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1. QuickServer | By: | QuickServer.org | License: | GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) | URL: | http://www.quickserver.org/ | Description: | QuickServer is an open source Java library/framework for quick creation of robust and multi-threaded, multi-client TCP server applications.
2. Network | By: | alphaworks.ibm.com/alphabeans | License: | Commercial | URL: | http://alphaworks.ibm.com/ab.nsf/tCategories?OpenView&Expand=14#14 | Description: | DefaultCompositeItem Distributor EasyNetworking FaxData FaxFactory FaxJavaBean FaxRecipientData File2InputStream FileItem FTPProtocol FTPUI HTTPSender HttpURLItem InputStream2Reader MessageData OutputStream2File OutputStream2String OutputStream2URL POP3CoreProtocolBean POP3MimeDecoderBean POP3UISupport PrintFactory PrintJavaBean ReadMailFactory ReadMailJavaBean SendMailFactory SendMailJavaBean ServletErrorBean ServletHeader ServletParameter ServletRequestWrapper ServletResponseWrapper SMTPCoreProtocolBean SMTPMimeEncoderBean SMTPUISupport SNMPProtocol SNMPUI String2InputStream String2Reader StringItem URL2InputStream WebExtractor WireableServlet Writer2OutputStream Writer2String
3. Jakarta Commons Net | By: | Apache Software Foundation | License: | Apache Software Foundation | URL: | http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/net/ | Description: | Jakarta Commons Net implements the client side of many basic Internet protocols. The purpose of the library is to provide fundamental protocol access, not higher-level abstractions. Therefore, some of the design violates object-oriented design principles. Our philosophy is to make the global functionality of a protocol accessible (e.g., TFTP send file and receive file) when possible, but also provide access to the fundamental protocols where applicable so that the programmer may construct his own custom implementations (e.g, the TFTP packet classes and the TFTP packet send and receive methods are exposed).