| java.lang.Object com.sun.media.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFDecompressor
All known Subclasses: com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFLZWDecompressor, com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFLSBDecompressor, com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFDeflateDecompressor, com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFNullDecompressor, com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFJPEGDecompressor, com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFFaxDecompressor, com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFYCbCrDecompressor, com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFPackBitsDecompressor,
TIFFDecompressor | abstract public class TIFFDecompressor (Code) | | A class defining a pluggable TIFF decompressor.
The mapping between source and destination Y coordinates is
given by the equations:
dx = (sx - sourceXOffset)/subsampleX + dstXOffset;
dy = (sy - sourceYOffset)/subsampleY + dstYOffset;
Note that the mapping from source coordinates to destination
coordinates is not one-to-one if subsampling is being used, since
only certain source pixels are to be copied to the
destination. However, * the inverse mapping is always one-to-one:
sx = (dx - dstXOffset)*subsampleX + sourceXOffset;
sy = (dy - dstYOffset)*subsampleY + sourceYOffset;
Decompressors may be written with various levels of complexity.
The most complex decompressors will override the
decode method, and will perform all the work of
decoding, subsampling, offsetting, clipping, and format conversion.
This approach may be the most efficient, since it is possible to
avoid the use of extra image buffers, and it may be possible to
avoid decoding portions of the image that will not be copied into
the destination.
Less ambitious decompressors may override the
decodeRaw method, which is responsible for
decompressing the entire tile or strip into a byte array (or other
appropriate datatype). The default implementation of
decode will perform all necessary setup of buffers,
call decodeRaw to perform the actual decoding, perform
subsampling, and copy the results into the final destination image.
Where possible, it will pass the real image buffer to
decodeRaw in order to avoid making an extra copy.
Slightly more ambitious decompressors may override
decodeRaw , but avoid writing pixels that will be
discarded in the subsampling phase.
Field Summary | |
protected int | activeSrcHeight The height of the source region that will actually be copied
into the destination image, taking into account all
susbampling, offsetting, and clipping. | protected int | activeSrcMinX The X coordinate of the upper-left source pixel that will
actually be copied into the destination image, taking into
account all subsampling, offsetting, and clipping. | protected int | activeSrcMinY The Y coordinate of the upper-left source pixel that will
actually be copied into the destination image, taking into account
all subsampling, offsetting, and clipping. | protected int | activeSrcWidth The width of the source region that will actually be copied
into the destination image, taking into account all
susbampling, offsetting, and clipping. | boolean | adjustBitDepths | int[][] | bitDepthScale | protected int[] | bitsPerSample The value of the BitsPerSample tag. | protected int | byteCount The number of bytes of data from the source
ImageInputStream to be decompressed. | protected TIFFColorConverter | colorConverter A TIFFColorConverter object describing the color space of
the encoded pixel data, or null . | protected char[] | colorMap The value of the ColorMap tag. | protected int | compression The value of the Compression tag. | protected int[] | destinationBands The sequence of destination bands to receive the source data. | protected int | dstHeight The height of the region of the destination image to be written. | protected int | dstMinX The X coordinate of the upper left pixel to be written in the
destination image. | protected int | dstMinY The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel to be written in the
destination image. | protected int | dstWidth The width of the region of the destination image to be written. | protected int | dstXOffset The horizontal destination offset used, along with
sourceXOffset and subsampleX , to map
between horizontal source and destination pixel coordinates. | protected int | dstYOffset The vertical destination offset used, along with
sourceYOffset and subsampleY , to map
between horizontal source and destination pixel coordinates. | protected int[] | extraSamples The value of the ExtraSamples tag. | protected BufferedImage | image The final destination image. | boolean | isBilevel | boolean | isContiguous | boolean | isImageSimple | protected IIOMetadata | metadata The IIOMetadata object containing metadata for the
current image. | protected long | offset The offset in the source ImageInputStream of the
start of the data to be decompressed. | protected int | photometricInterpretation The value of the PhotometricInterpretation tag. | protected boolean | planar true if the image is encoded using separate planes. | protected BufferedImage | rawImage A BufferedImage for the decodeRaw
method to write into. | protected ImageReader | reader The ImageReader calling this
TIFFDecompressor . | protected int[] | sampleFormat The value of the SampleFormat tag. | protected int | samplesPerPixel The value of the SamplesPerPixel tag. | protected int[] | sourceBands The sequence of source bands that are to be copied into the
destination. | protected int | sourceXOffset The source X offset used, along with dstXOffset
and subsampleX , to map between horizontal source
and destination pixel coordinates. | protected int | sourceYOffset The source Y offset used, along with dstYOffset
and subsampleY , to map between vertical source and
destination pixel coordinates. | protected int | srcHeight The height of the source region being decoded from the source
stream. | protected int | srcMinX The X coordinate of the upper-left pixel of the source region
being decoded from the source stream. | protected int | srcMinY The Y coordinate of the upper-left pixel of the source region
being decoded from the source stream. | protected int | srcWidth The width of the source region being decoded from the source
stream. | protected ImageInputStream | stream The ImageInputStream containing the TIFF source
data. | protected int | subsampleX The horizontal subsampling factor. | protected int | subsampleY The vertical subsampling factor. |
Method Summary | |
public void | beginDecoding() This routine is called prior to a sequence of calls to the
decode method, in order to allow any necessary
tables or other structures to be initialized based on metadata
values. | static ColorModel | createComponentCM(ColorSpace colorSpace, int numBands, int dataType, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied) Create a ComponentColorModel for use in creating
an ImageTypeSpecifier . | static SampleModel | createInterleavedSM(int dataType, int numBands) Create a PixelInterleavedSampleModel for use in creating
an ImageTypeSpecifier . | public BufferedImage | createRawImage() Creates a BufferedImage whose underlying data
array will be suitable for holding the raw decoded output of
the decodeRaw method. | public void | decode() Decodes the input bit stream (located in the
ImageInputStream stream , at offset
offset , and continuing for byteCount
bytes) into the output BufferedImage
image .
The default implementation analyzes the destination image
to determine if it is suitable as the destination for the
decodeRaw method. | abstract public void | decodeRaw(byte[] b, int dstOffset, int bitsPerPixel, int scanlineStride) Decodes the source data into the provided byte
array b , starting at the offset given by
dstOffset . | public void | decodeRaw(short[] s, int dstOffset, int bitsPerPixel, int scanlineStride) Decodes the source data into the provided short
array s , starting at the offset given by
dstOffset . | public void | decodeRaw(int[] i, int dstOffset, int bitsPerPixel, int scanlineStride) Decodes the source data into the provided int
array i , starting at the offset given by
dstOffset . | public void | decodeRaw(float[] f, int dstOffset, int bitsPerPixel, int scanlineStride) Decodes the source data into the provided float
array f , starting at the offset given by
dstOffset . | public ImageTypeSpecifier | getRawImageType() Returns an ImageTypeSpecifier describing an image
whose underlying data array has the same format as the raw
source pixel data. | public static ImageTypeSpecifier | getRawImageTypeSpecifier(int photometricInterpretation, int compression, int samplesPerPixel, int[] bitsPerSample, int[] sampleFormat, int[] extraSamples, char[] colorMap) A utility method that returns an
ImageTypeSpecifier suitable for decoding an image
with the given parameters.
Parameters: photometricInterpretation - the value of thePhotometricInterpretation field. Parameters: compression - the value of the Compression field. Parameters: samplesPerPixel - the value of theSamplesPerPixel field. Parameters: bitsPerSample - the value of the BitsPerSample field. Parameters: sampleFormat - the value of the SampleFormat field. Parameters: extraSamples - the value of the ExtraSamples field. Parameters: colorMap - the value of the ColorMap field. | public void | setActiveSrcHeight(int activeSrcHeight) Sets the value of the activeSrcHeight field. | public void | setActiveSrcMinX(int activeSrcMinX) Sets the value of the activeSrcMinX field. | public void | setActiveSrcMinY(int activeSrcMinY) Sets the value of the activeSrcMinY field. | public void | setActiveSrcWidth(int activeSrcWidth) Sets the value of the activeSrcWidth field. | public void | setBitsPerSample(int[] bitsPerSample) Sets the value of the bitsPerSample field. | public void | setByteCount(int byteCount) Sets the value of the byteCount field. | public void | setColorConverter(TIFFColorConverter colorConverter) Sets the TIFFColorConverter object describing the color
space of the encoded data in the input stream. | public void | setColorMap(char[] colorMap) Sets the value of the colorMap field. | public void | setCompression(int compression) Sets the value of the compression field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: compression - the compression type. | public void | setDestinationBands(int[] destinationBands) Sets the value of the destinationBands field. | public void | setDstHeight(int dstHeight) Sets the value of the dstHeight field. | public void | setDstMinX(int dstMinX) Sets the value of the dstMinX field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: dstMinX - the minimum X coordinate of the destinationregion. | public void | setDstMinY(int dstMinY) Sets the value of the dstMinY field. | public void | setDstWidth(int dstWidth) Sets the value of the dstWidth field. | public void | setDstXOffset(int dstXOffset) Sets the value of the dstXOffset field. | public void | setDstYOffset(int dstYOffset) Sets the value of the dstYOffset field. | public void | setExtraSamples(int[] extraSamples) Sets the value of the extraSamples field. | public void | setImage(BufferedImage image) Sets the value of the image field. | public void | setMetadata(IIOMetadata metadata) Sets the value of the metadata field. | public void | setOffset(long offset) Sets the value of the offset field. | public void | setPhotometricInterpretation(int photometricInterpretation) Sets the value of the photometricInterpretation
field. | public void | setPlanar(boolean planar) Sets the value of the planar field. | public void | setReader(ImageReader reader) Sets the value of the reader field. | public void | setSampleFormat(int[] sampleFormat) Sets the value of the sampleFormat field. | public void | setSamplesPerPixel(int samplesPerPixel) Sets the value of the samplesPerPixel field. | public void | setSourceBands(int[] sourceBands) Sets the value of the sourceBands field. | public void | setSourceXOffset(int sourceXOffset) Sets the value of the sourceXOffset field. | public void | setSourceYOffset(int sourceYOffset) Sets the value of the sourceYOffset . | public void | setSrcHeight(int srcHeight) Sets the value of the srcHeight field. | public void | setSrcMinX(int srcMinX) Sets the value of the srcMinX field. | public void | setSrcMinY(int srcMinY) Sets the value of the srcMinY field. | public void | setSrcWidth(int srcWidth) Sets the value of the srcWidth field. | public void | setStream(ImageInputStream stream) Sets the value of the stream field. | public void | setSubsampleX(int subsampleX) Sets the value of the subsampleX field. | public void | setSubsampleY(int subsampleY) Sets the value of the subsampleY field. |
activeSrcHeight | protected int activeSrcHeight(Code) | | The height of the source region that will actually be copied
into the destination image, taking into account all
susbampling, offsetting, and clipping.
The active source height will always be equal to
(dstHeight - 1)*subsampleY + 1 .
activeSrcMinX | protected int activeSrcMinX(Code) | | The X coordinate of the upper-left source pixel that will
actually be copied into the destination image, taking into
account all subsampling, offsetting, and clipping. That is,
the pixel at (activeSrcMinX ,
activeSrcMinY ) is to be copied into the
destination pixel at (dstMinX ,
dstMinY ).
The pixels in the source region to be copied are
those with X coordinates of the form activeSrcMinX +
k*subsampleX , where k is an integer such
that 0 <= k < dstWidth .
activeSrcMinY | protected int activeSrcMinY(Code) | | The Y coordinate of the upper-left source pixel that will
actually be copied into the destination image, taking into account
all subsampling, offsetting, and clipping.
The pixels in the source region to be copied are
those with Y coordinates of the form activeSrcMinY +
k*subsampleY , where k is an integer such
that 0 <= k < dstHeight .
activeSrcWidth | protected int activeSrcWidth(Code) | | The width of the source region that will actually be copied
into the destination image, taking into account all
susbampling, offsetting, and clipping.
The active source width will always be equal to
(dstWidth - 1)*subsampleX + 1 .
adjustBitDepths | boolean adjustBitDepths(Code) | | |
bitDepthScale | int[][] bitDepthScale(Code) | | |
bitsPerSample | protected int[] bitsPerSample(Code) | | The value of the BitsPerSample tag.
byteCount | protected int byteCount(Code) | | The number of bytes of data from the source
ImageInputStream to be decompressed.
colorConverter | protected TIFFColorConverter colorConverter(Code) | | A TIFFColorConverter object describing the color space of
the encoded pixel data, or null .
colorMap | protected char[] colorMap(Code) | | The value of the ColorMap tag.
compression | protected int compression(Code) | | The value of the Compression tag. Legal values are
BaselineTIFFTagSet.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE , or other value
defined by a TIFF extension.
destinationBands | protected int[] destinationBands(Code) | | The sequence of destination bands to receive the source data.
dstHeight | protected int dstHeight(Code) | | The height of the region of the destination image to be written.
dstMinX | protected int dstMinX(Code) | | The X coordinate of the upper left pixel to be written in the
destination image.
dstMinY | protected int dstMinY(Code) | | The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel to be written in the
destination image.
dstWidth | protected int dstWidth(Code) | | The width of the region of the destination image to be written.
dstXOffset | protected int dstXOffset(Code) | | The horizontal destination offset used, along with
sourceXOffset and subsampleX , to map
between horizontal source and destination pixel coordinates.
See the comment for
TIFFDecompressor.sourceXOffsetsourceXOffset for the mapping equations.
dstYOffset | protected int dstYOffset(Code) | | The vertical destination offset used, along with
sourceYOffset and subsampleY , to map
between horizontal source and destination pixel coordinates.
See the comment for
TIFFDecompressor.sourceYOffsetsourceYOffset for the mapping equations.
isBilevel | boolean isBilevel(Code) | | |
isContiguous | boolean isContiguous(Code) | | |
isImageSimple | boolean isImageSimple(Code) | | |
metadata | protected IIOMetadata metadata(Code) | | The IIOMetadata object containing metadata for the
current image.
offset | protected long offset(Code) | | The offset in the source ImageInputStream of the
start of the data to be decompressed.
planar | protected boolean planar(Code) | | true if the image is encoded using separate planes.
rawImage | protected BufferedImage rawImage(Code) | | A BufferedImage for the decodeRaw
method to write into.
reader | protected ImageReader reader(Code) | | The ImageReader calling this
TIFFDecompressor .
samplesPerPixel | protected int samplesPerPixel(Code) | | The value of the SamplesPerPixel tag.
sourceBands | protected int[] sourceBands(Code) | | The sequence of source bands that are to be copied into the
sourceXOffset | protected int sourceXOffset(Code) | | The source X offset used, along with dstXOffset
and subsampleX , to map between horizontal source
and destination pixel coordinates.
sourceYOffset | protected int sourceYOffset(Code) | | The source Y offset used, along with dstYOffset
and subsampleY , to map between vertical source and
destination pixel coordinates.
srcHeight | protected int srcHeight(Code) | | The height of the source region being decoded from the source
stream. This value is not affected by source subsampling.
srcMinX | protected int srcMinX(Code) | | The X coordinate of the upper-left pixel of the source region
being decoded from the source stream. This value is not affected
by source subsampling.
srcMinY | protected int srcMinY(Code) | | The Y coordinate of the upper-left pixel of the source region
being decoded from the source stream. This value is not affected
by source subsampling.
srcWidth | protected int srcWidth(Code) | | The width of the source region being decoded from the source
stream. This value is not affected by source subsampling.
subsampleX | protected int subsampleX(Code) | | The horizontal subsampling factor. A factor of 1 means that
every column is copied to the destination; a factor of 2 means
that every second column is copied, etc.
subsampleY | protected int subsampleY(Code) | | The vertical subsampling factor. A factor of 1 means that
every row is copied to the destination; a factor of 2 means
that every second row is copied, etc.
beginDecoding | public void beginDecoding()(Code) | | This routine is called prior to a sequence of calls to the
decode method, in order to allow any necessary
tables or other structures to be initialized based on metadata
values. This routine is guaranteed to be called any time the
metadata values have changed.
The default implementation computes tables used by the
decode method to rescale components to different
bit depths. Thus, if this method is overridden, it is
important for the subclass method to call super() ,
unless it overrides decode as well.
createComponentCM | static ColorModel createComponentCM(ColorSpace colorSpace, int numBands, int dataType, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)(Code) | | Create a ComponentColorModel for use in creating
an ImageTypeSpecifier .
createInterleavedSM | static SampleModel createInterleavedSM(int dataType, int numBands)(Code) | | Create a PixelInterleavedSampleModel for use in creating
an ImageTypeSpecifier . Its dimensions will be 1x1 and
it will have ascending band offsets as {0, 1, 2, ..., numBands}.
Parameters: dataType - The data type (DataBuffer.TYPE_*). Parameters: numBands - The number of bands. A PixelInterleavedSampleModel . |
createRawImage | public BufferedImage createRawImage()(Code) | | Creates a BufferedImage whose underlying data
array will be suitable for holding the raw decoded output of
the decodeRaw method.
The default implementation calls
getRawImageType , and calls the resulting
ImageTypeSpecifier 's
createBufferedImage method.
a BufferedImage whose underlying dataarray has the same format as the raw source pixel data, ornull if it is not possible to create such animage. |
decode | public void decode() throws IOException(Code) | | Decodes the input bit stream (located in the
ImageInputStream stream , at offset
offset , and continuing for byteCount
bytes) into the output BufferedImage
image .
The default implementation analyzes the destination image
to determine if it is suitable as the destination for the
decodeRaw method. If not, a suitable image is
created. Next, decodeRaw is called to perform the
actual decoding, and the results are copied into the
destination image if necessary. Subsampling and offsetting are
performed automatically.
The precise responsibilities of this routine are as
follows. The input bit stream is defined by the instance
variables stream , offset , and
byteCount . These bits contain the data for the
region of the source image defined by srcMinX ,
srcMinY , srcWidth , and
srcHeight .
The source data is required to be subsampling, starting at
the sourceXOffset th column and including
every subsampleX th pixel thereafter (and similarly
for sourceYOffset and
subsampleY ).
Pixels are copied into the destination with an addition shift of
(dstXOffset , dstYOffset ). The complete
set of formulas relating the source and destination coordinate spaces
dx = (sx - sourceXOffset)/subsampleX + dstXOffset;
dy = (sy - sourceYOffset)/subsampleY + dstYOffset;
Only source pixels such that (sx - sourceXOffset) %
subsampleX == 0 and (sy - sourceYOffset) %
subsampleY == 0 are copied.
The inverse mapping, from destination to source coordinates,
is one-to-one:
sx = (dx - dstXOffset)*subsampleX + sourceXOffset;
sy = (dy - dstYOffset)*subsampleY + sourceYOffset;
The region of the destination image to be updated is given
by the instance variables dstMinX ,
dstMinY , dstWidth , and
dstHeight .
It is possible that not all of the source data being read
will contribute to the destination image. For example, the
destination offsets could be set such that some of the source
pixels land outside of the bounds of the image. As a
convenience, the bounds of the active source region (that is,
the region of the strip or tile being read that actually
contributes to the destination image, taking clipping into
account) are available as activeSrcMinX ,
activeSrcMinY , activeSrcWidth and
activeSrcHeight . Thus, the source pixel at
(activeSrcMinX , activeSrcMinY ) will
map to the destination pixel (dstMinX ,
dstMinY ).
The sequence of source bands given by
sourceBands are to be copied into the sequence of
bands in the destination given by
destinationBands .
Some standard tag information is provided the instance
variables photometricInterpretation ,
compression , samplesPerPixel ,
bitsPerSample , sampleFormat ,
extraSamples , and colorMap .
In practice, unless there is a significant performance
advantage to be gained by overriding this routine, most users
will prefer to use the default implementation of this routine,
and instead override the decodeRaw and/or
getRawImageType methods.
exception: IOException - if an error occurs indecodeRaw . |
decodeRaw | abstract public void decodeRaw(byte[] b, int dstOffset, int bitsPerPixel, int scanlineStride) throws IOException(Code) | | Decodes the source data into the provided byte
array b , starting at the offset given by
dstOffset . Each pixel occupies
bitsPerPixel bits, with no padding between pixels.
Scanlines are separated by scanlineStride
byte s.
Parameters: b - a byte array to be written. Parameters: dstOffset - the starting offset in b to bewritten. Parameters: bitsPerPixel - the number of bits for each pixel. Parameters: scanlineStride - the number of byte s toadvance between that starting pixels of each scanline. throws: IOException - if an error occurs reading from the sourceImageInputStream . |
decodeRaw | public void decodeRaw(short[] s, int dstOffset, int bitsPerPixel, int scanlineStride) throws IOException(Code) | | Decodes the source data into the provided short
array s , starting at the offset given by
dstOffset . Each pixel occupies
bitsPerPixel bits, with no padding between pixels.
Scanlines are separated by scanlineStride
short s
The default implementation calls decodeRaw(byte[] b,
...) and copies the resulting data into s .
Parameters: s - a short array to be written. Parameters: dstOffset - the starting offset in s to bewritten. Parameters: bitsPerPixel - the number of bits for each pixel. Parameters: scanlineStride - the number of short s toadvance between that starting pixels of each scanline. throws: IOException - if an error occurs reading from the sourceImageInputStream . |
decodeRaw | public void decodeRaw(int[] i, int dstOffset, int bitsPerPixel, int scanlineStride) throws IOException(Code) | | Decodes the source data into the provided int
array i , starting at the offset given by
dstOffset . Each pixel occupies
bitsPerPixel bits, with no padding between pixels.
Scanlines are separated by scanlineStride
int s.
The default implementation calls decodeRaw(byte[] b,
...) and copies the resulting data into i .
Parameters: i - an int array to be written. Parameters: dstOffset - the starting offset in i to bewritten. Parameters: bitsPerPixel - the number of bits for each pixel. Parameters: scanlineStride - the number of int s toadvance between that starting pixels of each scanline. throws: IOException - if an error occurs reading from the sourceImageInputStream . |
decodeRaw | public void decodeRaw(float[] f, int dstOffset, int bitsPerPixel, int scanlineStride) throws IOException(Code) | | Decodes the source data into the provided float
array f , starting at the offset given by
dstOffset . Each pixel occupies
bitsPerPixel bits, with no padding between pixels.
Scanlines are separated by scanlineStride
float s.
The default implementation calls decodeRaw(byte[] b,
...) and copies the resulting data into f .
Parameters: f - a float array to be written. Parameters: dstOffset - the starting offset in f to bewritten. Parameters: bitsPerPixel - the number of bits for each pixel. Parameters: scanlineStride - the number of float s toadvance between that starting pixels of each scanline. throws: IOException - if an error occurs reading from the sourceImageInputStream . |
getRawImageType | public ImageTypeSpecifier getRawImageType()(Code) | | Returns an ImageTypeSpecifier describing an image
whose underlying data array has the same format as the raw
source pixel data.
an ImageTypeSpecifier . |
getRawImageTypeSpecifier | public static ImageTypeSpecifier getRawImageTypeSpecifier(int photometricInterpretation, int compression, int samplesPerPixel, int[] bitsPerSample, int[] sampleFormat, int[] extraSamples, char[] colorMap)(Code) | | A utility method that returns an
ImageTypeSpecifier suitable for decoding an image
with the given parameters.
Parameters: photometricInterpretation - the value of thePhotometricInterpretation field. Parameters: compression - the value of the Compression field. Parameters: samplesPerPixel - the value of theSamplesPerPixel field. Parameters: bitsPerSample - the value of the BitsPerSample field. Parameters: sampleFormat - the value of the SampleFormat field. Parameters: extraSamples - the value of the ExtraSamples field. Parameters: colorMap - the value of the ColorMap field. a suitable ImageTypeSpecifier , ornull if it is not possible to create one. |
setActiveSrcHeight | public void setActiveSrcHeight(int activeSrcHeight)(Code) | | Sets the value of the activeSrcHeight field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: activeSrcHeight - the height of the active source region. |
setActiveSrcMinX | public void setActiveSrcMinX(int activeSrcMinX)(Code) | | Sets the value of the activeSrcMinX field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: activeSrcMinX - the minimum X coordinate of the activesource region. |
setActiveSrcMinY | public void setActiveSrcMinY(int activeSrcMinY)(Code) | | Sets the value of the activeSrcMinY field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: activeSrcMinY - the minimum Y coordinate of the activesource region. |
setActiveSrcWidth | public void setActiveSrcWidth(int activeSrcWidth)(Code) | | Sets the value of the activeSrcWidth field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: activeSrcWidth - the width of the active source region. |
setBitsPerSample | public void setBitsPerSample(int[] bitsPerSample)(Code) | | Sets the value of the bitsPerSample field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: bitsPerSample - the number of bits for each source imagesample. |
setByteCount | public void setByteCount(int byteCount)(Code) | | Sets the value of the byteCount field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: byteCount - the number of bytes of compressed data. |
setColorConverter | public void setColorConverter(TIFFColorConverter colorConverter)(Code) | | Sets the TIFFColorConverter object describing the color
space of the encoded data in the input stream. If no
TIFFColorConverter is set, no conversion will be performed.
Parameters: colorConverter - a TIFFColorConverter object, ornull . |
setColorMap | public void setColorMap(char[] colorMap)(Code) | | Sets the value of the colorMap field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: colorMap - the color map to apply to the source data,as an array of char s. |
setCompression | public void setCompression(int compression)(Code) | | Sets the value of the compression field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: compression - the compression type. |
setDestinationBands | public void setDestinationBands(int[] destinationBands)(Code) | | Sets the value of the destinationBands field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: destinationBands - an array of int sspecifying the destination bands to be written. |
setDstHeight | public void setDstHeight(int dstHeight)(Code) | | Sets the value of the dstHeight field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: dstHeight - the height of the destination region. |
setDstMinX | public void setDstMinX(int dstMinX)(Code) | | Sets the value of the dstMinX field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: dstMinX - the minimum X coordinate of the destinationregion. |
setDstMinY | public void setDstMinY(int dstMinY)(Code) | | Sets the value of the dstMinY field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: dstMinY - the minimum Y coordinate of the destinationregion. |
setDstWidth | public void setDstWidth(int dstWidth)(Code) | | Sets the value of the dstWidth field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: dstWidth - the width of the destination region. |
setDstXOffset | public void setDstXOffset(int dstXOffset)(Code) | | Sets the value of the dstXOffset field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: dstXOffset - the horizontal destination offset to beused when mapping between source and destination coordinates. |
setDstYOffset | public void setDstYOffset(int dstYOffset)(Code) | | Sets the value of the dstYOffset field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: dstYOffset - the vertical destination offset to beused when mapping between source and destination coordinates. |
setExtraSamples | public void setExtraSamples(int[] extraSamples)(Code) | | Sets the value of the extraSamples field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: extraSamples - the interpretation of any samples in thesource file beyond those used for basic color or grayscaleinformation. |
setImage | public void setImage(BufferedImage image)(Code) | | Sets the value of the image field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: image - the destination BufferedImage . |
setMetadata | public void setMetadata(IIOMetadata metadata)(Code) | | Sets the value of the metadata field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: metadata - the IIOMetadata object for theimage being read. |
setOffset | public void setOffset(long offset)(Code) | | Sets the value of the offset field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: offset - the offset of the beginning of the compresseddata. |
setPhotometricInterpretation | public void setPhotometricInterpretation(int photometricInterpretation)(Code) | | Sets the value of the photometricInterpretation
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: photometricInterpretation - the photometric interpretationvalue. |
setPlanar | public void setPlanar(boolean planar)(Code) | | Sets the value of the planar field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: planar - true if the image to be decoded isstored in planar format. |
setReader | public void setReader(ImageReader reader)(Code) | | Sets the value of the reader field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: reader - the current ImageReader . |
setSampleFormat | public void setSampleFormat(int[] sampleFormat)(Code) | | Sets the value of the sampleFormat field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: sampleFormat - the format of the source image data,for example unsigned integer or floating-point. |
setSamplesPerPixel | public void setSamplesPerPixel(int samplesPerPixel)(Code) | | Sets the value of the samplesPerPixel field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: samplesPerPixel - the number of samples in each sourcepixel. |
setSourceBands | public void setSourceBands(int[] sourceBands)(Code) | | Sets the value of the sourceBands field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: sourceBands - an array of int sspecifying the source bands to be read. |
setSourceXOffset | public void setSourceXOffset(int sourceXOffset)(Code) | | Sets the value of the sourceXOffset field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: sourceXOffset - the horizontal source offset to be used whenmapping between source and destination coordinates. |
setSourceYOffset | public void setSourceYOffset(int sourceYOffset)(Code) | | Sets the value of the sourceYOffset .
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: sourceYOffset - the vertical source offset to be used whenmapping between source and destination coordinates. |
setSrcHeight | public void setSrcHeight(int srcHeight)(Code) | | Sets the value of the srcHeight field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: srcHeight - the height of the source region being decoded,irrespective of how it will be copied into the destination. |
setSrcMinX | public void setSrcMinX(int srcMinX)(Code) | | Sets the value of the srcMinX field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: srcMinX - the minimum X coordinate of the source regionbeing decoded, irrespective of how it will be copied into thedestination. |
setSrcMinY | public void setSrcMinY(int srcMinY)(Code) | | Sets the value of the srcMinY field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: srcMinY - the minimum Y coordinate of the source regionbeing decoded, irrespective of how it will be copied into thedestination. |
setSrcWidth | public void setSrcWidth(int srcWidth)(Code) | | Sets the value of the srcWidth field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: srcWidth - the width of the source region being decoded,irrespective of how it will be copied into the destination. |
setStream | public void setStream(ImageInputStream stream)(Code) | | Sets the value of the stream field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: stream - the ImageInputStream to be read. |
setSubsampleX | public void setSubsampleX(int subsampleX)(Code) | | Sets the value of the subsampleX field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: subsampleX - the horizontal subsampling factor. throws: IllegalArgumentException - if subsampleX isless than or equal to 0. |
setSubsampleY | public void setSubsampleY(int subsampleY)(Code) | | Sets the value of the subsampleY field.
If this method is called, the beginDecoding
method must be called prior to calling any of the decode
Parameters: subsampleY - the vertical subsampling factor. throws: IllegalArgumentException - if subsampleY isless than or equal to 0. |