| |
23. 37. 2. 加载网页,并通过参数请求对象 |
index.jsp |
Copyright (c) 2002 by Phil Hanna
All rights reserved.
You may study, use, modify, and distribute this
software for any purpose provided that this
copyright notice appears in all copies.
This software is provided without warranty
either expressed or implied.
// Diameter of the earth in kilometers
int distance = 12756;
<%@ page session="false" %>
<h4>Diameter of the Earth in SI (Metric) Units</h4>
<jsp:include page="ShowDiameter.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="dist" value="<%= distance %>" />
<jsp:param name="units" value="SI" />
<h4>Diameter of the Earth in U.S. Customary Units</h4>
<jsp:include page="ShowDiameter.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="dist" value="<%= distance %>" />
<jsp:param name="units" value="US" />
ShowDiameter.jsp |
Copyright (c) 2002 by Phil Hanna
All rights reserved.
You may study, use, modify, and distribute this
software for any purpose provided that this
copyright notice appears in all copies.
This software is provided without warranty
either expressed or implied.
<%@ page session="false"%>
String dist = request.getParameter("dist");
if (dist == null)
throw new ServletException
("No distance parameter specified");
int kilometers = Integer.parseInt(dist);
double miles = kilometers / 1.609344;
String units = request.getParameter("units");
if (units == null)
throw new ServletException
("No units parameter specified");
if (units.equals("SI")) {
%> Diameter = <%= kilometers %> km <%
else {
%> Diameter = <%= miles %> miles <%
Download: JSPIncludePageAndPassParameterThroughRequestObject.zip( 941 k) |
23. 37. 包括 | | 23. 37. 1. | 加载页面 |  | | | 23. 37. 2. | 加载网页,并通过参数请求对象 |  | | | 23. 37. 3. | 包含文件 |  | |