0001: /*
0002: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
0003: * of the Common Development and Distribution License
0004: * (the License). You may not use this file except in
0005: * compliance with the License.
0006: *
0007: * You can obtain a copy of the license at
0008: * https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html.
0009: * See the License for the specific language governing
0010: * permissions and limitations under the License.
0011: *
0012: * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
0013: * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
0014: * at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html.
0015: * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
0016: * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
0017: * you own identifying information:
0018: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0019: *
0020: * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
0021: */
0023: /**
0024: * KeySelectorImpl.java
0025: *
0026: * Created on February 25, 2005, 4:36 PM
0027: */package com.sun.xml.wss.impl.dsig;
0029: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.FilterProcessingContext;
0030: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.mls.AuthenticationTokenPolicy;
0031: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.mls.SignaturePolicy;
0032: import com.sun.xml.wss.logging.LogDomainConstants;
0033: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.MessageConstants;
0034: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.SecurableSoapMessage;
0035: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.XMLUtil;
0036: import com.sun.xml.wss.XWSSecurityException;
0037: import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.AssertionUtil;
0038: import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.SAMLException;
0039: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.ReferenceElement;
0040: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.SecurityToken;
0041: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.SecurityTokenReference;
0042: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.X509SecurityToken;
0043: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.reference.DirectReference;
0044: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.reference.KeyIdentifier;
0045: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.EncryptedKeyToken;
0046: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.KeyInfoHeaderBlock;
0047: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.SecurityContextTokenImpl;
0048: import com.sun.xml.ws.security.SecurityContextToken;
0049: import com.sun.xml.wss.core.DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock;
0050: import com.sun.xml.ws.security.impl.DerivedKeyTokenImpl;
0051: import com.sun.xml.ws.security.DerivedKeyToken;
0053: import com.sun.xml.ws.security.IssuedTokenContext;
0055: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.misc.DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl;
0056: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.misc.Base64;
0058: import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.Assertion;
0059: import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.util.SAMLUtil;
0061: import java.math.BigInteger;
0063: import java.security.Key;
0064: import java.security.KeyException;
0065: import java.security.PublicKey;
0066: import java.security.MessageDigest;
0067: import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
0069: import java.util.HashMap;
0070: import java.util.Iterator;
0071: import java.util.List;
0072: import java.util.logging.Level;
0073: import java.util.logging.Logger;
0074: import java.util.Enumeration;
0076: import javax.xml.crypto.AlgorithmMethod;
0077: import javax.xml.crypto.KeySelector;
0078: import javax.xml.crypto.KeySelectorException;
0079: import javax.xml.crypto.KeySelectorResult;
0080: import javax.xml.crypto.MarshalException;
0081: import javax.xml.crypto.NodeSetData;
0082: import javax.xml.crypto.URIDereferencer;
0083: import javax.xml.crypto.URIReference;
0084: import javax.xml.crypto.URIReferenceException;
0085: import javax.xml.crypto.XMLCryptoContext;
0086: import javax.xml.crypto.XMLStructure;
0087: import javax.xml.crypto.KeySelector.Purpose;
0088: import javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure;
0089: import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod;
0090: import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyInfo;
0091: import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyInfoFactory;
0092: import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyName;
0093: import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyValue;
0094: import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.X509Data;
0095: import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.X509IssuerSerial;
0096: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.MLSPolicy;
0097: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.mls.DerivedTokenKeyBinding;
0098: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.mls.SymmetricKeyBinding;
0099: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.mls.SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding;
0100: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.mls.IssuedTokenKeyBinding;
0102: import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;
0103: import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
0105: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.SecurityPolicy;
0106: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.mls.WSSPolicy;
0107: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.mls.MessagePolicy;
0108: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.PolicyTypeUtil;
0110: import org.w3c.dom.Element;
0111: import org.w3c.dom.Node;
0112: import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
0114: import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
0116: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.misc.SecurityUtil;
0117: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.AlgorithmSuite;
0119: import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.elements.BinarySecret;
0120: import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.WSTrustElementFactory;
0121: import com.sun.xml.ws.api.security.trust.WSTrustException;
0123: import com.sun.xml.wss.impl.misc.KeyResolver;
0124: import javax.security.auth.Subject;
0126: /**
0127: * Implementation of JSR 105 KeySelector interface.
0128: * Supports resolving Key information from
0129: * SecurityTokenReference elements, KeyName,
0130: * X509Data and KeyValue.
0131: * @author K.Venugopal@sun.com,XWS-Security team
0132: */
0133: public class KeySelectorImpl extends KeySelector {
0134: private static KeySelectorImpl keyResolver = null;
0135: private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(
0136: LogDomainConstants.IMPL_SIGNATURE_DOMAIN,
0139: /** Creates a new instance of KeySelectorImpl */
0140: static {
0141: keyResolver = new KeySelectorImpl();
0142: }
0144: private KeySelectorImpl() {
0146: }
0148: /**
0149: *
0150: * @return
0151: */
0152: public static KeySelector getInstance() {
0153: return keyResolver;
0154: }
0156: /**
0157: *
0158: * @param keyInfo
0159: * @param purpose
0160: * @param method
0161: * @param context
0162: * @throws KeySelectorException
0163: * @return
0164: */
0165: public KeySelectorResult select(KeyInfo keyInfo, Purpose purpose,
0166: AlgorithmMethod method, XMLCryptoContext context)
0167: throws KeySelectorException {
0168: if (keyInfo == null) {
0169: if (logger.getLevel() == Level.SEVERE) {
0170: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1317.keyinfo.null");
0171: }
0172: throw new KeySelectorException("Null KeyInfo object!");
0173: }
0175: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
0176: logger.log(Level.FINEST,
0177: "KeySelectorResult::select Purpose = " + purpose);
0178: logger.log(Level.FINEST,
0179: "KeySelectorResult::select Algorithm is "
0180: + method.getAlgorithm());
0181: logger.log(Level.FINEST,
0182: "KeySelectorResult::select ParameterSpec is "
0183: + method.getParameterSpec());
0184: }
0185: try {
0186: SignatureMethod sm = (SignatureMethod) method;
0187: List list = keyInfo.getContent();
0188: FilterProcessingContext wssContext = (FilterProcessingContext) context
0189: .get(MessageConstants.WSS_PROCESSING_CONTEXT);
0191: SecurityPolicy securityPolicy = wssContext
0192: .getSecurityPolicy();
0193: boolean isBSP = false;
0194: if (securityPolicy != null) {
0195: if (PolicyTypeUtil.messagePolicy(securityPolicy)) {
0196: isBSP = ((MessagePolicy) securityPolicy).isBSP();
0197: } else {
0198: isBSP = ((WSSPolicy) securityPolicy).isBSP();
0199: }
0200: }
0202: if (isBSP && list.size() > 1) {
0203: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
0204: "WSS1350.illegal.BSP.Violation.KeyInfo");
0205: throw SecurableSoapMessage
0206: .newSOAPFaultException(
0208: "BSP Violation of R5402: KeyInfo MUST have exactly one child",
0209: null);
0210: }
0212: boolean isStr = false;
0214: for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
0215: XMLStructure xmlStructure = (XMLStructure) list.get(i);
0216: if (xmlStructure instanceof KeyValue) {
0217: PublicKey pk = null;
0218: try {
0219: pk = ((KeyValue) xmlStructure).getPublicKey();
0220: } catch (KeyException ke) {
0221: logger
0222: .log(
0223: Level.SEVERE,
0224: "WSS1351.exception.keyselector.publickey",
0225: ke);
0226: throw new KeySelectorException(ke);
0227: }
0228: // make sure algorithm is compatible with method
0229: if (algEquals(sm.getAlgorithm(), pk.getAlgorithm())) {
0230: return new SimpleKeySelectorResult(pk);
0231: }
0232: } else if (xmlStructure instanceof DOMStructure) {
0233: SOAPElement reference = (SOAPElement) ((DOMStructure) xmlStructure)
0234: .getNode();
0235: if (isSecurityTokenReference(reference)) {
0236: isStr = true;
0237: final Key key = resolve(reference, context,
0238: purpose);
0239: return new KeySelectorResult() {
0240: public Key getKey() {
0241: return key;
0242: }
0243: };
0244: }
0245: } else if (xmlStructure instanceof KeyName) {
0246: KeyName keyName = (KeyName) xmlStructure;
0247: Key returnKey = wssContext.getSecurityEnvironment()
0248: .getSecretKey(
0249: wssContext
0250: .getExtraneousProperties(),
0251: keyName.getName(), false);
0252: if (returnKey == null) {
0253: X509Certificate cert = wssContext
0254: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0255: .getCertificate(
0256: wssContext
0257: .getExtraneousProperties(),
0258: keyName.getName(), false);
0259: if (cert != null
0260: && algEquals(sm.getAlgorithm(), cert
0261: .getPublicKey().getAlgorithm())) {
0262: //update other party subject here
0263: wssContext
0264: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0265: .updateOtherPartySubject(
0266: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl
0267: .getSubject(wssContext),
0268: cert);
0269: return new SimpleKeySelectorResult(cert
0270: .getPublicKey());
0271: }
0272: } else {
0273: return new SimpleKeySelectorResult(returnKey);
0274: }
0275: } else if (xmlStructure instanceof X509Data) {
0276: Key key = resolveX509Data(wssContext,
0277: (X509Data) xmlStructure, purpose);
0278: return new SimpleKeySelectorResult(key);
0279: }
0280: }
0282: if (isBSP && !isStr) {
0283: logger
0284: .log(Level.SEVERE,
0285: "BSP Violation of R5409: Child element of KeyInfo MUST be a STR element");
0286: throw SecurableSoapMessage
0287: .newSOAPFaultException(
0289: "BSP Violation of R5409: Child element of KeyInfo MUST be a STR element",
0290: null);
0291: }
0293: } catch (KeySelectorException kse) {
0294: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1352.exception.keyselector",
0295: kse);
0296: throw kse;
0297: } catch (Exception ex) {
0298: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
0299: "WSS1353.unable.resolve.keyInformation", ex
0300: .getMessage());
0301: throw new KeySelectorException(ex);
0302: }
0303: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1354.null.keyValue");
0304: throw new KeySelectorException("No KeyValue element found!");
0305: }
0307: //@@@FIXME: this should also work for key types other than DSA/RSA
0308: /**
0309: *
0310: * @param algURI
0311: * @param algName
0312: * @return
0313: */
0314: static boolean algEquals(String algURI, String algName) {
0315: if (algName.equalsIgnoreCase("DSA")
0316: && algURI.equalsIgnoreCase(SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1)) {
0317: return true;
0318: } else if (algName.equalsIgnoreCase("RSA")
0319: && algURI.equalsIgnoreCase(SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1)) {
0320: return true;
0321: } else {
0322: return false;
0323: }
0324: }
0326: private static class SimpleKeySelectorResult implements
0327: KeySelectorResult {
0328: private Key pk;
0330: SimpleKeySelectorResult(Key pk) {
0331: this .pk = pk;
0332: }
0334: public Key getKey() {
0335: return pk;
0336: }
0337: }
0339: private static Key resolve(SOAPElement securityTokenReference,
0340: XMLCryptoContext context, Purpose purpose)
0341: throws KeySelectorException {
0342: try {
0343: FilterProcessingContext wssContext = (FilterProcessingContext) context
0344: .get(MessageConstants.WSS_PROCESSING_CONTEXT);
0345: SecurableSoapMessage secureMsg = wssContext
0346: .getSecurableSoapMessage();
0347: AlgorithmSuite algSuite = wssContext.getAlgorithmSuite();
0348: String encAlgo = null;
0349: boolean isPolicyRecipient = (wssContext.getMode() == FilterProcessingContext.WSDL_POLICY);
0350: if (algSuite != null) {
0351: encAlgo = algSuite.getEncryptionAlgorithm();
0352: }
0354: SecurityPolicy securityPolicy = wssContext
0355: .getSecurityPolicy();
0356: boolean isBSP = false;
0357: if (securityPolicy != null) {
0358: if (PolicyTypeUtil.messagePolicy(securityPolicy)) {
0359: isBSP = ((MessagePolicy) securityPolicy).isBSP();
0360: } else {
0361: isBSP = ((WSSPolicy) securityPolicy).isBSP();
0362: }
0363: }
0365: SecurityTokenReference str = new SecurityTokenReference(
0366: securityTokenReference, isBSP);
0367: ReferenceElement refElement = str.getReference();
0368: HashMap tokenCache = wssContext.getTokenCache();
0369: HashMap insertedX509Cache = wssContext
0370: .getInsertedX509Cache();
0371: SignaturePolicy policy = (SignaturePolicy) wssContext
0372: .getInferredPolicy();
0373: SignaturePolicy inferredSignaturePolicy = null;
0374: if (isPolicyRecipient) {
0375: int i = wssContext.getInferredSecurityPolicy().size() - 1;
0376: //When we call SigProc.verifySignature for a SAMLAssertion from KeyResolver
0377: if (PolicyTypeUtil.signaturePolicy(wssContext
0378: .getInferredSecurityPolicy().get(i))) {
0379: inferredSignaturePolicy = (SignaturePolicy) wssContext
0380: .getInferredSecurityPolicy().get(i);
0381: }
0382: }
0383: // will be only during verify.
0384: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding keyBinding = null;
0386: //TODO: what is this case here
0387: if (policy != null) {
0388: keyBinding = (AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding) policy
0389: .newX509CertificateKeyBinding();
0390: }
0392: Key returnKey = null;
0393: boolean isSymmetric = false;
0394: if (refElement instanceof KeyIdentifier) {
0395: KeyIdentifier keyId = (KeyIdentifier) refElement;
0396: if (keyBinding != null) {
0397: keyBinding
0398: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.KEY_INDETIFIER_TYPE);
0399: keyBinding.setValueType(keyId.getValueType());
0400: }
0402: if (MessageConstants.X509SubjectKeyIdentifier_NS
0403: .equals(keyId.getValueType())
0404: || MessageConstants.X509v3SubjectKeyIdentifier_NS
0405: .equals(keyId.getValueType())) {
0406: if (isPolicyRecipient
0407: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
0408: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
0409: .getKeyBinding();
0410: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding();
0411: x509Binding
0412: .setValueType(MessageConstants.X509SubjectKeyIdentifier_NS);
0413: x509Binding
0414: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.KEY_INDETIFIER_TYPE);
0416: if (inferredKB == null) {
0417: inferredSignaturePolicy
0418: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0419: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0420: .symmetricKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0421: ((SymmetricKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0422: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0423: isSymmetric = true;
0424: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0425: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0426: DerivedTokenKeyBinding dktBind = (DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB;
0427: if (dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
0428: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0429: .setOriginalKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0430: else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0431: .symmetricKeyBinding(dktBind
0432: .getOriginalKeyBinding())) {
0433: dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding()
0434: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0435: isSymmetric = true;
0436: }
0437: }
0439: }
0440: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
0441: byte[] keyIdBytes = XMLUtil
0442: .getDecodedBase64EncodedData(keyId
0443: .getReferenceValue());
0444: wssContext.setExtraneousProperty(
0445: MessageConstants.REQUESTER_KEYID,
0446: new String(keyIdBytes));
0447: // add missing update to other party certificate
0448: X509Certificate cert = wssContext
0449: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0450: .getCertificate(
0451: wssContext
0452: .getExtraneousProperties(),
0453: keyIdBytes);
0454: if (!isSymmetric) {
0455: wssContext
0456: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0457: .updateOtherPartySubject(
0458: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl
0459: .getSubject(wssContext),
0460: cert);
0461: }
0462: returnKey = cert.getPublicKey();
0463: } else if (purpose == Purpose.SIGN) {
0464: returnKey = wssContext
0465: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0466: .getPrivateKey(
0467: wssContext
0468: .getExtraneousProperties(),
0469: XMLUtil
0470: .getDecodedBase64EncodedData(keyId
0471: .getReferenceValue()));
0472: }
0474: } else if (MessageConstants.ThumbPrintIdentifier_NS
0475: .equals(keyId.getValueType())) {
0476: if (isPolicyRecipient
0477: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
0478: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
0479: .getKeyBinding();
0480: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding();
0481: x509Binding
0482: .setValueType(MessageConstants.ThumbPrintIdentifier_NS);
0483: x509Binding
0484: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.KEY_INDETIFIER_TYPE);
0485: if (inferredKB == null) {
0486: inferredSignaturePolicy
0487: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0488: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0489: .symmetricKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0490: ((SymmetricKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0491: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0492: isSymmetric = true;
0493: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0494: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0495: DerivedTokenKeyBinding dktBind = (DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB;
0496: if (dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
0497: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0498: .setOriginalKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0499: else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0500: .symmetricKeyBinding(dktBind
0501: .getOriginalKeyBinding())) {
0502: dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding()
0503: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0504: isSymmetric = true;
0505: }
0506: }
0508: }
0509: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
0510: byte[] keyIdBytes = XMLUtil
0511: .getDecodedBase64EncodedData(keyId
0512: .getReferenceValue());
0513: wssContext.setExtraneousProperty(
0514: MessageConstants.REQUESTER_KEYID,
0515: new String(keyIdBytes));
0516: //update other party subject
0517: X509Certificate cert = wssContext
0518: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0519: .getCertificate(
0520: wssContext
0521: .getExtraneousProperties(),
0522: keyIdBytes,
0523: MessageConstants.THUMB_PRINT_TYPE);
0524: if (!isSymmetric) {
0525: wssContext
0526: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0527: .updateOtherPartySubject(
0528: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl
0529: .getSubject(wssContext),
0530: cert);
0531: }
0532: returnKey = cert.getPublicKey();
0533: } else if (purpose == Purpose.SIGN) {
0534: returnKey = wssContext
0535: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0536: .getPrivateKey(
0537: wssContext
0538: .getExtraneousProperties(),
0539: XMLUtil
0540: .getDecodedBase64EncodedData(keyId
0541: .getReferenceValue()),
0542: MessageConstants.THUMB_PRINT_TYPE);
0543: }
0545: } else if (MessageConstants.EncryptedKeyIdentifier_NS
0546: .equals(keyId.getValueType())) {
0547: if (isPolicyRecipient
0548: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
0549: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
0550: .getKeyBinding();
0551: SymmetricKeyBinding skBinding = new SymmetricKeyBinding();
0552: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding();
0553: x509Binding
0554: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.KEY_INDETIFIER_TYPE);
0555: skBinding.setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0556: //TODO: ReferenceType and ValueType not set on X509Binding
0557: if (inferredKB == null) {
0558: inferredSignaturePolicy
0559: .setKeyBinding(skBinding);
0560: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0561: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0562: if (((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0563: .getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
0564: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0565: .setOriginalKeyBinding(skBinding);
0566: }
0567: }
0568: //Set return key here
0569: String ekSha1RefValue = (String) wssContext
0570: .getExtraneousProperty("EncryptedKeySHA1");
0571: Key secretKey = (Key) wssContext
0572: .getExtraneousProperty("SecretKey");
0573: String keyRefValue = keyId.getReferenceValue();
0574: if (ekSha1RefValue != null && secretKey != null) {
0575: if (ekSha1RefValue.equals(keyRefValue))
0576: returnKey = secretKey;
0577: } else {
0578: String message = "EncryptedKeySHA1 reference not correct";
0579: logger
0580: .log(
0581: Level.SEVERE,
0582: "WSS1306:unsupported.KeyIdentifier.Reference.Type.encountered",
0583: new Object[] { message });
0584: throw new KeySelectorException(message);
0585: }
0586: //returnKey = null;
0587: } else if (MessageConstants.WSSE_SAML_KEY_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_TYPE
0588: .equals(keyId.getValueType())
0589: || MessageConstants.WSSE_SAML_v2_0_KEY_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_TYPE
0590: .equals(keyId.getValueType())) {
0592: String assertionID = keyId.getReferenceValue();
0593: Element tokenElement = wssContext
0594: .getIssuedSAMLToken();
0595: if (tokenElement == null) {
0596: Assertion samlAssertion = (Assertion) tokenCache
0597: .get(assertionID);
0598: if (samlAssertion == null) {
0599: if (str.getSamlAuthorityBinding() != null) {
0600: tokenElement = wssContext
0601: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0602: .locateSAMLAssertion(
0603: wssContext
0604: .getExtraneousProperties(),
0605: str
0606: .getSamlAuthorityBinding(),
0607: assertionID,
0608: secureMsg.getSOAPPart());
0609: } else {
0610: tokenElement = SAMLUtil
0611: .locateSamlAssertion(
0612: assertionID, secureMsg
0613: .getSOAPPart());
0614: if (!("true"
0615: .equals((String) wssContext
0616: .getExtraneousProperty(MessageConstants.SAML_SIG_RESOLVED)))
0617: || "false"
0618: .equals((String) wssContext
0619: .getExtraneousProperty(MessageConstants.SAML_SIG_RESOLVED))) {
0620: wssContext
0621: .setExtraneousProperty(
0622: MessageConstants.SAML_SIG_RESOLVED,
0623: "false");
0624: }
0625: }
0626: } else {
0627: try {
0628: tokenElement = samlAssertion
0629: .toElement(null);
0630: } catch (Exception e) {
0631: logger
0632: .log(
0633: Level.SEVERE,
0634: "WSS1355.unableto.resolve.SAMLAssertion",
0635: e.getMessage());
0636: throw new KeySelectorException(e);
0637: }
0638: }
0639: }
0641: if (isPolicyRecipient
0642: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
0643: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
0644: .getKeyBinding();
0645: IssuedTokenKeyBinding itkBinding = new IssuedTokenKeyBinding();
0646: if (inferredKB == null) {
0647: if (wssContext.hasIssuedToken()) {
0648: inferredSignaturePolicy
0649: .setKeyBinding(itkBinding);
0650: } else {
0651: inferredSignaturePolicy
0652: .setKeyBinding(new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.SAMLAssertionBinding());
0653: }
0654: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0655: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0656: if (((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0657: .getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
0658: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0659: .setOriginalKeyBinding(itkBinding);
0661: }
0662: }
0664: returnKey = resolveSamlAssertion(context,
0665: tokenElement, purpose, assertionID);
0666: addAuthorityId(tokenElement, wssContext);
0667: if (wssContext.hasIssuedToken()) {
0668: SecurityUtil.initInferredIssuedTokenContext(
0669: wssContext, str, returnKey);
0670: }
0672: } else {
0674: // it could be SAML AssertionID without ValueType on KeyIdentifier
0675: String assertionID = keyId
0676: .getDecodedReferenceValue();
0677: Element samlAssertion = null;
0678: try {
0679: samlAssertion = resolveSAMLToken(str,
0680: assertionID, wssContext);
0681: } catch (Exception e) {
0682: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
0683: logger
0684: .log(
0685: Level.FINEST,
0686: "Error occurred while trying "
0687: + "to resolve SAML assertion"
0688: + e.getMessage());
0689: }
0690: }
0692: if (samlAssertion != null) {
0693: if (isPolicyRecipient
0694: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
0695: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
0696: .getKeyBinding();
0697: IssuedTokenKeyBinding itkBinding = new IssuedTokenKeyBinding();
0698: if (inferredKB == null) {
0699: if (wssContext.hasIssuedToken()) {
0700: inferredSignaturePolicy
0701: .setKeyBinding(itkBinding);
0702: } else {
0703: inferredSignaturePolicy
0704: .setKeyBinding(new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.SAMLAssertionBinding());
0705: }
0706: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0707: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0708: if (((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0709: .getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
0710: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0711: .setOriginalKeyBinding(itkBinding);
0712: }
0713: }
0714: returnKey = resolveSamlAssertion(context,
0715: samlAssertion, purpose, assertionID);
0716: addAuthorityId(samlAssertion, wssContext);
0718: //whenever we have SAML we want to record the proofkey and str
0719: if (wssContext.hasIssuedToken()) {
0720: SecurityUtil
0721: .initInferredIssuedTokenContext(
0722: wssContext, str, returnKey);
0723: }
0725: } else {
0726: // now assume its an X509Token
0727: // Note: the code below assumes base64 EncodingType for X509 SKI
0728: if (isPolicyRecipient
0729: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
0730: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
0731: .getKeyBinding();
0732: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding();
0733: x509Binding
0734: .setValueType(MessageConstants.X509SubjectKeyIdentifier_NS);
0735: x509Binding
0736: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.KEY_INDETIFIER_TYPE);
0737: if (inferredKB == null) {
0738: inferredSignaturePolicy
0739: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0740: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0741: .symmetricKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0742: ((SymmetricKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0743: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0744: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0745: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0746: DerivedTokenKeyBinding dktBind = (DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB;
0747: if (dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
0748: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0749: .setOriginalKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0750: else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0751: .symmetricKeyBinding(dktBind
0752: .getOriginalKeyBinding())) {
0753: dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding()
0754: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0755: }
0756: }
0758: }
0759: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
0760: byte[] keyIdBytes = XMLUtil
0761: .getDecodedBase64EncodedData(keyId
0762: .getReferenceValue());
0763: wssContext.setExtraneousProperty(
0764: MessageConstants.REQUESTER_KEYID,
0765: new String(keyIdBytes));
0766: //update other party certificate
0767: X509Certificate cert = wssContext
0768: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0769: .getCertificate(
0770: wssContext
0771: .getExtraneousProperties(),
0772: XMLUtil
0773: .getDecodedBase64EncodedData(keyId
0774: .getReferenceValue()));
0775: wssContext
0776: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0777: .updateOtherPartySubject(
0778: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl
0779: .getSubject(wssContext),
0780: cert);
0781: returnKey = cert.getPublicKey();
0783: } else if (purpose == Purpose.SIGN) {
0784: returnKey = wssContext
0785: .getSecurityEnvironment()
0786: .getPrivateKey(
0787: wssContext
0788: .getExtraneousProperties(),
0789: XMLUtil
0790: .getDecodedBase64EncodedData(keyId
0791: .getReferenceValue()));
0792: }
0793: }
0795: }
0797: } else if (refElement instanceof DirectReference) {
0798: if (keyBinding != null) {
0799: keyBinding
0800: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.DIRECT_REFERENCE_TYPE);
0802: }
0803: String uri = ((DirectReference) refElement).getURI();
0804: if (isBSP && !uri.startsWith("#")) {
0805: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
0806: "WSS1356.Violation.BSP.R5204");
0807: throw new XWSSecurityException(
0808: "Violation of BSP R5204 "
0809: + ": When a SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE uses a Direct Reference to an INTERNAL_SECURITY_TOKEN, it MUST use a Shorthand XPointer Reference");
0810: }
0812: String valueType = ((DirectReference) refElement)
0813: .getValueType();
0814: if (MessageConstants.DKT_VALUETYPE.equals(valueType)) {
0815: //TODO: this will work for now but need to handle this case here later
0816: valueType = null;
0817: }
0819: if (MessageConstants.X509v3_NS.equals(valueType)
0820: || MessageConstants.X509v1_NS.equals(valueType)) {
0821: // its an X509 Token
0822: if (keyBinding != null) {
0823: keyBinding.setValueType(valueType);
0824: }
0825: String wsuId = secureMsg.getIdFromFragmentRef(uri);
0826: X509SecurityToken token = (X509SecurityToken) insertedX509Cache
0827: .get(wsuId);
0828: //if(token == null)
0829: // token =(X509SecurityToken) tokenCache.get(wsuId);
0831: if (token == null) {
0832: token = (X509SecurityToken) resolveToken(wsuId,
0833: context);
0834: if (token == null) {
0835: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
0836: "WSS1357.unableto.locate.Token");
0837: throw new KeySelectorException(
0838: "Token with Id " + wsuId
0839: + "not found");
0840: } else {
0841: tokenCache.put(wsuId, token);
0842: }
0843: }
0845: if (isPolicyRecipient
0846: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
0847: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
0848: .getKeyBinding();
0849: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding();
0850: x509Binding
0851: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.DIRECT_REFERENCE_TYPE);
0852: x509Binding.setValueType(valueType);
0853: if (inferredKB == null) {
0854: inferredSignaturePolicy
0855: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0856: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0857: .symmetricKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0858: ((SymmetricKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0859: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0860: isSymmetric = true;
0861: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0862: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0863: DerivedTokenKeyBinding dktBind = (DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB;
0864: if (dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
0865: dktBind
0866: .setOriginalKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0867: else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0868: .symmetricKeyBinding(dktBind
0869: .getOriginalKeyBinding())) {
0870: dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding()
0871: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0872: isSymmetric = true;
0873: }
0874: }
0876: }
0878: returnKey = resolveX509Token(wssContext, token,
0879: purpose, isSymmetric);
0881: } else if (MessageConstants.EncryptedKey_NS
0882: .equals(valueType)) {
0883: String wsuId = secureMsg.getIdFromFragmentRef(uri);
0884: SecurityToken token = (SecurityToken) tokenCache
0885: .get(wsuId);
0886: if (token == null) {
0887: token = resolveToken(wsuId, context);
0888: if (token == null) {
0889: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
0890: "WSS1357.unableto.locate.Token");
0891: throw new KeySelectorException(
0892: "Token with Id " + wsuId
0893: + "not found");//TODO LOG ::Venu
0894: } else {
0895: tokenCache.put(wsuId, token);
0896: }
0897: }
0898: KeyInfoHeaderBlock kiHB = ((EncryptedKeyToken) token)
0899: .getKeyInfo();
0900: SecurityTokenReference sectr = kiHB
0901: .getSecurityTokenReference(0);
0902: SOAPElement se = sectr.getAsSoapElement();
0903: ReferenceElement refElem = sectr.getReference();
0904: if (isPolicyRecipient
0905: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
0906: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
0907: .getKeyBinding();
0908: SymmetricKeyBinding skBinding = new SymmetricKeyBinding();
0909: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding();
0910: skBinding.setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
0911: //TODO: ReferenceType and ValueType not set on X509Binding
0912: if (inferredKB == null) {
0913: inferredSignaturePolicy
0914: .setKeyBinding(skBinding);
0915: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0916: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0917: if (((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0918: .getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
0919: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0920: .setOriginalKeyBinding(skBinding);
0922: }
0923: }
0925: Key privKey = resolve(se, context, Purpose.SIGN);
0926: Element cipherData = (Element) ((EncryptedKeyToken) token)
0927: .getAsSoapElement()
0928: .getChildElements(
0929: new QName(
0930: MessageConstants.XENC_NS,
0931: "CipherData",
0932: MessageConstants.XENC_PREFIX))
0933: .next();
0934: String cipherValue = cipherData
0935: .getElementsByTagNameNS(
0936: MessageConstants.XENC_NS,
0937: "CipherValue").item(0)
0938: .getTextContent();
0939: byte[] decodedCipher = Base64.decode(cipherValue);
0940: byte[] ekSha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1")
0941: .digest(decodedCipher);
0943: String encEkSha1 = Base64.encode(ekSha1);
0944: wssContext.setExtraneousProperty(
0945: MessageConstants.EK_SHA1_VALUE, encEkSha1);
0947: returnKey = ((EncryptedKeyToken) token)
0948: .getSecretKey(privKey, encAlgo);
0949: wssContext.setExtraneousProperty(
0950: MessageConstants.SECRET_KEY_VALUE,
0951: returnKey);
0952: } else if (MessageConstants.SCT_VALUETYPE
0953: .equals(valueType)) {
0954: // could be wsuId or SCT Session Id
0955: String sctId = secureMsg.getIdFromFragmentRef(uri);
0956: SecurityToken token = (SecurityToken) tokenCache
0957: .get(sctId);
0959: if (token == null) {
0960: token = SecurityUtil.locateBySCTId(wssContext,
0961: uri);
0962: if (token == null) {
0963: token = resolveToken(sctId, context);
0964: }
0966: if (token == null) {
0967: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
0968: "WSS1358.unableto.locate.SCTToken");
0969: throw new KeySelectorException(
0970: "SCT Token with Id " + sctId
0971: + "not found");
0972: } else {
0973: tokenCache.put(sctId, token);
0974: }
0975: }
0977: if (token instanceof SecurityContextToken) {
0978: //handling for SecurityContext Token
0979: if (isPolicyRecipient
0980: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
0981: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
0982: .getKeyBinding();
0983: SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding sctBinding = new SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding();
0984: if (inferredKB == null) {
0985: inferredSignaturePolicy
0986: .setKeyBinding(sctBinding);
0987: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
0988: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
0989: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
0990: .setOriginalKeyBinding(sctBinding);
0991: }
0992: }
0993: returnKey = resolveSCT(wssContext,
0994: (SecurityContextTokenImpl) token,
0995: purpose);
0997: } else {
0998: logger
0999: .log(Level.SEVERE,
1000: "WSS1359.invalid.valuetype.nonSCTtoken");
1001: throw new KeySelectorException(
1002: "Incorrect ValueType: "
1003: + MessageConstants.SCT_VALUETYPE
1004: + ", specified for a Non SCT Token");
1005: }
1007: } else if (null == valueType) {
1008: // Log fails BSP:R3059 and R3058
1009: //logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Fails BSP requirements R3058 and 3059");
1011: // Do default processing
1012: String wsuId = secureMsg.getIdFromFragmentRef(uri);
1013: SecurityToken token = (SecurityToken) tokenCache
1014: .get(wsuId);
1016: if (token == null) {
1017: token = resolveToken(wsuId, context);
1018: if (token == null) {
1019: token = SecurityUtil.locateBySCTId(
1020: wssContext, uri);
1021: }
1023: if (token == null) {
1024: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1025: "WSS1357.unableto.locate.Token");
1026: throw new KeySelectorException(
1027: "Token with Id " + wsuId
1028: + "not found");
1029: } else {
1030: tokenCache.put(wsuId, token);
1031: }
1032: }
1034: if (token instanceof X509SecurityToken) {
1035: if (isPolicyRecipient
1036: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
1037: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
1038: .getKeyBinding();
1039: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding();
1040: x509Binding
1041: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.DIRECT_REFERENCE_TYPE);
1042: if (inferredKB == null) {
1043: inferredSignaturePolicy
1044: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
1045: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
1046: .symmetricKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
1047: ((SymmetricKeyBinding) inferredKB)
1048: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
1049: isSymmetric = true;
1050: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
1051: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
1052: DerivedTokenKeyBinding dktBind = (DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB;
1053: if (dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
1054: dktBind
1055: .setOriginalKeyBinding(x509Binding);
1056: else if (PolicyTypeUtil
1057: .symmetricKeyBinding(dktBind
1058: .getOriginalKeyBinding())) {
1059: dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding()
1060: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
1061: isSymmetric = true;
1062: }
1063: }
1065: }
1066: returnKey = resolveX509Token(wssContext,
1067: (X509SecurityToken) token, purpose,
1068: isSymmetric);
1070: } else if (token instanceof EncryptedKeyToken) {
1072: if (isPolicyRecipient
1073: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
1074: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
1075: .getKeyBinding();
1076: SymmetricKeyBinding skBinding = new SymmetricKeyBinding();
1077: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding();
1078: skBinding.setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
1079: //TODO: ReferenceType and ValueType not set on X509Binding
1080: if (inferredKB == null) {
1081: inferredSignaturePolicy
1082: .setKeyBinding(skBinding);
1083: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
1084: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
1085: if (((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
1086: .getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
1087: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
1088: .setOriginalKeyBinding(skBinding);
1089: }
1090: }
1092: KeyInfoHeaderBlock kiHB = ((EncryptedKeyToken) token)
1093: .getKeyInfo();
1094: SecurityTokenReference sectr = kiHB
1095: .getSecurityTokenReference(0);
1096: SOAPElement se = sectr.getAsSoapElement();
1097: ReferenceElement refElem = sectr.getReference();
1098: Key privKey = resolve(se, context, Purpose.SIGN);
1100: Element cipherData = (Element) ((EncryptedKeyToken) token)
1101: .getAsSoapElement()
1102: .getChildElements(
1103: new QName(
1104: MessageConstants.XENC_NS,
1105: "CipherData",
1106: MessageConstants.XENC_PREFIX))
1107: .next();
1108: String cipherValue = cipherData
1109: .getElementsByTagNameNS(
1110: MessageConstants.XENC_NS,
1111: "CipherValue").item(0)
1112: .getTextContent();
1113: byte[] decodedCipher = Base64
1114: .decode(cipherValue);
1115: byte[] ekSha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance(
1116: "SHA-1").digest(decodedCipher);
1118: String encEkSha1 = Base64.encode(ekSha1);
1119: wssContext.setExtraneousProperty(
1120: MessageConstants.EK_SHA1_VALUE,
1121: encEkSha1);
1123: returnKey = ((EncryptedKeyToken) token)
1124: .getSecretKey(privKey, encAlgo);
1125: wssContext.setExtraneousProperty(
1126: MessageConstants.SECRET_KEY_VALUE,
1127: returnKey);
1129: } else if (token instanceof SecurityContextToken) {
1130: //handling for SecurityContext Token
1131: if (isPolicyRecipient
1132: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
1133: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
1134: .getKeyBinding();
1135: SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding sctBinding = new SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding();
1136: if (inferredKB == null) {
1137: inferredSignaturePolicy
1138: .setKeyBinding(sctBinding);
1139: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
1140: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
1141: ((DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB)
1142: .setOriginalKeyBinding(sctBinding);
1143: }
1144: }
1145: returnKey = resolveSCT(wssContext,
1146: (SecurityContextTokenImpl) token,
1147: purpose);
1149: } else if (token instanceof DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock) {
1150: if (isPolicyRecipient
1151: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
1152: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
1153: .getKeyBinding();
1154: DerivedTokenKeyBinding dtkBinding = new DerivedTokenKeyBinding();
1155: if (inferredKB == null) {
1156: inferredSignaturePolicy
1157: .setKeyBinding(dtkBinding);
1158: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
1159: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
1160: //already set - do nothing
1161: } else {
1162: logger
1163: .log(Level.SEVERE,
1164: "WSS1360.invalid.DerivedKeyToken");
1165: throw new XWSSecurityException(
1166: "A derived Key Token should be a top level key binding");
1167: }
1168: }
1169: returnKey = resolveDKT(context,
1170: (DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock) token);
1171: } else {
1172: String message = " Cannot Resolve URI " + uri;
1173: logger
1174: .log(
1175: Level.SEVERE,
1176: "WSS1307.unsupported.directref.mechanism",
1177: new Object[] { message });
1178: KeySelectorException xwsse = new KeySelectorException(
1179: message);
1180: //throw xwsse;
1181: throw SecurableSoapMessage
1182: .newSOAPFaultException(
1184: xwsse.getMessage(), xwsse);
1185: }
1187: } else {
1188: logger
1189: .log(
1190: Level.SEVERE,
1191: "WSS1307.unsupported.directref.mechanism",
1192: new Object[] { ((DirectReference) refElement)
1193: .getValueType() });
1195: throw SecurableSoapMessage
1196: .newSOAPFaultException(
1198: "unsupported directreference ValueType "
1199: + ((DirectReference) refElement)
1200: .getValueType(),
1201: null);
1202: }
1203: } else if (refElement instanceof com.sun.xml.wss.core.reference.X509IssuerSerial) {
1204: if (keyBinding != null) {
1205: keyBinding
1206: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.X509_ISSUER_TYPE);
1207: }
1208: com.sun.xml.wss.core.reference.X509IssuerSerial xisElement = (com.sun.xml.wss.core.reference.X509IssuerSerial) refElement;
1209: BigInteger serialNumber = xisElement.getSerialNumber();
1210: String issuerName = xisElement.getIssuerName();
1211: if (isPolicyRecipient
1212: && inferredSignaturePolicy != null) {
1213: MLSPolicy inferredKB = inferredSignaturePolicy
1214: .getKeyBinding();
1215: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = new AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding();
1216: x509Binding
1217: .setReferenceType(MessageConstants.X509_ISSUER_TYPE);
1218: if (inferredKB == null) {
1219: inferredSignaturePolicy
1220: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
1221: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
1222: .symmetricKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
1223: ((SymmetricKeyBinding) inferredKB)
1224: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
1225: } else if (PolicyTypeUtil
1226: .derivedTokenKeyBinding(inferredKB)) {
1227: DerivedTokenKeyBinding dktBind = (DerivedTokenKeyBinding) inferredKB;
1228: if (dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding() == null)
1229: dktBind.setOriginalKeyBinding(x509Binding);
1230: else if (PolicyTypeUtil
1231: .symmetricKeyBinding(dktBind
1232: .getOriginalKeyBinding()))
1233: dktBind.getOriginalKeyBinding()
1234: .setKeyBinding(x509Binding);
1235: }
1237: }
1238: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
1239: wssContext.setExtraneousProperty(
1240: MessageConstants.REQUESTER_SERIAL,
1241: serialNumber);
1242: wssContext.setExtraneousProperty(
1243: MessageConstants.REQUESTER_ISSUERNAME,
1244: issuerName);
1245: //update other party certificate
1246: X509Certificate cert = wssContext
1247: .getSecurityEnvironment().getCertificate(
1248: wssContext
1249: .getExtraneousProperties(),
1250: serialNumber, issuerName);
1251: wssContext.getSecurityEnvironment()
1252: .updateOtherPartySubject(
1253: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl
1254: .getSubject(wssContext),
1255: cert);
1256: returnKey = cert.getPublicKey();
1258: } else if (purpose == Purpose.SIGN) {
1259: returnKey = wssContext.getSecurityEnvironment()
1260: .getPrivateKey(
1261: wssContext
1262: .getExtraneousProperties(),
1263: serialNumber, issuerName);
1264: }
1266: } else {
1267: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1268: "WSS1308.unsupported.reference.mechanism");
1269: KeySelectorException xwsse = new KeySelectorException(
1270: "Key reference mechanism not supported");
1271: //throw xwsse;
1272: throw SecurableSoapMessage
1273: .newSOAPFaultException(
1275: xwsse.getMessage(), xwsse);
1276: }
1277: return returnKey;
1278: } catch (XWSSecurityException xwsExp) {
1279: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1280: "WSS1353.unable.resolve.keyInformation", xwsExp);
1281: throw new KeySelectorException(xwsExp);
1282: } catch (MarshalException me) {
1283: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1284: "WSS1353.unable.resolve.keyInformation", me);
1285: throw new KeySelectorException(me);
1286: } catch (Exception ex) {
1287: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1288: "WSS1353.unable.resolve.keyInformation", ex);
1289: throw new KeySelectorException(ex);
1290: }
1291: }
1293: private static Key resolveSamlAssertion(
1294: XMLCryptoContext dsigContext, Element samlAssertion,
1295: Purpose purpose, String assertionID)
1296: throws MarshalException, KeySelectorException,
1297: XWSSecurityException {
1299: FilterProcessingContext context = (FilterProcessingContext) dsigContext
1300: .get(MessageConstants.WSS_PROCESSING_CONTEXT);
1301: String samlSignatureResolved = (String) context
1302: .getExtraneousProperty(MessageConstants.SAML_SIG_RESOLVED);
1304: Key key = (Key) context.getSamlIdVSKeyCache().get(assertionID);
1305: if (key != null) {
1306: return key;
1307: }
1309: if (samlAssertion == null) {
1310: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1311: "WSS1355.unableto.resolve.SAMLAssertion");
1312: throw new XWSSecurityException(
1313: "Cannot Resolve SAML Assertion");
1314: }
1316: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY
1317: || "false".equals(samlSignatureResolved)) {
1318: NodeList nl = samlAssertion.getElementsByTagNameNS(
1319: MessageConstants.DSIG_NS, "Signature");
1320: //verify the signature inside the SAML assertion
1321: if (nl.getLength() == 0) {
1322: XWSSecurityException e = new XWSSecurityException(
1323: "Unsigned SAML Assertion encountered");
1324: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1325: "WSS1309.saml.signature.verify.failed", e);
1326: throw SecurableSoapMessage
1327: .newSOAPFaultException(
1328: MessageConstants.WSSE_INVALID_SECURITY,
1329: "Exception during Signature verfication in SAML Assertion",
1330: e);
1331: }
1332: SignaturePolicy policy = (SignaturePolicy) context
1333: .getInferredPolicy();
1334: // will be only during verify.
1335: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.SAMLAssertionBinding keyBinding = null;
1337: if (policy != null) {
1338: keyBinding = (AuthenticationTokenPolicy.SAMLAssertionBinding) policy
1339: .newSAMLAssertionKeyBinding();
1340: }
1342: Element elem = (Element) nl.item(0);
1344: try {
1345: if (!SignatureProcessor.verifySignature(elem, context)) {
1346: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1347: "WSS1310.saml.signature.invalid");
1348: throw SecurableSoapMessage
1349: .newSOAPFaultException(
1351: "SAML Assertion has invalid Signature",
1352: new Exception(
1353: "SAML Assertion has invalid Signature"));
1354: }
1355: } catch (XWSSecurityException ex) {
1356: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1357: "WSS1310.saml.signature.invalid");
1358: throw SecurableSoapMessage.newSOAPFaultException(
1360: "SAML Assertion has invalid Signature", ex);
1361: }
1362: }
1364: if ("false".equals(samlSignatureResolved)) {
1365: context.setExtraneousProperty(
1366: MessageConstants.SAML_SIG_RESOLVED, "true");
1367: }
1369: Element keyInfoElem = AssertionUtil
1370: .getSubjectConfirmationKeyInfo(samlAssertion);
1372: KeyInfo keyInfo = KeyInfoFactory.getInstance()
1373: .unmarshalKeyInfo(new DOMStructure(keyInfoElem));
1374: List keyInfoList = keyInfo.getContent();
1375: Iterator content = keyInfoList.iterator();
1376: while (content.hasNext()) {
1377: Object data = content.next();
1378: if (data instanceof KeyName) {
1379: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1380: "WSS1361.unsupported.KeyName.SAML");
1381: throw new XWSSecurityException(
1382: "Unsupported KeyName under SAML SubjectConfirmation");
1383: } else if (data instanceof KeyValue) {
1384: key = resolveKeyValue(context, (KeyValue) data, purpose);
1385: break;
1386: } else if (data instanceof X509Data) {
1387: key = resolveX509Data(context, (X509Data) data, purpose);
1388: break;
1389: } else if (data instanceof DOMStructure) {
1390: // we will support STR, EK and wst:BinarySecret
1391: SOAPElement reference = (SOAPElement) ((DOMStructure) data)
1392: .getNode();
1393: if (isSecurityTokenReference(reference)) {
1394: key = resolve(reference, dsigContext, purpose);
1395: break;
1396: } else if (SecurityUtil.isBinarySecret(reference)) {
1397: BinarySecret bs = null;
1398: try {
1399: bs = WSTrustElementFactory.newInstance()
1400: .createBinarySecret(reference);
1401: } catch (WSTrustException ex) {
1402: logger
1403: .log(
1404: Level.SEVERE,
1405: "WSS1362.exception.WSTrust.CreatingBinarySecret",
1406: ex);
1407: throw new XWSSecurityException(ex);
1408: }
1409: // assuming the Binary Secret is of Type
1410: if ((bs.getType() == null)
1411: || bs.getType().equals(
1412: BinarySecret.SYMMETRIC_KEY_TYPE)) {
1413: String algo = "AES"; // hardcoding for now
1414: if (context.getAlgorithmSuite() != null) {
1415: algo = SecurityUtil
1416: .getSecretKeyAlgorithm(context
1417: .getAlgorithmSuite()
1418: .getEncryptionAlgorithm());
1419: }
1420: key = new SecretKeySpec(bs.getRawValue(), algo);
1421: break;
1422: } else {
1423: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1424: "WSS1312.unsupported.keyinfo");
1425: throw new KeySelectorException(
1426: "Unsupported wst:BinarySecret Type");
1427: }
1428: } else if (SecurityUtil.isEncryptedKey(reference)) {
1429: EncryptedKeyToken ekToken = new EncryptedKeyToken(
1430: reference);
1431: KeyInfoHeaderBlock kiHB = ekToken.getKeyInfo();
1432: // assume it contains STR
1433: if (kiHB.containsSecurityTokenReference()) {
1434: //SecurityTokenReference str = kiHB.getSecurityTokenReference(0);
1435: Key privKey = KeyResolver.processSTR(kiHB,
1436: false, context);
1437: //Default algo
1438: String dataEncAlgo = MessageConstants.AES_BLOCK_ENCRYPTION_128;
1439: if (context.getAlgorithmSuite() != null) {
1440: dataEncAlgo = context.getAlgorithmSuite()
1441: .getEncryptionAlgorithm();
1442: }
1443: key = ekToken
1444: .getSecretKey(privKey, dataEncAlgo);
1445: break;
1446: } else {
1447: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1448: "WSS1312.unsupported.keyinfo");
1449: throw new KeySelectorException(
1450: "Unsupported Key Information Inside EncryptedKey");
1451: }
1453: } else {
1454: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1455: "WSS1312.unsupported.keyinfo");
1456: throw new KeySelectorException(
1457: "Unsupported Key Information");
1458: }
1460: } else {
1461: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1312.unsupported.keyinfo");
1462: throw new KeySelectorException(
1463: "Unsupported Key Information");
1464: }
1465: }
1466: context.getSamlIdVSKeyCache().put(assertionID, key);
1467: context
1468: .setExtraneousProperty(
1469: MessageConstants.INCOMING_SAML_ASSERTION,
1470: samlAssertion);
1472: //set the SAML Assertion as Public Credential inside the requester Subject
1473: try {
1474: context.getSecurityEnvironment().updateOtherPartySubject(
1475: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl.getSubject(context),
1476: AssertionUtil.fromElement(samlAssertion));
1477: } catch (SAMLException ex) {
1478: //ignore
1479: }
1481: return key;
1482: }
1484: private static Key resolveKeyValue(FilterProcessingContext context,
1485: KeyValue keyValue, Purpose purpose)
1486: throws KeySelectorException {
1487: try {
1488: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
1489: return keyValue.getPublicKey();
1490: } else if (purpose == Purpose.SIGN) {
1491: return context.getSecurityEnvironment().getPrivateKey(
1492: context.getExtraneousProperties(),
1493: keyValue.getPublicKey(), true);
1494: }
1495: } catch (Exception e) {
1496: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1313.illegal.key.value", e
1497: .getMessage());
1498: throw new KeySelectorException(e);
1499: }
1500: return null;
1501: }
1503: private static Key resolveX509Data(FilterProcessingContext context,
1504: X509Data x509Data, Purpose purpose)
1505: throws KeySelectorException {
1507: X509Certificate cert = null;
1509: try {
1510: List data = x509Data.getContent();
1511: Iterator iterator = data.iterator();
1512: while (iterator.hasNext()) {//will break for in single loop;
1513: Object content = iterator.next();
1514: if (content instanceof X509Certificate) {
1515: cert = (X509Certificate) content;
1516: } else if (content instanceof byte[]) {
1517: byte[] ski = (byte[]) content;
1518: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
1519: //update other party subject
1520: cert = context
1521: .getSecurityEnvironment()
1522: .getCertificate(
1523: context
1524: .getExtraneousProperties(),
1525: ski);
1526: context.getSecurityEnvironment()
1527: .updateOtherPartySubject(
1528: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl
1529: .getSubject(context),
1530: cert);
1531: return cert.getPublicKey();
1532: } else if (purpose == Purpose.SIGN) {
1533: return context
1534: .getSecurityEnvironment()
1535: .getPrivateKey(
1536: context
1537: .getExtraneousProperties(),
1538: ski);
1539: }
1540: } else if (content instanceof String) {
1541: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1542: "WSS1312.unsupported.keyinfo");
1543: throw new KeySelectorException(
1544: "X509SubjectName child element of X509Data is not yet supported by our implementation");
1545: } else if (content instanceof X509IssuerSerial) {
1546: X509IssuerSerial xis = (X509IssuerSerial) content;
1547: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
1548: //update other party certificate
1549: cert = context
1550: .getSecurityEnvironment()
1551: .getCertificate(
1552: context
1553: .getExtraneousProperties(),
1554: xis.getSerialNumber(),
1555: xis.getIssuerName());
1556: context.getSecurityEnvironment()
1557: .updateOtherPartySubject(
1558: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl
1559: .getSubject(context),
1560: cert);
1561: return cert.getPublicKey();
1562: } else if (purpose == Purpose.SIGN) {
1563: return context
1564: .getSecurityEnvironment()
1565: .getPrivateKey(
1566: context
1567: .getExtraneousProperties(),
1568: xis.getSerialNumber(),
1569: xis.getIssuerName());
1570: }
1572: } else {
1573: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1574: "WSS1312.unsupported.keyinfo");
1575: throw new KeySelectorException(
1576: "Unsupported child element of X509Data encountered");
1577: }
1579: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
1580: //update other part subject
1581: context.getSecurityEnvironment()
1582: .updateOtherPartySubject(
1583: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl
1584: .getSubject(context), cert);
1585: return cert.getPublicKey();
1586: } else if (purpose == Purpose.SIGN) {
1587: return context.getSecurityEnvironment()
1588: .getPrivateKey(
1589: context.getExtraneousProperties(),
1590: cert);
1591: }
1592: }
1593: } catch (Exception e) {
1594: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1314.illegal.x509.data", e
1595: .getMessage());
1596: throw new KeySelectorException(e);
1597: }
1598: return null;//Should never come here.
1599: }
1601: private static Key resolveX509Token(
1602: FilterProcessingContext context, X509SecurityToken token,
1603: Purpose purpose, boolean isSymmetric)
1604: throws XWSSecurityException {
1605: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
1606: // Update the Subject of the sender
1607: //SecurableSoapMessage secureMsg = context.getSecurableSoapMessage();
1608: X509Certificate cert = token.getCertificate();
1609: if (!isSymmetric) {
1610: context.getSecurityEnvironment()
1611: .updateOtherPartySubject(
1612: DefaultSecurityEnvironmentImpl
1613: .getSubject(context), cert);
1614: }
1615: return cert.getPublicKey();
1616: } else if (purpose == Purpose.SIGN
1617: || purpose == Purpose.DECRYPT) {
1618: return context.getSecurityEnvironment().getPrivateKey(
1619: context.getExtraneousProperties(),
1620: token.getCertificate());
1621: }
1622: return null;
1623: }
1625: private static boolean isSecurityTokenReference(Element reference) {
1627: .equals(reference.getLocalName()))
1628: return true;
1629: return false;
1630: }
1632: /**
1633: * BinaryTokens if found would be cached into {@link FilterProcessingContext}.
1634: * @param uri
1635: * @param context
1636: * @throws URIReferenceException
1637: * @throws XWSSecurityException
1638: * @return
1639: */
1640: protected static SecurityToken resolveToken(final String uri,
1641: XMLCryptoContext context) throws URIReferenceException,
1642: XWSSecurityException {
1644: URIDereferencer resolver = context.getURIDereferencer();
1645: URIReference uriRef = new URIReference() {
1647: public String getURI() {
1648: return uri;
1649: }
1651: public String getType() {
1652: return null;
1653: }
1654: };
1656: FilterProcessingContext wssContext = (FilterProcessingContext) context
1657: .get(MessageConstants.WSS_PROCESSING_CONTEXT);
1659: SecurityPolicy securityPolicy = wssContext.getSecurityPolicy();
1661: boolean isBSP = false;
1663: if (securityPolicy != null) {
1664: if (PolicyTypeUtil.messagePolicy(securityPolicy)) {
1665: isBSP = ((MessagePolicy) securityPolicy).isBSP();
1666: } else {
1667: isBSP = ((WSSPolicy) securityPolicy).isBSP();
1668: }
1669: }
1671: try {
1672: NodeSetData set = (NodeSetData) resolver.dereference(
1673: uriRef, context);
1674: Iterator itr = set.iterator();
1675: while (itr.hasNext()) {
1676: Node node = (Node) itr.next();
1678: .equals(node.getLocalName())) {
1679: X509SecurityToken token = new X509SecurityToken(
1680: (SOAPElement) node, isBSP);
1681: X509Certificate cert = null;
1682: try {
1683: cert = token.getCertificate();
1684: } catch (XWSSecurityException xwe) {
1685: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1686: "WSS1363.invalid.security.token");
1687: throw SecurableSoapMessage
1688: .newSOAPFaultException(
1690: "A Invalid security token was provided ",
1691: xwe);
1692: }
1693: if (!wssContext.getSecurityEnvironment()
1694: .validateCertificate(cert)) {
1695: logger
1696: .log(Level.SEVERE,
1697: "WSS1364.unableto.validate.certificate");
1698: throw SecurableSoapMessage
1699: .newSOAPFaultException(
1701: "Certificate validation failed",
1702: null);
1703: }
1704: return token;
1705: } else if (MessageConstants.ENCRYPTEDKEY_LNAME
1706: .equals(node.getLocalName())) {
1707: return new EncryptedKeyToken((SOAPElement) node);
1708: } else if (MessageConstants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_TOKEN_LNAME
1709: .equals(node.getLocalName())) {
1710: return new SecurityContextTokenImpl(
1711: (SOAPElement) node);
1712: } else if (MessageConstants.DERIVEDKEY_TOKEN_LNAME
1713: .equals(node.getLocalName())) {
1714: return new DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock(
1715: (SOAPElement) node);
1716: }
1718: }
1719: } catch (URIReferenceException ure) {
1720: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1722: throw SecurableSoapMessage.newSOAPFaultException(
1724: "Referenced Security Token could not be retrieved",
1725: ure);
1726: }
1728: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1305.UnSupported.security.token");
1729: throw SecurableSoapMessage.newSOAPFaultException(
1731: "A Unsupported token was provided ", null);
1732: }
1734: private static Element resolveSAMLToken(
1735: SecurityTokenReference tokenRef, String assertionId,
1736: FilterProcessingContext context)
1737: throws XWSSecurityException {
1739: /*
1740: Assertion ret = (Assertion)context.getTokenCache().get(assertionId);
1741: if (ret != null)
1742: return ret;
1743: */
1745: // first check if this is a Trust Issued Token
1746: Element tokenElement = context.getIssuedSAMLToken();
1747: if (tokenElement != null) {
1748: context.setExtraneousProperty(
1749: MessageConstants.SAML_SIG_RESOLVED, "false");
1750: }
1751: if (tokenElement == null) {
1752: if (tokenRef.getSamlAuthorityBinding() != null) {
1753: tokenElement = context.getSecurityEnvironment()
1754: .locateSAMLAssertion(
1755: context.getExtraneousProperties(),
1756: tokenRef.getSamlAuthorityBinding(),
1757: assertionId,
1758: context.getSOAPMessage().getSOAPPart());
1760: } else {
1761: tokenElement = SAMLUtil.locateSamlAssertion(
1762: assertionId, context.getSOAPMessage()
1763: .getSOAPPart());
1764: if (!("true"
1765: .equals((String) context
1766: .getExtraneousProperty(MessageConstants.SAML_SIG_RESOLVED)))
1767: || "false"
1768: .equals((String) context
1769: .getExtraneousProperty(MessageConstants.SAML_SIG_RESOLVED))) {
1770: context
1771: .setExtraneousProperty(
1772: MessageConstants.SAML_SIG_RESOLVED,
1773: "false");
1774: }
1775: }
1776: }
1777: //TODO: expensive conversion happening here
1778: try {
1779: // if it is an Encrypted SAML Assertion we cannot decrypt it
1780: // on the client side since we don't have the Private Key
1781: if ("EncryptedData".equals(tokenElement.getLocalName())) {
1782: // do nothing
1783: }
1784: } catch (Exception e) {
1785: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1786: "WSS1355.unableto.resolve.SAMLAssertion", e);
1787: throw new XWSSecurityException(e);
1788: }
1790: return tokenElement;
1791: }
1793: private static void addAuthorityId(Element assertion,
1794: FilterProcessingContext fp) {
1795: String issuer = null;
1797: SignaturePolicy ep = (SignaturePolicy) fp.getInferredPolicy();
1798: if (ep != null) {
1799: AuthenticationTokenPolicy.SAMLAssertionBinding kb = (AuthenticationTokenPolicy.SAMLAssertionBinding) ep
1800: .newSAMLAssertionKeyBinding();
1802: if (assertion.getAttributeNode("ID") != null) {
1804: NodeList nl = assertion.getElementsByTagNameNS(
1805: MessageConstants.SAML_v2_0_NS, "Issuer");
1807: Element issuerElement = (Element) nl.item(0);
1808: issuer = issuerElement.getTextContent();
1809: // System.out.println("Issuer 000000000000 :" + issuerElement.getTextContent());
1811: } else {
1812: issuer = assertion.getAttribute("Issuer");
1813: }
1814: kb.setAuthorityIdentifier(issuer);
1815: }
1816: }
1818: // this method would be called on incoming client/server messages
1819: private static Key resolveSCT(FilterProcessingContext context,
1820: SecurityContextTokenImpl token, Purpose purpose)
1821: throws XWSSecurityException {
1823: // first set it into Extraneous Properties
1824: context.setExtraneousProperty(MessageConstants.INCOMING_SCT,
1825: token);
1826: // now get the SC ID
1827: String scId = token.getSCId();
1829: IssuedTokenContext ctx = context.getIssuedTokenContext(scId);
1830: if (ctx == null) {
1831: // this can happen on client side where the map is based on tokenId
1832: Enumeration elements = context.getIssuedTokenContextMap()
1833: .elements();
1834: while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
1835: IssuedTokenContext ictx = (IssuedTokenContext) elements
1836: .nextElement();
1837: Object tok = ictx.getSecurityToken();
1838: String ctxid = null;
1839: if (tok instanceof SecurityContextToken) {
1840: ctxid = ((SecurityContextToken) tok)
1841: .getIdentifier().toString();
1842: if (ctxid.equals(scId)) {
1843: ctx = ictx;
1844: break;
1845: }
1846: }
1848: }
1849: }
1851: if (ctx == null) {
1852: logger
1853: .log(Level.SEVERE,
1854: "WSS1365.unableto.locate.SecureConversation.Session");
1855: throw new XWSSecurityException(
1856: "Could not locate SecureConversation session for Id:"
1857: + scId);
1858: }
1860: byte[] proofKey = ctx.getProofKey();
1861: // this is because the key would be used for Signatures
1862: //TODO: PLUGFEST : change this to globally available encryption algo
1863: if (proofKey == null) {
1864: logger
1865: .log(Level.SEVERE,
1866: "WSS1365.unableto.locate.SecureConversation.Session");
1867: throw new XWSSecurityException(
1868: "Could not locate SecureConversation session for Id:"
1869: + scId);
1870: }
1872: String algo = "AES"; // hardcoding for now
1873: if (context.getAlgorithmSuite() != null) {
1874: algo = SecurityUtil.getSecretKeyAlgorithm(context
1875: .getAlgorithmSuite().getEncryptionAlgorithm());
1876: }
1877: SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(proofKey, algo);
1878: if (purpose == Purpose.VERIFY) {
1879: Subject subj = ctx.getRequestorSubject();
1880: if (subj != null) {
1881: // subj will be null if this is the client side execution
1882: if (context
1883: .getExtraneousProperty(MessageConstants.SCBOOTSTRAP_CRED_IN_SUBJ) == null) {
1884: //do it only once
1885: context
1886: .getSecurityEnvironment()
1887: .updateOtherPartySubject(
1888: SecurityUtil.getSubject(context
1889: .getExtraneousProperties()),
1890: subj);
1891: context.getExtraneousProperties().put(
1892: MessageConstants.SCBOOTSTRAP_CRED_IN_SUBJ,
1893: "true");
1894: }
1895: }
1896: }
1898: return key;
1899: }
1901: private static Key resolveDKT(XMLCryptoContext context,
1902: DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock token)
1903: throws XWSSecurityException {
1905: FilterProcessingContext wssContext = (FilterProcessingContext) context
1906: .get(MessageConstants.WSS_PROCESSING_CONTEXT);
1907: AlgorithmSuite algSuite = wssContext.getAlgorithmSuite();
1908: //TODO: hardcoded for testing -- need to obtain this from somewhere
1909: String algorithm = MessageConstants.AES_BLOCK_ENCRYPTION_128;
1910: if (algSuite != null)
1911: algorithm = algSuite.getEncryptionAlgorithm();
1913: try {
1914: SecurityTokenReference sectr = token.getDerivedKeyElement();
1915: SOAPElement se = sectr.getAsSoapElement();
1916: //ReferenceElement refElem = sectr.getReference();
1917: Key encKey = resolve(se, context, Purpose.SIGN);
1918: byte[] secret = encKey.getEncoded();
1920: byte[] nonce = token.getNonce();
1921: long length = token.getLength();
1922: long offset = token.getOffset();
1923: DerivedKeyToken dkt = new DerivedKeyTokenImpl(offset,
1924: length, secret, nonce);
1925: String jceAlgo = SecurityUtil
1926: .getSecretKeyAlgorithm(algorithm);
1927: Key returnKey = dkt.generateSymmetricKey(jceAlgo);
1928: return returnKey;
1929: } catch (Exception e) {
1930: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
1931: "WSS1366.unable.generateSymmetricKey.DKT", e);
1932: throw new XWSSecurityException(e);
1933: }
1934: }
1935: }