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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » 6.0 JDK Modules » Java Advanced Imaging » jj2000.j2k.codestream 
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001:        /*
002:         * $RCSfile:,v $
003:         * $Revision: 1.1 $
004:         * $Date: 2005/02/11 05:02:00 $
005:         * $State: Exp $
006:         *
007:         * Class:                   HeaderInfo
008:         *
009:         * Description:             Holds information found in main and tile-part
010:         *                          headers 
011:         *
012:         *
013:         *
014:         * COPYRIGHT:
015:         * 
016:         * This software module was originally developed by Rapha�l Grosbois and
017:         * Diego Santa Cruz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL); Joel
018:         * Askel�f (Ericsson Radio Systems AB); and Bertrand Berthelot, David
019:         * Bouchard, F�lix Henry, Gerard Mozelle and Patrice Onno (Canon Research
020:         * Centre France S.A) in the course of development of the JPEG2000
021:         * standard as specified by ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG 2000 Standard). This
022:         * software module is an implementation of a part of the JPEG 2000
023:         * Standard. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL, Ericsson Radio
024:         * Systems AB and Canon Research Centre France S.A (collectively JJ2000
025:         * Partners) agree not to assert against ISO/IEC and users of the JPEG
026:         * 2000 Standard (Users) any of their rights under the copyright, not
027:         * including other intellectual property rights, for this software module
028:         * with respect to the usage by ISO/IEC and Users of this software module
029:         * or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products
030:         * claiming conformance to the JPEG 2000 Standard. Those intending to use
031:         * this software module in hardware or software products are advised that
032:         * their use may infringe existing patents. The original developers of
033:         * this software module, JJ2000 Partners and ISO/IEC assume no liability
034:         * for use of this software module or modifications thereof. No license
035:         * or right to this software module is granted for non JPEG 2000 Standard
036:         * conforming products. JJ2000 Partners have full right to use this
037:         * software module for his/her own purpose, assign or donate this
038:         * software module to any third party and to inhibit third parties from
039:         * using this software module for non JPEG 2000 Standard conforming
040:         * products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or
041:         * derivative works of this software module.
042:         * 
043:         * Copyright (c) 1999/2000 JJ2000 Partners.
044:         * */
045:        package jj2000.j2k.codestream;
047:        import jj2000.j2k.wavelet.*;
049:        import java.util.*;
051:        /**
052:         * Classe that holds information found in the marker segments of the main and
053:         * tile-part headers. There is one inner-class per marker segment type found
054:         * in these headers.
055:         * */
056:        public class HeaderInfo implements  Markers, ProgressionType,
057:                FilterTypes, Cloneable {
059:            /** Internal class holding information found in the SIZ marker segment */
060:            public class SIZ implements  Cloneable {
061:                public int lsiz;
062:                public int rsiz;
063:                public int xsiz;
064:                public int ysiz;
065:                public int x0siz;
066:                public int y0siz;
067:                public int xtsiz;
068:                public int ytsiz;
069:                public int xt0siz;
070:                public int yt0siz;
071:                public int csiz;
072:                public int[] ssiz;
073:                public int[] xrsiz;
074:                public int[] yrsiz;
076:                /** Component widths */
077:                private int[] compWidth = null;
078:                /** Maximum width among all components */
079:                private int maxCompWidth = -1;
080:                /** Component heights */
081:                private int[] compHeight = null;
082:                /** Maximum height among all components */
083:                private int maxCompHeight = -1;
085:                /** 
086:                 * Width of the specified tile-component
087:                 *
088:                 * @param t Tile index
089:                 *
090:                 * @param c Component index
091:                 * */
092:                public int getCompImgWidth(int c) {
093:                    if (compWidth == null) {
094:                        compWidth = new int[csiz];
095:                        for (int cc = 0; cc < csiz; cc++) {
096:                            compWidth[cc] = (int) (Math.ceil((xsiz)
097:                                    / (double) xrsiz[cc]) - Math.ceil(x0siz
098:                                    / (double) xrsiz[cc]));
099:                        }
100:                    }
101:                    return compWidth[c];
102:                }
104:                public int getMaxCompWidth() {
105:                    if (compWidth == null) {
106:                        compWidth = new int[csiz];
107:                        for (int cc = 0; cc < csiz; cc++) {
108:                            compWidth[cc] = (int) (Math.ceil((xsiz)
109:                                    / (double) xrsiz[cc]) - Math.ceil(x0siz
110:                                    / (double) xrsiz[cc]));
111:                        }
112:                    }
113:                    if (maxCompWidth == -1) {
114:                        for (int c = 0; c < csiz; c++) {
115:                            if (compWidth[c] > maxCompWidth) {
116:                                maxCompWidth = compWidth[c];
117:                            }
118:                        }
119:                    }
120:                    return maxCompWidth;
121:                }
123:                public int getCompImgHeight(int c) {
124:                    if (compHeight == null) {
125:                        compHeight = new int[csiz];
126:                        for (int cc = 0; cc < csiz; cc++) {
127:                            compHeight[cc] = (int) (Math.ceil((ysiz)
128:                                    / (double) yrsiz[cc]) - Math.ceil(y0siz
129:                                    / (double) yrsiz[cc]));
130:                        }
131:                    }
132:                    return compHeight[c];
133:                }
135:                public int getMaxCompHeight() {
136:                    if (compHeight == null) {
137:                        compHeight = new int[csiz];
138:                        for (int cc = 0; cc < csiz; cc++) {
139:                            compHeight[cc] = (int) (Math.ceil((ysiz)
140:                                    / (double) yrsiz[cc]) - Math.ceil(y0siz
141:                                    / (double) yrsiz[cc]));
142:                        }
143:                    }
144:                    if (maxCompHeight == -1) {
145:                        for (int c = 0; c < csiz; c++) {
146:                            if (compHeight[c] != maxCompHeight) {
147:                                maxCompHeight = compHeight[c];
148:                            }
149:                        }
150:                    }
151:                    return maxCompHeight;
152:                }
154:                private int numTiles = -1;
156:                public int getNumTiles() {
157:                    if (numTiles == -1) {
158:                        numTiles = ((xsiz - xt0siz + xtsiz - 1) / xtsiz)
159:                                * ((ysiz - yt0siz + ytsiz - 1) / ytsiz);
160:                    }
161:                    return numTiles;
162:                }
164:                private boolean[] origSigned = null;
166:                public boolean isOrigSigned(int c) {
167:                    if (origSigned == null) {
168:                        origSigned = new boolean[csiz];
169:                        for (int cc = 0; cc < csiz; cc++) {
170:                            origSigned[cc] = ((ssiz[cc] >>> SSIZ_DEPTH_BITS) == 1);
171:                        }
172:                    }
173:                    return origSigned[c];
174:                }
176:                private int[] origBitDepth = null;
178:                public int getOrigBitDepth(int c) {
179:                    if (origBitDepth == null) {
180:                        origBitDepth = new int[csiz];
181:                        for (int cc = 0; cc < csiz; cc++) {
182:                            origBitDepth[cc] = (ssiz[cc] & ((1 << SSIZ_DEPTH_BITS) - 1)) + 1;
183:                        }
184:                    }
185:                    return origBitDepth[c];
186:                }
188:                public SIZ getCopy() {
189:                    SIZ ms = null;
190:                    try {
191:                        ms = (SIZ) this .clone();
192:                    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
193:                        throw new Error("Cannot clone SIZ marker segment");
194:                    }
195:                    return ms;
196:                }
198:                /** Display information found in SIZ marker segment */
199:                public String toString() {
200:                    String str = "\n --- SIZ (" + lsiz + " bytes) ---\n";
201:                    str += " Capabilities : " + rsiz + "\n";
202:                    str += " Image dim.   : " + (xsiz - x0siz) + "x"
203:                            + (ysiz - y0siz) + ", (off=" + x0siz + "," + y0siz
204:                            + ")\n";
205:                    str += " Tile dim.    : " + xtsiz + "x" + ytsiz + ", (off="
206:                            + xt0siz + "," + yt0siz + ")\n";
207:                    str += " Component(s) : " + csiz + "\n";
208:                    str += " Orig. depth  : ";
209:                    for (int i = 0; i < csiz; i++) {
210:                        str += getOrigBitDepth(i) + " ";
211:                    }
212:                    str += "\n";
213:                    str += " Orig. signed : ";
214:                    for (int i = 0; i < csiz; i++) {
215:                        str += isOrigSigned(i) + " ";
216:                    }
217:                    str += "\n";
218:                    str += " Subs. factor : ";
219:                    for (int i = 0; i < csiz; i++) {
220:                        str += xrsiz[i] + "," + yrsiz[i] + " ";
221:                    }
222:                    str += "\n";
223:                    return str;
224:                }
225:            }
227:            /** Returns a new instance of SIZ */
228:            public SIZ getNewSIZ() {
229:                return new SIZ();
230:            }
232:            /** Internal class holding information found in the SOt marker segments */
233:            public class SOT {
234:                public int lsot;
235:                public int isot;
236:                public int psot;
237:                public int tpsot;
238:                public int tnsot;
240:                /** Display information found in this SOT marker segment */
241:                public String toString() {
242:                    String str = "\n --- SOT (" + lsot + " bytes) ---\n";
243:                    str += "Tile index         : " + isot + "\n";
244:                    str += "Tile-part length   : " + psot + " bytes\n";
245:                    str += "Tile-part index    : " + tpsot + "\n";
246:                    str += "Num. of tile-parts : " + tnsot + "\n";
247:                    str += "\n";
248:                    return str;
249:                }
250:            }
252:            /** Returns a new instance of SOT */
253:            public SOT getNewSOT() {
254:                return new SOT();
255:            }
257:            /** Internal class holding information found in the COD marker segments */
258:            public class COD implements  Cloneable {
259:                public int lcod;
260:                public int scod;
261:                public int sgcod_po; // Progression order
262:                public int sgcod_nl; // Number of layers
263:                public int sgcod_mct; // Multiple component transformation
264:                public int spcod_ndl; // Number of decomposition levels
265:                public int spcod_cw; // Code-blocks width
266:                public int spcod_ch; // Code-blocks height
267:                public int spcod_cs; // Code-blocks style
268:                public int[] spcod_t = new int[1]; // Transformation
269:                public int[] spcod_ps; // Precinct size
271:                public COD getCopy() {
272:                    COD ms = null;
273:                    try {
274:                        ms = (COD) this .clone();
275:                    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
276:                        throw new Error("Cannot clone SIZ marker segment");
277:                    }
278:                    return ms;
279:                }
281:                /** Display information found in this COD marker segment */
282:                public String toString() {
283:                    String str = "\n --- COD (" + lcod + " bytes) ---\n";
284:                    str += " Coding style   : ";
285:                    if (scod == 0) {
286:                        str += "Default";
287:                    } else {
288:                        if ((scod & SCOX_PRECINCT_PARTITION) != 0)
289:                            str += "Precints ";
290:                        if ((scod & SCOX_USE_SOP) != 0)
291:                            str += "SOP ";
292:                        if ((scod & SCOX_USE_EPH) != 0)
293:                            str += "EPH ";
294:                        int cb0x = ((scod & SCOX_HOR_CB_PART) != 0) ? 1 : 0;
295:                        int cb0y = ((scod & SCOX_VER_CB_PART) != 0) ? 1 : 0;
296:                        if (cb0x != 0 || cb0y != 0) {
297:                            str += "Code-blocks offset";
298:                            str += "\n Cblk partition : " + cb0x + "," + cb0y;
299:                        }
300:                    }
301:                    str += "\n";
302:                    str += " Cblk style     : ";
303:                    if (spcod_cs == 0) {
304:                        str += "Default";
305:                    } else {
306:                        if ((spcod_cs & 0x1) != 0)
307:                            str += "Bypass ";
308:                        if ((spcod_cs & 0x2) != 0)
309:                            str += "Reset ";
310:                        if ((spcod_cs & 0x4) != 0)
311:                            str += "Terminate ";
312:                        if ((spcod_cs & 0x8) != 0)
313:                            str += "Vert_causal ";
314:                        if ((spcod_cs & 0x10) != 0)
315:                            str += "Predict ";
316:                        if ((spcod_cs & 0x20) != 0)
317:                            str += "Seg_symb ";
318:                    }
319:                    str += "\n";
320:                    str += " Num. of levels : " + spcod_ndl + "\n";
321:                    switch (sgcod_po) {
322:                    case LY_RES_COMP_POS_PROG:
323:                        str += " Progress. type : LY_RES_COMP_POS_PROG\n";
324:                        break;
325:                    case RES_LY_COMP_POS_PROG:
326:                        str += " Progress. type : RES_LY_COMP_POS_PROG\n";
327:                        break;
328:                    case RES_POS_COMP_LY_PROG:
329:                        str += " Progress. type : RES_POS_COMP_LY_PROG\n";
330:                        break;
331:                    case POS_COMP_RES_LY_PROG:
332:                        str += " Progress. type : POS_COMP_RES_LY_PROG\n";
333:                        break;
334:                    case COMP_POS_RES_LY_PROG:
335:                        str += " Progress. type : COMP_POS_RES_LY_PROG\n";
336:                        break;
337:                    }
338:                    str += " Num. of layers : " + sgcod_nl + "\n";
339:                    str += " Cblk dimension : " + (1 << (spcod_cw + 2)) + "x"
340:                            + (1 << (spcod_ch + 2)) + "\n";
341:                    switch (spcod_t[0]) {
342:                    case W9X7:
343:                        str += " Filter         : 9-7 irreversible\n";
344:                        break;
345:                    case W5X3:
346:                        str += " Filter         : 5-3 reversible\n";
347:                        break;
348:                    }
349:                    str += " Multi comp tr. : " + (sgcod_mct == 1) + "\n";
350:                    if (spcod_ps != null) {
351:                        str += " Precincts      : ";
352:                        for (int i = 0; i < spcod_ps.length; i++) {
353:                            str += (1 << (spcod_ps[i] & 0x000F)) + "x"
354:                                    + (1 << (((spcod_ps[i] & 0x00F0) >> 4)))
355:                                    + " ";
356:                        }
357:                    }
358:                    str += "\n";
359:                    return str;
360:                }
361:            }
363:            /** Returns a new instance of COD */
364:            public COD getNewCOD() {
365:                return new COD();
366:            }
368:            /** Internal class holding information found in the COC marker segments */
369:            public class COC {
370:                public int lcoc;
371:                public int ccoc;
372:                public int scoc;
373:                public int spcoc_ndl; // Number of decomposition levels
374:                public int spcoc_cw;
375:                public int spcoc_ch;
376:                public int spcoc_cs;
377:                public int[] spcoc_t = new int[1];
378:                public int[] spcoc_ps;
380:                /** Display information found in this COC marker segment */
381:                public String toString() {
382:                    String str = "\n --- COC (" + lcoc + " bytes) ---\n";
383:                    str += " Component      : " + ccoc + "\n";
384:                    str += " Coding style   : ";
385:                    if (scoc == 0) {
386:                        str += "Default";
387:                    } else {
388:                        if ((scoc & 0x1) != 0)
389:                            str += "Precints ";
390:                        if ((scoc & 0x2) != 0)
391:                            str += "SOP ";
392:                        if ((scoc & 0x4) != 0)
393:                            str += "EPH ";
394:                    }
395:                    str += "\n";
396:                    str += " Cblk style     : ";
397:                    if (spcoc_cs == 0) {
398:                        str += "Default";
399:                    } else {
400:                        if ((spcoc_cs & 0x1) != 0)
401:                            str += "Bypass ";
402:                        if ((spcoc_cs & 0x2) != 0)
403:                            str += "Reset ";
404:                        if ((spcoc_cs & 0x4) != 0)
405:                            str += "Terminate ";
406:                        if ((spcoc_cs & 0x8) != 0)
407:                            str += "Vert_causal ";
408:                        if ((spcoc_cs & 0x10) != 0)
409:                            str += "Predict ";
410:                        if ((spcoc_cs & 0x20) != 0)
411:                            str += "Seg_symb ";
412:                    }
413:                    str += "\n";
414:                    str += " Num. of levels : " + spcoc_ndl + "\n";
415:                    str += " Cblk dimension : " + (1 << (spcoc_cw + 2)) + "x"
416:                            + (1 << (spcoc_ch + 2)) + "\n";
417:                    switch (spcoc_t[0]) {
418:                    case W9X7:
419:                        str += " Filter         : 9-7 irreversible\n";
420:                        break;
421:                    case W5X3:
422:                        str += " Filter         : 5-3 reversible\n";
423:                        break;
424:                    }
425:                    if (spcoc_ps != null) {
426:                        str += " Precincts      : ";
427:                        for (int i = 0; i < spcoc_ps.length; i++) {
428:                            str += (1 << (spcoc_ps[i] & 0x000F)) + "x"
429:                                    + (1 << (((spcoc_ps[i] & 0x00F0) >> 4)))
430:                                    + " ";
431:                        }
432:                    }
433:                    str += "\n";
434:                    return str;
435:                }
436:            }
438:            /** Returns a new instance of COC */
439:            public COC getNewCOC() {
440:                return new COC();
441:            }
443:            /** Internal class holding information found in the RGN marker segments */
444:            public class RGN {
445:                public int lrgn;
446:                public int crgn;
447:                public int srgn;
448:                public int sprgn;
450:                /** Display information found in this RGN marker segment */
451:                public String toString() {
452:                    String str = "\n --- RGN (" + lrgn + " bytes) ---\n";
453:                    str += " Component : " + crgn + "\n";
454:                    if (srgn == 0) {
455:                        str += " ROI style : Implicit\n";
456:                    } else {
457:                        str += " ROI style : Unsupported\n";
458:                    }
459:                    str += " ROI shift : " + sprgn + "\n";
460:                    str += "\n";
461:                    return str;
462:                }
463:            }
465:            /** Returns a new instance of RGN */
466:            public RGN getNewRGN() {
467:                return new RGN();
468:            }
470:            /** Internal class holding information found in the QCD marker segments */
471:            public class QCD {
472:                public int lqcd;
473:                public int sqcd;
474:                public int[][] spqcd;
476:                private int qType = -1;
478:                public int getQuantType() {
479:                    if (qType == -1) {
480:                        qType = sqcd & ~(SQCX_GB_MSK << SQCX_GB_SHIFT);
481:                    }
482:                    return qType;
483:                }
485:                private int gb = -1;
487:                public int getNumGuardBits() {
488:                    if (gb == -1) {
489:                        gb = (sqcd >> SQCX_GB_SHIFT) & SQCX_GB_MSK;
490:                    }
491:                    return gb;
492:                }
494:                /** Display information found in this QCD marker segment */
495:                public String toString() {
496:                    String str = "\n --- QCD (" + lqcd + " bytes) ---\n";
497:                    str += " Quant. type    : ";
498:                    int qt = getQuantType();
499:                    if (qt == SQCX_NO_QUANTIZATION)
500:                        str += "No quantization \n";
501:                    else if (qt == SQCX_SCALAR_DERIVED)
502:                        str += "Scalar derived\n";
503:                    else if (qt == SQCX_SCALAR_EXPOUNDED)
504:                        str += "Scalar expounded\n";
505:                    str += " Guard bits     : " + getNumGuardBits() + "\n";
506:                    if (qt == SQCX_NO_QUANTIZATION) {
507:                        str += " Exponents   :\n";
508:                        int exp;
509:                        for (int i = 0; i < spqcd.length; i++) {
510:                            for (int j = 0; j < spqcd[i].length; j++) {
511:                                if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
512:                                    exp = (spqcd[0][0] >> SQCX_EXP_SHIFT)
513:                                            & SQCX_EXP_MASK;
514:                                    str += "\tr=0 : " + exp + "\n";
515:                                } else if (i != 0 && j > 0) {
516:                                    exp = (spqcd[i][j] >> SQCX_EXP_SHIFT)
517:                                            & SQCX_EXP_MASK;
518:                                    str += "\tr=" + i + ",s=" + j + " : " + exp
519:                                            + "\n";
520:                                }
521:                            }
522:                        }
523:                    } else {
524:                        str += " Exp / Mantissa : \n";
525:                        int exp;
526:                        double mantissa;
527:                        for (int i = 0; i < spqcd.length; i++) {
528:                            for (int j = 0; j < spqcd[i].length; j++) {
529:                                if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
530:                                    exp = (spqcd[0][0] >> 11) & 0x1f;
531:                                    mantissa = (-1f - ((float) (spqcd[0][0] & 0x07ff))
532:                                            / (1 << 11))
533:                                            / (-1 << exp);
534:                                    str += "\tr=0 : " + exp + " / " + mantissa
535:                                            + "\n";
536:                                } else if (i != 0 && j > 0) {
537:                                    exp = (spqcd[i][j] >> 11) & 0x1f;
538:                                    mantissa = (-1f - ((float) (spqcd[i][j] & 0x07ff))
539:                                            / (1 << 11))
540:                                            / (-1 << exp);
541:                                    str += "\tr=" + i + ",s=" + j + " : " + exp
542:                                            + " / " + mantissa + "\n";
543:                                }
544:                            }
545:                        }
546:                    }
547:                    str += "\n";
548:                    return str;
549:                }
550:            }
552:            /** Returns a new instance of QCD */
553:            public QCD getNewQCD() {
554:                return new QCD();
555:            }
557:            /** Internal class holding information found in the QCC marker segments */
558:            public class QCC {
559:                public int lqcc;
560:                public int cqcc;
561:                public int sqcc;
562:                public int[][] spqcc;
564:                private int qType = -1;
566:                public int getQuantType() {
567:                    if (qType == -1) {
568:                        qType = sqcc & ~(SQCX_GB_MSK << SQCX_GB_SHIFT);
569:                    }
570:                    return qType;
571:                }
573:                private int gb = -1;
575:                public int getNumGuardBits() {
576:                    if (gb == -1) {
577:                        gb = (sqcc >> SQCX_GB_SHIFT) & SQCX_GB_MSK;
578:                    }
579:                    return gb;
580:                }
582:                /** Display information found in this QCC marker segment */
583:                public String toString() {
584:                    String str = "\n --- QCC (" + lqcc + " bytes) ---\n";
585:                    str += " Component      : " + cqcc + "\n";
586:                    str += " Quant. type    : ";
587:                    int qt = getQuantType();
588:                    if (qt == SQCX_NO_QUANTIZATION)
589:                        str += "No quantization \n";
590:                    else if (qt == SQCX_SCALAR_DERIVED)
591:                        str += "Scalar derived\n";
592:                    else if (qt == SQCX_SCALAR_EXPOUNDED)
593:                        str += "Scalar expounded\n";
594:                    str += " Guard bits     : " + getNumGuardBits() + "\n";
595:                    if (qt == SQCX_NO_QUANTIZATION) {
596:                        str += " Exponents   :\n";
597:                        int exp;
598:                        for (int i = 0; i < spqcc.length; i++) {
599:                            for (int j = 0; j < spqcc[i].length; j++) {
600:                                if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
601:                                    exp = (spqcc[0][0] >> SQCX_EXP_SHIFT)
602:                                            & SQCX_EXP_MASK;
603:                                    str += "\tr=0 : " + exp + "\n";
604:                                } else if (i != 0 && j > 0) {
605:                                    exp = (spqcc[i][j] >> SQCX_EXP_SHIFT)
606:                                            & SQCX_EXP_MASK;
607:                                    str += "\tr=" + i + ",s=" + j + " : " + exp
608:                                            + "\n";
609:                                }
610:                            }
611:                        }
612:                    } else {
613:                        str += " Exp / Mantissa : \n";
614:                        int exp;
615:                        double mantissa;
616:                        for (int i = 0; i < spqcc.length; i++) {
617:                            for (int j = 0; j < spqcc[i].length; j++) {
618:                                if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
619:                                    exp = (spqcc[0][0] >> 11) & 0x1f;
620:                                    mantissa = (-1f - ((float) (spqcc[0][0] & 0x07ff))
621:                                            / (1 << 11))
622:                                            / (-1 << exp);
623:                                    str += "\tr=0 : " + exp + " / " + mantissa
624:                                            + "\n";
625:                                } else if (i != 0 && j > 0) {
626:                                    exp = (spqcc[i][j] >> 11) & 0x1f;
627:                                    mantissa = (-1f - ((float) (spqcc[i][j] & 0x07ff))
628:                                            / (1 << 11))
629:                                            / (-1 << exp);
630:                                    str += "\tr=" + i + ",s=" + j + " : " + exp
631:                                            + " / " + mantissa + "\n";
632:                                }
633:                            }
634:                        }
635:                    }
636:                    str += "\n";
637:                    return str;
638:                }
639:            }
641:            /** Returns a new instance of QCC */
642:            public QCC getNewQCC() {
643:                return new QCC();
644:            }
646:            /** Internal class holding information found in the POC marker segments */
647:            public class POC {
648:                public int lpoc;
649:                public int[] rspoc;
650:                public int[] cspoc;
651:                public int[] lyepoc;
652:                public int[] repoc;
653:                public int[] cepoc;
654:                public int[] ppoc;
656:                /** Display information found in this POC marker segment */
657:                public String toString() {
658:                    String str = "\n --- POC (" + lpoc + " bytes) ---\n";
659:                    str += " Chg_idx RSpoc CSpoc LYEpoc REpoc CEpoc Ppoc\n";
660:                    for (int chg = 0; chg < rspoc.length; chg++) {
661:                        str += "   " + chg + "      " + rspoc[chg] + "     "
662:                                + cspoc[chg] + "     " + lyepoc[chg] + "      "
663:                                + repoc[chg] + "     " + cepoc[chg];
664:                        switch (ppoc[chg]) {
665:                        case ProgressionType.LY_RES_COMP_POS_PROG:
666:                            str += "  LY_RES_COMP_POS_PROG\n";
667:                            break;
668:                        case ProgressionType.RES_LY_COMP_POS_PROG:
669:                            str += "  RES_LY_COMP_POS_PROG\n";
670:                            break;
671:                        case ProgressionType.RES_POS_COMP_LY_PROG:
672:                            str += "  RES_POS_COMP_LY_PROG\n";
673:                            break;
674:                        case ProgressionType.POS_COMP_RES_LY_PROG:
675:                            str += "  POS_COMP_RES_LY_PROG\n";
676:                            break;
677:                        case ProgressionType.COMP_POS_RES_LY_PROG:
678:                            str += "  COMP_POS_RES_LY_PROG\n";
679:                            break;
680:                        }
681:                    }
682:                    str += "\n";
683:                    return str;
684:                }
685:            }
687:            /** Returns a new instance of POC */
688:            public POC getNewPOC() {
689:                return new POC();
690:            }
692:            /** Internal class holding information found in the CRG marker segment */
693:            public class CRG {
694:                public int lcrg;
695:                public int[] xcrg;
696:                public int[] ycrg;
698:                /** Display information found in the CRG marker segment */
699:                public String toString() {
700:                    String str = "\n --- CRG (" + lcrg + " bytes) ---\n";
701:                    for (int c = 0; c < xcrg.length; c++) {
702:                        str += " Component " + c + " offset : " + xcrg[c] + ","
703:                                + ycrg[c] + "\n";
704:                    }
705:                    str += "\n";
706:                    return str;
707:                }
708:            }
710:            /** Returns a new instance of CRG */
711:            public CRG getNewCRG() {
712:                return new CRG();
713:            }
715:            /** Internal class holding information found in the COM marker segments */
716:            public class COM {
717:                public int lcom;
718:                public int rcom;
719:                public byte[] ccom;
721:                /** Display information found in the COM marker segment */
722:                public String toString() {
723:                    String str = "\n --- COM (" + lcom + " bytes) ---\n";
724:                    if (rcom == 0) {
725:                        str += " Registration : General use (binary values)\n";
726:                    } else if (rcom == 1) {
727:                        str += " Registration : General use (IS 8859-15:1999 "
728:                                + "(Latin) values)\n";
729:                        str += " Text         : " + (new String(ccom)) + "\n";
730:                    } else {
731:                        str += " Registration : Unknown\n";
732:                    }
733:                    str += "\n";
734:                    return str;
735:                }
736:            }
738:            /** Returns a new instance of COM */
739:            public COM getNewCOM() {
740:                ncom++;
741:                return new COM();
742:            }
744:            /** Returns the number of found COM marker segments */
745:            public int getNumCOM() {
746:                return ncom;
747:            }
749:            /** Reference to the SIZ marker segment found in main header */
750:            public SIZ siz;
752:            /** Reference to the SOT marker segments found in tile-part headers. The
753:             * kwy is given by "t"+tileIdx"_tp"+tilepartIndex. */
754:            public Hashtable sot = new Hashtable();
756:            /** Reference to the COD marker segments found in main and first tile-part
757:             * header. The key is either "main" or "t"+tileIdx.*/
758:            public Hashtable cod = new Hashtable();
760:            /** Reference to the COC marker segments found in main and first tile-part
761:             * header. The key is either "main_c"+componentIndex or
762:             * "t"+tileIdx+"_c"+component_index. */
763:            public Hashtable coc = new Hashtable();
765:            /** Reference to the RGN marker segments found in main and first tile-part
766:             * header. The key is either "main_c"+componentIndex or
767:             * "t"+tileIdx+"_c"+component_index. */
768:            public Hashtable rgn = new Hashtable();
770:            /** Reference to the QCD marker segments found in main and first tile-part
771:             * header. The key is either "main" or "t"+tileIdx. */
772:            public Hashtable qcd = new Hashtable();
774:            /** Reference to the QCC marker segments found in main and first tile-part
775:             * header. They key is either "main_c"+componentIndex or
776:             * "t"+tileIdx+"_c"+component_index. */
777:            public Hashtable qcc = new Hashtable();
779:            /** Reference to the POC marker segments found in main and first tile-part
780:             * header. They key is either "main" or "t"+tileIdx. */
781:            public Hashtable poc = new Hashtable();
783:            /** Reference to the CRG marker segment found in main header */
784:            public CRG crg;
786:            /** Reference to the COM marker segments found in main and tile-part
787:             * headers. The key is either "main_"+comIdx or "t"+tileIdx+"_"+comIdx. */
788:            public Hashtable com = new Hashtable();
790:            /** Number of found COM marker segment */
791:            private int ncom = 0;
793:            /** Display information found in the different marker segments of the main
794:             * header */
795:            public String toStringMainHeader() {
796:                int nc = siz.csiz;
797:                // SIZ
798:                String str = "" + siz;
799:                // COD
800:                if (cod.get("main") != null) {
801:                    str += "" + (COD) cod.get("main");
802:                }
803:                // COCs
804:                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
805:                    if (coc.get("main_c" + c) != null) {
806:                        str += "" + (COC) coc.get("main_c" + c);
807:                    }
808:                }
809:                // QCD
810:                if (qcd.get("main") != null) {
811:                    str += "" + (QCD) qcd.get("main");
812:                }
813:                // QCCs
814:                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
815:                    if (qcc.get("main_c" + c) != null) {
816:                        str += "" + (QCC) qcc.get("main_c" + c);
817:                    }
818:                }
819:                // RGN
820:                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
821:                    if (rgn.get("main_c" + c) != null) {
822:                        str += "" + (RGN) rgn.get("main_c" + c);
823:                    }
824:                }
825:                // POC
826:                if (poc.get("main") != null) {
827:                    str += "" + (POC) poc.get("main");
828:                }
829:                // CRG
830:                if (crg != null) {
831:                    str += "" + crg;
832:                }
833:                // COM
834:                for (int i = 0; i < ncom; i++) {
835:                    if (com.get("main_" + i) != null) {
836:                        str += "" + (COM) com.get("main_" + i);
837:                    }
838:                }
839:                return str;
840:            }
842:            /** 
843:             * Returns information found in the tile-part headers of a given tile.
844:             *
845:             * @param t index of the tile
846:             *
847:             * @param tp Number of tile-parts
848:             * */
849:            public String toStringTileHeader(int t, int ntp) {
850:                int nc = siz.csiz;
851:                String str = "";
852:                // SOT
853:                for (int i = 0; i < ntp; i++) {
854:                    str += "Tile-part " + i + ", tile " + t + ":\n";
855:                    str += "" + (SOT) sot.get("t" + t + "_tp" + i);
856:                }
857:                // COD
858:                if (cod.get("t" + t) != null) {
859:                    str += "" + (COD) cod.get("t" + t);
860:                }
861:                // COCs
862:                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
863:                    if (coc.get("t" + t + "_c" + c) != null) {
864:                        str += "" + (COC) coc.get("t" + t + "_c" + c);
865:                    }
866:                }
867:                // QCD
868:                if (qcd.get("t" + t) != null) {
869:                    str += "" + (QCD) qcd.get("t" + t);
870:                }
871:                // QCCs
872:                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
873:                    if (qcc.get("t" + t + "_c" + c) != null) {
874:                        str += "" + (QCC) qcc.get("t" + t + "_c" + c);
875:                    }
876:                }
877:                // RGN
878:                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
879:                    if (rgn.get("t" + t + "_c" + c) != null) {
880:                        str += "" + (RGN) rgn.get("t" + t + "_c" + c);
881:                    }
882:                }
883:                // POC
884:                if (poc.get("t" + t) != null) {
885:                    str += "" + (POC) poc.get("t" + t);
886:                }
887:                return str;
888:            }
890:            /** 
891:             * Returns information found in the tile-part headers of a given tile
892:             * exception the SOT marker segment.
893:             *
894:             * @param t index of the tile
895:             *
896:             * @param tp Number of tile-parts
897:             * */
898:            public String toStringThNoSOT(int t, int ntp) {
899:                int nc = siz.csiz;
900:                String str = "";
901:                // COD
902:                if (cod.get("t" + t) != null) {
903:                    str += "" + (COD) cod.get("t" + t);
904:                }
905:                // COCs
906:                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
907:                    if (coc.get("t" + t + "_c" + c) != null) {
908:                        str += "" + (COC) coc.get("t" + t + "_c" + c);
909:                    }
910:                }
911:                // QCD
912:                if (qcd.get("t" + t) != null) {
913:                    str += "" + (QCD) qcd.get("t" + t);
914:                }
915:                // QCCs
916:                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
917:                    if (qcc.get("t" + t + "_c" + c) != null) {
918:                        str += "" + (QCC) qcc.get("t" + t + "_c" + c);
919:                    }
920:                }
921:                // RGN
922:                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
923:                    if (rgn.get("t" + t + "_c" + c) != null) {
924:                        str += "" + (RGN) rgn.get("t" + t + "_c" + c);
925:                    }
926:                }
927:                // POC
928:                if (poc.get("t" + t) != null) {
929:                    str += "" + (POC) poc.get("t" + t);
930:                }
931:                return str;
932:            }
934:            /** Returns a copy of this object */
935:            public HeaderInfo getCopy(int nt) {
936:                HeaderInfo nhi = null;
937:                // SIZ
938:                try {
939:                    nhi = (HeaderInfo) clone();
940:                } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
941:                    throw new Error("Cannot clone HeaderInfo instance");
942:                }
943:                nhi.siz = siz.getCopy();
944:                // COD
945:                if (cod.get("main") != null) {
946:                    COD ms = (COD) cod.get("main");
947:                    nhi.cod.put("main", ms.getCopy());
948:                }
949:                for (int t = 0; t < nt; t++) {
950:                    if (cod.get("t" + t) != null) {
951:                        COD ms = (COD) cod.get("t" + t);
952:                        nhi.cod.put("t" + t, ms.getCopy());
953:                    }
954:                }
955:                return nhi;
956:            }
957:        } | Contact Us
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