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1. openjms | By: | | License: | openjms.sourceforge.net/index.html | URL: | http:// | Description: | * Point-to-Point and publish-subscribe messaging models
* Guaranteed delivery of messages
* Synchronous and asynchronous message delivery
* Persistence using JDBC
* Local transactions
* Message filtering using SQL92-like selectors
* Authentication
* Administration GUI
* XML-based configuration files
* In-memory and database garbage collection
* Automatic client disconnection detection
* Applet support
* Integrates with Servlet containers such as Jakarta Tomcat
* Support for TCP, RMI, HTTP and SSL protocol stacks
* Support for large numbers of destinations and subscribers
2. Hermes | By: | | License: | Apache Software License | URL: | http://www.hermesjms.com/ | Description: | Hermes is a Swing application that allows you to interact with JMS providers. Hermes will work with any JMS enabled transport making it easy to browse or seach queues and topics, copy messages around and delete them. It fully integrates with JNDI letting you discover administered objects stored, create JMS sessions from the connection factories and use any destinations found. Many providers include a plugin that uses the native API to do non-JMS things like getting queue depths (and other statistics) or finding queue and topic names.
3. ActiveMQ | By: | | License: | Apache Software License | URL: | http://activemq.codehaus.org/ | Description: | ActiveMQ is an Apache 2.0 licensed open source Message Broker with full support for JMS 1.1 and JCA
4. Open source JMS | By: | | License: | GNU General Public License (GPL) | URL: | http://www.mantamq.org | Description: | Open source JMS
5. JORAM | By: | | License: | GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) | URL: | http://joram.objectweb.org/ | Description: | JORAM incorporates a 100% pure Java implementation of JMS (Java Message Service API released by Sun Microsystem, Inc.). It provides access to a really distributed MOM (Message Oriented Middleware), built on top of the ScalAgent agents based platform.
JORAM is an open source software released under the LGPL license.