com.sun.jndi.cosnaming |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | Implements the JNDI NamingEnumeration interface for COS
Naming. | | Class | Provides a bridge to the CosNaming server provided by
JavaIDL. | | Class | Implements the JNDI SPI InitialContextFactory interface used to
create the InitialContext objects. | | Class | Parsing routines for NameParser as well as COS Naming stringified names.
This is used by CNCtx to create a NameComponent[] object and vice versa.
It follows Section 4.5 of Interoperable Naming Service (INS) 98-10-11.
In summary, the stringified form is a left-to-right, forward-slash
separated name. | | Class | Extract components of a "corbaname" URL.
The format of an corbaname URL is defined in INS 99-12-03 as follows.
corbaname url = "corbaname:" ["#" ]
corbaloc_obj = ["/" ]
obj_addr_list = as defined in a corbaloc URL
key_string = as defined in a corbaloc URL
string_name = stringified COS name | empty_string
Characters in are escaped as follows.
US-ASCII alphanumeric characters are not escaped. | | Class | A convenience class to map the COS Naming exceptions to the JNDI exceptions. | | Class | Extract components of an "iiop" or "iiopname" URL.
The format of an iiopname URL is defined in INS 98-10-11 as follows:
iiopname url = "iiopname://" [addr_list]["/" string_name]
addr_list = [address ","]* address
address = [version host [":" port]]
host = DNS style host name | IP address
version = major "." minor "@" | empty_string
port = number
major = number
minor = number
string_name = stringified name | empty_string
The default port is 9999. | | Class | This class keeps track of references to the shared ORB object
and destroys it when no more references are made to the ORB
object. | | Class | StateFactory that turns java.rmi.Remote objects to org.omg.CORBA.Object. |