| java.lang.Object javax.media.jai.OperationDescriptorImpl javax.media.jai.operator.PNGDescriptor
PNGDescriptor | public class PNGDescriptor extends OperationDescriptorImpl (Code) | | An OperationDescriptor describing the "PNG" operation.
The "PNG" operation reads a standard PNG version 1.1 input stream.
The PNG (Portable Network Graphics) specification may be
found at
http://www.cdrom.com/pub/png/spec .
The "PNG" operation implements the entire PNG specification,
but provides access only to the final, high-resolution version of
interlaced images.
The second parameter contains an instance of
PNGDecodeParam to be used during the decoding.
It may be set to null in order to perform default
decoding, or equivalently may be omitted.
The documentation for PNGDecodeParam describes the
possible output formats of PNG images after decoding.
The classes in the com.sun.media.jai.codec
package are not a committed part of the JAI API. Future releases
of JAI will make use of new classes in their place. This
class will change accordingly.
Resource List
Name | Value |
GlobalName | PNG |
LocalName | PNG |
Vendor | com.sun.media.jai |
Description | Reads an image from a PNG stream. |
DocURL | http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jai/forDevelopers/jai-apidocs/javax/media/jai/operator/PNGDescriptor.html |
Version | 1.0 |
arg0Desc | The SeekableStream to read from. |
arg1Desc | The PNGDecodeParam to use. |
Parameter List
Name | Class Type |
Default Value |
stream | com.sun.media.jai.codec.SeekableStream |
param | com.sun.media.jai.codec.PNGDecodeParam |
null |
Property Name | Class | Comment |
file_type | String |
"PNG v. 1.0" |
background_color | java.awt.Color |
The suggested background color. |
significant_bits | int[] |
The number of significant bits stored in the file. |
bit_depth | Integer |
The bit depth of the file |
color_type | String |
One of "Grayscale", "Truecolor", "Index",
"Grayscale with alpha" or "Truecolor with alpha" |
interlace_method | String |
"None" or "Adam7" |
white_point_x | Float |
The CIE X coordinate of the white point, if known. |
white_point_y | Float |
The CIE Y coordinate of the white point, if known. |
red_x | Float |
The CIE X coordinate of the red primary, if known. |
red_y | Float |
The CIE Y coordinate of the red primary, if known. |
green_x | Float |
The CIE X coordinate of the green primary, if known. |
green_y | Float |
The CIE Y coordinate of the green primary, if known. |
blue_x | Float |
The CIE X coordinate of the blue primary, if known. |
blue_y | Float |
The CIE Y coordinate of the blue primary, if known. |
gamma | Float |
The image gamma, if known. |
x_pixels_per_unit | Integer |
The number of horizontal pixels per unit. |
y_pixels_per_unit | Integer |
The number of vertical pixels per unit. |
pixel_aspect_ratio | Float |
The width of a pixel divided by its height. |
pixel_units | String |
"Meters" or null |
timestamp | java.util.Date |
The creation or modification time of the image. |
text:* | String |
The value of a tEXt chunk. |
ztext:* | String |
The value of a zTXt chunk (not yet implemented). |
chunk:* | byte[] |
The contents of any non-standard chunks. |
See Also: com.sun.media.jai.codec.PNGDecodeParam See Also: com.sun.media.jai.codec.SeekableStream See Also: javax.media.jai.OperationDescriptor |
PNGDescriptor | public PNGDescriptor()(Code) | | Constructor.
Methods inherited from javax.media.jai.OperationDescriptorImpl | public boolean arePropertiesSupported()(Code)(Java Doc) protected static Class getDefaultSourceClass(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Class getDestClass(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Class getDestClass()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getInvalidRegion(String modeName, ParameterBlock oldParamBlock, RenderingHints oldHints, ParameterBlock newParamBlock, RenderingHints newHints, OperationNode node)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getNumParameters()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getNumSources()(Code)(Java Doc) public Class[] getParamClasses()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getParamDefaultValue(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object[] getParamDefaults()(Code)(Java Doc) public Number getParamMaxValue(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public Number getParamMinValue(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getParamNames()(Code)(Java Doc) public ParameterListDescriptor getParameterListDescriptor(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators()(Code)(Java Doc) public Class getRenderableDestClass()(Code)(Java Doc) public Class[] getRenderableSourceClasses()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Locale locale)(Code)(Java Doc) public String[][] getResources(Locale locale)(Code)(Java Doc) public Class[] getSourceClasses(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Class[] getSourceClasses()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getSourceNames()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getSupportedModes()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isImmediate()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isModeSupported(String modeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isRenderableSupported()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isRenderedSupported()(Code)(Java Doc) protected static Class[][] makeDefaultSourceClassList(String[] supportedModes, int numSources)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean validateArguments(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean validateArguments(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateParameters(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateParameters(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean validateRenderableArguments(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateRenderableSources(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateSources(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateSources(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)(Code)(Java Doc)