Fetch notifications that match the given listeners.
The operation only considers notifications with a sequence
number at least startSequenceNumber . It will take
no longer than timeout , and will return no more
than maxNotifications different notifications.
If there are no notifications matching the criteria, the
operation will block until one arrives, subject to the
Parameters: filter - an object that will add notifications to a List if they match the currentlisteners with their filters. Parameters: startSequenceNumber - the first sequence number toconsider. Parameters: timeout - the maximum time to wait. May be 0 to indicatenot to wait if there are no notifications. Parameters: maxNotifications - the maximum number of notifications toreturn. May be 0 to indicate a wait for eligible notificationsthat will return a usable nextSequenceNumber . TheTargetedNotification array in the returned NotificationResult may contain more than this number ofelements but will not contain more than this number ofdifferent notifications. |