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<title>Adv. Example: Setting and Using Styles</title>
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/* Menu */
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margin: 4px;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #000;
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color: white;
font-weight: bold;
/* Description Menu */
.descr_menu { border: 1px solid black; background-color: #353535; }
.descr_menu th { width:150px; background:#8080ff; }
.descr_menu th a { text-decoration:none; color:#000000; }
.descr_menu td {
font-weight: bold;
background: #add8e6;
padding: 5px;
/* Form 1 */
.form1 {
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 5px;
margin: 5px;
background-color: #a5a5cc;
display: none;
.field_descr {
text-align: right;
font-weight: bold;
margin-right: 5px;
.code {
padding: 5px;
margin: 5px;
font-family: courier;
background: #ccccff;
white-space: pre;
.result {
padding: 3px;
margin: 2px;
background: #eee;
.note {
padding: 5px;
margin: 2px;
background: #ffaaaa;
border: solid;
border-width: 1px;
<!-- os3grid.css -->
<style type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
.g_table {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 0px;
.g_header {
border: 2px solid;
border-color: #fff #333 #333 #fff;
background-color: #eeeeee;
padding-right: 9px;
padding-left: 9px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
text-align: center;
color: black;
font-size: 12px;
.g_resize {
cursor: e-resize;
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border: solid;
border-color: #333 #555 #555 #333;
border-width: 2px;
background-color: #eeeeee;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 8px;
text-align: center;
color: black;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 12px;
.g_cell {
border: solid;
border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
border-color: #ccc;
padding: 4px;
font-size: 10px;
.g_cell_hl {
border: dashed;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #f00;
background-color: #ddd;
.g_edit_box {
border: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #999;
padding: 3px;
background: white;
<!-- os3grid.js -->
<script type="text/javascript">
OS3Grid v0.5
by Fabio Rotondo - fsoft ( at ) sourceforge.net
0.5: - ATTR: start_counter
- resize_cols
- set_col_render ()
// ===================================================================
// GLOBAL STUFF - Init global data class
// ===================================================================
function os3_grid_global_data ()
this.grid_arr = new Array ();
this.sort_field = 0;
this.sort_inverted = 0;
var _os3_grid_global_data = new os3_grid_global_data ();
var _os3g_resize_cell;
var _os3g_resize_start_x = -1;
// Flag T/F to know if the current browser is the almighty bugged Internet Exploder.
var _os3g_is_ie = ( document.all != null );
// ===================================================================
// Grid Resize Functions
// ===================================================================
function grid_resize_cell_down ( id )
_os3g_resize_cell = document.getElementById ( id );
document.onmousemove = grid_resize_callback;
if ( ! _os3g_is_ie )
} else {
while ( ! _os3g_resize_cell )
_os3g_resize_cell = document.getElementById ( id );
if ( confirm ( "The buggy Internet Explorer cannot get the ID: " + id + ". Try again?\nBTW: You should really consider to switch to Mozilla Firefox (www.getfirefox.com)" ) == false ) break;
function grid_resize_cell_up ()
if ( ! _os3g_resize_cell ) return;
document.onmousemove = null;
// later
if ( ! _os3g_is_ie )
if ( _os3g_resize_cell.old_className ) _os3g_resize_cell.className = _os3g_resize_cell.old_className;
_os3g_resize_start_x = -1;
// Save the new column width inside _column_width array;
var res = _os3g_resize_cell.id.split ( "_th" );
var name = res [ 0 ];
var num = res [ 1 ];
var grid = _os3_grid_global_data.grid_arr [ name ];
grid._column_width [ num ] = _os3g_resize_cell.width;
_os3g_resize_cell = null;
function grid_resize_callback ( e )
var cur_x, cur_y;
if ( ( ! _os3g_is_ie ) && ( e.pageX ) )
cur_x = e.pageX;
cur_x = event.x;
if ( _os3g_resize_start_x == -1 )
_os3g_resize_start_x = 1;
_os3g_resize_start_x = cur_x - _os3g_resize_cell.offsetWidth;
if ( cur_x <= _os3g_resize_start_x ) cur_x = _os3g_resize_start_x +1;
_os3g_resize_cell.width = ( cur_x - _os3g_resize_start_x );
// ===================================================================
// Grid Edit Functions
// ===================================================================
function grid_edit_abort_or_blur ( input, cell_id, evt )
evt = (evt) ? evt : event;
var ccode = ( evt.charCode ) ? evt.charCode : ( ( evt.which ) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode );
var ch = String.fromCharCode ( ccode );
// User confirmed input by pressing "enter key"
if ( ccode == 13 ) return input.blur ();
// User aborted input
if ( ccode == 27 )
var v = cell_id.split ( ":" );
var grid = _os3_grid_global_data.grid_arr [ v [ 0 ] ];
input.value = grid.rows [ v [ 2 ] ] [ "data" ] [ v [ 1 ] ];
input.blur ();
return true;
function grid_edit_end ( input, cell_id )
var v = cell_id.split ( ":" );
var grid = _os3_grid_global_data.grid_arr [ v [ 0 ] ];
var oldv = grid.rows [ v [ 2 ] ] [ "data" ] [ v [ 1 ] ];
if ( oldv != input.value )
if ( grid._column_validator [ v [ 1 ] ] )
if ( grid._column_validator [ v [ 1 ] ] ( input.value ) == false )
alert ( "Invalid input: " + input.value );
return input.focus ();
grid.rows [ v [ 2 ] ] [ "data" ] [ v [ 1 ] ] = input.value;
if ( grid.onchange ) grid.onchange ( grid, v [ 1 ], v [ 2 ], input.value );
if ( grid.sort_on_edit ) grid.sort ();
return grid.render ();
function grid_cell_txt_edit ( cell )
var v = cell.id.split ( ":" );
var grid = _os3_grid_global_data.grid_arr [ v [ 0 ] ];
var val;
var s, el, size;
var type = grid._column_type [ v [ 2 ] ];
if ( ! type ) type = 'str';
val = String ( grid.rows [ v [ 2 ] ] [ "data" ] [ v [ 1 ] ] );
s = '<input type="text" id="grid_edit_cell" value="' + val + '" ';
s += ' onblur="grid_edit_end ( this, \'' + cell.id + '\' )" ';
s += ' onfocus="this.select()" ';
if ( grid._column_chars [ v [ 1 ] ] )
s += 'onkeypress="return grid_edit_filter_chars ( event, \'' + grid._column_chars [ v [ 1 ] ] + '\' )" ';
s += ' onkeydown="grid_edit_abort_or_blur(this, \'' + cell.id + '\', event)" ';
s += ' size="'+ val.length + '" ';
s += ' class="g_edit_box" ';
if ( type == 'int' ) s += ' style="text-align: right;" ';
s += '/>';
cell.innerHTML = s;
el = document.getElementById ( "grid_edit_cell" );
el.focus ();
function grid_edit_filter_chars ( evt, valids ) {
evt = (evt) ? evt : event;
if ( evt.charCode < 32 ) return true;
var ccode = ( evt.charcode ) ? evt.charcode : ( ( evt.which ) ? evt.which : evt.keycode );
var ch = String.fromCharCode ( ccode ).toLowerCase ();
valids = valids.toLowerCase ();
if ( valids.indexOf ( ch ) == -1 ) return false;
return true;
function grid_header_mdown ( header )
if ( header.className == 'g_header_down' ) return;
header.old_className = header.className;
header.className = 'g_header_down';
function grid_header_mup ( header )
if ( header.old_className ) header.className = header.old_className;
function grid_header_click ( header )
var name, num, res, grid;
res = header.id.split ( "_gh" );
name = res [ 0 ];
num = res [ 1 ];
grid = _os3_grid_global_data.grid_arr [ name ];
grid.set_sort_field ( num );
grid.sort ()
function grid_row_over ( row )
var old_col = row.style.backgroundColor;
var hover_col = _os3_grid_global_data.grid_arr [ row.firstChild.id.split ( ":" ) [ 0 ] ].cols [ "hover" ];
if ( _os3g_resize_cell ) grid_resize_cell_up ();
if ( ( row.selected ) || ( old_col == hover_col ) ) return;
row.old_color = old_col;
row.style.backgroundColor = hover_col;
function grid_row_out ( row )
if ( ! row.selected ) row.style.backgroundColor = row.old_color;
function grid_cell_click ( cell )
var v = cell.id.split ( ":" );
var grid = _os3_grid_global_data.grid_arr [ v [ 0 ] ];
var val;
val = grid.rows [ v [ 2 ] ] [ "data" ] [ v [ 1 ] ];
sel = grid._cell_click ( grid, cell, v [ 2 ], v [ 1 ], val );
if ( sel )
cell.old_border = cell.style.borderColor;
cell.style.borderColor = grid.cols [ "rowsel" + ( v [ 2 ] % 2 ) ];
} else
cell.style.borderColor = cell.old_border;
cell.selected = sel;
// ===================================================================
// Row selection function
// ===================================================================
function grid_row_click ( cell, grid_id, row_num )
var grid = _os3_grid_global_data.grid_arr [ grid_id ];
var row = cell.parentNode;
if ( row.selected )
row.selected = false;
grid_row_out ( row );
} else {
row.selected = true;
row.style.backgroundColor = grid.cols [ "rowsel" + ( row_num % 2 ) ];
grid.rows_selected [ row_num ] = row.selected;
if ( grid.onrowselect ) grid.onrowselect ( grid, row_num, row.selected );
// ===================================================================
// Internal Functions
// ===================================================================
function os3_grid_int_sort ( a, b )
var res = 0;
var v1, v2;
v1 = parseInt ( a [ "data" ][ _os3_grid_global_data.sort_field ] );
v2 = parseInt ( b [ "data" ][ _os3_grid_global_data.sort_field ] );
if ( v1 < v2 ) res = -1;
else if ( v1 > v2 ) res = 1;
if ( _os3_grid_global_data.sort_inverted ) res *= -1;
return res;
function os3_grid_str_sort ( a, b )
var res = 0;
var v1, v2;
v1 = a [ "data" ][ _os3_grid_global_data.sort_field ];
v2 = b [ "data" ][ _os3_grid_global_data.sort_field ];
if ( v1 < v2 ) res = -1;
else if ( v1 > v2 ) res = 1;
if ( _os3_grid_global_data.sort_inverted ) res *= -1;
return res;
function _os3g_set_headers ()
this.headers = arguments;
function _os3g_set_sort_field ( num )
if ( num == this.sort_field )
this.sort_inverted = ! this.sort_inverted;
this.sort_field = num;
this.sort_inverted = false;
function _os3g_set_cell_click ( fname )
this._cell_click = fname;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function _os3g_set_size ( w, h )
this._width = w;
this._height = h;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function _os3g_set_scrollbars ( sbars )
this._scrollbars = sbars;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function _os3g_set_border ( bsize, style, color )
this._border = bsize;
if ( style ) this._border_style = style;
if ( color ) this._border_color = color;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function _os3g_set_sortable ( sortable )
this._sortable = sortable ;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function _os3g_set_highlight ( hl )
this._row_hl = hl ;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function _os3g_sort ()
if ( this.sort_field == -1 ) return;
var ctype = this._column_type [ this.sort_field ];
var sfunc;
if ( ! ctype ) ctype = "str";
sfunc = { "str" : os3_grid_str_sort,
"int" : os3_grid_int_sort,
"date": os3_grid_str_sort } [ ctype ];
_os3_grid_global_data.sort_field = this.sort_field;
_os3_grid_global_data.sort_inverted = this.sort_inverted;
this.rows.sort ( sfunc );
this.render ( this.id );
function _os3g_add_row ()
var arr;
arr = { "data" : arguments, "style" : this.current_style };
this.rows.push ( arr );
function _os3g_get_str ()
var t, len;
var s = '<table class="g_table">';
var id, td_id;
// Row selections are discarted on rendering
this.rows_selected = new Array ();
if ( this.headers )
s += '<tr>';
if ( this._show_row_num ) s+= '<td><div class="g_header"> </div></td>';
len = this.headers.length;
for ( t = 0; t < len; t ++ )
td_id = this.id + "_th" + t;
id = this.id + "_gh" + t;
s += '<td id="' + td_id + '" ';
if ( this._column_width [ t ] ) s += 'style="width: ' + this._column_width [ t ] + 'px;" ';
s +='><div id="' + id + '" class="g_header"';
if ( this._click_cb [ t ] )
if ( this._click_cb [ t ] != -1 )
s += ' onclick="' + this._click_cb [ t ] + '"';
s += ' onmousedown="grid_header_mdown(this)"';
s += ' onmouseup="grid_header_mup(this)"';
// s += ' onmouseout="grid_header_mup(this)" ';
} else if ( this._sortable ) {
s += ' onclick="grid_header_click(this)"';
s += ' onmousedown="grid_header_mdown(this)"';
s += ' onmouseup="grid_header_mup(this)"';
//s += ' onmouseout="grid_header_mup(this)" ';
s += '>'+ this.headers [ t ] + "</div></td>";
if ( this.resize_cols )
s += '<td class="g_resize" onmousedown="grid_resize_cell_down(\'' + td_id + '\')" onmouseup="grid_resize_cell_up()"></td>';
s += '</tr>';
var r, i, rlen, bgc, align, hl, style, rowcol, fullrow, v;
len = this.rows.length;
rlen = this.rows[0]['data'].length; // All rows must be equal size
for ( t = 0; t < len; t ++ )
fullrow = this.rows [ t ];
r = fullrow [ 'data' ];
style = fullrow [ 'style' ];
rowcol = fullrow [ 'color' ];
if ( rowcol )
bgc = ' bgcolor="' + rowcol + '"';
bgc = ' bgcolor="' + this.cols [ style + ( t % 2 ) ] + '"';
if ( this._row_hl )
hl = ' onmouseover="grid_row_over(this)" onmouseout="grid_row_out(this)" ';
hl = '';
s += '<tr ' + hl + bgc + '>';
if ( this._show_row_num )
s+= '<td class="g_header"';
if ( this._row_sel )
s += ' onmousedown="grid_header_mdown(this)"';
s += ' onmouseup="grid_header_mup(this)"';
s += ' onclick="grid_row_click(this,\'' + this.id + '\',' + t + ')"';
s += ' id="' + this.id + ':' + t + '"';
s+= '>' + ( this.start_counter + t ) + '</td>';
for ( i = 0; i < rlen; i ++ )
if ( this._column_align [ i ] )
align = 'align="' + this._column_align [ i ] + '"';
else if ( ( this._column_type [ i ] ) && ( this._column_type [ i ] != 'str' ) )
align = 'align="right"';
align = "";
s += '<td class="g_cell" valign="top" ' + align;
if ( this.resize_cols ) s += ' colspan="2"';
if ( this._column_edit [ i ] ) s += ' ondblclick="grid_cell_' + this._column_edit [ i ] + '_edit(this)" ';
if ( this._cell_click ) s += ' onclick="grid_cell_click(this)" ';
s += ' id="' + this.id + ':' + i + ':' + t + '"';
s += '>';
if ( this._column_render [ i ] )
v = this._column_render [ i ] ( r [ i ] );
v = r [ i ];
s += v;
s += '</td>';
s += '</tr>';
s += "</table>";
return s;
function _os3g_render ( objId )
if ( objId == undefined ) objId = this.id;
this.id = objId;
var obj = document.getElementById ( objId );
obj.innerHTML = this.get_str ();
if ( this._scrollbars )
obj.style.overflow = "auto";
obj.style.overflow = "visible"; // was "none"
if ( this._width ) obj.style.width = this._width;
if ( this._height ) obj.style.height = this._height;
if ( this._border )
if ( this._border_style ) obj.style.border = this._border_style;
if ( this._border_color ) obj.style.borderColor = this._border_color;
obj.style.borderWidth = this._border + "px";
// Bind element to the os3_grid_array
_os3_grid_global_data.grid_arr [ objId ] = this;
if ( this.onrender ) this.onrender ( this );
function _os3g_set_row_color ( col, row_num )
if ( ( row_num == undefined ) || ( row_num == -1 ) ) row_num = this.rows.length -1;
this.rows [ row_num ] [ 'color' ] = col;
function _os3g_set_row_style ( style, row_num )
if ( ( row_num == undefined ) || ( row_num == -1 ) ) row_num = this.rows.length -1;
this.rows [ row_num ] [ 'style' ] = style;
function _os3g_set_col_align ( col, align )
this._column_align [ col ] = align;
function _os3g_set_col_editable ( col, edit )
this._column_edit [ col ] = edit;
function _os3g_get_value ( x, y )
return this.rows [ y ] [ x ];
function _os3g_set_col_valid_chars ( col, chars )
this._column_chars [ col ] = chars;
function _os3g_set_col_validation ( col, func )
this._column_validator [ col ] = func;
function _os3g_set_row_select ( rsel )
this._row_sel = rsel;
if ( this._row_sel ) this._show_row_num = true;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function _os3g_show_row_num ( show )
this._show_row_num = true;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function _os3g_set_col_type ( col, type )
this._column_type [ col ] = type;
function _os3g_set_col_render ( col, render )
this._column_render [ col ] = render;
function _os3g_get_row ( row )
return this.rows [ row ] [ "data" ];
function _os3g_set_click_cb ( col, callback )
this._click_cb [ col ] = callback;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function _os3g_set_style ( style )
this.current_style = style;
if ( this.id && this.autorender ) this.render ();
function OS3Grid ( auto_render )
// ===========================================
// Public attribs
// ===========================================
this.id = 0;
this.start_counter = 0;
// ===========================================
// ===========================================
// Flag T/F. If True, any modification (done with set_* funcs) will immediately renderd on grid
this.autorender = auto_render;
// Flag T/F. If True, grid will be re-sorted on value changes
this.sort_on_edit = false;
// ===========================================
// ===========================================
// Function to be called when data in grid changes
this.onchange = false;
// Function to be called after the grid redraws
this.onrender = false;
// Callback to be called when the user selects / deselects a row
this.onrowselect = false;
// Flag T/F. If True, user can resize column at runtime
this.resize_cols = false;
// ===========================================
// ===========================================
// Array rows_selected
this.rows_selected = false; // This array keeps track of selected rows
// Colors
this.cols = { "hover" : "#8ec4cf",
"rowsel0" : "#ffa07f",
"rowsel1" : "#df8c6f",
"normal0" : "#ffffff",
"normal1" : "#dfdfdf",
"error0" : "#ff0033",
"error1" : "#cc0033",
"warn0" : "#ffff99",
"warn1" : "#ffff66",
"note0" : "#9aff9a",
"note1" : "#4eee94"
// Default style
this.current_style = "normal";
// =============================================================================================
// Private Stuff - Do not directly modify these values!
// =============================================================================================
this.headers = 0;
this.rows = new Array ();
this.sort_field = -1;
this.sort_inverted = false;
this._row_style = new Array ();
this._column_align = new Array ();
this._column_edit = new Array ();
this._column_chars = new Array ();
this._column_validator = new Array ();
this._column_width = new Array ();
this._column_render = new Array ();
// This array stores the custom click callbacks
this._click_cb = new Array ();
// This array contains the column type. By default it is "str"
// Valid values are: "str", "int", "date"
this._column_type = new Array ();
// Flag T/F. If True, the grid is sortable (by clicking on the headers)
this._sortable = false;
// Flag T/F. If True, scrollbars are used.
this._scrollbars = false;
// Force grid container width
this._width = 0;
// Force grid container height
this._height = 0;
// Grid container border size (in pixels)
this._border = 0;
// Grid container border style (solid, dashed, dotted...)
this._border_style = 0;
// Grid container block color
this._border_color = 0;
// Function callback for every cell click
this._cell_click = 0;
// Function callback for every row click
this._row_click = 0;
// Flag T/F. If True rows will be highlighted when the mouse scrolls over them.
this._row_hl = false;
// Flag T/F. If True rows number are shown and rows are selectable by clicking on them.
this._show_row_num = false;
// Flag T/F. If True rows number are shown and rows are selectable by clicking on them.
this._row_sel = false;
// Public methods
this.add_row = _os3g_add_row;
this.get_row = _os3g_get_row;
this.get_str = _os3g_get_str;
this.getv = _os3g_get_value;
this.render = _os3g_render;
this.set_border = _os3g_set_border;
this.set_cell_click = _os3g_set_cell_click;
this.set_click_cb = _os3g_set_click_cb;
this.set_col_align = _os3g_set_col_align;
this.set_col_editable = _os3g_set_col_editable;
this.set_col_render = _os3g_set_col_render;
this.set_col_type = _os3g_set_col_type;
this.set_col_valid_chars = _os3g_set_col_valid_chars;
this.set_col_validation = _os3g_set_col_validation;
this.set_headers = _os3g_set_headers;
this.set_highlight = _os3g_set_highlight;
this.set_row_color = _os3g_set_row_color;
this.set_row_select = _os3g_set_row_select;
this.set_row_style = _os3g_set_row_style;
this.set_scrollbars = _os3g_set_scrollbars;
this.set_size = _os3g_set_size;
this.set_sort_field = _os3g_set_sort_field;
this.set_sortable = _os3g_set_sortable;
this.set_style = _os3g_set_style;
this.show_row_num = _os3g_show_row_num;
this.sort = _os3g_sort;
<!-- form_validators.js -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function check_integer ( n ) { return RegExp ( "^[-+]?[0-9]+$" ).test( n ); }
function check_string ( s ) { return RegExp ( "^[a-zA-Z]+$" ).test( s ); }
function check_alfanum_string ( s ) { return RegExp ( "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" ).test( s ); }
function check_date ( s ) { return RegExp ( "^[0-9]{4,4}.[0-9]{2,2}.[0-9]{2,2}$" ).test( s ); }
function check_time ( s ) { return RegExp ( "^[012][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$" ).test( s ); }
function check_email ( s ) { return RegExp ( "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$" ).test( s ); }
function check_float ( n )
if (n.length == 0) return false;
var first_char = n.charAt(0);
if (first_char != '-' && first_char != '.' &&
(first_char < '0' || first_char > '9')) return false;
var dot = false;
var digit_expected = false;
if (first_char == '.') {
dot = true;
digit_expected = true;
} else if (first_char == '-')
digit_expected = true;
if (digit_expected && n.length < 2) return false;
for (var count = 1; count < n.length; count++) {
var c = n.charAt(count);
if (c == '.') {
if (dot) return false;
dot = true;
} else if (c < '0' || c > '9')
return false;
return true;
<div id="block_top">
<h2 class="center">OS3Grid Advanced Example: Setting and Using Styles</h2>
<h4 class="center">By Fabio Rotondo - fsoft (@) sourceforge ( dot ) net</h4>
<div id="block_middle">
define and use <i>styles</i>, a graphical
layout of rows that can be defined by the code. Each row in the table can have its own style and
settings are saved even when the user sorts grid rows.<br />
Styles are a better solution than <tt>set_row_color()</tt>, because the latter requires a row number
to be set, while styles are dynamically linked to rows.<br />
By default, OS3Grid provide these styles:
<li><tt>normal</tt><br />
This is the <i>normal</i> style used to display a row. In OS3Grid, this usually equals to
grey rows.
<li><tt>note</tt><br />
This style should be used to highlight rows of special importance.
<li><tt>warn</tt><br />
This style should be used for rows containing data that should be highlighted in a special
way to the user.
<li><tt>error</tt><br />
If you are using OS3Grid to display a report and there are errors (for example in a log file),
use this style to show errors.
These style are predefined, but this does not limit you with these: you can define your own.
To define a new style, follow the example below, in which we are setting a new style <tt>yellow</tt>.
<div class="code">
// To set the new style, you have to define "stylename" + 0 and "stylename" + 1
g.cols [ "yellow0" ] = "#f0dc04";
g.cols [ "yellow1" ] = "#fcfc68";
To use a defined (or pre-defined) style inside your grid, you have two choices:
<li><tt>g.set_style ( style_name )</tt><br />
From this line of code, all rows added will use the defined style.
<li><tt>g.set_row_style ( style, [ row_num ] )</tt><br />
You can change the style of a specific row, if [row_num] is omitted, the last row inserted
will be affected by this call.
<div class="result">
<div id="grid"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Create an OS3Grid instance
var g = new OS3Grid ();
// To set the new style, you have to define "stylename" + 0 and "stylename" + 1
g.cols [ "yellow0" ] = "#f0dc04";
g.cols [ "yellow1" ] = "#fcfc68";
g.set_size ( "300px", "200px" );
// Grid Headers are the grid column names
g.set_headers ( 'style', 'descr' );
// If contents is bigger than container, Grid will automatically show scrollbars
g.set_scrollbars ( true );
// The grid will have a solid border (these are CSS attributes)
g.set_border ( 1, "solid", "#cccccc" );
// Now, we add some rows with styles
g.set_style ( 'yellow' );
g.add_row ( "yellow - 1", "this is the first yellow line" );
g.add_row ( "yellow - 2", "this is the second yellow line" );
g.add_row ( "yellow - 3", "this is the third yellow line" );
g.add_row ( "yellow - 4", "this is the fourth yellow line" );
g.set_style ( 'normal' );
g.add_row ( "normal - 1", "this is the first normal line" );
g.add_row ( "normal - 2", "this is the second normal line" );
g.add_row ( "normal - 3", "this is the third normal line" );
g.add_row ( "normal - 4", "this is the fourth normal line" );
g.set_style ( 'note' );
g.add_row ( "note - 1", "this is the first note line" );
g.add_row ( "note - 2", "this is the second note line" );
g.add_row ( "note - 3", "this is the third note line" );
g.add_row ( "note - 4", "this is the fourth note line" );
g.set_style ( 'warn' );
g.add_row ( "warn - 1", "this is the first warn line" );
g.add_row ( "warn - 2", "this is the second warn line" );
g.add_row ( "warn - 3", "this is the third warn line" );
g.add_row ( "warn - 4", "this is the fourth warn line" );
g.set_style ( 'error' );
g.add_row ( "error - 1", "this is the first error line" );
g.add_row ( "error - 2", "this is the second error line" );
g.add_row ( "error - 3", "this is the third error line" );
g.add_row ( "error - 4", "this is the fourth error line" );
// Enable sortable rows
g.set_sortable ( true );
// Enable highlight of rows with the mouse
g.set_highlight ( true );
// Show the grid replacing the original HTML object with the "grid" ID.
g.render ( 'grid' );