MedianDescriptor is an
OperationDescriptor describing the mediancollection operation.
The mediancollection operation takes a collection of rendered or a
collection of renderable source images and calculates the median of every
corresponding pixel. No additional parameters are required.
There is no restriction on the actual class type used to represent the source
collection, but all elements of the collection must be instances of
RenderedImage or
RenderableImage depending on the mode. The
number of images in the collection may vary from 2 to n. The source images
may have different numbers of bands and data types.
By default, the destination image bounds are the intersection of all of the
source image bounds. If any of the two sources are completely disjoint, the
destination will have a width and a height of 0. The number of bands of the
destination image is equal to the minimum number of bands of all the sources,
and the data type is the biggest data type of all the sources.
The destination pixel values are defined by the pseudocode:
dst[x][y][b] = median(srcs[i0][x][y][b], srcs[i1][x][y][b], ..., srcs[in][x][y][b]);
Resource List
Name | Value |
GlobalName | MedianCollection |
LocalName | MedianCollection |
Vendor | ca.umontreal.iro.image.arcticice |
Description | Calculates the median of a collection of rendered images |
DocURL | n/a |
Version | $Version$ |
No parameters are needed for this operation.
author: Daniel Léonard version: $Revision: 1.1 $ |