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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » 6.0 JDK Modules com.sun » jmx » com.sun.jmx.snmp 
Provides the core classes which implement common SNMP data types and services.

This API is a Sun Microsystems internal API and is subject to change without notice.

Java Source File NameTypeComment
BerDecoder.javaClass The BerDecoder class is used for decoding BER-encoded data. A BerDecoder needs to be set up with the byte string containing the encoding.
BerEncoder.javaClass The BerEncoder class is used for encoding data using BER.
BerException.javaClass Exception thrown when a BER encoding/decoding error occurs.
Enumerated.javaClass This class is used for implementing enumerated values.
EnumRowStatus.javaClass This class is an internal class which is used to represent RowStatus codes as defined in RFC 2579.
InetAddressAcl.javaInterface Defines the IP address based ACL used by the SNMP protocol adaptor.
ServiceName.javaClass Used for storing default values used by SNMP Runtime services.
SnmpAckPdu.javaInterface Interface to be implemented by PDUs that are acknowledged (eg: request, bulk).
SnmpBadSecurityLevelException.javaClass This exception is thrown when an incorrect security level is handled.
SnmpCounter.javaClass Represents an SNMP counter.
SnmpCounter64.javaClass Represents an SNMP 64bits counter.
SnmpEngine.javaInterface This engine is conformant with the RFC 2571.
SnmpEngineFactory.javaInterface This SnmpEngineFactory is instantiating an SnmpEngine containing :
  • Message Processing Sub System + V1, V2 et V3 Message Processing Models
  • Security Sub System + User based Security Model (Id 3)
  • Access Control Sub System + Ip Acl + User based Access Control Model.
SnmpEngineId.javaClass This class is handling an SnmpEngineId data.
SnmpEngineParameters.javaClass This class is used to pass some specific parameters to an SnmpEngineFactory .
SnmpGauge.javaClass Represents an SNMP gauge.
SnmpInt.javaClass Represents an SNMP integer.
SnmpIpAddress.javaClass Represents an SNMP IpAddress.
SnmpMessage.javaClass Is a partially decoded representation of an SNMP packet.
SnmpMsg.javaClass A partially decoded representation of an SNMP packet.
SnmpNull.javaClass Represents an SNMP null value.
SnmpOpaque.javaClass Is used to represent an SNMP value.
SnmpParams.javaClass This class is the base class of all parameters that are used when making SNMP requests to an SnmpPeer.
SnmpPdu.javaClass Is the fully decoded representation of an SNMP packet.
SnmpPduBulk.javaClass Represents a get-bulk PDU as defined in RFC 1448.
SnmpPduBulkType.javaInterface Interface implemented by classes modelizing bulk pdu.
SnmpPduFactory.javaInterface Defines the interface of the object in charge of encoding and decoding SNMP packets.
SnmpPduFactoryBER.javaClass Default implementation of the com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpPduFactory SnmpPduFactory interface.
SnmpPduRequest.javaClass Is used to represent get, get-next, set, response and SNMPv2-trap PDUs.
SnmpPduRequestType.javaInterface Interface implemented by classes modelizing request pdu.
SnmpPduTrap.javaClass Represents an SNMPv1-trap PDU.
SnmpScopedPduBulk.javaClass Represents a get-bulk PDU as defined in RFC 1448.
SnmpScopedPduPacket.javaClass Is the fully decoded representation of an SNMP V3 packet.
SnmpScopedPduRequest.javaClass Is used to represent get, get-next, set, response SNMP V3 scoped PDUs.
SnmpSecurityException.javaClass This exception is thrown when an error occurs in an SnmpSecurityModel .
SnmpSecurityParameters.javaInterface Security parameters are security model dependent.
SnmpStatusException.javaClass Reports an error which occurred during a get/set operation on a mib node.
SnmpString.javaClass Represents an SNMP string.
SnmpStringFixed.javaClass Represents an SNMP String defined with a fixed length.
SnmpTooBigException.javaClass Is used internally to signal that the size of a PDU exceeds the packet size limitation.

You will not usually need to use this class, except if you decide to implement your own com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpPduFactory SnmPduFactory object.

The varBindCount property contains the number of SnmpVarBind successfully encoded before the exception was thrown.

SnmpUnknownAccContrModelException.javaClass This exception is thrown when an SnmpAccessControlSubSystem doesn't know the passed ID.
SnmpUnknownModelException.javaClass This exception is thrown when a needed model is not present in the engine.
SnmpUnknownModelLcdException.javaClass This exception is thrown when an SnmpLcd has no ModelLcd associated to the model.
SnmpUnknownMsgProcModelException.javaClass This exception is thrown when an SnmpMsgProcessingSubSystem doesn't know the passed ID.
SnmpUnknownSecModelException.javaClass This exception is thrown when an SnmpSecuritySubSystem doesn't know the passed ID.
SnmpUnknownSubSystemException.javaClass This exception is thrown when the handled SnmpSubSystem is unknown.
SnmpUnsignedInt.javaClass Is the base for all SNMP syntaxes based on unsigned integers.
SnmpUsmKeyHandler.javaInterface This interface allows you to compute key localization and delta generation.
SnmpV3Message.javaClass Is a partially decoded representation of an SNMP V3 packet.

This class can be used when developing customized manager or agent.

The SnmpV3Message class is directly mapped onto the message syntax defined in RFC 2572.

 SNMPv3Message ::= SEQUENCE {
 msgVersion INTEGER ( 0 ..
SnmpValue.javaClass Is an abstract representation of an SNMP Value.

Warning: The interface of this class is subject to change. Use at your own risk.

This class associates a context with each thread that references it.

UserAcl.javaInterface Defines the user based ACL used by the SNMP protocol adaptor. | Contact Us
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