For historical reasons, sometimes this type is used where UnmarshallingEventHandler should be used.
This class will be extended by the generated code.
This interface extends NamespaceContext and provides an additional functionality, which is necessary to declare namespaced attributes on elements.
AbstractUnmarshallingEventHandlerImpl throws a SAXException when a problem is encountered and that problem is not reported.
Note that the SAXException returned by the ContentHandler is unreported.
This object coordinates the overall marshalling efforts across different content-tree objects and different target formats.
The following CFG gives the proper sequence of method invocation.
MARSHALLING := ELEMENT ELEMENT := "startElement" NSDECL* "endNamespaceDecls" ATTRIBUTE* "endAttributes" BODY "endElement" NSDECL := "declareNamespace" ATTRIBUTE := "startAttribute" ATTVALUES "endAttribute" ATTVALUES := "text"* BODY := ( "text" | ELEMENT )*
A marshalling of one element consists of two stages.