java.lang .Object .InputStream .FramedMessageInputStream FramedMessageInputStream final public class FramedMessageInputStream extends InputStream implements LifeCycle (Code) Stream wrapper around a ByteBuffer
READ_TRY final static int READ_TRY (Code) Number of times to retry before return EOF
FramedMessageInputStream public FramedMessageInputStream()(Code)
FramedMessageInputStream public FramedMessageInputStream(int frameSize)(Code)
activate public void activate()(Code)
available public int available()(Code) Return the available bytes
the wrapped byteBuffer.remaining()
close public void close()(Code) Close this stream.
getChannelId public int getChannelId()(Code)
getContentId public int getContentId()(Code)
getMessageId public int getMessageId()(Code)
isDirectMode public boolean isDirectMode()(Code)
isMessageInProcess public boolean isMessageInProcess()(Code)
markSupported public boolean markSupported()(Code) Return true if mark is supported.
passivate public void passivate()(Code)
read public int read()(Code) Read the first byte from the wrapped ByteBuffer
read public int read(byte[] b)(Code) Read the bytes from the wrapped ByteBuffer
read public int read(byte[] b, int offset, int length)(Code) Read the first byte of the wrapped ByteBuffer
reset public void reset()(Code)
setByteBuffer public void setByteBuffer(ByteBuffer byteBuffer)(Code)
setDirectMode public void setDirectMode(boolean isDirectMode)(Code)
setFrameSize public void setFrameSize(int frameSize)(Code)