| java.lang.Object javax.media.jai.OperationDescriptorImpl javax.media.jai.operator.GradientMagnitudeDescriptor
GradientMagnitudeDescriptor | public class GradientMagnitudeDescriptor extends OperationDescriptorImpl (Code) | | An OperationDescriptor describing the "GradientMagnitude"
The "GradientMagnitude" operation is an edge detector which computes
the magnitude of the image gradient vector in two orthogonal directions.
The result of the "GradientMagnitude" operation may be defined as:
dst[x][y][b] = ((SH(x,y,b))^2 + (SV(x,y,b))^2 )^0.5
where SH(x,y,b) and SV(x,y,b) are the horizontal and vertical gradient
images generated from band b of the source image by correlating it
with the supplied orthogonal (horizontal and vertical) gradient masks.
Origins set on the kernels will be ignored. The origins are assumed to be
width/2 & height/2.
It should be noted that this operation automatically adds a
value of Boolean.TRUE for the
configuration so that the operation is performed
on the pixel values instead of being performed on the indices into
the color map if the source(s) have an IndexColorModel .
This addition will take place only if a value for the
provided by the user. Note that the configuration Map
is cloned before the new hint is added to it. The operation can be
smart about the value of the JAI.KEY_REPLACE_INDEX_COLOR_MODEL
RenderingHints , i.e. while the default value for the
Boolean.TRUE , in some cases the operator could set the
Resource List
Name | Value |
GlobalName | GradientMagnitude |
LocallName | GradientMagnitude |
Vendor | com.sun.media.jai |
Description | Performs gradient magnitude edge detection
on an image. |
DocURL | http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jai/forDevelopers/jaiapi/javax.media.jai.operator.GradientMagnitudeDescriptor.html |
Version | 1.0 |
arg0Desc | A gradient mask |
arg1Desc | A gradient mask orthogonal to the first one. |
Parameter List
Name | Class Type |
Default Value |
mask1 | javax.media.jai.KernelJAI |
mask2 | javax.media.jai.KernelJAI |
See Also: javax.media.jai.OperationDescriptor See Also: javax.media.jai.KernelJAI |
GradientMagnitudeDescriptor | public GradientMagnitudeDescriptor()(Code) | | Constructor for the GradientMagnitudeDescriptor.
getPropertyGenerators | public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators()(Code) | | Returns an array of PropertyGenerators implementing
property inheritance for the "GradientMagnitude" operation.
An array of property generators. |
validateParameters | protected boolean validateParameters(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code) | | Validates the input parameters.
In addition to the standard checks performed by the
superclass method, this method checks that "mask1" and "mask2"
have the same dimensions.
Methods inherited from javax.media.jai.OperationDescriptorImpl | public boolean arePropertiesSupported()(Code)(Java Doc) protected static Class getDefaultSourceClass(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Class getDestClass(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Class getDestClass()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getInvalidRegion(String modeName, ParameterBlock oldParamBlock, RenderingHints oldHints, ParameterBlock newParamBlock, RenderingHints newHints, OperationNode node)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getNumParameters()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getNumSources()(Code)(Java Doc) public Class[] getParamClasses()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getParamDefaultValue(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object[] getParamDefaults()(Code)(Java Doc) public Number getParamMaxValue(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public Number getParamMinValue(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getParamNames()(Code)(Java Doc) public ParameterListDescriptor getParameterListDescriptor(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators()(Code)(Java Doc) public Class getRenderableDestClass()(Code)(Java Doc) public Class[] getRenderableSourceClasses()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Locale locale)(Code)(Java Doc) public String[][] getResources(Locale locale)(Code)(Java Doc) public Class[] getSourceClasses(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Class[] getSourceClasses()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getSourceNames()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getSupportedModes()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isImmediate()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isModeSupported(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isRenderableSupported()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isRenderedSupported()(Code)(Java Doc) protected static Class[][] makeDefaultSourceClassList(String[] supportedModes, int numSources)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean validateArguments(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean validateArguments(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateParameters(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateParameters(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean validateRenderableArguments(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateRenderableSources(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateSources(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateSources(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)