FlowDocument with a Paragraph : FlowDocument « Windows Presentation Foundation « VB.Net Tutorial

VB.Net Tutorial
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VB.Net Tutorial » Windows Presentation Foundation » FlowDocument 
16.122.3.FlowDocument with a Paragraph
<FlowDocument xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
ColumnWidth="400" FontSize="14" FontFamily="Georgia">
        A simple FlowDocument.
WPF Flow Document With A Paragraph
16.122.1.Add Paragraph to a FlowDocumentAdd Paragraph to a FlowDocument
16.122.2.Add Figure into a ParagraphAdd Figure into a Paragraph
16.122.3.FlowDocument with a ParagraphFlowDocument with a Paragraph
16.122.4.Paragraph elements and FlowDocumentPageViewerParagraph elements and FlowDocumentPageViewer
16.122.5.List with ListItems in a FlowDocumentList with ListItems in a FlowDocument
16.122.6.Put Paragraph to a ListItemPut Paragraph to a ListItem
16.122.7.Table in a FloaterTable in a Floater
16.122.8.Set font size for FlowDocumentSet font size for FlowDocument
16.122.9.Preserve space in FlowDocumentPreserve space in FlowDocument
16.122.10.TableCell and TableRow and TableRowGroupTableCell and TableRow and TableRowGroup
16.122.11.Put List to FlowDocumentPut List to FlowDocument
16.122.12.Use Table to display tabular data.Use Table to display tabular data.
16.122.13.Hyperlink ElementHyperlink Element
16.122.14.Paged ContentPaged Content
16.122.15.Text JustificationText Justification
16.122.16.Add Bold line to ParagraphAdd Bold line to Paragraph
16.122.17.A Paragraph inside a FloaterA Paragraph inside a Floater
16.122.18.Add Run of text to a ParagraphAdd Run of text to a Paragraph
16.122.19.Set HorizontalAnchor, VerticalAnchor, Background for FigureSet HorizontalAnchor, VerticalAnchor, Background for Figure
16.122.20.Nested listsNested lists
16.122.21.FontWeight of ParagraphFontWeight of Paragraph
16.122.22.BlockUIContainer with a Button along with ParagraphBlockUIContainer with a Button along with Paragraph
16.122.23.List MarkerStyleList MarkerStyle
16.122.24.Explicit table columnsExplicit table columns
16.122.25.Specifying figure widths in columns unitsSpecifying figure widths in columns units
16.122.26.Programmatically change the FlowDirection of content within a FlowDocumentReader elementProgrammatically change the FlowDirection of content within a FlowDocumentReader element
16.122.27.Use FlowDocumentReader to display FlowDocumentUse FlowDocumentReader to display FlowDocument
16.122.28.Programmatically Create and Save a FlowDocumentProgrammatically Create and Save a FlowDocument
16.122.29.Use XamlDesignerSerializationManager to write FlowDocumentUse XamlDesignerSerializationManager to write FlowDocument
16.122.30.Show FlowDocumentShow FlowDocument
16.122.31.Table Flow ContentTable Flow Content
16.122.32.Change FlowDocument Width and HeightChange FlowDocument Width and Height
16.122.33.Clear FlowDocumentReaderClear FlowDocumentReader
16.122.34.Programmatically add rows to a Table element.Programmatically add rows to a Table element.
16.122.35.Toggle Hyphenation, Optimal Paragraph, and Column FlexToggle Hyphenation, Optimal Paragraph, and Column Flex
16.122.36.Use basic typographic properties.Use basic typographic properties.
16.122.37.Annotation ServiceAnnotation Service
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