An OperationDescriptor describing the "Phase" operation.
The "Phase" operation computes the phase angle of each pixel of a
complex image. The source image must have an even number of bands, with
the even bands (0, 2, ...) representing the real parts and the odd bands
(1, 3, ...) the imaginary parts of each complex pixel. The destination
image has at most half the number of bands of the source image with each
sample in a pixel representing the phase angle of the corresponding complex
source sample. The angular values of the destination image are defined
for a given sample by the pseudocode:
dst[x][y][b] = Math.atan2(src[x][y][2*b+1], src[x][y][2*b])
where the number of bands b varies from zero to one less than the
number of bands in the destination image.
For integral image datatypes, the result will be rounded and
scaled so the the "natural" arctangent range [-PI, PI) is remapped into
the range [0, MAX_VALUE); the result for floating point image datatypes
is the value returned by the atan2() method.
"Phase" defines a PropertyGenerator that sets the "COMPLEX"
property of the image to java.lang.Boolean.FALSE , which may
be retrieved by calling the getProperty() method with
"COMPLEX" as the property name.
Resource List
Name | Value |
GlobalName | Phase |
LocalName | Phase |
Vendor | |
Description | Computes the phase angle of each pixel of
an image. |
DocURL | |
Version | 1.0 |
No parameters are needed for the "Phase" operation.
See Also: |