This callback is an optional callback that can be handled by an
implementation of CallbackHandler to specify the values of properties
configurable with XWS-Security runtime. The properties are:
MAX_CLOCK_SKEW : The assumed maximum skew (milliseconds) between the local times of any two systems
TIMESTAMP_FRESHNESS_LIMIT : The period (milliseconds) for which a Timestamp is considered fresh
MAX_NONCE_AGE : The length of time (milliseconds) a previously received Nonce value will be stored
Parameters: maxNonceAge - The length of time (milliseconds) a previously received Nonce value will be storedImplementation Note: The actual time for which any Nonce will be stored can be greaterthan maxNonceAge.
Parameters: skew - the assumed maximum skew (milliseconds) between the local times of any two systems
public void setMaxNonceAge(long maxNonceAge)(Code)
Parameters: maxNonceAge - The length of time (milliseconds) a previously received Nonce value will be storedImplementation Note: The actual time for which any Nonce will be stored can be greaterthan maxNonceAge. In some cases when the implementation is unable to determine a receiverside policy ahead of processing the Message, the maxNonceAge value used will be a defaultvalue of 30 mins.
public void setTimestampFreshnessLimit(long freshnessLimit)(Code)
Parameters: freshnessLimit - the period (milliseconds) for which a Timestamp is considered fresh
Fields inherited from com.sun.xml.wss.impl.callback.XWSSCallback