<!-- calendar.js -->
The Object-Oriented Events Calendar
Version 3.0
Copyright (c) 1999 -- Edward Narkiewicz
Created for The Gay Student Union
@ The College of William and Mary
This should include calendar.js, events.js, and the GPL
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
set Colors for Calendar
Empty is transparent or page deafult
var titleBackgroundColor = '#8080FF';
var titleFontColor = '#FFFFFF';
var daysofweekBackgroundColor = '#8080FF';
var daysofweekFontColor = '#FFFFFF';
var blankBackgroundColor = '';
var blankFontColor = ''
var blankString = ' ';
var pastBackgroundColor = '#C0C0FF';
var pastFontColor = '#FFFFFF';
var presentBackgroundColor = '#0000FF';
var presentFontColor = '#FFFFFF';
var futureBackgroundColor = '#A0A0FF';
var futureFontColor = '#FFFFFF';
var eventLinkColor = '#FF0000';
set Colors for PopupWindow
Empty is transparent or page deafult
var monthBackgroundColor = '#0000FF';
var monthFontColor = '#FFFFFF';
var nameBackgroundColor = '#8080FF';
var nameFontColor = '#000000';
var timeBackgroundColor = '#A0A0FF';
var timeFontColor = '#000000';
var locationBackgroundColor = '#A0A0FF';
var locationFontColor = '#000000';
var descriptionBackgroundColor = '#C0C0FF';
var descriptionFontColor = '#000000';
Create StyleSheet for Color Scheme
var css = '';
css += '<STYLE type="text/css"><!-- \n';
css += '.Title {background-color:' + titleBackgroundColor + '; color:' + titleFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.DayOfWeek {background-color:' + daysofweekBackgroundColor + '; color:' + daysofweekFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Blank {background-color:' + blankBackgroundColor + '; color:' + blankFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Past {background-color:' + pastBackgroundColor + '; color:' + pastFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Present {background-color:' + presentBackgroundColor + '; color:' + presentFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Future {background-color:' + futureBackgroundColor + '; color:' + futureFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Event { color:' + eventLinkColor + '} \n';
css += '.Month {background-color:' + monthBackgroundColor + '; color:' + monthFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Name {background-color:' + nameBackgroundColor + '; color:' + nameFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Time {background-color:' + timeBackgroundColor + '; color:' + timeFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Location {background-color:' + locationBackgroundColor + '; color:' + locationFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Description {background-color:' + descriptionBackgroundColor + '; color:' + descriptionFontColor + '} \n';
css += '--></STYLE> \n';
A bit of global knowledge our program should have
var fullNameOfMonth = new Array( 'January', 'February', 'March',
'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October',
'November', 'December' );
var shortNameOfMonth = new Array( 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar',
'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul',
'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct',
'Nov', 'Dec' );
var daysInMonth = new Array( 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30,
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 );
var fullDayOfWeek = new Array( 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday',
'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
'Friday', 'Saturday');
var shortDayOfWeek = new Array( 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed',
'Thr', 'Fri', 'Sat');
In concept this is an EventList Object but...
There is no need to make this it's own object
since there will only ever be one list in this version.
You only get the array and the addition function...
var Events = new Array();
var <event> = new CalendarEvent(YYYY,MM,DD);
<event>.name = <name string>;
<event>.time = <time string>;
<event>.location = <location string>;
<event>.description = <description string>;
function CalendarEvent(year,month,day)
Date defaults will be given to the current day to save
us from any possible errors later on...
var now = new Date(); /// format :: Wed Dec 13 06:49:08 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) 2000
this.year = now.getYear(); /// # years from 1900
if( this.year < 1000 ) /// if it gives less than 4 digits
if(this.year > 90) /// if it's somewhere in the 1990's
this.year += 1900
else /// it's after 2000
this.year += 2000
if( year)
this.year = year;
this.month = now.getMonth()+1; // 1->12
if( month )
this.month = month;
this.day = now.getDate();
if( day )
this.day = day;
Specific information will be entered by directly
accessing these variables... no need to hassle
over method calls to do this.. but for clarity they
will have to be called spereately
this.name = '';
this.time = '';
this.location = '';
this.description = '';
this just adds the event to a list so we
know where to look for it when we are
writing the calendar
CalendarEvent.prototype.addEvent = function()
Regular Expression Check.. we want to enter items into the
array in a very specific yyyyMMdd format... so we can access
them easily... to do this we need to make sure the month
and day are in two digit format...
im going to assume the year is in 4 digit format... i don't
know how to fix it if it isn't... so i'll just pretend it will never
happen :)
if the month or day is not in Digit Digit format...
assume it is [0...9] and add a prefix of 0... i would
just check ( < 10 ) but i don't know if 09 is equivelant
to 9 in this situation and we don't want two leaeding 0's.
the <digit> + '' + <digit>
is to make sure javascript concatenates as the string
as opposed to adding the two as a number.
if( !( /^\d\d$/.test(this.month) ) )
this.month = 0 + '' + this.month;
if( !( /^\d\d$/.test(this.day) ) )
this.day = 0 + '' + this.day;
var arrayLocation = this.year + '' + this.month + '' + this.day;
if( Events[arrayLocation] )
var size = Events[arrayLocation].length;
Events[arrayLocation][size] = this;
} else {
Events[arrayLocation] = new Array();
Events[arrayLocation][0] = this;
var <name1> = new CalendarMonth() //--> grabs current month in current year
var <name2> = new CalendarMonth(2004) //--> grabs current month in year 2004
var <name3> = new CalendarMonth(2001,01) //--> grabs january in 2001
<name1>.changeDay(-1) //--> moves the date to yesterday
<name2>.changeDay(1) //--> moves the date to tomorrow 2004
<name1>.changeMonth(-1) //--> moves month back one, to last month
<name2>.changeMonth(1) //--> moves to next month in the year 2004
<name3>.changeYear(-1) //--> moves to january 2000
<name1>.changeYear(1) //--> moves to this month next year
<name1>.displaymonth(); //--> displays themonth
function CalendarMonth(year,month)
Get Calendar's Date (with corrections for Leap year and Y2k)
Defaults to current month and day...
var now = new Date(); /// format :: Wed Dec 13 06:49:08 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) 2000
this.month = now.getMonth(); /// 0->11
this.year = now.getYear(); /// # years from 1900
this.isLeapYear = 0; /// boolean set by program
if( this.year < 1000 ) /// if it gives less than 4 digits
if(this.year > 90) /// if it's somewhere in the 1990's
this.year += 1900
else /// it's after 2000
this.year += 2000
this.dayOfWeek = now.getDay();
this.dayOfMonth = now.getDate();
From the current day of the week, we can determine what
day of the week the 1st of the month is on (sun->sat).
Not very straight-forward.
this.firstOfMonth = ( this.dayOfWeek - ( this.dayOfMonth % 7 ) ) + 1;
if( this.firstOfMonth < 0 )
this.firstOfMonth += 7;
this.lastOfMonth = ( this.firstOfMonth + ( daysInMonth[this.month] % 7 ) ) - 1;
if( this.lastOfMonth > 6 )
this.lastOfMonth -= 7;
if the user has specified a year or month or day
in the parameters, change to that date
if( year)
this.changeYear( year - this.year );
if( month )
this.changeMonth( (month-1) - this.month );
Shows all basic object info for debug purposes
CalendarMonth.prototype.debugInfo = function()
var debug = ' \n ';
debug += '<br>\nYear = ' + this.year;
debug += '<br>\n Month = ' + this.month;
debug += '<br>\n Day of Month= ' + this.dayOfMonth;
debug += '<br>\n Leap Year? ' + this.isLeapYear;
debug += '<br>\n Today\'s Day of Week = ' + this.dayOfWeek;
debug += '<br>\n First of Month = ' + this.firstOfMonth;
debug += '<br>\n Last Of Month = ' + this.lastOfMonth;
Sets the number of days in february correctly
CalendarMonth.prototype.correctForLeapYear = function()
Just some stupid rules I found somewhere.
I think/hope they are right.
if(this.year%4 != 0)
daysInMonth[1] = 28;
this.isLeapYear = 0;
else if(this.year%400 == 0)
daysInMonth[1] = 29;
this.isLeapYear = 1;
else if(this.year%100 == 0)
daysInMonth[1] = 28;
this.isLeapYear = 0;
daysInMonth[1] = 29;
this.isLeapYear = 1;
Changes Year back by one.
just calls changeMonth(-12)
CalendarMonth.prototype.lastYear = function()
Changes Year forward by one.
just calls changeMonth(12)
CalendarMonth.prototype.nextYear = function()
Changes current month by x months.
Foreward for positive x.
Backwards for negative X.
CalendarMonth.prototype.changeYear = function(x)
Just checkin for a correct function call
if( x )
Call a movement function x times (regardless of sign)
for(var i=0; i < Math.abs(x); i++)
}// for
}// if
Changes Month's info back by one.
New info determined from current month's info.
CalendarMonth.prototype.lastMonth = function()
We must take into account a possible year change
if( this.month < 0 )
this.month += 12;
Again a kinda wierd determination of the first/last
of the month. But it works
this.lastOfMonth = this.firstOfMonth-1;
if( this.lastOfMonth < 0 )
this.lastOfMonth += 7;
this.firstOfMonth = ( this.lastOfMonth - ( daysInMonth[this.month] % 7 ) ) + 1;
if( this.firstOfMonth > 6 )
this.firstOfMonth -= 7;
this.dayOfWeek = ( this.firstOfMonth + ( this.dayOfMonth % 7 ) ) - 1;
if( this.dayOfWeek < 0 )
this.dayOfWeek += 7;
if( this.dayOfWeek > 6 )
this.dayOfWeek -= 7;
Changes Month's info foreward by one.
New info determined from current month's info.
CalendarMonth.prototype.nextMonth = function()
We must take into account a possible year change
if( this.month > 11 )
this.month -= 12;
Again a kinda wierd determination of the first/last
of the month. But it works
this.firstOfMonth = this.lastOfMonth+1;
if( this.firstOfMonth > 6 )
this.firstOfMonth -= 7;
this.lastOfMonth = ( this.firstOfMonth + ( daysInMonth[this.month] % 7 ) ) - 1;
if( this.firstOfMonth < 0 )
this.firstOfMonth += 7;
this.dayOfWeek = ( this.firstOfMonth + ( this.dayOfMonth % 7 ) ) - 1;
if( this.dayOfWeek < 0 )
this.dayOfWeek += 7;
if( this.dayOfWeek > 6 )
this.dayOfWeek -= 7;
Changes current month by x months.
Foreward for positive x.
Backwards for negative X.
CalendarMonth.prototype.changeMonth = function(x)
Just checkin for a correct function call
if( x )
Call a movement function x times (regardless of sign)
for(var i=0; i < Math.abs(x); i++)
Changes Days back by one.
CalendarMonth.prototype.yesterday = function()
We must take into account a possible month change
if( this.dayOfMonth < 0 )
this.dayOfMonth = daysInMonth[this.month];
Changes Day forward by one.
CalendarMonth.prototype.tomorrow = function()
We must take into account a possible month change
if( this.dayOfMonth > daysinMonth[this.month] )
this.dayOfMonth = 1;
Changes current month by x months.
Foreward for positive x.
Backwards for negative X.
CalendarMonth.prototype.changeDay = function(x)
Just checkin for a correct function call
if( x )
Call a movement function x times (regardless of sign)
for(var i=0; i < Math.abs(x); i++)
Displays current month when givin no parameters
If given 1st param in 4 digit year format.. goes to that year
if given 2nd parameter... goes to that month...
This prints a self-contained Table that should be positioned
by positioning the javascript call to displayMonth() itself.
CalendarMonth.prototype.displayMonth = function()
Must if we are in the past present or future...
var now = new Date();
var currentDayOfMonth = now.getDate();
var currentMonth = now.getMonth();
var currentYear = now.getYear();
if( currentYear < 1000 ) /// if it gives less than 4 digits
if(currentYear > 90) /// if it's somewhere in the 1990's
currentYear += 1900
else /// it's after 2000
currentYear += 2000
Boolean variables for location in time...
var past = 0;
var present = 1;
var future = 0;
if( this.year < currentYear )
past = 1;
present = future = 0;
else if( this.year == currentYear )
if( this.month < currentMonth )
past = 1;
present = future = 0;
else if( this.month == currentMonth )
present = 1;
past = future = 0;
else if( this.month > currentMonth )
future = 1;
past = present = 0;
else if( this.year > currentYear )
future = 1;
past = present = 0;
Get correct mm format of date
var mm = this.month+1;
if( !( /^\d\d$/.test(this.month+1) ) )
mm = 0 + '' + mm;
var yyyymm = this.year + '' + mm;
Draw the table header
var table = '';
table += '<DIV name="' + yyyymm + '">';
table += '<TR align="center"> \n';
table += '<TD colspan="6" class="Title"><B>';
table += '<A NAME="' + yyyymm + '">';
table += fullNameOfMonth[this.month] + ', ' + this.year;
table += '</A>';
table += '</B></TD> \n';
table += '<TD colspan="2" class="Title"><font size="1"><A HREF="javascript:popupMonth(' + this.year + ',' + this.month + ', ' + this.firstOfMonth + ')">';
table += 'view all';
table += '</a></font></B></TD> \n';
table += '</TR> \n';
table += '<TR align="center"> \n';
Draw the week's labels
for( var weekday = 0; weekday < 7; weekday++)
table += '<TD width="30" class="DayOfWeek"><B><small>';
table += shortDayOfWeek[weekday];
table += '</small></B></TD> \n';
table += '<TD class="DayOfWeek"><B><small>';
table += ' ';
table += '</small></B></TD> \n';
table += '</TR> \n';
Draw the table meat
var dayCounter = 1;
var startDayOfWeek;
var startDate;
var endDate;
For 6 possible weeks a month may span... think about it
for( var week=1; week <= 6 && (dayCounter <= daysInMonth[this.month]); week++)
Figure out the span of days to look at when viewing
the whole week at a time.. different for week 1
if( week == 1 )
startDayOfWeek = this.firstOfMonth;
startDate = 1;
endDate = 7-this.firstOfMonth;
} else {
startDayOfWeek = 0;
startDate = dayCounter;
endDate = ( (dayCounter+6) > daysInMonth[this.month] )? daysInMonth[this.month]:(dayCounter+6);
table += '<TR align="center"> \n';
For each day of the week
for( weekday = 1; weekday <= 7; weekday++)
Show empty cells before and after month exists
if( ((week == 1) && (weekday <= this.firstOfMonth)) ||
(dayCounter > daysInMonth[this.month]) )
table += '<TD width="30" class="Blank"><small>';
table += blankString;
table += '</small></TD> \n';
Show the date with correct color
var ColorScheme = 'Blank';
if( past )
ColorScheme = 'Past';
else if( present )
if( dayCounter < currentDayOfMonth ) ///earlier this month
ColorScheme = 'Past';
else if( dayCounter == currentDayOfMonth ) ///today
ColorScheme = 'Present';
else ///later this month
ColorScheme = 'Future';
else if( future )
ColorScheme = 'Future';
Get a two digit dd format of date
var dd = dayCounter;
if( !( /^\d\d$/.test(dayCounter) ) )
dd = 0 + '' + dd;
var arrayLocation = this.year + '' + mm + '' + dd;
var popup = '';
if( Events[arrayLocation] )
popup = ' class="Event" href="javascript:popupDay(' + arrayLocation + ');"';
table += '<TD width="30" class="' + ColorScheme + '"><B><small>';
table += '<A ' + popup + ' NAME="' + this.year + '|' + mm + '|' + dayCounter + '">';
table += dayCounter;
table += '</A>';
table += '</small></B></TD> \n';
table += '<TD width="10" class="Title"><B><small>';
table += '<A NAME="Week' + week + '" HREF="javascript:popupWeek(' + this.year + ',' + this.month + ',' + startDayOfWeek + ',' + startDate + ',' + endDate + ');"><font size="1">';
table += week
table += '</font></A>';
table += '</small></B></TD> \n';
table += '</TR> \n';
Draw the table footer
table += '</TABLE> \n';
table += '</DIV> \n';
/// this.debugInfo();
Event Window used by all popup functions
var eventWindow;
this function displays a single days events in
one newly created window.
function popupDay( date )
eventWindow = window.open("","CalendarPopup","width=300,height=330,scrollbars");
Some Regular expression magic to make YYYYMMDD = YYYY + MM + DD
date = date + '';
var yyyymmdd = new Array();
yyyymmdd = date.match( /(^\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/ );
var year= yyyymmdd[1];
var month = yyyymmdd[2];
var day = yyyymmdd[3];
Some Definitions of the Color Scheme
var css = '';
css += '<STYLE type="text/css"><!-- \n';
css += '.Month {background-color:' + monthBackgroundColor + '; color:' + monthFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Name {background-color:' + nameBackgroundColor + '; color:' + nameFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Time {background-color:' + timeBackgroundColor + '; color:' + timeFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Location {background-color:' + locationBackgroundColor + '; color:' + locationFontColor + '} \n';
css += '.Description {background-color:' + descriptionBackgroundColor + '; color:' + descriptionFontColor + '} \n';
css += '--></STYLE> \n';
Start page with the close/print buttons
var popup = '';
popup += '<form> \n';
popup += '<input type="button" value="Close" onClick="self.close();"> \n';
popup += '   \n';
popup += '<input type="button" value="Print" onClick="self.print();"> \n';
popup += '</form> \n';
Display the name of the month at the top
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Month"><B>' + fullNameOfMonth[month-1] + ', ' + day + ' ' + year + '</B></TD></TR> \n';
For each Event that exists for today, display it
var limit = Events[date].length;
for( i=0; i < limit; i++ )
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Name"><B><SMALL>' + Events[date][i].name + '</SMALL></B></TD></TR> \n';
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Time"><SMALL>' + Events[date][i].time + ', ' + Events[date][i].location + '</SMALL></TD></TR> \n' ;
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Description"><SMALL><DD>' + Events[date][i].description + '</SMALL></TD></TR> \n';
popup += '</TABLE> \n';
Make the call to actually write popup to the new window
be sure to close the file when you are done
this function displays a weeks events in
one newly created window.
function popupWeek( year, month, startDayOfWeek, startDate, endDate )
If the month is not in two digits, make it two digits
if( !( /^\d\d$/.test(month+1) ) )
mm = 0 + '' + (month+1);
} else {
mm = (month+1);
Open a new window with only scrollbars
eventWindow = window.open("","CalendarPopup","scrollbars");
var popup = '';
popup += '<form> \n';
popup += '<input type="button" value="Close" onClick="self.close();"> \n';
popup += '   \n';
popup += '<input type="button" value="Print" onClick="self.print();"> \n';
popup += '</form> \n';
Write full name of month at top
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Month" ALIGN="LEFT" COLSPAN="7"><B>' + fullNameOfMonth[month] + ', ' + year + '</B></TD></TR> \n';
For each day in the week write it's name
var day = startDate;
popup += '<TR>';
for( i=0; (i < 7); i++)
popup += '<TD CLASS="Name" WIDTH="200" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><B>';
popup += fullDayOfWeek[i];
if( (i >= startDayOfWeek) && (day <= daysInMonth[month]) )
popup += ', ' + day;
} else {
popup += ' ';
popup += '</B></TD>';
popup += '</TR>';
For each day in the week.. write all of its events
day = startDate;
popup += '<TR>';
for( i=0; (i < 7); i++, day++)
Make sure the day is in two digits so we can access Events array
if( !( /^\d\d$/.test(day) ) )
dd = 0 + '' + day;
} else {
dd = day;
date = year + '' + mm + '' + dd;
popup += '<TD VALIGN="TOP"> \n';
Write out each event for each day of the week
if( Events[date] )
var limit = Events[date].length;
for( var j = 0; j < limit; j++ )
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Name"><B><SMALL>' + Events[date][j].name + '</SMALL></B></TD></TR> \n';
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Time"><SMALL>' + Events[date][j].time + ', ' + Events[date][j].location + '</SMALL></TD></TR> \n' ;
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Description"><SMALL><DD>' + Events[date][j].description + '</SMALL></TD></TR> \n';
popup += '<TR><TD WIDTH="150"><B><SMALL> </SMALL></B></TD></TR> \n';
popup += '</TABLE> \n';
popup += '</TD> \n';
popup += '</TR>';
popup += '</TABLE> \n';
Write the css the popup calendar then close the document
this function displays a whole month's events in
one newly created window.
function popupMonth( year, month, startDayOfMonth )
If the month is not in two digits, make it two digits
if( !( /^\d\d$/.test(month+1) ) )
mm = 0 + '' + (month+1);
} else {
mm = (month+1);
Open a new window with only scrollbars
eventWindow = window.open("","CalendarPopup","scrollbars");
Open a new window with only scrollbars
var popup = '';
popup += '<form> \n';
popup += '<input type="button" value="Close" onClick="self.close();"> \n';
popup += '   \n';
popup += '<input type="button" value="Print" onClick="self.print();"> \n';
popup += '</form> \n';
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Month" ALIGN="LEFT" COLSPAN="7"><B>' + fullNameOfMonth[month] + ', ' + year + '</B></TD></TR> \n';
var dayCounter = 1;
For 6 possible weeks a month may span... think about it
for( var week=1; week <= 6 && (dayCounter <= daysInMonth[month]); week++)
popup += '<TR ALIGN="CENTER"> \n';
For each day of the week write the date
var day = dayCounter;
for( weekday = 1; weekday <= 7; weekday++)
popup += '<TD CLASS="Name" WIDTH="200"><B> \n';
Draw the date if it exists for the weekday
if( ((week == 1) && (weekday <= startDayOfMonth)) ||
(day > daysInMonth[month]) )
popup += ' ';
popup += '</B></TD>\n';
} else {
popup += fullDayOfWeek[weekday-1] + ', ' + day;
popup += '</B></TD>\n';
}//for weekday
popup += '</TR> \n';
popup += '<TR ALIGN="CENTER"> \n';
For each day of the week write each event
for( weekday = 1; weekday <= 7; weekday++)
if( !( /^\d\d$/.test(dayCounter) ) )
dd = 0 + '' + dayCounter;
} else {
dd = dayCounter;
date = year + '' + mm + '' + dd;
popup += '<TD CLASS="Description" WIDTH="150" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><B> \n';
Draw events if they exists for the weekday
if( ((week == 1) && (weekday <= startDayOfMonth)) ||
(dayCounter > daysInMonth[month]) )
popup += '<SMALL> </SMALL>';
} else {
if( Events[date] )
var limit = Events[date].length;
for( var j = 0; j < limit; j++ )
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Name"><B><SMALL>' + Events[date][j].name + '</SMALL></B></TD></TR> \n';
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Time"><SMALL>' + Events[date][j].time + ', ' + Events[date][j].location + '</SMALL></TD></TR> \n' ;
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Description"><DD><SMALL>' + Events[date][j].description + '</SMALL></TD></TR> \n';
} else {
popup += '<TR><TD CLASS="Description" ALIGN="CENTER"><B><SMALL> </SMALL></B></TD></TR> \n';
popup += '</TABLE> \n';
popup += '</TD> \n';
}//for weekday
popup += '</TR> \n';
}//for week
popup += '</TABLE> \n';
<!-- events.js -->
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,1,15);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = '<a href="#">DESCRIPTION</a>';
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,1,15);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "<a href='#'>DESCRIPTION</a>";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,1,1);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,1,11);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,2,15);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,2,15);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,2,15);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,2,17);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,2,25);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,2,8);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,3,15);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
var evnt = new CalendarEvent(2002,3,20);
evnt.name = "NAME";
evnt.time = "TIME";
evnt.location = "LOCATION";
evnt.description = "DESCRIPTION";
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
var Month = new Array();
for ( var i = 2001; i < 2003; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 1; j < 12; j++ ) {
Month[Month.length] = new CalendarMonth(i,j);
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
for ( var i = 0; i < Month.length; i++ ) {