| java.lang.Object com.sun.tools.javac.main.Main
Main | public class Main (Code) | | This class provides a commandline interface to the GJC compiler.
This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems. If
you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
deletion without notice.
fatalErrors | boolean fatalErrors(Code) | | If true, any command line arg errors will cause an exception.
ownName | String ownName(Code) | | The name of the compiler, for use in diagnostics.
Main | public Main(String name)(Code) | | Construct a compiler instance.
bugMessage | void bugMessage(Throwable ex)(Code) | | Print a message reporting an internal error.
compile | public int compile(String[] args)(Code) | | Programmatic interface for main function.
Parameters: args - The command line parameters. |
feMessage | void feMessage(Throwable ex)(Code) | | Print a message reporting an fatal error.
getLocalizedString | public static String getLocalizedString(String key, Object... args)(Code) | | Find a localized string in the resource bundle.
Parameters: key - The key for the localized string. |
help | void help()(Code) | | Print a string that explains usage.
ioMessage | void ioMessage(Throwable ex)(Code) | | Print a message reporting an input/output error.
processArgs | public List<File> processArgs(String[] flags)(Code) | | Process command line arguments: store all command line options
in `options' table and return all source filenames.
Parameters: flags - The array of command line arguments. |
resourceMessage | void resourceMessage(Throwable ex)(Code) | | Print a message reporting an out-of-resources error.
setFatalErrors | public void setFatalErrors(boolean fatalErrors)(Code) | | |
useRawMessages | public static void useRawMessages(boolean enable)(Code) | | |
xhelp | void xhelp()(Code) | | Print a string that explains usage for X options.