| java.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Exception java.lang.RuntimeException javax.media.jai.util.ImagingException
All known Subclasses: javax.media.jai.remote.RemoteImagingException,
ImagingException | public class ImagingException extends RuntimeException (Code) | | This class is designed to contain information of the (abnormal)
situations that happen in JAI and the operations plugged into JAI.
The behavior of this class imitates the Exception class
in JavaTM 2 Platform version 1.4
to define a chained exception and is call-compatible
with JavaTM 2 Platform version 1.4:
The cause can be stored and retrieved from the
instance of this class. Also, the root cause for an instance
can be retrieved.
since: JAI 1.1.2 |
ImagingException | public ImagingException()(Code) | | The default constructor.
ImagingException | public ImagingException(String message)(Code) | | The constructor to accept the message that describes the situation.
Parameters: message - The message to describe the situation. |
ImagingException | public ImagingException(Throwable cause)(Code) | | The constructor to accept the cause of this ImagingException .
Parameters: cause - The cause of this ImagingException . |
ImagingException | public ImagingException(String message, Throwable cause)(Code) | | The constructor to accept the cause of this ImagingException
and the message that describes the situation.
Parameters: message - The message that describes the situation. Parameters: cause - The cause of this ImagingException |
getCause | public Throwable getCause()(Code) | | Returns the cause of this ImagingException .
getRootCause | public Throwable getRootCause()(Code) | | Recursively retrieves the root cause of this
ImagingException .
printStackTrace | public void printStackTrace()(Code) | | Prints the stack trace. For JavaTM 2
Platform version 1.4 and up, calls the same
method in the super class. For JavaTM
2 Platform version 1.3, prints the stack trace of
this ImagingException and the trace of its cause.
printStackTrace | public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s)(Code) | | Prints the stack trace. For JavaTM
2 Platform version 1.4 and up, calls the same
method in the super class. For JavaTM
2 Platform version 1.4, prints the stack trace of
this ImagingException and the trace of its cause.
printStackTrace | public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)(Code) | | Prints the stack trace. For JavaTM 2
Platform version 1.4 and up, calls the same
method in the super class. For JavaTM
2 Platform version 1.43, prints the stack trace of
this ImagingException and the trace of its cause.