellValue):
#       print _MOD, 'converting non int'
#    cellMax = 255 * max
#    if cellMax >= 255: cellMax = 255
#    cellMin = 255 * min
#    if cellMin <= 0: cellMin = 0
#    cellRange = cellMax - cellMin
#    shade = int(round(cellMin + (cellRange * cellValue))) 
#    tk_rgb = (shade,shade,shade) # (shade, shade, shade) 
#    return tk_rgb

# tools for determining image format types
# vetor here referes to a trademarked name
# dynamic testing of available formats in drawer.imageFormats

imageFormatNames = ['text', 'eps', 'tk', 'png', 'jpg']

def imageFormatParser(usrStr):
   """provide backward compat to older names"""
   ref = {
      'jpg' : ['pil', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'j'],
      'png' : ['file', 'png', 'p'],
      'tk'  : ['tk', 'tkinter', 'k'], # t reserved for text
      'eps' : ['eps', 'ps', 'e'],
      'text': ['text', 't'],
   usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
   return usrStr # may be None

# designed for use with PIL fonts found here
fontLibPil = {
   'char' : ('charI', 'charR', ),
   'courier' : ('courB', 'courO', 'courR'),
   'helvetica' : ('helvR', 'helvO', 'helvB'),
   'lub' : ('lubB', 'luBIS', 'lubI', 'luBS', 'lubR', 
            'luIS', 'luRS', 'lutBS', 'lutRS'),
   'ncen' : ('ncenB', 'ncenBI', 'ncenI', 'ncenR'),
   'symbol' : ('symb', ),
   'tech' : ('tech', 'techB',),
   'term' : ('termB', 'term',),
   'times' : ('timB', 'timBI', 'timI', 'timR'),

def getFontPath((face, style, size)): # dont check for errrs
   for n in fontLibPil[face]:
      if style in n or style == n:
         group = n
   if size <= 9:
      sizeStr = '0%s' % size
      sizeStr = str(size)
   name = '%s%s.pil' % (group, sizeStr)
   return os.path.join(FONTPATH, name)
# note: these objects require PIL
class Thumb:
   def __init__(self, fileList, size=256, fmt='.jpg'):
      "create a thumbnail; if size is none, dont resize"
      self.sizeW = size
      self.sizeH = size
      self.fmt = fmt
      # check if file list is a dir, if so, get a listing of image files
      if drawer.isList(fileList):
         self.fileList = fileList
         self.fileList = [fileList, ] # its a single file

   def reduce(self):
      import Image
      procFiles = [] # stores tuples of src, dst file
      nameOutFiles = []
      for infile in self.fileList:
         if self.sizeW == None:
            outfile = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + self.fmt
            outfile = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + ".th%s%s" % (
                                               self.sizeW, self.fmt)
         if infile.endswith('.gif'):
            print _MOD, 'cannot process gif files: %s' % infile
         elif outfile in nameOutFiles:
            print _MOD, 'file already generated: %s' % outfile
         elif infile != outfile:
               im =
               if self.sizeW != None: # only resize if size is not None
                  print _MOD, 'reducing size to %s' % self.sizeW
                  im.thumbnail((self.sizeW, self.sizeH), Image.ANTIALIAS)
     , "JPEG")
               procFiles.append([infile, outfile])
            except IOError, msg:
               print _MOD, "cannot create thumbnail: %s" % infile, msg 
            print _MOD, 'name conflict: %s' % infile
      return procFiles

class GridGraphic:
   """uess a list of lists as matrix for generating images"""
   def __init__(self, gridData=None, dataType='float', transp=None):
      """if dataType == float values are interpreted as gray scale
      if dataType == hex, html hex a decimal strings expected
      if dataType == rgb, assume rgb triples
      rot is rotatioin in degrees
      transparency: None is off, value is color that is transparent?
      self.dataType = dataType
      self.transp = transp
      if gridData == None: # use demo
         self.gridData = [] # a list of lists
         for x in range(20):
         self.gridData = gridData
      self.noCols = len(self.gridData[0])
      self.noRows = len(self.gridData)
      self.RGBData = self._convertToRGB() 

      self.imageObj ="RGB", (self.noCols, self.noRows))

      # not needed for transparency create mask
      #self.imageObj = self.imageObj.convert("RGBA") 
      #mask ="1", (self.noCols, self.noRows))

      # putalpha(band)
      # To add an alpha (transparency) band to an "RGBA"-mode image, 
      # call this method and pass it an
      # image of the same size having mode "L" or "1". The pixels of the band
      # image replace the alpha
      # band of the original image in place

   def _convertToRGB(self):
      "translate a list of cells to RGB"
      inputList = [] # self.gridData
      outputList = []
      # flatten grid into one long list
      for row in self.gridData:
         for col in row:
      for cell in inputList:
         if self.dataType == 'float':
         elif self.dataType == 'hex':
         elif self.dataType == 'rgb':
      #for each in self.gridData._flatten(self.gridData):
      return outputList

   def scale(self, xMult, yMult):
      self.imageObj = self.imageObj.resize((self.noCols*xMult, 

   def rotate(self, angle):
      if angle != 0:
         self.imageObj = self.imageObj.rotate(angle)

   def write(self, filePath, openMedia=1):
      "Saves the Image; .png and .jpg both work; format based on extensions"
      self.filePath = filePath
      if self.transp != None:, transparency=self.transp)
      else: #determine format from name

   def show(self, dir=None, prefDict=None):
      "Opens default image viewer and shows picture", prefDict)

   def getData(self):
      bundle = []
      seq = list(self.imageObj.getdata())
      row = []
      for pix in seq:
         if len(row) == self.noCols:
            row = []
      return bundle

class BarCode(GridGraphic):
   def __init__(self, src=None, width=120, foreColor='#000000', 
                    backColor='#aaaaaa', xMult=1, yMult=1, horizontal=1):
      if width == None and src == None:
         raise ValueError, 'not enough arguments'
      #foreColor can be a list of colors that are chosen from at random
      if not drawer.isList(foreColor):
         foreColor = [foreColor,]
      if not drawer.isList(backColor):
         backColor = [backColor,]
      if backColor[0] == None: # if none, back it transparent    
         self.transp = 0 # black
         backColor[0] = '#000000' # make it black
         self.transp = None # none is no transp

      if width == None:
         width = len(src)

      # do not apply xmult yet, but account for it in the lineGraph
      lineGraph = []
      if src == None: # creates a random distribution
         for i in range(0,width):
            pixel = random.choice((0,1)) # choose on or off
      else: # wrap src to fill width
         for i in range(0,width):
            pixel = src[i % len(src)] # wrap

      gridRow = []
      for pixel in lineGraph:
         #choose random color
         if pixel: # if 1
            color = random.choice(foreColor)
            color = random.choice(backColor)
         for x in range(0, xMult):
      gridData = [gridRow]

      GridGraphic.__init__(self, gridData, 'hex', self.transp)
      self.scale(xMult, yMult)
      if not horizontal: # rotate 90 degrees    

class GridText(GridGraphic):
   def __init__(self, msg='test', foreColor='#000000', 
                backColor='#aaaaaa', font='micro', kernBit=1, 
                vertBit=None, xMult=1, yMult=1, horizontal=1, 

      #foreColor can be a list of colors that are chosen from at random
      if not drawer.isList(foreColor):
         foreColor = [foreColor,]
      if not drawer.isList(backColor):
         backColor = [backColor,]
      if backColor[0] == None: # if none, back it transparent    
         self.transp = 0 # black
         backColor[0] = '#000000' # make it black
         self.transp = None # none is no transp

      kernEqual = 0 # treat as equla spaced?
      vertBit = None # use default
      obj = fontLibrary.FontBitMap(msg, font, kernEqual, kernBit, vertBit, 
      gridData = obj.encode()
      for row in range(0, len(gridData)):
         rowData = gridData[row]
         for col in range(0, len(rowData)):
            if gridData[row][col] == 1:
               gridData[row][col] = random.choice(foreColor)
            else: # its 0
               gridData[row][col] = random.choice(backColor)

      GridGraphic.__init__(self, gridData, 'hex', self.transp)
      self.scale(xMult, yMult)
      if not horizontal: # rotate 90 degrees    

class GridBlend(GridGraphic):
   def __init__(self, colorStart='#000000', colorEnd='#333333', length=20, 
                direction='x', width=40):
      if direction == 'y':
         horizontal = 0
         horizontal = 1

      colorListStart = HTMLColorToRGB(colorStart)
      colorListEnd = HTMLColorToRGB(colorEnd)

      colorArray = [[], [], []]

      for i in range(3): # for r g b
         s = colorListStart[i]
         e = colorListEnd[i]
         interpObj = interpolate.OneDimensionalLinear(s, e)
         for val in interpObj.discrete(length, 0):

      gridData = []
      for row in range(length):
         rowData = []
         code = RGBToHTMLColor((colorArray[0][row], 
                                colorArray[1][row], colorArray[2][row]))
         for col in range(width):

      GridGraphic.__init__(self, gridData, 'hex', None)
      if not horizontal: # rotate 90 degrees    

class FontText:
   """used for creating text chunk images for web pages"""
   def __init__(self, text=None, fontInfo=None, size=None, 
                bg="#000000", fg="#ffffff", xMult=1, yMult=1, 
      if text == None:
         text = string.ascii_letters
      if fontInfo == None: # default font
         fontInfo = ('helvetica', 'R', 12)
      if FONTPATH == None:
         font = ImageFont.load_default() # get basic
         font = ImageFont.load(getFontPath(fontInfo))

      # should be based on size of text
      if size == None: # area of background
         width = len(text) * fontInfo[2]
         height= fontInfo[2] * 2
         width, height = size

      if bg == None: # assume transparent
         bg = '#000000'
         self.transp = 0 # trans color is black?
         self.transp = None # no transparency

      bg = HTMLColorToRGB(bg)
      fg = HTMLColorToRGB(fg) ="RGB", (width, height), bg)
      draw = ImageDraw.Draw(
      draw.text((0, 0), text, font=font, fill=fg)

      #im = im.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
      if anti: =*xMult, height*yMult), Image.ANTIALIAS)
      else: =*xMult, height*yMult))

   def write(self, filePath, openMedia=1):
      "Saves the Image; .png and .jpg both work; format based on extensions"
      self.filePath = filePath
      if self.transp != None:, transparency=self.transp)
      else: #determine format from name

class WebText:
   """writes a text image with special styles and mods on a transparent bkg"""
   def __init__(self, text, fg, style):
      if style in ['miniLargeA', 'macro']:
         self.image = GridText(text, fg, None, 'macro', 4, None, 1, 1)

         #text = text.upper() # make all caps
         #newText = []
         #for char in text:
         #   newText.append('%s ' % char)
         #fontInfo = ('helvetica', 'R', 8)
         #Text.__init__(self, ''.join(newText), fontInfo, None, None, fg, 2, 1)

      elif style in ['miniSmallA', 'micro']:
         wrapW = 60 # chars
         self.image = GridText(text, fg, None, 'micro', 2, None, 1, 1, 1, wrapW)

         #fontInfo = ('helvetica', 'R', 8)
         #Text.__init__(self, text, fontInfo, None, None, fg, 1, 1)

      elif style in ['poster']:
         wrapW = 60 # chars
         self.image = GridText(text, fg, None, 'poster', 2, None, 
                               1, 1, 1, wrapW)
      elif style in ['strong']:
         wrapW = 60 # chars
         self.image = GridText(text, fg, None, 'strong', 2, None, 
                               1, 1, 1, wrapW)
      elif style in ['strongDouble']:
         wrapW = 60 # chars
         self.image = GridText(text, fg, None, 'strong', 2, None, 
                               2, 2, 1, wrapW)
      elif style in ['capitalSingle', 'capital']:
         wrapW = 60 # chars
         self.image = GridText(text, fg, None, 'capital', 2, None, 
                               1, 1, 1, wrapW)
      elif style in ['capitalDouble']:
         wrapW = 60 # chars
         self.image = GridText(text, fg, None, 'capital', 2, None, 
                               2, 2, 1, wrapW)
      elif style in ['capitalQuad']:
         wrapW = 60 # chars
         self.image = GridText(text, fg, None, 'capital', 2, None, 
                               4, 4, 1, wrapW)

         raise KeyError, 'no such style name %r' % style

   def write(self, filePath):

# note: these objects use PIL and TK, and only use pil

class _CanvasBase:
   """abstract convas object to allow for drawing in both PIL and tk
   all colors are in html style hex"""

   def __init__(self, w, h, bg, fmt='png', name='image', transp=None):
      self.w = w
      self.h = h = bg
      self.fmt = fmt = name
      self.transp = transp # transparancy only works w/ pil

   def _gridCenter(self, point):
      """to find the center of a bitMap dimensions an off by 1 error
      occurs in the standard case. a 1 shift must be applied"""
      return int(round((point * .5))) - 1 

   def _widthRound(self, width):
      """vector can hadle floating point widths
      here, round; if 0 or None, keep"""
      if width == 0 or width == None:
         return width
      width = int(round(width)) # vector may have fractional widths
      if width == 0: # .2, rounded down, for example
         width = 1
      return width 

   def gridText(self, x, y, anchor, msg, font='micro', fill='#ffffff', 
          kernBit=1, vertBit=None, xMult=1, yMult=1, 
          horizontal=1, charWrapWidth=None):
      """create bit map font; same method for Tk and PIL, as these use
      the bitmap method
      a postscript version of this actually uses fonts
      anchor can be: nw, ne, nc; sw, se, sc
      kernEqual = 0 # treat as equal spaced?
      vertBit = None # use default
      obj = fontLibrary.FontBitMap(msg, font, kernEqual, kernBit, vertBit, 
      gridData = obj.encode()
      xLen = len(gridData[0]) # get first row
      yLen = len(gridData)
      if anchor == 'nw': # default for most applications: uppr left
         xShift = 0
         yShift = 0
      elif anchor == 'ne': #
         xShift = -xLen
         yShift = 0
      elif anchor == 'nc': #
         xShift = -self._gridCenter(xLen)
         yShift = 0
      # vertical centering
      elif anchor == 'cw': #
         xShift = 0
         yShift = -self._gridCenter(yLen)
      elif anchor == 'ce': #
         xShift = -xLen
         yShift = -self._gridCenter(yLen)
      elif anchor == 'cc': #
         xShift = -self._gridCenter(xLen)
         yShift = -self._gridCenter(yLen)

      elif anchor == 'sw':
         xShift = 0
         yShift = -yLen + 1 # neg shift (reduce nw anchor by vert length)
      elif anchor == 'se':
         xShift = -xLen
         yShift = -yLen + 1
      elif anchor == 'sc':
         xShift = -self._gridCenter(xLen)
         yShift = -yLen + 1
      # move bitmap points (they assume a 'nw' origin'
      # with shift values calculated based on anchor points
      self.bitmap(x+xShift, y+yShift, gridData, fill) # bitmap method in child

   def rotate(self, degrees=90):
      pass # only PIL
   def write(self, filePath=None, openMedia=1):
      pass # PIL, PostScript

   def destroy(self):
      pass # only TK

class TkCanvas(_CanvasBase):

   def __init__(self, w, h, bg, name, master):
      if not TK:
         raise ImportError, 'Tkinter not loaded'
      _CanvasBase.__init__(self, w, h, bg, 'tk', name)
      if master == None:
         self.master = Tkinter.Tk()
         self.master = master
      # not sure this is needed = Tkinter.Toplevel() # create a top level?
      self.frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.master, width=self.w, height=self.h, bd=0,
                  , relief='flat')
      self.frame.pack(fill='both', pady=0, padx=0)
      # create base canvas
      self.c = Tkinter.Canvas(self.frame,, bd=0, width=self.w, 
               height=self.h, highlightthickness=0, 
               closeenough=1, confine=1)
      self.c.pack(fill='both', pady=0, padx=0) 

   def rectangle(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, outline, width=1):
      width = self._widthRound(width) # vector may have fractional widths
      # attempt to fix off by one error
      # this creates rectangles that better match PIL model
      self.c.create_rectangle(x1,y1,x2+1,y2+1, fill=fill, outline=outline, 

   def line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, width=1):
      width = self._widthRound(width) # vector may have fractional widths
      self.c.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=fill, width=width)

   def fontText(self, x, y, anchor, text, font, fill):
      """anchors supirted: 'nw', 'sw', 'ne', 'se'
      default is nw (upper left corner)
      self.c.create_text(x, y, text, font=font, fill=fill, anchor=anchor)

   def oval(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, outline, width=1):
      width = self._widthRound(width) # vector may have fractional widths
      self.c.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=fill, outline=outline, 

   def bitmap(self, xShift, yShift, gridData, color=None):
      """if color==None, use data value in grid data as color value
      note: drawing a pixel image is not uniform b/n tk implementations
      on win nothing resuls from equal points: must add a single point"""

      # get constant shift values
      if == 'mac': xBuf = 0
      elif == 'posix': xBuf = 0
      else: xBuf = 1 # win tk requires extra pixel 

      x = 0
      y = 0
      for row in gridData:
         for col in row:
            if color != None:
               if col == 0: # nothing here, and not a color value
                  colorUse = None # do not draw
               else: # if 1, binary but mapp
                  colorUse = color
            elif color == None: # color not given, use values
               colorUse = col
            if colorUse != None:
               self.c.create_line((xShift+x, yShift+y, xShift+x+xBuf, yShift+y),
                                fill=colorUse, width=1, capstyle="round")
               # capstyle may not be the same on differnt tks, must specify
            x = x + 1
         x = 0
         y = y + 1

   def show(self, dir=None, prefDict=None):
      """dir and prefDict do nothing here"""
      # may need to pack again?
      #frame.pack(expand=1, fill='both', pady=0, padx=0)
      geometryStr = "%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.w, self.h, 100, 100) # upLeft offset
      self.master.maxsize(width=self.w, height=self.h)
      self.master.minsize(width=self.w, height=self.h)
      self.master.resizable(width=0, height=0) # prohibit resizing
      # not calling these allows the window to be detached 
      # this should freeze the window

   def destroy(self):
      # might want to use self.frame instead?
      del self.master

class PilCanvas(_CanvasBase):
   def __init__(self, w, h, bg, name, transp, subFmt):
      _CanvasBase.__init__(self, w, h, bg, 'png', name, transp)
      self.subFmt = subFmt # may be 'jpg' or 'png'
      self.imageObj ="RGB", (self.w, self.h))
      self.c = ImageDraw.Draw(self.imageObj)
      # add background color if not None
      if == None or transp != None: pass
         self.c.rectangle((0,0,self.w, self.h),, outline=None)

   def rectangle(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, outline, width=1):
      width = self._widthRound(width) # vector may have fractional widths
      self.c.rectangle((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill=fill, outline=outline)
      if outline == None:
         width = 0
      if width > 1: # draw rectangles inside to create width on outline
         for i in range(1, width): # one pixel is laready drawin
            self.c.rectangle((x1+i, y1+i, x2-i, y2-i), 
                            fill=None, outline=outline)

   def line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, width=1):
      """lines in pil do not have a widht attribute, which forces
      drawing multiple lines to simulate width"""
      width = self._widthRound(width) # vector may have fractional widths
      if width == 1:
         self.c.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill=fill)
      elif width > 1: # even is drawn + 1 (down)
         #for i in range(1, width):
         for i in range(1, width):
            if x1 == x2: # its a vertical line
               self.c.line((x1+i, y1, x2+i, y2), fill=fill)
            elif y1 == y2: # its a vertical line
               self.c.line((x1, y1+i, x2, y2+i), fill=fill)
            else: # diagonal: draw a rectangle? this doesnt work well
               if i % 2 == 0: # of even
                  self.c.line((x1+i, y1, x2+i, y2), fill=fill)
               else: # odd
                  self.c.line((x1, y1+i, x2, y2+i), fill=fill)

   def fontText(self, x, y, anchor, text, font, fill):
      # default anchord position is 'ne' # position is upper right
      fontObj = ImageFont.load_default() # gets default font
      self.c.text((x, y), text, fill=fill, font=fontObj)

   def oval(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, outline, width=1):
      width = self._widthRound(width) # vector may have fractional widths
      self.c.ellipse((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill=fill, outline=outline)
      if outline == None:
         width = 0
      if width > 1:
         for i in range(1, width):
            self.c.ellipse((x1+i, y1+i, x2-i, y2-i), 
                            fill=None, outline=outline)

   def bitmap(self, xShift, yShift, gridData, color=None):
      """if color==None, use data value in grid data as color value"""
      x = 0
      y = 0
      for row in gridData:
         for col in row:
            if color != None:
               if col == 0: # nothing here, and not a color value
                  colorUse = None # do not draw
               else: # if 1, binary but mapp
                  colorUse = color
            elif color == None: # color not given, use values
               colorUse = col
            if colorUse != None:
               self.c.point((xShift+x, yShift+y), fill=colorUse)
            x = x + 1
         x = 0
         y = y + 1

   def rotate(self, angle=90):
      self.imageObj = self.imageObj.rotate(angle)
   def write(self, filePath=None, openMedia=1, prefDict=None):
      """transparency is stored at init"""
      #del self.c # not sure if this is necessary
      if filePath == None:
         ext = '.%s' % self.subFmt
         filePath = osTools.tempFile(ext) # jpg/png       
      if self.transp != None: # transparency not working, transparency=self.transp)
      else: #determine format from name
      if openMedia:
         osTools.openMedia(filePath, prefDict) #open for user
      self.filePath = filePath

   def show(self, dir=None, prefDict=None):
      """dir provides a directory to write a file w/ auto-gen name"""
      if dir != None: # get path
         ext = '.%s' % self.subFmt
         filePath = os.path.join(dir, osTools.tempFileName(ext))
         ext = '.%s' % self.subFmt
         filePath = osTools.tempFile(ext) # jpg/png       
      self.write(filePath, 1, prefDict)
      #if self.subFmt == 'jpg': # gets defaul pil format, which is jpeg
      # # used to use show, but sometimes fails
      #elif self.subFmt == 'png': # write a file
      #   self.write()

class EpsCanvas(_CanvasBase):
   """write a postscript vector graphics file"""
   def __init__(self, w, h, bg=None, name='untitled'):
      # increase size of w/h by to handle ob1 error
      _CanvasBase.__init__(self, w, h, bg, 'eps', name)
      self.title = name
      self.creator = 'athenaCL'
      self.forStr = 'athenaCL' = time.asctime(time.localtime())
      self.defIndex = 0
      # canvas as a list of strings; append 
      self.c = []
      # add background color if not None
      if == None: pass
      else: # will append to c
         self.rectangle(0,0,self.w, self.h,, None, 0)
   def _headStr(self):
      """the head string for an eps/ps file is very sensitive
      changing this can result in cropping or other strangness
      do not define page size or anything else"""
      msg = []
      msg.append('%!PS-Adobe-3.1 EPSF-3.0\n') # for eps
      # % image or page area: lower left x y: upper right x y % 
      msg.append('%%BoundingBox: ')
      # as LLx, LLy, URx, URy
      msg.append(" %s %s %s %s " % (0, 0, self.w, self.h))
%%Title: %s 
%%Creator: %s  
%%For: %s
%%CreationDate: %s 
/defaults save def
""" % (self.title, self.creator, self.forStr,
      return ''.join(msg)
   def _tailStr(self):
      """showpage actual prints ont pages
      returns a string: does not append to c"""
      msg = []
grestore showpage defaults restore
      return ''.join(msg)
   # conversion utilities
   def _convertCoordSquare(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
      """convert xy pairs to four points necessary for drawing
      assume xy pars are upper left, lower right
      but all measurements from ll, ur
      NOTE: there is an error in coordinates from lower left to upper right
      the sometimes are reversed (rotated 180 degrees)
      #assert y1 <= self.h
      #assert y2 <= self.h
      if y1 >= y2:
         yMin = y2
         yMax = y1
         yMin = y1
         yMax = y2
      # this was recently added; may cause errors...         
      if x1 >= x2:
         xMin = x2
         xMax = x1
         xMin = x1
         xMax = x2
      ll = (xMin, self.h - yMax) # lower left
      ul = (xMin, self.h - yMin) # upper left
      lr = (xMax, self.h - yMax) # lower right
      ur = (xMax, self.h - yMin) # upper right
      # return points measured from bottom
      return ll, ul, ur, lr

   def _convertCoordLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
      # using square conversion causes errors when points are specified
      # from lower left to upper right; need to just return the appropriate
      # sides
      ll, ul, ur, lr = self._convertCoordSquare(x1, y1, x2, y2)
      if y1 > y2 and x1 < x2: # lower left to upper right
         return ll, ur
      elif y1 > y2 and x1 > x2: # lower right to upper left
         return lr, ul
      elif y1 <= y2 and x1 >= x2: # upper right to lower left
         return ur, ll 
      else: # standard case: upper left to lower right
         return ul, lr

   def _convertCoordArc(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
      # find center point: add smaller size, plus half point
      x = x1 + ((x2 - x1) * .5)
      y = y1 + ((y2 - y1) * .5)
      # readius is simply mid-point: assume this is a circle
      radius = (x2 - x1) * .5 # assume its a circle
      # all points are the same
      ll, ul, ur, lr = self._convertCoordSquare(x, y, x, y)
      return ll[0], ll[1], radius
   def _getDefName(self):
      # get object def name
      strDef = 'obj%s' % self.defIndex     
      self.defIndex = self.defIndex + 1 # increment def index
      return strDef
   def rectangle(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=None, 
                 outline=None, width=1):
      """closepath: enclose shape, which can be filled
      grey's vary from 0 to 1 
      set color w/ "setrgbcolor
      gsave and grestone necessary to wrap all definitions from 
         global namespace
      rectangles, to correspond to bit-map coordds, will add 1 to x and y 
      # if x or y are equal, draw a line instead of a rectangle
      # give the line a 1 point width
#       if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2:
#          self.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, 1)
#          return None
#       elif x1 == x2 or y1 == y2:
#          self.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, 1)      
#          return None
      ll, ul, ur, lr = self._convertCoordSquare(x1, y1, x2+1, y2+1) 
      # convert coords                        
      if fill == None: strFill = ''
         r, g, b = HTMLColorToUnitRGB(fill)
         strFill = '%s %s %s setrgbcolor fill' % (r, g, b) 
      if outline == None: strOutline = ''
         r, g, b = HTMLColorToUnitRGB(outline)
         strOutline = '%s setlinewidth %s %s %s setrgbcolor stroke' % (width,
                        r, g, b)
      strDefName = self._getDefName() # get a unique def identifier      
      msg = []
/%s { newpath %s %s moveto %s %s lineto %s %s lineto %s %s lineto closepath gsave %s grestore gsave %s grestore} def """ % (strDefName, 
      ll[0], ll[1], ul[0], ul[1], ur[0], ur[1], lr[0], lr[1], 
      strFill, strOutline))
gsave %s 1 1 scale grestore
""" % strDefName)

   def line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, width=.5):
      # there may be an ob1 error as in rectangle here; but cant fix
      # as would make straight lines crooked...
      pairL, pairR = self._convertCoordLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) # convert coords                        
      if fill == None: fill = ''
         r, g, b = HTMLColorToUnitRGB(fill)
         # linecap 2 sets projecting caps, extending to width
         # this does not yet seem to work
         strFill = '%s setlinewidth 2 setlinecap %s %s %s setrgbcolor stroke'%( 
            width, r, g, b)
      strDefName = self._getDefName() # get a unique def identifier      
      msg = []
/%s { newpath %s %s moveto %s %s lineto closepath gsave %s grestore} def 
""" % (strDefName, 
      pairL[0], pairL[1], pairR[0], pairR[1], 
gsave %s 1 1 scale grestore
""" % strDefName)

   def _charFilter(self, usrStr):
      """replace characters in a usrStr w/ necssary escape chars"""
      msg = []
      for char in usrStr:
         if char in ['(', ')',]: # not sure if back-slash should be here
            msg.append('\%s' % char) # escape
      return ''.join(msg) 

   def fontText(self, x, y, anchor='nw', text='test', font=None,
      """vector font text defines 6 acnhors:
      nw, ne, nc; sw, se, sc"""
      # fontInfo = ('helvetica', 'R', 12)
      # for postscript, default anchor is 'sw'; need to translate

      # thought these were standard ps fonts: these do not seem to work for all
      # times-(roman/bold/italic/bolditalic)
      # helvetica-(bold/oblique/boldoblique)
      # courier-(bold/oblique/boldoblique)
      # symbol
      text = self._charFilter(text) # escape necessary characters      
      ll, ul, ur, lr = self._convertCoordSquare(x, y, x, y) # convert coords                        

      if font == None:
         fontFace = 'Times-Roman' 
         fontSize = '12' 
         # note: hyphenated font names do not work w/ eps
         # it may be that the style was not in the right case
         #if font[1] != None:
         #   fontFace = '%s-%s' % (font[0], font[1])
         fontFace = '%s' % font[0]
         fontSize = str(font[2])
      # find the fontHeight, not the same as fontSize
      # this is found experimentally w/ courier
      # want upper left corner of font
      fontHeight = round((int(fontSize) * .55), 1)
      # this adjustment should be added to vertical positon 
      # (shifted upward) to account for strange spacing, on
      x = ll[0]   
      y = ll[1]
      if fill == None:
         strFill = ''
         r, g, b = HTMLColorToUnitRGB(fill)
         strFill = '%s %s %s setrgbcolor' % (r, g, b)
      if anchor == 'sw': # default is lower left
         strMove = '%s %s moveto' % (x, y)
      elif anchor == 'se': # pop removes y coord
         strMove = '%s (%s) stringwidth pop sub %s moveto' % (
                              x, text, y)
      elif anchor == 'sc': # pop removes y coord
         strMove = '%s (%s) stringwidth pop 2 div sub %s moveto' % (
                              x, text, y)
      elif anchor == 'cw': 
         strMove = '%s %s %s 2 div sub moveto' % (
                              x, y, fontHeight)  
      elif anchor == 'ce': # pop removes y coord
         strMove = '%s (%s) stringwidth pop sub %s %s 2 div sub moveto' % (
                              x, text, y, fontHeight)
      elif anchor == 'cc': # pop removes y coord
         strMove = '%s (%s) stringwidth pop 2 div sub %s 2 div moveto' % (
                              x, text, fontHeight)                              
      elif anchor == 'nw': 
         strMove = '%s %s %s sub moveto' % (x, y, fontHeight)
      # first put x coord on stack, then measure, remove y, then subtract
      elif anchor == 'ne': # pop removes y coord
         strMove = '%s (%s) stringwidth pop sub %s %s sub moveto' % (
                              x, text, y, fontHeight)
      elif anchor == 'nc': 
         strMove = '%s (%s) stringwidth pop 2 div sub %s %s sub moveto' % (
                              x, text, y, fontHeight)                             
      msg = []
/%s findfont 
%s scalefont setfont 
(%s) show
""" % (fontFace, fontSize, strMove, strFill, text))
   def oval(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill, outline, width=1):
      xCenter, yCenter, radius = self._convertCoordArc(x1, y1, x2, y2)
      if fill == None: strFill = ''
         r, g, b = HTMLColorToUnitRGB(fill)
         strFill = '%s %s %s setrgbcolor fill' % (r, g, b) 
      if outline == None: strOutline = ''
         r, g, b = HTMLColorToUnitRGB(outline)
         strOutline = '%s setlinewidth %s %s %s setrgbcolor stroke' % (width,
                        r, g, b)
      strDefName = self._getDefName() # get a unique def identifier      
      msg = []
/%s { newpath %s %s %s %s %s arc closepath gsave %s grestore gsave %s grestore} def """ % (
      xCenter, yCenter, radius, 0, 360,
      strFill, strOutline))
gsave %s 1 1 scale grestore
""" % strDefName)

   def gridText(self, x, y, anchor='nw', msg='test', font='micro', 
            fill='#ffffff', kernBit=1,
            vertBit=None, xMult=1, yMult=1, horizontal=1, charWrapWidth=None):
      """over-ride this method to provide font support wihtout using 
      bitmap; get anchor from normal gridText calls"""      
      # there will be a size that fits similar to a real gridText
      if font == 'micro':
         # keep case
         fontSize = 7 * yMult
         fontInfo = ('Courier', 'bold', fontSize)
      elif font == 'macro': # make caps
         msg = msg.upper()
         fontSize = 14 * yMult
         fontInfo = ('Courier', 'bold', fontSize)
      # will append to self.c
      self.fontText(x, y, anchor, msg, fontInfo, fill)

#    alternative method; but does not work properly 
#    def bitmap(self, xShift, yShift, gridData, color=None):
#       """if color==None, use data value in grid data as color value
#       """
#       pairL, pairR = self._convertCoordLine(xShift, yShift, xShift, yShift) 
#       pixSize = 1
#       strDefName = self._getDefName() # get a unique def identifier      
#       msg = []
#       msg.append("""
# /%s %s %s translate %s %s scale { 1 1 1 [1 0 0 1 0 0] {<c936>} image } def 
# """ % (strDefName, pairL[0], pairL[1], pixSize, pixSize)
#       )
#       msg.append("""
# gsave %s 1 1 scale grestore
# """ % strDefName)
#       self.c.append(''.join(msg))

   def bitmap(self, xShift, yShift, gridData, color=None):
      """this method draws rectangle for every bit; this works but is
      very slow"""
      x = 0
      y = 0
      for row in gridData:
         for col in row:
            if color != None:
               if col == 0: # nothing here, and not a color value
                  colorUse = None # do not draw
               else: # if 1, binary but mapp
                  colorUse = color
            elif color == None: # color not given, use values
               colorUse = col
            if colorUse != None:
               self.rectangle(xShift+x, yShift+y, xShift+x, yShift+y,
                               colorUse, None, 0)
               # capstyle may not be the same on differnt tks, must specify
            x = x + 1
         x = 0
         y = y + 1
   def write(self, filePath=None, openMedia=1, prefDict=None):
      if filePath == None:
         filePath = osTools.tempFile('.eps')            
      f = open(filePath, 'w')
      f.writelines(''.join(self.c) + self._tailStr())
      if openMedia:
         osTools.openMedia(filePath, prefDict)         
      self.filePath = filePath

   def show(self, dir=None, prefDict=None):
      """show action is to write file"""
      if dir != None: # get path
         ext = '.eps'
         filePath = os.path.join(dir, osTools.tempFileName(ext))
         filePath = osTools.tempFile('.eps') # jpg/png    
      self.write(filePath, 1, prefDict)

# factory returns an object
def Canvas(fmt, w, h, bg='#000000', name='image', master=None, transp=None):
   # this needs to be changed: jpg, png 
   if fmt in ['jpg','png']:
      obj = PilCanvas(w, h, bg, name, transp, fmt)
   elif fmt == 'tk':
      obj = TkCanvas(w, h, bg, name, master)
   elif fmt == 'eps':
      obj = EpsCanvas(w, h, bg, name)
      raise ValueError, 'bad canvas format type: %s' % fmt
   return obj

class ProcessGraphCoordData:
   """process data into a bit map data format
   assumes that data is set of numerical coordinants
   designed to process multiple streams of data, w/ same rez
   finds all real-world values w/n an integer space"""

   def __init__(self, dataLib=None, xRez=100, yRez=100, 
                      dataSigDig=(2,2), axisSigDig=(0,0),):
      """dataLib is a dictionary of (x,y) coordinants
      key is symbol to be used, value is a list of coords
      max and min are calculated based on data
      dataLib may contain four coords: (x,y,x,y) for rectangular segments
      self.xRez = xRez
      self.yRez = yRez
      self.dataSigDig = dataSigDig
      self.axisSigDig = axisSigDig
      if dataLib != None:
         self.dataLib = dataLib
      else: # generate a random dataLib
         self.dataLib = {}
         self.dataLib[1] = []
         for x in range(1, 101): # fill w/ random values
            #self.dataLib[1].append((x, random.random()))
            self.dataLib[1].append((x, x, x+3, x))
      # check if these are 4-point coords
      if len(self.dataLib[1][0]) == 4:
         self.dataMode = 'line' # two coords
         self.dataMode = 'point' # one coord

   def _findRange(self):
      """find min, max x values
      check the data for anything that we cannot process
      like strings...
      self.xRangeLib = {}
      self.yRangeLib = {}
      for key in self.dataLib.keys():
         xMax = self.dataLib[key][0][0] # seed w/ values from data
         xMin = self.dataLib[key][0][0]
         yMax = self.dataLib[key][0][1]
         yMin = self.dataLib[key][0][1]         
         if self.dataMode == 'point':
            allPointList = self.dataLib[key]
         elif self.dataMode == 'line':
            allPointList = []
            for x, y, p, q in self.dataLib[key]:
               allPointList.append((x,y)) # stack all pairs of coords
            raise ValueError
         for x, y in allPointList:
            if x >= xMax: xMax = x
            if x <= xMin: xMin = x
            if y >= yMax: yMax = y
            if y <= yMin: yMin = y
         # special case for constant values
         if xMax == xMin: # if the same
            xMax = xMax + 1
            xMin = xMin - 1
         if yMax == yMin: # if the same
            yMax = yMax + 1
            yMin = yMin - 1
         self.xRangeLib[key] = (xMin, xMax)
         self.yRangeLib[key] = (yMin, yMax)              

   def _genAxis(self, min, max, steps, side):
      """reverses y axis, so returns from largest to smallest
      seems to be bug here, as max has to be manually added; is not
      reached through increment addition
      float axis values must have higher specificity than sigDig"""
      axis = []
      if side == 'x':
         sigDig = self.axisSigDig[0]
      elif side == 'y':
         sigDig = self.axisSigDig[1]
      if sigDig != 0:
         if drawer.isInt(min): rMin = min
         else: rMin = round(min, sigDig)
         if drawer.isInt(max): rMax = max         
         else: rMax = round(max, sigDig)
      else: # make into an int
         if not drawer.isInt(min):
            rMin = int(round(min, sigDig))
         else: rMin = min
         if not drawer.isInt(max):
            rMax = int(round(max, sigDig))
         else: rMax = max

      incRaw = float(abs(rMax - rMin)) / (steps)
      if sigDig != 0:
         inc = round(incRaw, sigDig+4) # add extra resolution
         inc = int(round(incRaw, sigDig))

      axis.append(rMin) # add first
      i = copy.copy(rMin)
      for x in range(1, steps-1): # first already added, last to be added
         i = i + inc
      axis.append(rMax) # add first

      if side == 'y': # y should go from higher to lower
      #print _MOD, min, max, rMin, rMax, axis, len(axis)
      return axis

   def _findAxis(self):
      self.xAxisLib = {}
      self.yAxisLib = {}
      for key in self.dataLib.keys():
         self.xAxisLib[key] = self._genAxis(self.xRangeLib[key][0], 
                              self.xRangeLib[key][1], self.xRez, 'x')
         self.yAxisLib[key] = self._genAxis(self.yRangeLib[key][0], 
                              self.yRangeLib[key][1], self.yRez, 'y')

   def _findIndexInAxis(self, axis, value, side):
      """given an axis, value, and side, determine which point
      on the axis the value should be assigned to
      axis are already rounded"""
      # round value w/ data from sigDig local attribute
      # for sig dig, x is 0, y is 1
      if side == 'x':
         value = round(value, self.dataSigDig[0])
      elif side == 'y':
         value = round(value, self.dataSigDig[1])
         raise ValueError

      for i in range(0, len(axis)):
         if side == 'x':
            if value == axis[i]:
               return i
            elif i >= len(axis) - 1: # the last point of axis
               return i
            elif value > axis[i] and value < axis[i+1]:
               lower = abs(value - axis[i])
               upper = abs(value - axis[i+1])
               if lower < upper: # closer to lower:
                  return i
               elif upper < lower: # closer to upper
                  return i + 1
               elif upper == lower: # equal?
                  return i # round to lower?
               else: print _MOD, 'x error'
         elif side == 'y': # greater to lesser values
            if value == axis[i]:
               return i
            elif i >= len(axis) - 1: # the last point of axis
               return i
            elif value < axis[i] and value > axis[i+1]:
               lower = abs(value - axis[i])
               upper = abs(value - axis[i+1])
               if lower < upper: # closer to lower:
                  return i
               elif upper < lower: # closer to upper
                  return i + 1
               elif upper == lower: # equal?
                  return i # round to lower?
               else: print _MOD, 'y error'

   def _findPlot(self):
      """create a bit map based on resolution
      this used to store a double array of e entire but map
      now this converts the floating point values into integer values
      within the defined resultion
      these values are stored in self.plotLib; provide additional
      method to get values out in old format"""
      self.plotLib = [] # used to be a dictionary
      # each key represents a color/symbol/fill-pattern group
      for key in self.dataLib.keys():
         for data in self.dataLib[key]:
            if self.dataMode == 'point':
               x, y = data
               # determine which axis position this point is closer to?
               xPos = self._findIndexInAxis(self.xAxisLib[key], x, 'x')
               yPos = self._findIndexInAxis(self.yAxisLib[key], y, 'y')
               #self.plotLib[key][yPos][xPos] = key # key is symbol in this pos
               self.plotLib.append((key, xPos, yPos))
               #print _MOD, x, y, xSig, ySig, xPos, yPos
            elif self.dataMode == 'line':
               x1, y1, x2, y2 = data
               x1Pos = self._findIndexInAxis(self.xAxisLib[key], x1, 'x')
               y1Pos = self._findIndexInAxis(self.yAxisLib[key], y1, 'y')
               x2Pos = self._findIndexInAxis(self.xAxisLib[key], x2, 'x')
               y2Pos = self._findIndexInAxis(self.yAxisLib[key], y2, 'y')
               #self.plotLib[key][yPos][xPos] = key # key is symbol in this pos
               self.plotLib.append((key, x1Pos, y1Pos, x2Pos, y2Pos))
               raise ValueError
   def getBitLib(self):
      """after calling _findPlt aboive, this method will convert self.plotLib
      into an old format bit-map, a list of nested lists, w/ each value in 
      the list being the integer value of the necessary key/fromat/colo 
      this may be very inefficient; only use if abs necessary
      self.bitLib = {} # this is like the old plotLib format
      # build empty double array
      for key in self.dataLib.keys():
         self.bitLib[key] = []
         for y in range(self.yRez): # replace w/ array?
            row = array.array('i')
            for x in range(self.xRez):
               row.append(0) # fill with zeros
      # fill w/ key, non-zero values
      for data in self.plotLib: # plotLib is a list now
         if self.dataMode == 'point':
            key, x, y = data
            # y comes before x because of nested lists
            self.bitLib[key][y][x] = key
         elif self.dataMode == 'line': # this is likely not used for line graphs
            # connect points b/n lines
            key, x1, y1, x2, y2 = data
            # just store first point
            self.bitLib[key][y1][x1] = key
            raise ValueError
      #print self.bitLib
      return self.bitLib
   def getPlotLib(self):
      """plotlib is a raw data point value list
      leading values are id symbols (ints0
      than any number of xy pairs"""
      return self.plotLib
   def keys(self):
      return self.dataLib.keys()
   def gridKey(self, key, side='x', lines=3):
      """returns a grid key for this axis
      lines are number of lines, not number of spaces
      NOT reversed for y axis"""
      if side == 'y':
         axis = self.yAxisLib[key]
         axis = self.xAxisLib[key]
      gridKey = [0] * len(axis)
      partitions = lines + 1
      step = int(round((len(axis) / float(partitions)), 0))
      pos = 0
      for i in range(0, lines): # always one less
         pos = pos + step
         #print _MOD, pos, i, lines, len(gridKey)
         if pos < len(gridKey):
            gridKey[pos] = 1 # indicate grid line w/ 1
            #print _MOD, 'grid (%s:%s) line out of range' % (side, lines)
      if side == 'y':
         gridKey.reverse() # must reverse y axis
      return gridKey

   def unitKey(self, key, side, gridKey, forceExtreme='min'):
      """uses grid key to get a unit key (label each grid)
      fore range adds first and last values
      axis values are not rounded; need to be for units"""
      if side == 'x':
         sigDig = self.axisSigDig[0]
      elif side == 'y':
         sigDig = self.axisSigDig[1]

      if side == 'y':
         axis = self.yAxisLib[key] # alrady reversed
         axis = self.xAxisLib[key]
      unitKey = [None] * len(axis)
      for i in range(0, len(axis)):
         if gridKey[i] > 0: # if grid active
            if sigDig != 0:
               unitKey[i] = round(axis[i], sigDig)
               unitKey[i] = int(round(axis[i], sigDig))
      if side == 'x':
         if forceExtreme in ['min', 'range']:
            if sigDig != 0:
               unitKey[0] = round(axis[0], sigDig)
               unitKey[0] = int(round(axis[0], sigDig))
         if forceExtreme in ['max','range']:
            j = len(axis) - 1 # last value
            if sigDig != 0:
               unitKey[j] = round(axis[j], sigDig)
               unitKey[j] = int(round(axis[j], sigDig))
      if side == 'y':
         if forceExtreme in ['min', 'range']:
            j = len(axis) - 1 # last value
            if sigDig != 0:
               unitKey[j] = round(axis[j], sigDig)
               unitKey[j] = int(round(axis[j], sigDig))
         if forceExtreme in ['max','range']:
            if sigDig != 0:
               unitKey[0] = round(axis[0], sigDig)
               unitKey[0] = int(round(axis[0], sigDig))
      return unitKey

   def __call__(self):

class _GraphBase:
   def __init__(self, xRez, yRez, plotLib, origin=(0,0)):
      """canvas is only provided through update method
      only call update once after setting parameters
      xRez and yRez are integer resolution sizes (w/h of a bit map)
      plotLib is a list of points, each a list: key, x, y, x, y
      # self.bitData
      self.plotLib = plotLib
      self.xRez = xRez
      self.yRez = yRez
      self.xOrigin, self.yOrigin = origin
      self.master = None
      # cells must be an odd number (so that there is a center
      self.wIcon = 9
      self.hIcon = 9
      # widht of horizontal and vertical margins
      # applied to one side
      self.wIconGutter = 18
      self.hIconGutter = 18

      self.lMargin = 40 # left
      self.rMargin = 2   # right
      self.tMargin = 2   # top   
      self.bMargin = 40  # bottom

      #grid binary key for each angle: determines if grid line is drawn
      # may want to add other symbols for variation
      self.rowGridKey = [0,1,1]
      self.colGridKey = [0,1,0,1]

      #ticks extend into margin, separate color
      # value determines length
      # NB: problem w/ 1 pixel horizontal ticks
      self.lTickKey = [1,5,2]   # left
      self.rTickKey = [2,1] # right
      self.tTickKey = [2,1,2,0] # top 
      self.bTickKey = [3,1,1,4] # bottom

      # give string for each necessary unit marker
      # None translated to no unit
      self.colUnitKey = ['a', 'b', 'c', None, 3, 4, 5]
      self.rowUnitKey = ['a', 'b', 'c', None, 3, 4, 5]
      self.unitGutter = 2 # pixel spacing from tick mark, or edge if none

      # labels for x y axis
      self.xLabel = 'events'
      self.yLabel = 'db'
      self.labelGutter = 6 # pixels spaciing from unit gutter +tick

      # colors
      self.colorBkg    = '#000000'
      self.colorGrid   = '#000033'
      self.colorTick   = '#CC6600'
      self.colorMargin = '#333333'
      self.colorUnits  = '#333399'
      self.colorLabel  = '#000000'
      self.colorTitle  = '#333333'

      self.bitColorDict = {1 : '#336633',
                           2 : '#003366',
                           3 : '#003366', }
      self.transp = None # transparancy default off, passed to canvas
      # stores methods for drawing icons
      self.bitDict = {}

      self.font = 'micro'
      self.kernEqual = 0
      self.kernBit = 1
      self.title = ''
      self.titlePos = 'bl' # pick a corner, bottom left here
      self.titleGutterVert = 2 # pix from vertical edges
      self.titleGutterHorz = 2 # pix from horiz edges
      # update values
      # self.update(canvas)

   def update(self, canvas='png'):
      """ canvas can be an object or format string
      update all calculated size values
      regenerates Canvas, and this bkg color and self.tranp make a dif
      must be done manually from out side object after loading all necessary
      data formats
      if canvas is == None, does not create a canvas, just calc values"""
      # size of data
      self.graphCol = self.xRez
      self.graphRow = self.yRez
      # width of graph = icon width, and margins plus 1
      self.wGraph = ((self.wIcon * self.graphCol) + 
                     (self.wIconGutter * (self.graphCol + 1)))
      self.hGraph = ((self.hIcon * self.graphRow) + 
                     (self.hIconGutter * (self.graphRow + 1)))
      #print _MOD, self.wGraph, self.hGraph, self.graphCol, self.graphRow
      self.wTotal = self.wGraph + (self.lMargin + self.rMargin)
      self.hTotal = self.hGraph + (self.tMargin + self.bMargin)
      # create canvas if given a string, othewise use existing canvas
      if drawer.isStr(canvas): # its a format string
         self.fmt = canvas
         self.canvas = Canvas(self.fmt, self.wTotal, self.hTotal, 
                       self.colorBkg, 'graph', self.master, self.transp)
      elif canvas != None: # its canvas already
         self.fmt = canvas.fmt
         self.canvas = canvas
      else: # used only to calculate size
         self.canvas = None
      # upper left corner of where graph starts
      self.graphOrigin = (self.xOrigin+self.lMargin, self.yOrigin+self.tMargin)

      if self.canvas != None:
         self.canvas.rectangle(self.xOrigin, self.yOrigin, 
                    self.xOrigin+self.wTotal-1, self.yOrigin+self.hTotal-1,
                    self.colorBkg, None)
      # create dumy char to measure size
      obj = fontLibrary.FontBitMap('a', self.font)
      self.wFont = obj.wFont
      self.hFont = obj.hFont

   def destroy(self):
      """useful for tk windows only"""
      del self.canvas

   def setIconSize(self, wIcon, hIcon, wIconGutter, hIconGutter):
      # reinit w/ the format string, not w/ the canvas
      self.wIcon = wIcon
      self.hIcon = hIcon
      self.wIconGutter = wIconGutter
      self.hIconGutter = hIconGutter

   def setMargin(self, lMargin, rMargin, tMargin, bMargin):
      self.lMargin = lMargin
      self.rMargin = rMargin
      self.tMargin = tMargin
      self.bMargin = bMargin

   def setLabel(self, xLabel, yLabel, labelGutter):
      self.xLabel = xLabel
      self.yLabel = yLabel
      self.labelGutter = labelGutter # must include any unit size

   def setGrid(self, rowGridKey, colGridKey, rowUnitKey, colUnitKey):
      self.rowGridKey = rowGridKey
      self.colGridKey = colGridKey
      self.rowUnitKey = rowUnitKey
      self.colUnitKey = colUnitKey

   def setTitle(self, title, titlePos='br', 
                titleGutterVert=2, titleGutterHorz=None):
      self.title = title
      self.titlePos = titlePos
      self.titleGutterVert = titleGutterVert
      if titleGutterHorz != None:
         self.titleGutterHorz = titleGutterHorz
      else: # make same as vert
         self.titleGutterHorz = titleGutterVert
      # no update necessary

   def setColors(self, bkg, grid, tick, margin, units, label, title,
      self.colorBkg = bkg
      self.colorGrid = grid
      self.colorTick = tick
      self.colorMargin = margin
      self.colorUnits = units
      self.colorLabel = label
      self.colorTitle = title
      self.bitColorDict = bitColorDict
      # no update necessary

   def _iconA(self, args):
      # x and y do not include margin; are icon's upper left and right corner
      # if x1 == x2, this is a width of 1 (in a bit map relm)
      x, y = args
      if self.hIcon == 1: # draw a line
         self.canvas.rectangle(x, y, x+self.wIcon-1, y,
                            self.bitColorDict[1], None, 0)
         #self.canvas.line(x, y, x+self.wIcon, y, color, None, 1)
         self.canvas.rectangle(x, y, x+self.wIcon-1, y+self.hIcon-1,
                            self.bitColorDict[1], None, 0)
   def _iconB(self, args):
      x, y = args
      self.canvas.rectangle(x, y, x+self.wIcon-1, y+self.hIcon-1,
                            self.bitColorDict[2], None, 1)
   def _iconC(self, args):
      x, y = args
      self.canvas.rectangle(x, y, x+self.wIcon-1, y+self.hIcon-1,
                            self.bitColorDict[3], None, 0)
   def _updateBitDict(self):
      self.bitDict = {1 : '_iconA',
                      2 : '_iconB',
                      3 : '_iconC',
                     } # map integers to icon methods

   def _drawMargin(self):
      # draw top
      if self.tMargin != 0:
         self.canvas.rectangle(self.xOrigin, self.yOrigin, 
                   self.wTotal+self.xOrigin-1, self.yOrigin+self.tMargin-1, 
                   self.colorMargin, None, 0)
      # draw left
      if self.lMargin != 0:
         self.canvas.rectangle(self.xOrigin, self.yOrigin,
                    self.xOrigin+self.lMargin-1, self.yOrigin+self.hTotal-1, 
                    self.colorMargin, None, 0)
      # draw right
      if self.rMargin != 0:
                     self.wTotal+self.xOrigin-1, self.yOrigin+self.hTotal-1, 
                     self.colorMargin, None, 0)
      # draw bottom
      if self.bMargin != 0:
                   self.wTotal+self.xOrigin-1, self.hTotal+self.yOrigin-1, 
                   self.colorMargin, None, 0)

   def _yGraphPosList(self):
      """gets a list of all necessary graph positions
      these are absoult points based on origin values
      gets real x/y points as integers?"""
      points = []
      x = copy.copy(self.graphOrigin[0])
      y = copy.copy(self.graphOrigin[1])
      i = 0
      for row in range(self.yRez):
         y = y + self.hIconGutter # upper left of icon
         yPos = y + (self.hIcon/2) # center of icon
         points.append((x, y, yPos, i)) # add data
         # incr data
         y = y + self.hIcon
         i = i + 1
      return points

   def _xGraphPosList(self):
      """gets a list of all necessary graph positions
      values are in pixels"""
      points = []
      x = copy.copy(self.graphOrigin[0])
      y = copy.copy(self.graphOrigin[1])
      j = 0
      for col in range(self.xRez): # read col events from first row of data
         x = x + self.wIconGutter
         xPos = x + (self.wIcon/2)
         points.append((x, y, xPos, j)) # add data
         # incr data
         x = x + self.wIcon
         j = j + 1 # j is an index of values
      #print _MOD, 'xGraphPosList', points
      return points

   def _drawGrid(self):
      """to deal with error, add to length of horizontal grid"""
      if self.rowGridKey != []:
         for x, y, yPos, i in self._yGraphPosList():
            if self.rowGridKey[i % len(self.rowGridKey)] != 0:
               # x was reduced by one to account for some error
               # this introduced another off by one error in the vector version
               # not backgrounded to try to remove problems
               self.canvas.line(x, yPos, x+self.wGraph, yPos, self.colorGrid)
               #self.canvas.line(x-1, yPos, x+self.wGraph, 
               #                yPos, self.colorGrid)
      if self.colGridKey != []:
         for x, y, xPos, j in self._xGraphPosList():
            if self.colGridKey[j % len(self.colGridKey)] != 0: 
               # pre vector version
               self.canvas.line(xPos, y, xPos, y+self.hGraph, self.colorGrid)
               #self.canvas.line(xPos, y-1, xPos, y+self.hGraph, self.colorGrid)

   def _drawTick(self):
      for x, y, yPos, i in self._yGraphPosList():
         # do left
         if self.lTickKey != []: # not empty
            pix = self.lTickKey[i % len(self.lTickKey)]
            if pix != 0:
               self.canvas.line(x-pix, yPos, 
                                x-1, yPos, self.colorTick)
         # do right
         if self.rTickKey != []: # not empty
            pix = self.rTickKey[i % len(self.rTickKey)]
            if pix != 0:
               self.canvas.line(x+self.wGraph, yPos, 
                          x+self.wGraph+pix-1, yPos, self.colorTick)

      for x, y, xPos, j in self._xGraphPosList():
         # do bottom
         if self.bTickKey != []: # not empty
            pix =  self.bTickKey[j % len(self.bTickKey)]
            if pix != 0:   
               self.canvas.line(xPos, y + self.hGraph, 
                                xPos, y + self.hGraph + pix, self.colorTick)
         # do top
         if self.tTickKey != []: # not empty
            pix = self.tTickKey[j % len(self.tTickKey)]
            if pix != 0:   
               self.canvas.line(xPos, y-pix, 
                                xPos, y, self.colorTick)

   def _getUnitGutter(self, side):
      if side in ['col', 'b', 'x']:
         tick = self.bTickKey
      elif side in ['row', 'l', 'y']:
         tick = self.lTickKey
      max = 0
      for pix in tick:
         if pix >= max:
            max = pix
      return max + self.unitGutter

   def _drawUnits(self):
      """draw units on grid line spacings
      rowGutter = self._getUnitGutter('row')
      colGutter = self._getUnitGutter('col')
      #self.yUnitMaxShift = 0
      self.yUnitOuterIndex = self.yRez #len(self.bitData)
      if self.rowUnitKey != []:
         for x, y, yPos, i in self._yGraphPosList():
            char = self.rowUnitKey[i % len(self.rowUnitKey)]
            if char != None: # should be 'ce'
               self.canvas.gridText(x-rowGutter, yPos, 'ce', str(char), 
                  self.font, self.colorUnits, self.kernBit)
               if i <= self.yUnitOuterIndex:
                  self.yUnitOuterIndex = i
      #self.xUnitMaxShift = 0
      self.xUnitOuterIndex = 0
      if self.colUnitKey != []:
         for x, y, xPos, j in self._xGraphPosList():
            char = self.colUnitKey[j % len(self.colUnitKey)]
            if char != None:  
               self.canvas.gridText(xPos, y+self.hGraph+colGutter, 'nc', 
                  str(char), self.font, self.colorUnits, self.kernBit)
               if j >= self.xUnitOuterIndex:
                  self.xUnitOuterIndex = j

   def _getLabelGutter(self, side):
      if side == 'col' or side == 'b' or side == 'x':
         tick = self.bTickKey
         #fontShift = self.hFont # need only char height here
      elif side == 'row' or side == 'l' or side == 'y':
         tick = self.lTickKey
         #fontShift = self.yUnitMaxShift # need max word length, not char
      max = 0 # get tick size
      for pix in tick:
         if pix >= max:
            max = pix
      return max + self.unitGutter + self.labelGutter #+ fontShift

   def _drawLabels(self):
      # these values may no be incorrect; double check
      rowGutter = self._getLabelGutter('row')
      colGutter = self._getLabelGutter('col')      
      if self.yLabel != '':
         for x, y, yPos, i in self._yGraphPosList():
            if i == self.yUnitOuterIndex: # 0 gets first first
               # used to be center of y; now use north anchor
               self.canvas.gridText(x-rowGutter, yPos, 'ce', self.yLabel, 
                  self.font, self.colorLabel, self.kernBit)
      if self.xLabel != '':
         for x, y, xPos, j in self._xGraphPosList():
            if j == self.xUnitOuterIndex: #len(self.bitData[0]) - 1: # 
               self.canvas.gridText(xPos, y+self.hGraph+colGutter,
                  'ne', self.xLabel, self.font, self.colorLabel, self.kernBit)

   def _drawTitle(self):
      if self.title == '': return None # bail   
      x = copy.copy(self.xOrigin)
      y = copy.copy(self.yOrigin)
      xPos = x
      yPos = y
      # can be 'bl' or 'rt' or the like
      if 'b' in self.titlePos:
         #yPos = y + self.hTotal - hText - self.titleGutterVert
         yPos = (y + self.hTotal) - self.titleGutterVert
         anchorVertical = 's'
      if 'l' in self.titlePos:
         xPos = x + self.titleGutterHorz
         anchorHorizontal = 'w'
      if 'r' in self.titlePos:
         #xPos = x + self.wTotal - (wText + self.titleGutterHorz)
         xPos = x + self.wTotal - self.titleGutterHorz
         anchorHorizontal = 'e'
      if 't' in self.titlePos:
         #yPos = y + hText + self.titleGutterVert
         yPos = y + self.titleGutterVert
         anchorVertical = 'n'
      anchor = anchorVertical + anchorHorizontal # combine anchor notation
      self.canvas.gridText(xPos, yPos, anchor, self.title, 
         self.font, self.colorTitle, self.kernBit)
      #self.canvas.bitmap(xPos, yPos, gridData, self.colorTitle)

   def _xGridToPixel(self, xRaw):
      """returns upper left corner for an integer grid bit map
      translated into pixel positions"""
      # always a margin (at 0) so add 1
      # no width at zero, so leave as is
      x = (self.graphOrigin[0] + ((xRaw + 1) * self.wIconGutter) +
           (xRaw * self.wIcon))
      return x

   def _yGridToPixel(self, yRaw):
      """returns upper left corner for an integer grid bit map
      translated into pixel positions"""
      # always a margin (at 0) so add 1
      # no width at zero, so leave as is
      y = (self.graphOrigin[1] + ((yRaw + 1) * self.hIconGutter) +
           (yRaw * self.hIcon))
      return y

# old version did things in order
#    def _drawIcon(self):
#       """draw each icon
#       point based to icon method is the upper left point"""
#       x = copy.copy(self.graphOrigin[0])
#       y = copy.copy(self.graphOrigin[1])
#       for row in self.bitData:
#          y = y + self.hIconGutter
#          for col in row:
#             x = x + self.wIconGutter
#             if col != 0:
#                meth = getattr(self, self.bitDict[col])
#                meth((x, y))
#             x = x + self.wIcon
#          # reset x
#          x = copy.copy(self.graphOrigin[0])
#          # add horizontal 
#          y = y + self.hIcon

   def _drawIcon(self):
      """alternative method: just look at data points, calc shift and pos"""
      for data in self.plotLib:
         if len(data) == 3:
            # three element data points are used for point graphs
            key, xRaw, yRaw = data # these are raw data points, starting from 0
            x = self._xGridToPixel(xRaw)
            y = self._yGridToPixel(yRaw)
            args = (x,y)
         elif len(data) == 5: 
            # 5 element args used for bar graphs
            key, x1Raw, y1Raw, x2Raw, y2Raw = data 
            x1 = self._xGridToPixel(x1Raw)
            y1 = self._yGridToPixel(y1Raw)
            x2 = self._xGridToPixel(x2Raw)
            y2 = self._yGridToPixel(y2Raw)

            # use raw integer x values to get widht, tn convert to pixel
            widthStep = x2Raw-x1Raw # number of 'cells' to span 
            width = ((widthStep * self.wIcon) + 
                    ((widthStep+1) * self.wIconGutter)) # one more gutter  
            args = (x1, y1, x1+width, y1)
         meth = getattr(self, self.bitDict[key])

   def draw(self):
      self._drawGrid() # covers horizontal error introduced for vector version

   def show(self, dir=None, prefDict=None):
      """some canvases use show to write files; a dir can be provided
      to use w/ automatically generated files names""", prefDict)

   def write(self, filePath=None):
      """Saves the Image; .png and .jpg both work; format based on extensions
      None automatically gets a temp file name"""
      self.filePath = self.canvas.filePath # get from lower canvas

class NumericalPointGraph(_GraphBase):
   """this graph is designed for points on a lone
   it assumes a fixed icon size
   this graph is used for TImap and TPmap displays"""
   def __init__(self, dataObj=None, origin=(0,0)):
      groupKey = dataObj.keys()[0] # take first key, will be 1
      # graph base wants a bit-map of enter data to be written
      _GraphBase.__init__(self, dataObj.xRez, dataObj.yRez, 
                          dataObj.getPlotLib(), origin)
      # set preferences

      # cells must be an odd number (so that there is a center
      self.wIcon = 3
      self.hIcon = 3
      # widht of horizontal and vertical margins
      # applied to one sides
      self.wIconGutter = 0
      self.hIconGutter = 0

      self.lMargin = 60 # left
      self.rMargin = 1   # right
      self.tMargin = 1   # top   
      self.bMargin = 60  # bottom

      #grid binary key for each angle: determines if grid line is drawn
      # may want to add other symbols for variation
      self.rowGridKey = dataObj.gridKey(groupKey, 'y', 8)
      self.colGridKey = dataObj.gridKey(groupKey, 'x', 8)

      #ticks extend into margin, separate color
      # value determines length
      # NB: problem w/ 1 pixel horizontal ticks
      self.lTickKey = []   # left
      self.rTickKey = [] # right
      self.tTickKey = [] # top 
      self.bTickKey = [] # bottom

      # give string for each necessary unit marker
      # None translated to no unit
      self.rowUnitKey = dataObj.unitKey(groupKey, 'y', self.rowGridKey)
      self.colUnitKey = dataObj.unitKey(groupKey, 'x', self.colGridKey)
      self.unitGutter = 2 # pixel spacing from tick mark, or edge if none

      # labels for x y axis
      self.xLabel = 'x'
      self.yLabel = 'y'
      self.labelGutter = 4 # pixels spaciing from unit+tick

      # colors
      self.colorBkg  = '#000000'
      self.colorGrid = '#333333'
      self.colorTick = "#CC6600"
      self.colorMargin = '#333333'
      self.colorUnits  = '#333399'
      self.colorLabel  = '#000000'
      self.bitColorDict = {1 : '#aaaaaa',}

      # update calculated values

   def _iconA(self, args):
      x, y = args
      # x and y do not include margin; are icon's upper left and right corner
      self.canvas.rectangle(x, y, x+self.wIcon-1, y+self.hIcon-1,
                            self.bitColorDict[1], None, 0)

   def _iconB(self, args):
      x, y = args
      # x and y do not include margin; are icon's upper left and right corner
      self.canvas.rectangle(x, y, x+self.wIcon-1, y+self.hIcon-1,
                            self.bitColorDict[2], None, 0)

   def _updateBitDict(self):
      self.bitDict = {1 : '_iconA',
                      2 : '_iconB',
                     } # map integers to icon methods

class NumericalBarGraph(_GraphBase):
   """this graph is designed for points on a lone
   it assumes a fixed icon size
   this graph is used for TImap and TPmap displays
   dataObj is a raw dictionary of values organized by symbol (all are 1 for 
   now; may be real-value x,y pairs or x,y,x,y quads"""
   def __init__(self, dataObj=None, origin=(0,0)):
      groupKey = dataObj.keys()[0] # take first key, will be 1
      # will assign self.plotLib
      _GraphBase.__init__(self, dataObj.xRez, dataObj.yRez, 
                          dataObj.getPlotLib(), origin)
      # set preferences

      # cells must be an odd number (so that there is a center
      self.wIcon = 3 # used for relative grid size
      self.hIcon = 3
      # widht of horizontal and vertical margins
      # applied to one sides
      self.wIconGutter = 0
      self.hIconGutter = 0

      self.lMargin = 60 # left
      self.rMargin = 1   # right
      self.tMargin = 1   # top   
      self.bMargin = 60  # bottom

      #grid binary key for each angle: determines if grid line is drawn
      # may want to add other symbols for variation
      self.rowGridKey = dataObj.gridKey(groupKey, 'y', 8)
      self.colGridKey = dataObj.gridKey(groupKey, 'x', 8)

      #ticks extend into margin, separate color
      # value determines length
      # NB: problem w/ 1 pixel horizontal ticks
      self.lTickKey = []   # left
      self.rTickKey = [] # right
      self.tTickKey = [] # top 
      self.bTickKey = [] # bottom

      # give string for each necessary unit marker
      # None translated to no unit
      self.rowUnitKey = dataObj.unitKey(groupKey, 'y', self.rowGridKey)
      self.colUnitKey = dataObj.unitKey(groupKey, 'x', self.colGridKey)
      self.unitGutter = 2 # pixel spacing from tick mark, or edge if none

      # labels for x y axis
      self.xLabel = 'x'
      self.yLabel = 'y'
      self.labelGutter = 4 # pixels spaciing from unit+tick

      # colors
      self.colorBkg  = '#000000'
      self.colorGrid = '#333333'
      self.colorTick = "#CC6600"
      self.colorMargin = '#333333'
      self.colorUnits  = '#333399'
      self.colorLabel  = '#000000'

      self.bitColorDict = {1 : '#aaaaaa',
      # update calculated values

   def _iconA(self, args):
      x1, y1, x2, y2 = args
      # x and y do not include margin; are icon's upper left and right
      # corner
      # x2+self.wIcon-1
      self.canvas.rectangle(x1, y1, x2-1, y2+self.hIcon-1,
                            self.bitColorDict[1], None, 0)

   def _iconB(self, args):
      x1, y1, x2, y2 = args
      self.canvas.rectangle(x1, y1, x2-1, y2+self.hIcon-1,
                            self.bitColorDict[2], None, 0)

   def _updateBitDict(self):
      self.bitDict = {1 : '_iconA',
                      2 : '_iconB',
                     } # map integers to icon methods

class TextGraph(_GraphBase):
   """create text in a graph 
   same interface as GridText object"""
   def __init__(self, msg=None, fg='#666633', style='dotMediumA',  
                font='micro', kernBit=1, vertBit=None, charWrapWidth=None):
      if msg == None:
         msg = ''
      # process data
      obj = fontLibrary.FontBitMap(msg, font, 0, kernBit, 
            vertBit, charWrapWidth)
      gridData = obj.encode()
      gridData = self._addNoise(gridData)
      xRez, yRez, plotLib = self._gridToPlotLib(gridData)
      # call base class
      canvas ='png'
      _GraphBase.__init__(self, xRez, yRez, plotLib)
      # set preferences

      # cells must be an odd number (so that there is a center
      self.wIcon = 2
      self.hIcon = 1
      # widht of horizontal and vertical margins
      # applied to one sides
      self.wIconGutter = 1
      self.hIconGutter = 1
      #grid binary key for each angle: determines if grid line is drawn
      # may want to add other symbols for variation
      self.rowGridKey = []
      self.colGridKey = []
      # colors
      self.colorBkg  = '#000000'
      self.colorGrid = '#333333'
      self.colorTick = "#CC6600"
      self.colorMargin = '#333333'
      self.colorUnits  = '#333399'
      self.colorLabel  = '#000000'

      self.bitColorDict = {1 : fg,
                           2 : fg,
      # other image settings
      self.transp = 1

      # not used so much in font
      self.lTickKey = []   # left
      self.rTickKey = [] # right
      self.tTickKey = [] # top 
      self.bTickKey = [] # bottom
      self.lMargin = 0 # left
      self.rMargin = 0   # right
      self.tMargin = 0   # top   
      self.bMargin = 0  # bottom
      # give string for each necessary unit marker
      # None translated to no unit
      self.rowUnitKey = []
      self.colUnitKey = []
      self.unitGutter = 2 # pixel spacing from tick mark, or edge if none
      # labels for x y axis
      self.xLabel = ''
      self.yLabel = ''
      self.labelGutter = 4 # pixels spaciing from unit+tick
      # update calculated values

   def _gridToPlotLib(self, gridData):
      """translate a full bit-map grid into a plotLib"""
      plotLib = []
      for row in range(len(gridData)):
         for col in range(len(gridData[0])):
            key = gridData[row][col]
            if key == 0: pass
            plotLib.append((key, col, row))
      yRez = len(gridData)
      xRez = len(gridData[0])
      return xRez, yRez, plotLib

   def _addNoise(self, gridData, distribution=[1,1,1,1,1,2]):
      for row in range(len(gridData)):
         for col in range(len(gridData[0])):
            if gridData[row][col] == 0:
               gridData[row][col] = random.choice(distribution)
      return gridData

   def _iconA(self, args):
      x, y = args   
      # x and y do not include margin; are icon's upper left and right
      # corner
      self.canvas.rectangle(x, y, x+self.wIcon-1, y+self.hIcon-1,
                            self.bitColorDict[1], None, 1)

   def _iconB(self, args):
      x, y = args
      self.canvas.rectangle(x, y, x+self.wIcon-1, y+self.hIcon-1,
                            self.bitColorDict[2], None, 1)


class Test:
   def __init__(self):
   def testBarCode(self):
      bg = '#000000'
      fg = ['#666633','#333366', '#336633']
      a = BarCode(None, 50, fg, bg, 1, 50, 1)

   def testText(self):
      bg = '#000000'
      fg = ['#666633','#333366', '#336633']
      #a = TextWebTitle('testingTESTNGIN', '#333366', 'algoNetLarge')
      #a = TextWebTitle('testingTESTNGIN', '#333366', 'algoNetSmall')
      a = GridText('testing a long sample of text!', fg, bg, 'micro', 6, None,
                   2, 2, 1, 10)

   def testCanvas(self):
      fmtList = ['tk', 'png', 'eps']
      import time
      for fmt in fmtList:
         print _MOD, 'testing format', fmt
         a = Canvas(fmt, 200, 200)
         a.rectangle(10, 10, 120, 120, '#333333', '#ffffff', 5)
         a.rectangle(150, 150, 180, 180, None, '#ffffff', 2)
         a.line(10, 130, 200, 130, '#663399', 3)
         a.line(10, 180, 10, 200, '#663399', 1)         
         a.oval(50, 50, 150, 150, '#999933', '#cccccc', 3)
         a.oval(75, 75, 125, 125, '#99ff33', None, 0)
         a.oval(90, 90, 110, 110, None, '#ff3333', 1)
         a.line(0, 100, 200, 100, '#999999', .25)
         a.line(100, 0, 100, 200, '#999999', .25)
         # problem case
         a.line(0, 200, 200, 0, '#999999', .25)

         a.gridText(0, 0, 'nw', 'testing some large text', 'micro', 
            '#33ff99', 2)
         a.gridText(20, 180, 'nw', 'a big title', 'macro', '#cccc33',  2)

         a.gridText(100, 100, 'ne', 'northEast', 'micro', '#000000')
         a.gridText(100, 100, 'nw', 'northWest', 'micro', '#333333')
         a.gridText(100, 25,  'nc', 'northCenter', 'micro', '#cccccc')
         a.gridText(25, 100,   'ce', 'centerEast', 'micro', '#cccccc')

         a.gridText(100, 100, 'se', 'southEast', 'micro', '#666666')
         a.gridText(100, 100, 'sw', 'southWest', 'micro', '#999999')
         a.gridText(100, 175, 'sc', 'southCenter', 'micro', '#aaaaaa')
         a.gridText(175, 100, 'cw', 'centerWest', 'micro', '#aaaaaa')
         del a
         time.sleep(1) # wait a second
# out of date
#    def testGraph(self):
#       fmtList = ['tk', 'png', 'eps']
#       import time
#       for fmt in fmtList:
#          print _MOD, 'testing format', fmt
#          canvas = Canvas(fmt, 400, 600, '#666666')
#          a = _GraphBase(None, (30,30))
#          a.update(canvas)
#          a.draw()
#          b = _GraphBase(None, (30,30+a.hTotal+2))
#          b.setTitle('testTitle')
#          b.update(canvas)
#          b.draw()   

   def testGraphText(self):
      #d = TextGraph()

      obj = TextGraph('test', '#333366', 'dotMediumA')
      path = '/Volumes/xdisc/_scratch/a.gif'
      os.system('open %s' % path)

   def testProcGraphCoord(self):
      a = ProcessGraphCoordData()

if __name__ == '__main__':
   Test() | Contact Us
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