Field Summary |
protected int | b The current band offset. |
protected Rectangle | bounds The iterator bounding rectangle. |
protected DataBuffer | dataBuffer The DataBuffer of the current tile. |
protected int | endTileX The tile index of the rightmost column in the iterator's bounds. |
protected int | endTileY The tile index of the bottommost row in the iterator's bounds. |
protected int | firstX The (inclusive) smallest X coordinate of the bounding rectangle. |
protected int | firstY The (inclusive) smallest Y coordinate of the bounding rectangle. |
protected RenderedImage | im The source image. |
protected int | lastX The (inclusive) largest X coordinate of the bounding rectangle. |
protected int | lastY The (inclusive) largest Y coordinate of the bounding rectangle. |
protected int | localX The current X pixel position relative to the tile start. |
protected int | localY The current Y pixel position relative to the tile start. |
protected int | nextXBoundary The next rightwards tile or image boundary. |
protected int | nextYBoundary The next downwards tile or image boundary. |
protected int | numBands The number of bands of the source image. |
protected int | prevXBoundary The next leftwards tile or image boundary. |
protected int | prevYBoundary The next upwards tile or image boundary. |
protected SampleModel | sampleModel The SampleModel for the tiles of the source image. |
protected int | startTileX The tile index of the leftmost column in the iterator's bounds. |
protected int | startTileY The tile index of the topmost row in the iterator's bounds. |
protected int | tileGridXOffset The X offset of the source image tile grid. |
protected int | tileGridYOffset The Y offset of the source image tile grid. |
protected int | tileHeight The height of tiles in the source image. |
protected int | tileWidth The width of tiles in the source image. |
protected int | tileX The X index of the current tile. |
protected int | tileXEnd The (inclusive) largest X coordinate of the current tile. |
protected int | tileXStart The (inclusive) smallest X coordinate of the current tile. |
protected int | tileY The Y index of the current tile. |
protected int | tileYEnd The (inclusive) largest Y coordinate of the current tile. |
protected int | tileYStart The (inclusive) smallest Y coordinate of the current tile. |
protected int | x The current X pixel position. |
protected int | y The current Y pixel position. |