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1. Hibernate | By: | | License: | GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) | URL: | http://www.hibernate.org/ | Description: | Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence and query service. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following object-oriented idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and collections. Hibernate allows you to express queries in its own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in native SQL, or with an object-oriented Criteria and Example API.
2. ObJectRelationalBridge | By: | | License: | Apache Software License | URL: | http://db.apache.org/ojb/ | Description: | Apache ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases.
3. Torque | By: | | License: | Apache Software License | URL: | http://db.apache.org/torque/ | Description: | Torque is an object-relational mapper for java. In other words, Torque lets you access and manipulate data in a relational database using java objects. Unlike most other object-relational mappers, Torque does not use reflection to access user-provided classes, but it generates the necessary classes (including the Data Objects) from an XML schema describing the database layout (which can either be written by hand or generated from an existing database). The XML schema can also be used to generate and execute a SQL script which creates all the tables in the database.
4. Apache Cayenne | By: | | License: | Apache License | URL: | http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/ | Description: | Apache Cayenne is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the DB PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
5. TriActive JDO (TJDO) | By: | | License: | Apache Software License | URL: | http://tjdo.sourceforge.net/ | Description: | TriActive JDO (TJDO) is an open source implementation of Sun's JDO specification (JSR 12), designed to support transparent persistence using any JDBC-compliant database. TJDO has been deployed and running successfully in many commercial installations since 2001.
6. Jaxor | By: | | License: | BSD License | URL: | http://jaxor.sourceforge.net/ | Description: | Now Jaxor users can generate jaxor mapping files directly from a database schema. An Ant Task can be used to read a database schema and generate the Jaxor mapping files. Then the Jaxor task can be used to convert the mapping files into the associated objects. A full persistence layer without writing a line of code.
7. JDBM | By: | | License: | BSD License | URL: | http://jdbm.sourceforge.net/ | Description: | JDBM is a transactional persistence engine for Java. It aims to be for Java what GDBM is for other languages (C/C++, Python, Perl, etc.): a fast, simple persistence engine. You can use it to store a mix of objects and BLOBs, and all updates are done in a transactionally safe manner. JDBM also provides scalable data structures, such as HTree and B+Tree, to support persistence of large object collections.
8. pBeans | By: | | License: | Apache Software License | URL: | http://pbeans.sourceforge.net/ | Description: | pBeans is a Object/Relational (O/R) database mapping layer. It is designed to be simple to use and completely automated.
The idea is that you save time and effort by simply focusing on writing Java classes, and not worrying about maintenance of matching SQL scripts, XML based schemas, or even generating code. The pBeans framework takes care of persisting JavaBeans with very little assistance from the developer.
9. SimpleORM | By: | | License: | Apache Software License | URL: | http://www.simpleorm.org/ | Description: | SimpleORM is Java Object Relational Mapping open source project (Apache style licence). It provides a simple but effective implementation of object/relational mapping on top of JDBC at low cost and low overhead. Not even an XML file to configure!
Beyond pure Java, SimpleORM is 100% Clean Java. Minimal reflection, no pre processing, and certainly no byte code post processing(!) This simple and elegant framework does not require any clever tricks.
SimpleORM takes great care with database semantics. Locking, quality of information, and caching are all treated properly. SimpleORM allows allows for raw JDBC and non-Java database access and constraints without compromising database integrity. Optimistic locks are used for inter-transaction locking. And nothing gets shipped until its true semantics are properly documented.
SimpleORM uses very little database dependent code. It also has separate and extensible database drivers. Most common databases are already supported, and adding new ones is easy.
10. Java Ultra-Lite Persistence (JULP) | By: | | License: | GNU General Public License (GPL) | URL: | http://julp.sourceforge.net/ | Description: | # Open Source (GPL)
# Running both in container and stand-alone
# Small footprint (less than 50 KB)
# No dependences on any libraries, only JDK (of cource you need JDBC driver)
# Database independent (tested so far with Oracle 7.3, Sybase ASE 12.0, MckoiDB 1.02, hsqdb 1.7.1)
# JDBC 1.x and up
# Inheritance
# Many classes per table
# Many tables per class
# Simple mappings: the only mapping you need is catalog.schema.table.column=fieldName
11. JPOX | By: | | License: | Open Source | URL: | http://www.jpox.org | Description: | JPOX is a free and fully compliant implementation of the JDO 1.0 and 2.0 specifications, providing transparent persistence of Java objects. It supports persistence to all of the major RDBMS on the market today, supporting all of the main Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) patterns demanded by today's applications, allows querying using either JDOQL or SQL, and comes with its own byte-code enhancer. JPOX 1.0 implements the JDO 1 specification and passes the JDO 1 TCK. JPOX 1.1 extends the JPOX 1.0 capabilities to implement the JDO 2 specification and pass the JDO 2 TCK. JPOX 1.1.0-final is the JDO 2 Reference Implementation. JPOX will be updated in the future to also implement the JPA specification of Java persistence (part of EJB3).
12. iBATIS Data Mapper | By: | | License: | Apache | URL: | http://ibatis.apache.org/ | Description: | The iBATIS Data Mapper framework makes it easier to use a database with Java and .NET applications. iBATIS couples objects with stored procedures or SQL statements using a XML descriptor. Simplicity is the biggest advantage of the iBATIS Data Mapper over object relational mapping tools.
To use the iBATIS Data Mapper, you rely on your own objects, XML, and SQL. There is little to learn that you don't already know. With the iBATIS Data Mapper, you have the full power of both SQL and stored procedures at your fingertips.
14. Speedo | By: | | License: | GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) | URL: | http://speedo.objectweb.org/index.html | Description: | Speedo is an open source implementation of the JDO (TM) 1.0.1 specification. It is hosted by ObjectWeb.
15. XORM | By: | | License: | GNU General Public License (GPL) | URL: | http://xorm.sourceforge.net/ | Description: | XORM is an extensible object-relational mapping layer for Java applications. It provides interface-based persistence to RDBMSs while allowing developers to focus on the object model, not the physical layer.
16. JDBCPersistence | By: | | License: | GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) | URL: | http://https://jdbcpersistence.dev.java.net/ | Description: | JDBCPersistence is an Object Relational Mapping Framework. Like a myriad of other ORM frameworks, it solves the problem of persisting data to relational database. The differentiating features of JDBCPersistence are a result of the focus placed on making programmer most effective by building on existing knowledge of SQL, JDBC APIs, IDEs and, at the same time, avoiding creation of dependencies on specific libraries, tools, IDEs.
17. ammentos | By: | | License: | GNU General Public License (GPL) | URL: | http://sourceforge.net/projects/ammentos | Description: | A lightweight persistence framework for Java (JDK5.0 or later). Works whith annotations, does not require any configuration/mapping file, runs whith any JDBC compliant database (no SQL dialects to configure) and supports multi-device persistence .
19. PAT | By: | | License: | GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) | URL: | http://patsystem.sourceforge.net/ | Description: | PAT stands for "Persistent Applications Toolkit". Like many other software it simplifies developing of persistence layers of business applications. It does it by providing object-oriented environment for persistence of your objects: POJOs
And.. it really does it.
20. DaoZero | By: | | License: | Apache Software License | URL: | http://dao-zero.sourceforge.net/ | Description: | DaoZero is a small Java Spring bean class that can be used to reduce source of persistence tier which bases on Spring's iBatis support. It's not a wrapper of Spring iBatis support, but to replace your DAO bean class directly. In most cases, the only thing you will do is to declare a bean whose type is "daozero.ibatis.Dao" and tell DaoZero bean what's your DAO interface, then DaoZero bean will invoke iBatis mapped statement for you. No more need DAO implementation codes.