* Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2007 Funambol, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
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* the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
* added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
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* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Utility class for date manipulation.
* This class gives a simple interface for common Date, Calendar and Timezone
* operations.
* It is possible to apply subsequent transformations to an initial date, and
* retrieve the changed Date object at any point.
public class DateUtil {
//-------------------------------------------------------------- Attributes
private Calendar cal;
//------------------------------------------------------------ Constructors
/** Inizialize a new instance with the current date */
public DateUtil() {
this(new Date());
/** Inizialize a new instance with the given date */
public DateUtil(Date d) {
cal = Calendar.getInstance();
//---------------------------------------------------------- Public methods
/** Set a new time */
public void setTime(Date d) {
/** Get the current time */
public Date getTime() {
return cal.getTime();
/** Get the current TimeZone */
public String getTZ() {
return cal.getTimeZone().getID();
* Convert the time to the midnight of the currently set date.
* The internal date is changed after this call.
* @return a reference to this DateUtil, for concatenation.
public DateUtil toMidnight() {
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
return this;
* Make the date go back of the specified amount of days
* The internal date is changed after this call.
* @return a reference to this DateUtil, for concatenation.
public DateUtil removeDays(int days) {
Date d = cal.getTime();
long time = d.getTime();
time -= days * 24 * 3600 * 1000;
return this;
* Make the date go forward of the specified amount of minutes
* The internal date is changed after this call.
* @return a reference to this DateUtil, for concatenation.
public DateUtil addMinutes(int minutes) {
Date d = cal.getTime();
long time = d.getTime();
time += minutes * 60 * 1000;
return this;
* Convert the date to GMT. The internal date is changed
* @return a reference to this DateUtil, for concatenation.
public DateUtil toGMT() {
return toTZ("GMT");
* Convert the date to the given timezone. The internal date is changed.
* @param tz The name of the timezone to set
* @return a reference to this DateUtil, for concatenation.
public DateUtil toTZ(String tz) {
return this;
* Get the days passed from the specified date up to the date provided
* in the constructor
* @param date The starting date
* @return number of days within date used in constructor and the provided
* date
public int getDaysSince(Date date) {
long millisecs = date.getTime();
Date d = cal.getTime();
long time = d.getTime();
long daysMillisecs = time - millisecs;
int days = (int)((((daysMillisecs / 1000)/60)/60)/24);
return days;
* Utility method wrapping Calendar.after method
* Compares the date field parameter with the date provided with the constructor
* answering the question: date from constructor is after the given param date ?
* @param date The date to be used for comparison
* @return true if date from constructor is after given param date
public boolean isAfter(Date date) {
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
return cal.after(cal2);