JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition
by Danny Goodman
John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001
<TITLE>JavaScripted Static Table</TITLE>
// function becomes a method for each month object
function getFirstDay(theYear, theMonth){
var firstDate = new Date(theYear,theMonth,1)
return firstDate.getDay() + 1
// number of days in the month
function getMonthLen(theYear, theMonth) {
var oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
var thisMonth = new Date(theYear, theMonth, 1)
var nextMonth = new Date(theYear, theMonth + 1, 1)
var len = Math.ceil((nextMonth.getTime() -
return len
// correct for Y2K anomalies
function getY2KYear(today) {
var yr = today.getYear()
return ((yr < 1900) ? yr+1900 : yr)
// create basic array
theMonths = new MakeArray(12)
// load array with English month names
function MakeArray(n) {
this[0] = "January"
this[1] = "February"
this[2] = "March"
this[3] = "April"
this[4] = "May"
this[5] = "June"
this[6] = "July"
this[7] = "August"
this[8] = "September"
this[9] = "October"
this[10] = "November"
this[11] = "December"
this.length = n
return this
// end -->
<H1>Month at a Glance (Static)</H1>
<!-- start
// initialize some variables for later
var today = new Date()
var theYear = getY2KYear(today)
var theMonth = today.getMonth() // for index into our array
// which is the first day of this month?
var firstDay = getFirstDay(theYear, theMonth)
// total number of <TD>...</TD> tags needed in for loop below
var howMany = getMonthLen(theYear, theMonth) + firstDay
// start assembling HTML for table
var content = "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER>"
// month and year display at top of calendar
content += "<TR><TH COLSPAN=7>" + theMonths[theMonth] + " " + theYear + "</TH></TR>"
// days of the week at head of each column
content += "<TR><TH>Sun</TH><TH>Mon</TH><TH>Tue</TH><TH>Wed</TH>"
content += "<TH>Thu</TH><TH>Fri</TH><TH>Sat</TH></TR>"
content += "<TR>"
// populate calendar
for (var i = 1; i < howMany; i++) {
if (i < firstDay) {
// 'empty' boxes prior to first day
content += "<TD></TD>"
} else {
// enter date number
content += "<TD ALIGN='center'>" + (i - firstDay + 1) + "</TD>"
// start new row after each week
if (i % 7 == 0 && i != howMany) {
content += "</TR><TR>"
content += "</TABLE></CENTER>"
// blast entire table's HTML to the document
// end -->