| com.sun.xml.ws.security.opt.impl.incoming.VerifiedStreamMessage
VerifiedStreamMessage | final public class VerifiedStreamMessage extends AbstractMessageImpl (Code) | | Message implementation backed by
XMLStreamReader .
TODO: we need another message class that keeps
XMLStreamReader that points
at the start of the envelope element.
Constructor Summary | |
public | VerifiedStreamMessage(HeaderList headers, AttachmentSet attachmentSet, XMLStreamReader reader, SOAPVersion soapVersion, Map<String,String> bodyEnvNs) Creates a
StreamMessage from a
XMLStreamReader that points at the start element of the payload, and headers.
This method creaets a
Message from a payload.
Parameters: headers - if null, it means no headers. | public | VerifiedStreamMessage(TagInfoset envelopeTag, TagInfoset headerTag, AttachmentSet attachmentSet, HeaderList headers, TagInfoset bodyTag, XMLStreamReader reader, SOAPVersion soapVersion, Map<String,String> bodyEnvNs) Creates a
StreamMessage from a
XMLStreamReader and the complete infoset of the SOAP envelope. |
VerifiedStreamMessage | public VerifiedStreamMessage(HeaderList headers, AttachmentSet attachmentSet, XMLStreamReader reader, SOAPVersion soapVersion, Map<String,String> bodyEnvNs)(Code) | | Creates a
StreamMessage from a
XMLStreamReader that points at the start element of the payload, and headers.
This method creaets a
Message from a payload.
Parameters: headers - if null, it means no headers. if non-null,it will be owned by this message. Parameters: reader - points at the start element/document of the payload (or the end element of the <s:Body>if there's no payload) |
VerifiedStreamMessage | public VerifiedStreamMessage(TagInfoset envelopeTag, TagInfoset headerTag, AttachmentSet attachmentSet, HeaderList headers, TagInfoset bodyTag, XMLStreamReader reader, SOAPVersion soapVersion, Map<String,String> bodyEnvNs)(Code) | | Creates a
StreamMessage from a
XMLStreamReader and the complete infoset of the SOAP envelope.
VerifiedStreamMessage.StreamMessage(HeaderList,AttachmentSet,XMLStreamReader,SOAPVersion) for
the description of the basic parameters.
Parameters: headerTag - Null if the message didn't have a header tag. |
consume | public void consume()(Code) | | |
copy | public Message copy()(Code) | | |
getAttachments | public AttachmentSet getAttachments()(Code) | | |
getHeaders | public HeaderList getHeaders()(Code) | | |
getPayloadLocalPart | public String getPayloadLocalPart()(Code) | | |
getPayloadNamespaceURI | public String getPayloadNamespaceURI()(Code) | | |
hasHeaders | public boolean hasHeaders()(Code) | | |
hasPayload | public boolean hasPayload()(Code) | | |
readPayloadAsSource | public Source readPayloadAsSource()(Code) | | |