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public class ImageReadDescriptor extends OperationDescriptorImpl (Code)
An OperationDescriptor describing the "ImageRead" operation.

The "ImageRead" operation uses the Java Image I/O Framework to read images from an input source. Which formats may be read depends on which javax.imageio.ImageReader plug-ins are registered with the Image I/O Framework when the operation is invoked.

The input source will usually be an , but may be a , , , , , java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel , file path represented as a String or some other type compatible with a reader plug-in. The javax.imageio.ImageIO class should be used to specify the location and enable the use of cache files via its setCacheDirectory() and setUseCache() methods, respectively. Note that this cache pertains to image stream caching and is unrelated to the JAI TileCache.

The "ImageRead" operation supports rendered, renderable, and collection modes and requires no source image. A java.awt.RenderingHints object may be supplied when the operation is created. In addition to the java.awt.RenderingHints.Key hints recognized by the eventual OpImage constructor, an ImageLayout hint may also be supplied. The settings of this ImageLayout override any other possible derivation of its components. In particular, it is possible that the generated image(s) have a different tile layout than that present in the image read from the input source.

Image properties are used to make available metadata and other information. Property provision is mode-specific.

Resource List
Name Value
GlobalName ImageRead
LocalName ImageRead
Description Reads an image using the Java Image I/O Framework.
Version 1.0
arg0Desc The input source.
arg1Desc The index or indices of the image(s) to read.
arg2Desc Whether metadata should be read if available.
arg3Desc Whether thumbnails should be read if available.
arg4Desc Whether to verify the validity of the input source.
arg5Desc EventListeners to be registered with the ImageReader.
arg6Desc The Locale for the ImageReader to use.
arg7Desc Java Image I/O read parameter instance.
arg8Desc Java Image I/O reader instance.

Rendered Mode

In rendered mode the "ImageRead" operation creates a java.awt.image.RenderedImage from the specified input source.

Rendered Mode Parameters

The parameter list of the "ImageRead" operation in rendered mode is as in the following table.

Rendered Mode Parameter List
Name Class Type Default Value
Input java.lang.Object.class NO_PARAMETER_DEFAULT
ImageChoice java.lang.Integer 0
ReadMetadata java.lang.Boolean TRUE
ReadThumbnails java.lang.Boolean TRUE
VerifyInput java.lang.Boolean TRUE
Listeners java.util.EventListener[] null
Locale java.util.Locale null
ReadParam javax.imageio.ImageReadParam null
Reader javax.imageio.ImageReader null

The rendered mode parameters are handled as follows:

Parameters and Synchronization Policy

Note that any supplied ImageReadParam parameter may be modified within this operator. Also, any of the various reading methods of the ImageReader may be invoked at an arbitrary subsequent time to populate the image data. Correct handling of these parameters at the application level is left to the user. Specifically no guarantee as to the correct behavior of this operation is made in the cases wherein a user passes in an ImageReadParam or ImageReader parameter and modifies its state while this operation is still using these objects. This applies especially in the case of multi-threaded applications. In such instances it is recommended that the user either not pass in either of these parameters or simply use the Java Image I/O API directly rather than the JAI operation. (Threads managed internally by JAI, e.g., in the TileScheduler, interact with the image object created by this operation only via synchronized methods thereby preventing potential race conditions.) These caveats also apply to the use of ImageReaders and ImageReadParams obtained from image properties.

The foregoing policy regarding modification of any supplied ImageReadParam or ImageReader is necessary as neither of these classes is cloneable. Given that as a starting point there are in effect three possibilities: (A) do not accept them as parameters, (B) accept them via alternate parameters which do not pose these problems (for example an ImageReaderSpi and a long list of settings represented by the ImageReadParam), or (C) accept them explicitly. Option C has been deemed preferable despite the potential race condition issues.

In the Sun Microsystems implementation of this operation these potential conflicts have been mitigated to a certain extent:

  • If the param is cloneable then it is cloned and the clone used internally. Otherwise if the param is an instance of ImageReadParam itself rather than of a subclass thereof, i.e., getClass().getName() invoked on the param returns "javax.imageio.ImageReadParam", then a new ImageReadParam is constructed and the settings of the original param copied to it. If the param is not cloneable and is an instance of a proper subclass of ImageWriteParam then it is used directly.
  • The only ImageReader methods invoked after OpImage construction are read(int,ImageReadParam), getNumThumbnails(int), readThumbnail(int,int), isIgnoringMetadata(), getStreamMetadata(), and getImageMetadata(int). These methods are invoked within getProperty() and with the exception of isIgnoringMetadata() are synchronized on the ImageReader.

ImageLayout Hint Handling

If an ImageLayout hint is provided via the operation's RenderingHints, its values will be used. In particular a SampleModel or ColorModel supplied via an ImageLayout hint will override any values set via the ImageTypeSpecifier of the ImageReadParam parameter if the latter is non-null. This signifies that the ImageTypeSpecifier of the OpImage rendering associated with the operation node will be forced to match that of the layout even if this type is different from or incompatible with the image types available from the ImageReader. Note that in such an eventuality an extra amount of memory equal to one image tile might be needed for copying purposes. This copying is handled by the JAI operation itself.

Any fields of the supplied ImageLayout which are not set will be set to default values as follows. The ImageLayout will be cloned before it is modified.

ImageLayout Defaults

  • Image Bounds {minX, minY, width, height}

    Each value defaults to the corresponding value of the destination which would be derived on the basis of the source image dimensions and the settings of the ImageReadParam, i.e., source region, subsampling offsets and factors, and destination offset.

    It should be noted that unlike in the Java Image I/O API itself, negative coordinates are permitted and the image origin is not required to be at (0,0) as for BufferedImages. Therefore it is possible that a given image be loaded using the same ImageReadParam by an ImageReader and by the "ImageRead" operation with different results. Possible differences would be that the portion of the image with negative coordinates is not clipped as it would be with direct Image I/O access, and no empty extent between (0,0) and the start of the data will be present.

    For example, if the ImageReadParam had sourceRegion [0,0,w,h], destinationOffset [-w/2,-h/2], and no subsampling, then the Java Image I/O API would compute the effective source and destination regions to be [w/2,h/2,w/2,h/2] and [0,0,w/2,h/2], respectively. The JAI ImageRead operation would compute the effective source and destination regions to be [0,0,w,h] and [-w/2,-h/2,w,h], respectively. The Image I/O result would therefore be equal to the bottom right quadrant of the JAI result.

  • Tile Grid {tileGridXOffset, tileGridYOffset, tileWidth, tileHeight}
     tileGridXOffset = ImageReader.getTileGridXOffset(imageIndex);
     tileGridYOffset = ImageReader.getTileGridYOffset(imageIndex);
     tileWidth = ImageReader.getTileWidth(imageIndex);
     tileHeight = ImageReader.getTileHeight(imageIndex);
  • ColorModel
  • SampleModel
     ImageReader.getRawImageType(imageIndex).getSampleModel().createCompatibleSampleModel(tileWidth, tileHeight);

Image Properties in Rendered Mode

Image properties are used to provide metadata, thumbnails, and reader-related information. The following properties may be obtained from the RenderedOp created for the "ImageRead" operation in rendered mode:

Rendered Mode Image Properties
Property Name Type Comment
JAI.ImageReadParam ImageReadParam Set to ImageReadParam actually used which may differ from the one passed in.
JAI.ImageReader ImageReader Set to ImageReader actually used.
JAI.ImageMetadata IIOMetadata Set if and only if ReadMetadata parameter is TRUE and image metadata are available.
JAI.StreamMetadata IIOMetadata Set if and only if ReadMetadata parameter is TRUE and stream metadata are available.
JAI.Thumbnails BufferedImage[] Set if and only if ReadThumbnails parameter is TRUE and thumbnails are available.

If a given property is not set, this implies of course that the names of absent properties will not appear in the array returned by getPropertyNames() and getProperty() invoked to obtain absent properties will return java.awt.Image.UndefinedProperty as usual.

The ImageReader and ImageReadParam may be used for subsequent invocations of the operation (for example to obtain different images in a multi-page file) or for informational purposes. Care should be taken in using these property values with respect to the synchronization issues previously discussed.

In all cases image metadata properties will be set when the node is rendered, i.e., metadata reading is not subject to the same deferred execution as is image data reading. The thumbnail property value will not be set however until its value is actually requested.

Renderable Mode

In renderable mode the "ImageRead" operation creates a java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage from the specified input source.

It should be noted that although they are discussed in the context of rendered mode, the parameter synchronization policy and ImageLayout handling methodology apply to renderable mode as well.

Renderable Mode Parameters

The parameter list of the "ImageRead" operation in renderable mode is identical to the rendered mode parameter list mode except as indicated in the following table.

Renderable Mode Parameter Differences
Name Class Type Default Value
ImageChoice int[] int[] {0,...,NumImages-1}

In the Sun Microsystems renderable mode implementation of the "ImageRead" operation, when createRendering() is invoked on the RenderableImage created by the operation, a MultiResolutionRenderableImage is constructed from a Vector of RenderedImages consisting of the images at the specified indices. These images will be sorted into order of decreasing resolution (as determined by the product of width and height for each image) and inserted in this order in the Vector of images used to construct the MultiResolutionRenderableImage. Metadata will be set on the component RenderedImages as usual for rendered mode. Finally the createRendering() invocation will be forwarded to the underlying MultiResolutionRenderableImage and the resulting RenderedImage returned.

Note that using this approach the entire MultiResolutionRenderableImage must be regenerated for each invocation of createRendering(). If multiple renderings are to be created from the RenderableImage without changing the operation parameters, then a more efficient approach would be to use the "JAI.RenderableInput" property to be described.

Image Properties in Renderable Mode

The following property will be set on the RenderableOp created for the "ImageRead" operation in renderable mode:

Renderable Mode Image Properties
Property Name Type Comment
JAI.RenderableInput RenderableImage A RenderableImage derived from the input source according to the supplied set of parameters.

The RenderableImage which is the value of the foregoing property may have set on it any of the properties previously described for rendered mode contingent on parameter settings and data availability. The image metadata and thumbnail properties would be copied from the highest resolution image among those specified by the ImageChoice parameter.

If multiple renderings are to be created from the RenderableImage without changing the operation parameters, then an efficient alternative approach to multiple invocations of createRendering() on the RenderableImage is to obtain the RenderableImage value of the "JAI.RenderableInput" property and invoke createRendering() on this value.

Collection Mode

In collection mode the "ImageRead" operation creates a Collection of RenderedImages from the specified input source. This could be used for example to load an animated GIF image or a multi-page TIFF image.

It should be noted that although they are discussed in the context of rendered mode, the parameter synchronization policy and ImageLayout handling methodology apply to collection mode as well.

Collection Mode Parameters

The parameter list of the "ImageRead" operation in collection mode is identical to the renderable mode parameter list. In this case the RenderedImages loaded for the specified indices will be used to create a Collection of RenderedImages. The images will be loaded in the order of the indices in the supplied array and appended to a List. The rendering of the operation will be a CollectionImage the 'imageCollection' instance variable of which will be set to this List.

Image Properties in Collection Mode

Contingent on parameter settings and the presence of the appropriate metadata, the rendered Collection may have the "JAI.StreamMetadata", "JAI.ImageReadParam", and "JAI.ImageReader" properties set. Each RenderedImage in the Collection may contain the rendered mode properties contingent on parameter settings and data availability.
See Also:
See Also:   javax.imageio.ImageReader
See Also:   javax.imageio.ImageReadParam
See Also:   javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
See Also:

Field Summary
final public static  StringPROPERTY_NAME_IMAGE_READER
     ImageReader property name "JAI.ImageReader".
final public static  StringPROPERTY_NAME_IMAGE_READ_PARAM
     ImageReadParam property name "JAI.ImageReadParam".
final public static  StringPROPERTY_NAME_METADATA_IMAGE
     Image metadata property name "JAI.ImageMetadata".
final public static  StringPROPERTY_NAME_METADATA_STREAM
     Stream metadata property name "JAI.StreamMetadata".
final public static  StringPROPERTY_NAME_RENDERABLE_INPUT
     Renderable input property name "JAI.RenderableInput".
final public static  StringPROPERTY_NAME_THUMBNAILS
     Thumbnail property name "JAI.Thumbnails".

Constructor Summary
public  ImageReadDescriptor()

Method Summary
public static  RenderedOpcreate(ImageInputStream input, Integer imageChoice, Boolean readMetadata, Boolean readThumbnails, Boolean verifyInput, EventListener[] listeners, Locale locale, ImageReadParam readParam, ImageReader reader, RenderingHints hints)
     Type-safe convenience method for creating a RenderedOp representing the "ImageRead" operation in rendered mode.
public static  CollectioncreateCollection(ImageInputStream input, int[] imageChoice, Boolean readMetadata, Boolean readThumbnails, Boolean verifyInput, EventListener[] listeners, Locale locale, ImageReadParam readParam, ImageReader reader, RenderingHints hints)
     Type-safe convenience method for creating a Collection representing the "ImageRead" operation in collection mode.
public static  RenderableOpcreateRenderable(ImageInputStream input, int[] imageChoice, Boolean readMetadata, Boolean readThumbnails, Boolean verifyInput, EventListener[] listeners, Locale locale, ImageReadParam readParam, ImageReader reader, RenderingHints hints)
     Type-safe convenience method for creating a RenderableOp representing the "ImageRead" operation in renderable mode.
public  PropertyGenerator[]getPropertyGenerators(String modeName)
     Returns the array of PropertyGenerator s for the specified mode of this operation.

For renderable mode returns an array containing a single PropertyGenerator which defines a RenderableImage -valued property named "JAI.RenderableInput". For all other modes null is returned.

  modeName - The name of the mode.
protected  booleanvalidateParameters(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
     Validates the parameters in the supplied ParameterBlock.

In addition to the standard validation performed by the corresponding superclass method, this method verifies the following:

  • whether ImageChoice is negative (rendered mode) or contains any negative indices (other modes); and
  • if VerifyInput is TRUE and Input is a File or String, whether the corresponding physical file exists and is readable; and
  • if VerifyInput is TRUE and Input is a String, converting which to a corresponding physical file failed, whether it can be converted to an InputStream accessed as a resource from a JAR file; and
  • if VerifyInput is TRUE and Input is a Socket, whether it is bound, connected, open, and the read-half is not shut down.
If the superclass method finds that the arguments are invalid, or if this method determines that any of the foregoing conditions is true, an error message will be appended to msg and false will be returned; otherwise true will be returned.

The file existence and readability verification may be suppressed by setting the VerifyInput parameter to FALSE. This might be desirable for example if the operation is being created for remote rendering and Input is a file which is at a location visible on the remote peer but not on the host on which the operation is created.

  modeName - The operation mode.
  args - The source and parameters of the operation.
  msg - A container for any error messages.

Field Detail
final public static String PROPERTY_NAME_IMAGE_READER(Code)
ImageReader property name "JAI.ImageReader".

final public static String PROPERTY_NAME_IMAGE_READ_PARAM(Code)
ImageReadParam property name "JAI.ImageReadParam".

final public static String PROPERTY_NAME_METADATA_IMAGE(Code)
Image metadata property name "JAI.ImageMetadata".

final public static String PROPERTY_NAME_METADATA_STREAM(Code)
Stream metadata property name "JAI.StreamMetadata".

final public static String PROPERTY_NAME_RENDERABLE_INPUT(Code)
Renderable input property name "JAI.RenderableInput".

final public static String PROPERTY_NAME_THUMBNAILS(Code)
Thumbnail property name "JAI.Thumbnails".

Constructor Detail
public ImageReadDescriptor()(Code)

Method Detail
public static RenderedOp create(ImageInputStream input, Integer imageChoice, Boolean readMetadata, Boolean readThumbnails, Boolean verifyInput, EventListener[] listeners, Locale locale, ImageReadParam readParam, ImageReader reader, RenderingHints hints)(Code)
Type-safe convenience method for creating a RenderedOp representing the "ImageRead" operation in rendered mode. The method packs the parameters into a new ParameterBlock and invokes JAI.create(StringParameterBlockRenderingHints) .
  input - The input source.
  imageChoice - The index of the image to read.
  readMetadata - Whether metadata should be read if available.
  readThumbnails - Whether thumbnails should be read if available.
  verifyInput - Whether to verify the validity of the input source.
  listeners - EventListeners to be registered with the ImageReader.
  locale - The Locale for the ImageReader to use.
  readParam - Java Image I/O read parameter instance.
  reader - Java Image I/O reader instance.
  hints - Hints possibly including an ImageLayout. an image derived from the input source.

public static Collection createCollection(ImageInputStream input, int[] imageChoice, Boolean readMetadata, Boolean readThumbnails, Boolean verifyInput, EventListener[] listeners, Locale locale, ImageReadParam readParam, ImageReader reader, RenderingHints hints)(Code)
Type-safe convenience method for creating a Collection representing the "ImageRead" operation in collection mode. The method packs the parameters into a new ParameterBlock and invokes JAI.createCollection(StringParameterBlockRenderingHints) .
  input - The input source.
  imageChoice - The indices of the images to read.
  readMetadata - Whether metadata should be read if available.
  readThumbnails - Whether thumbnails should be read if available.
  verifyInput - Whether to verify the validity of the input source.
  listeners - EventListeners to be registered with the ImageReader.
  locale - The Locale for the ImageReader to use.
  readParam - Java Image I/O read parameter instance.
  reader - Java Image I/O reader instance.
  hints - Hints possibly including an ImageLayout. a collection of images derived from the input source.

public static RenderableOp createRenderable(ImageInputStream input, int[] imageChoice, Boolean readMetadata, Boolean readThumbnails, Boolean verifyInput, EventListener[] listeners, Locale locale, ImageReadParam readParam, ImageReader reader, RenderingHints hints)(Code)
Type-safe convenience method for creating a RenderableOp representing the "ImageRead" operation in renderable mode. The method packs the parameters into a new ParameterBlock and invokes JAI.createRenderable(StringParameterBlockRenderingHints) .
  input - The input source.
  imageChoice - The indices of the images to read.
  readMetadata - Whether metadata should be read if available.
  readThumbnails - Whether thumbnails should be read if available.
  verifyInput - Whether to verify the validity of the input source.
  listeners - EventListeners to be registered with the ImageReader.
  locale - The Locale for the ImageReader to use.
  readParam - Java Image I/O read parameter instance.
  reader - Java Image I/O reader instance.
  hints - Hints possibly including an ImageLayout. an image capable of rendering an image from those in theinput source.

public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators(String modeName)(Code)
Returns the array of PropertyGenerator s for the specified mode of this operation.

For renderable mode returns an array containing a single PropertyGenerator which defines a RenderableImage -valued property named "JAI.RenderableInput". For all other modes null is returned.

  modeName - The name of the mode. An array containing a single PropertyGeneratorif modeName is "renderable" (case-insensitive) ornull otherwise.

protected boolean validateParameters(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)
Validates the parameters in the supplied ParameterBlock.

In addition to the standard validation performed by the corresponding superclass method, this method verifies the following:

  • whether ImageChoice is negative (rendered mode) or contains any negative indices (other modes); and
  • if VerifyInput is TRUE and Input is a File or String, whether the corresponding physical file exists and is readable; and
  • if VerifyInput is TRUE and Input is a String, converting which to a corresponding physical file failed, whether it can be converted to an InputStream accessed as a resource from a JAR file; and
  • if VerifyInput is TRUE and Input is a Socket, whether it is bound, connected, open, and the read-half is not shut down.
If the superclass method finds that the arguments are invalid, or if this method determines that any of the foregoing conditions is true, an error message will be appended to msg and false will be returned; otherwise true will be returned.

The file existence and readability verification may be suppressed by setting the VerifyInput parameter to FALSE. This might be desirable for example if the operation is being created for remote rendering and Input is a file which is at a location visible on the remote peer but not on the host on which the operation is created.

  modeName - The operation mode.
  args - The source and parameters of the operation.
  msg - A container for any error messages. Whether the supplied parameters are valid.

Fields inherited from
final protected String[][] resources(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected String[] sourceNames(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected String[] supportedModes(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
public boolean arePropertiesSupported()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static Class getDefaultSourceClass(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Class getDestClass(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Class getDestClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getInvalidRegion(String modeName, ParameterBlock oldParamBlock, RenderingHints oldHints, ParameterBlock newParamBlock, RenderingHints newHints, OperationNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getNumParameters()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getNumSources()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Class[] getParamClasses()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getParamDefaultValue(int index)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object[] getParamDefaults()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Number getParamMaxValue(int index)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Number getParamMinValue(int index)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String[] getParamNames()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ParameterListDescriptor getParameterListDescriptor(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Class getRenderableDestClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Class[] getRenderableSourceClasses()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Locale locale)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String[][] getResources(Locale locale)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Class[] getSourceClasses(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Class[] getSourceClasses()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String[] getSourceNames()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String[] getSupportedModes()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isImmediate()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isModeSupported(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isRenderableSupported()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isRenderedSupported()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static Class[][] makeDefaultSourceClassList(String[] supportedModes, int numSources)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean validateArguments(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean validateArguments(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean validateParameters(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean validateParameters(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean validateRenderableArguments(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean validateRenderableSources(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean validateSources(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean validateSources(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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