Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | A convenience class for retrieving the boolean value of a system property
as a privileged action. | | Class | A convenience class for retrieving the integer value of a system property
as a privileged action.
An instance of this class can be used as the argument of
AccessController.doPrivileged .
The following code retrieves the integer value of the system
property named "prop" as a privileged action. | | Class | A convenience class for retrieving the Long value of a system
property as a privileged action.
An instance of this class can be used as the argument of
AccessController.doPrivileged .
The following code retrieves the Long value of the system
property named "prop" as a privileged action. | | Class | A convenience class for retrieving the string value of a system
property as a privileged action. | | Class | A convenience class for loading a system library as a privileged action. | | Class | A convenience class for opening a FileInputStream as a privileged action. | | Class | A convenience PrivilegedAction class for setting the properties of
a provider. |