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Java Products » Net Web Mobile » RSS RDF 
1. Flock
License:GNU General Public License (GPL)
Description: Flock is an RSS aggregator written in Java. It is a server-side web application accessible with a browser, similar in spirit to AmphetaDesk . Take a look at the completed tasks for a list of features. You can download the jetty-flock bundle, that comes with an embedded web server, making installation trivial. Flock is also available as a WAR file, that can easily be deployed in a standard servlet container, eg. Tomcat .

License:Apache Software License
Description:ROME is an open source (Apache license) set of Atom/RSS Java utilities that make it easy to work in Java with most syndication formats: RSS 0.90, RSS 0.91 Netscape, RSS 0.91 Userland, RSS 0.92, RSS 0.93, RSS 0.94, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 ROME includes a set of parsers and generators for the various flavors of syndication feeds, as well as converters to convert from one format to another. The parsers can give you back Java objects that are either specific for the format you want to work with, or a generic normalized SyndFeed class that lets you work on with the data without bothering about the incoming or outgoing feed type.

3. Jena
Description:Jena is a Java framework for building Semantic Web applications. It provides a programmatic environment for RDF, RDFS and OWL, SPARQL and includes a rule-based inference engine. Jena is open source and grown out of work with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme.

4. HotSheet
License:BSD License
Description:HotSheet is a program that retrieves news headlines from multiple websites, displays them, and allows you to interact with them (e.g. to get the story that goes with a particular headline). HotSheet works by pulling files from websites that have their news headlines stored in a XML format known as RSS. There are many hundreds of websites that syndicate their headlines in just this fashion. By picking up the RSS file from a URL on the website and reading it HotSheet is able to present the headlines to you and allow you to get more information on each news item.

5. RSS-compliant
License:GNU General Public License (GPL)
Description:Applications that collect data from RSS-compliant sites are called RSS readers or "aggregators." RSSOwl is such an application. RSSOwl lets you gather, organize, update, and store information from any compliant source in a convenient, easy to use interface, save selected information in various formats for offline viewing and sharing, and much more. It's easy to configure, available in many many languages and the best of all: It's platform-independent.

6. RSS Viewer
License:GNU General Public License (GPL)
Description: RSS Viewer is a comfortable and portable viewer for RSS/RDF-compatible newsfeeds. It is written completely in Java and licensed under the GNU General Public License. Rss Viewer is proven to run on Windows, Linux and MacOS X. Other Java enabled platforms should work as well.

7. Java/Swing RSS NewsFeed Reader
License:Apache Software License
Description:Java/Swing RSS NewsFeed Reader

8. nntp//rss
License:GNU General Public License (GPL)
Description:nntp//rss is a Java-based bridge between RSS feeds and NNTP clients, enabling you to read your favorite RSS syndicated content within your existing NNTP newsreader. RSS feeds are represented as NNTP newsgroups, providing a simple, straightforward and familiar environment for news reading.

9. Informa Project
License:GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Description: The goal of the Informa Project is to provide a news aggregation library based on the Java Platform. The idea was born by the authors of two Java news reader applications (HotSheet and Risotto). We intended to unify the common parts into a library which can be used by any developer who needs to address those issues in their application.

10. RSSLibJ
License:Apache Software License
Description:RSSLibJ is a Java class library designed primarily to generate RSS data in various formats, based on a simple object model.

11. BlogBridge
License:GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Description:So you are a real info-junkie - you need to scan through much more information than others. You probably are subscribing to hundreds of information feeds - blogs, data feeds, news feeds, etc. Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Welcome to BlogBridge - the Blog and feed aggregation solution specifically designed for people like you. We will help you organize and sort through vast amounts of information, and we will let you discover stuff that would otherwise be hard to find. Click here to read how we do it! Oh and by the way - it's it's free and open source - and it runs on Windows XP, Mac OS X and Linux. So try it now, and make sure you tell other information junkies that you found something really useful.

12. curn
License:BSD License
Description:curn is an RSS reader. It scans a configured set of URLs, each one representing an RSS feed, and summarizes the results. By default, curn keeps track of individual items within each RSS feed, using an on-disk cache; when using the cache, it will suppress displaying information for items it has already processed (though that behavior can be disabled). Unlike many RSS readers, curn does not use a graphical user interface. It is a command-line utility, intended to be run periodically in the background by a command scheduler such as cron(8) (on Unix-like systems) or the Windows Scheduler Service (on Windows). curn can read RSS feeds from any URL that's supported by Java's runtime. When querying HTTP sites, curn uses the HTTP If-Modified-Since and Last-Modified headers to suppress retrieving and processing feeds that haven't changed. By default, it also requests that the remote HTTP server gzip the XML before sending it. (Some HTTP servers honor the request; some don't.) These measures both minimize network bandwidth and ensure that curn is as kind as possible to the remote RSS servers.

13. Sesame
License:GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Description: Sesame 1.2.6 is primarily a bug-fix release that fixes a number of issues that have been uncovered in previous releases. Additionally, it features a major performance improvement in the evaluation of string-comparisons (the LIKE operator) on MySQL or PostgreSQL stores. Sesame 1.2.6 includes Rio 1.0.9, which fixes an issue with encoding of carriage returns in literal values. More detailed information can be found in the release notes for Sesame 1.2.6 and the release notes for Rio 1.0.9. Of course, you can also head straight for the Download section.

14. hippocms
License:Apache Software License
Description:Hippo CMS is an open source information centered content management system. It's targetted at medium to large organisations managing content for multi-channel distribution like websites and intranets. It facilitates an open and flexible way of using your information by following international accepted open standards.

15. MindRaider
License:GNU General Public License (GPL)
Description: MindRaider is Semantic Web outliner. It aims to connect the tradition of outline editors with emerging technologies. MindRaider mission is to organize not only the content of your hard drive but also your cognitive base and social relationships in a way that enables quick navigation, concise representation and inferencing.

16. RDF2GO
License:GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Description:RDF2GO is an abstraction over triple (and quad) stores. It allows developers to program against rdf2go interfaces and choose or change the implementation later easily.

17. FeedPod
License:GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Description:The short answer is FeedPod is a Text-To-Speech RSS/ATOM Newsfeed reader. You are asking yourself, but other feed readers have this functionality, why another? Well, FeedPod generates PodCasting feeds, suitable for automatically downloading onto your portable MP3 player. PodCasting is a new standard for TiVo-like delivery of audio content for portable players, like the Apple iPod. It uses RSS 2.0 with MP3 enclosures to publicize content. You can find more information about PodCasting at In addition to PodCasting, you can use FeedPod to HTTP stream MP3s of a PodCast via a shoutcast playlist generated by the server, for listening at your desktop.

18. FaceRSS
License:GNU General Public License (GPL)
Description:FaceRSS is a simple JavaServer Faces (JSF) component that allows you to display news from specified RSS url source in one configurable tag. So, you can place your favorite news on your website in a very simple way. It uses rsslib4j and therefore supports RSS version 0.9x, 1.0, and 2.0 with Dublin Core and Syndication namespaces.

19. Jakarta FeedParser
License:Apache Software License
Description: Jakarta FeedParser is a Java RSS/Atom parser designed to elegantly support all versions of RSS (0.9, 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, and 2.0), Atom 0.5 (and future versions) as well as easy ad hoc extension and RSS 1.0 modules capability. FeedParser was the parser API designed by Kevin Burton for NewsMonster and has been donated to the ASF in order to continue development. FeedParser differs from most other RSS/Atom parsers in that it is not DOM based but event based (similar to SAX). Instead of the low level startElement() API present in SAX, we provide higher level events based on feed parsing information. Events are also given to the caller independent of the underlying format. This is accomplished with a Feed Event Model that isolates your application from the underlying feed format. This enables transparent support for all RSS versions including Atom. We also hide format specific implementation such as dates (RFC 822 in RSS 2.0 and 0.9x and ISO 8601 in RSS 1.0 and Atom) and other metadata. The FeedParser distribution also includes: 1. An implementation of RSS and Atom autodiscovery. 2. Support for all content modules including xhtml:body, mod_content (RDF and inline), atom:content, and atom:summary 3. Atom 1.0 link API as well as RSS 1.0 mod_link API 4. An HTML link parser for finding all links in an HTML source file and expanding them to become full URLs instead of relative. Feed Location | Contact Us
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