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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » 6.0 JDK Modules » Java Advanced Imaging » jj2000.j2k.util 
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001:        /*
002:         * $RCSfile:,v $
003:         * $Revision: 1.1 $
004:         * $Date: 2005/02/11 05:02:25 $
005:         * $State: Exp $
006:         *
007:         * Class:                   ISRandomAccessIO
008:         *
009:         * Description:             Turns an InsputStream into a read-only
010:         *                          RandomAccessIO, using buffering.
011:         *
012:         *
013:         *
014:         * COPYRIGHT:
015:         *
016:         * This software module was originally developed by Rapha�l Grosbois and
017:         * Diego Santa Cruz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL); Joel
018:         * Askel�f (Ericsson Radio Systems AB); and Bertrand Berthelot, David
019:         * Bouchard, F�lix Henry, Gerard Mozelle and Patrice Onno (Canon Research
020:         * Centre France S.A) in the course of development of the JPEG2000
021:         * standard as specified by ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG 2000 Standard). This
022:         * software module is an implementation of a part of the JPEG 2000
023:         * Standard. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL, Ericsson Radio
024:         * Systems AB and Canon Research Centre France S.A (collectively JJ2000
025:         * Partners) agree not to assert against ISO/IEC and users of the JPEG
026:         * 2000 Standard (Users) any of their rights under the copyright, not
027:         * including other intellectual property rights, for this software module
028:         * with respect to the usage by ISO/IEC and Users of this software module
029:         * or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products
030:         * claiming conformance to the JPEG 2000 Standard. Those intending to use
031:         * this software module in hardware or software products are advised that
032:         * their use may infringe existing patents. The original developers of
033:         * this software module, JJ2000 Partners and ISO/IEC assume no liability
034:         * for use of this software module or modifications thereof. No license
035:         * or right to this software module is granted for non JPEG 2000 Standard
036:         * conforming products. JJ2000 Partners have full right to use this
037:         * software module for his/her own purpose, assign or donate this
038:         * software module to any third party and to inhibit third parties from
039:         * using this software module for non JPEG 2000 Standard conforming
040:         * products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or
041:         * derivative works of this software module.
042:         *
043:         * Copyright (c) 1999/2000 JJ2000 Partners.
044:         *
045:         *
046:         *
047:         */
048:        package jj2000.j2k.util;
050:        import*;
051:        import*;
053:        /**
054:         * This class implements a wrapper to turn an InputStream into a
055:         * RandomAccessIO. To provide random access the input data from the
056:         * InputStream is cached in an in-memory buffer. The in-memory buffer size can
057:         * be limited to a specified size. The data is read into the cache on a as
058:         * needed basis, blocking only when necessary.
059:         *
060:         * <P>The cache grows automatically as necessary. However, if the data length
061:         * is known prior to the creation of a ISRandomAccessIO object, it is best to
062:         * specify that as the initial in-memory buffer size. That will minimize data
063:         * copying and multiple allocation.
064:         *
065:         * <P>Multi-byte data is read in big-endian order. The in-memory buffer
066:         * storage is released when 'close()' is called. This class can only be used
067:         * for data input, not output. The wrapped InputStream is closed when all the
068:         * input data is cached or when 'close()' is called.
069:         *
070:         * <P>If an out of memory condition is encountered when growing the
071:         * in-memory buffer an IOException is thrown instead of an
072:         * OutOfMemoryError. The exception message is "Out of memory to cache input
073:         * data".
074:         *
075:         * <P>This class is intended for use as a "quick and dirty" way to give
076:         * network connectivity to RandomAccessIO based classes. It is not intended as
077:         * an efficient means of implementing network connectivity. Doing such
078:         * requires reimplementing the RandomAccessIO based classes to directly use
079:         * network connections.
080:         *
081:         * <P>This class does not use temporary files as buffers, because that would
082:         * preclude the use in unsigned applets.
083:         * */
084:        public class ISRandomAccessIO implements  RandomAccessIO {
086:            /** The InputStream that is wrapped */
087:            private InputStream is;
089:            /* Tha maximum size, in bytes, of the in memory buffer. The maximum size
090:             * includes the EOF. */
091:            private int maxsize;
093:            /* The increment, in bytes, for the in-memory buffer size */
094:            private int inc;
096:            /* The in-memory buffer to cache received data */
097:            private byte buf[];
099:            /* The length of the already received data */
100:            private int len;
102:            /* The position of the next byte to be read from the in-memory buffer */
103:            private int pos;
105:            /* Flag to indicate if all the data has been received. That is, if the EOF
106:             * has been reached. */
107:            private boolean complete;
109:            /**
110:             * Creates a new RandomAccessIO wrapper for the given InputStream
111:             * 'is'. The internal cache buffer will have size 'size' and will
112:             * increment by 'inc' each time it is needed. The maximum buffer size is
113:             * limited to 'maxsize'.
114:             *
115:             * @param is The input from where to get the data.
116:             *
117:             * @param size The initial size for the cache buffer, in bytes.
118:             *
119:             * @param inc The size increment for the cache buffer, in bytes.
120:             *
121:             * @param maxsize The maximum size for the cache buffer, in bytes.
122:             */
123:            public ISRandomAccessIO(InputStream is, int size, int inc,
124:                    int maxsize) {
125:                if (size < 0 || inc <= 0 || maxsize <= 0 || is == null) {
126:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
127:                }
128:                this .is = is;
129:                // Increase size by one to count in EOF
130:                if (size < Integer.MAX_VALUE)
131:                    size++;
132:                buf = new byte[size];
133:                this .inc = inc;
134:                // The maximum size is one byte more, to allow reading the EOF.
135:                if (maxsize < Integer.MAX_VALUE)
136:                    maxsize++;
137:                this .maxsize = maxsize;
138:                pos = 0;
139:                len = 0;
140:                complete = false;
141:            }
143:            /**
144:             * Creates a new RandomAccessIO wrapper for the given InputStream
145:             * 'is'. The internal cache buffer size and increment is to to 256 kB. The
146:             * maximum buffer size is set to Integer.MAX_VALUE (2 GB).
147:             *
148:             * @param is The input from where to get the data.
149:             *
150:             */
151:            public ISRandomAccessIO(InputStream is) {
152:                this (is, 1 << 18, 1 << 18, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
153:            }
155:            /**
156:             * Grows the cache buffer by 'inc', upto a maximum of 'maxsize'. The
157:             * buffer size will be increased by at least one byte, if no exception is
158:             * thrown.
159:             *
160:             * @exception IOException If the maximum cache size is reached or if not
161:             * enough memory is available to grow the buffer.
162:             */
163:            private void growBuffer() throws IOException {
164:                byte newbuf[];
165:                int effinc; // effective increment
167:                effinc = inc;
168:                if (buf.length + effinc > maxsize)
169:                    effinc = maxsize - buf.length;
170:                if (effinc <= 0) {
171:                    throw new IOException("Reached maximum cache size ("
172:                            + maxsize + ")");
173:                }
174:                try {
175:                    newbuf = new byte[buf.length + inc];
176:                } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
177:                    throw new IOException("Out of memory to cache input data");
178:                }
179:                System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, len);
180:                buf = newbuf;
181:            }
183:            /**
184:             * Reads data from the wrapped InputStream and places it in the cache
185:             * buffer. Reads all input data that will not cause it to block, but at
186:             * least on byte is read (even if it blocks), unless EOF is reached. This
187:             * method can not be called if EOF has been already reached
188:             * (i.e. 'complete' is true).
189:             *
190:             * @exception IOException An I/O error occurred, out of meory to grow
191:             * cache or maximum cache size reached.
192:             * */
193:            private void readInput() throws IOException {
194:                int n;
195:                int b;
196:                int k;
198:                if (complete) {
199:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Already reached EOF");
200:                }
201:                //        may need reflection to call this method
202:                //        n = is.available(); /* how much can we read without blocking? */
203:                n = 0; /* how much can we read without blocking? */
204:                if (n == 0)
205:                    n = 1; /* read at least one byte (even if it blocks) */
206:                while (len + n > buf.length) { /* Ensure buffer size */
207:                    growBuffer();
208:                }
209:                /* Read the data. Loop to be sure that we do read 'n' bytes */
210:                do {
211:                    k =, len, n);
212:                    if (k > 0) { /* Some data was read */
213:                        len += k;
214:                        n -= k;
215:                    }
216:                } while (n > 0 && k > 0);
217:                if (k <= 0) { /* we reached EOF */
218:                    complete = true;
219:                    is = null;
220:                }
221:            }
223:            /**
224:             * Closes this object for reading as well as the wrapped InputStream, if
225:             * not already closed. The memory used by the cache is released.
226:             *
227:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error occurs while closing the
228:             * underlying InputStream.  */
229:            public void close() throws IOException {
230:                buf = null;
231:                if (!complete) {
232:                    is.close();
233:                    is = null;
234:                }
235:            }
237:            /**
238:             * Returns the current position in the stream, which is the
239:             * position from where the next byte of data would be read. The first
240:             * byte in the stream is in position 0.
241:             *
242:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error occurred.
243:             * */
244:            public int getPos() throws IOException {
245:                return pos;
246:            }
248:            /**
249:             * Moves the current position for the next read operation to
250:             * offset. The offset is measured from the beginning of the stream. If the
251:             * offset is set beyond the currently cached data, the missing data will
252:             * be read only when a read operation is performed. Setting
253:             * the offset beyond the end of the data will cause an EOFException only
254:             * if the data length is currently known, otherwise an IOException will
255:             * occur when a read operation is attempted at that position.
256:             *
257:             * @param off The offset where to move to.
258:             *
259:             * @exception EOFException If seeking beyond EOF and the data length is
260:             * known.
261:             *
262:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
263:             * */
264:            public void seek(int off) throws IOException {
265:                if (complete) { /* we know the length, check seek is within length */
266:                    if (off > len) {
267:                        throw new EOFException();
268:                    }
269:                }
270:                pos = off;
271:            }
273:            /**
274:             * Returns the length of the stream. This will cause all the data to be
275:             * read. This method will block until all the data is read, which can be
276:             * lengthy across the network.
277:             *
278:             * @return The length of the stream, in bytes.
279:             *
280:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
281:             */
282:            public int length() throws IOException {
283:                if (Integer.MAX_VALUE != maxsize)
284:                    return maxsize - 1;
285:                while (!complete) { // read until we reach EOF
286:                    readInput();
287:                }
288:                return len;
289:            }
291:            /**
292:             * Reads a byte of data from the stream.
293:             *
294:             * @return The byte read, as an int in the range [0-255].
295:             *
296:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached.
297:             *
298:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
299:             *
300:             */
301:            public int read() throws IOException {
302:                if (pos < len) { // common, fast case
303:                    return 0xFF & (int) buf[pos++];
304:                }
305:                // general case
306:                while (!complete && pos >= len) {
307:                    readInput();
308:                }
309:                if (pos == len) {
310:                    throw new EOFException();
311:                } else if (pos > len) {
312:                    throw new IOException("Position beyond EOF");
313:                }
314:                return 0xFF & (int) buf[pos++];
315:            }
317:            /**
318:             * Reads 'len' bytes of data from this file into an array of bytes. This
319:             * method reads repeatedly from the stream until all the bytes are
320:             * read. This method blocks until all the bytes are read, the end of the
321:             * stream is detected, or an exception is thrown.
322:             *
323:             * @param b The buffer into which the data is to be read. It must be long
324:             * enough.
325:             *
326:             * @param off The index in 'b' where to place the first byte read.
327:             *
328:             * @param len The number of bytes to read.
329:             *
330:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
331:             * getting all the necessary data.
332:             *
333:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
334:             *
335:             * */
336:            public void readFully(byte b[], int off, int n) throws IOException {
337:                if (pos + n <= len) { // common, fast case
338:                    System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, n);
339:                    pos += n;
340:                    return;
341:                }
342:                // general case
343:                while (!complete && pos + n > len) {
344:                    readInput();
345:                }
346:                if (pos + n > len) {
347:                    throw new EOFException();
348:                }
349:                System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, n);
350:                pos += n;
351:            }
353:            /**
354:             * Returns the endianess (i.e., byte ordering) of multi-byte I/O
355:             * operations. Always EndianType.BIG_ENDIAN since this class implements
356:             * only big-endian.
357:             *
358:             * @return Always EndianType.BIG_ENDIAN.
359:             *
360:             * @see EndianType
361:             *
362:             */
363:            public int getByteOrdering() {
364:                return EndianType.BIG_ENDIAN;
365:            }
367:            /**
368:             * Reads a signed byte (8 bit) from the input.
369:             *
370:             * @return The next byte-aligned signed byte (8 bit) from the
371:             * input.
372:             *
373:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
374:             * getting all the necessary data.
375:             *
376:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
377:             * */
378:            public byte readByte() throws IOException {
379:                if (pos < len) { // common, fast case
380:                    return buf[pos++];
381:                }
382:                // general case
383:                return (byte) read();
384:            }
386:            /**
387:             * Reads an unsigned byte (8 bit) from the input.
388:             *
389:             * @return The next byte-aligned unsigned byte (8 bit) from the
390:             * input.
391:             *
392:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
393:             * getting all the necessary data.
394:             *
395:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
396:             * */
397:            public int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException {
398:                if (pos < len) { // common, fast case
399:                    return 0xFF & buf[pos++];
400:                }
401:                // general case
402:                return read();
403:            }
405:            /**
406:             * Reads a signed short (16 bit) from the input.
407:             *
408:             * @return The next byte-aligned signed short (16 bit) from the
409:             * input.
410:             *
411:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
412:             * getting all the necessary data.
413:             *
414:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
415:             * */
416:            public short readShort() throws IOException {
417:                if (pos + 1 < len) { // common, fast case
418:                    return (short) ((buf[pos++] << 8) | (0xFF & buf[pos++]));
419:                }
420:                // general case
421:                return (short) ((read() << 8) | read());
422:            }
424:            /**
425:             * Reads an unsigned short (16 bit) from the input.
426:             *
427:             * @return The next byte-aligned unsigned short (16 bit) from the
428:             * input.
429:             *
430:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
431:             * getting all the necessary data.
432:             *
433:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
434:             * */
435:            public int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException {
436:                if (pos + 1 < len) { // common, fast case
437:                    return ((0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 8) | (0xFF & buf[pos++]);
438:                }
439:                // general case
440:                return (read() << 8) | read();
441:            }
443:            /**
444:             * Reads a signed int (32 bit) from the input.
445:             *
446:             * @return The next byte-aligned signed int (32 bit) from the
447:             * input.
448:             *
449:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
450:             * getting all the necessary data.
451:             *
452:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
453:             * */
454:            public int readInt() throws IOException {
455:                if (pos + 3 < len) { // common, fast case
456:                    return ((buf[pos++] << 24) | ((0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 16)
457:                            | ((0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 8) | (0xFF & buf[pos++]));
458:                }
459:                // general case
460:                return (read() << 24) | (read() << 16) | (read() << 8) | read();
461:            }
463:            /**
464:             * Reads a unsigned int (32 bit) from the input.
465:             *
466:             * @return The next byte-aligned unsigned int (32 bit) from the
467:             * input.
468:             *
469:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
470:             * getting all the necessary data.
471:             *
472:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
473:             * */
474:            public long readUnsignedInt() throws IOException {
475:                if (pos + 3 < len) { // common, fast case
476:                    return (0xFFFFFFFFL & (long) ((buf[pos++] << 24)
477:                            | ((0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 16)
478:                            | ((0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 8) | (0xFF & buf[pos++])));
479:                }
480:                // general case
481:                return (0xFFFFFFFFL & (long) ((read() << 24) | (read() << 16)
482:                        | (read() << 8) | read()));
483:            }
485:            /**
486:             * Reads a signed long (64 bit) from the input.
487:             *
488:             * @return The next byte-aligned signed long (64 bit) from the
489:             * input.
490:             *
491:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
492:             * getting all the necessary data.
493:             *
494:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
495:             * */
496:            public long readLong() throws IOException {
497:                if (pos + 7 < len) { // common, fast case
498:                    return (((long) buf[pos++] << 56)
499:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 48)
500:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 40)
501:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 32)
502:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 24)
503:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 16)
504:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 8) | (long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]));
505:                }
506:                // general case
507:                return (((long) read() << 56) | ((long) read() << 48)
508:                        | ((long) read() << 40) | ((long) read() << 32)
509:                        | ((long) read() << 24) | ((long) read() << 16)
510:                        | ((long) read() << 8) | (long) read());
511:            }
513:            /**
514:             * Reads an IEEE single precision (i.e., 32 bit) floating-point number
515:             * from the input.
516:             *
517:             * @return The next byte-aligned IEEE float (32 bit) from the input.
518:             *
519:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
520:             * getting all the necessary data.
521:             *
522:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
523:             * */
524:            public float readFloat() throws IOException {
525:                if (pos + 3 < len) { // common, fast case
526:                    return Float.intBitsToFloat((buf[pos++] << 24)
527:                            | ((0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 16)
528:                            | ((0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 8) | (0xFF & buf[pos++]));
529:                }
530:                // general case
531:                return Float.intBitsToFloat((read() << 24) | (read() << 16)
532:                        | (read() << 8) | read());
533:            }
535:            /**
536:             * Reads an IEEE double precision (i.e., 64 bit) floating-point number
537:             * from the input.
538:             *
539:             * @return The next byte-aligned IEEE double (64 bit) from the input.
540:             *
541:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
542:             * getting all the necessary data.
543:             *
544:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
545:             * */
546:            public double readDouble() throws IOException {
547:                if (pos + 7 < len) { // common, fast case
548:                    return Double.longBitsToDouble(((long) buf[pos++] << 56)
549:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 48)
550:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 40)
551:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 32)
552:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 24)
553:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 16)
554:                            | ((long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]) << 8)
555:                            | (long) (0xFF & buf[pos++]));
556:                }
557:                // general case
558:                return Double.longBitsToDouble(((long) read() << 56)
559:                        | ((long) read() << 48) | ((long) read() << 40)
560:                        | ((long) read() << 32) | ((long) read() << 24)
561:                        | ((long) read() << 16) | ((long) read() << 8)
562:                        | (long) read());
563:            }
565:            /**
566:             * Skips 'n' bytes from the input.
567:             *
568:             * @param n The number of bytes to skip
569:             *
570:             * @return Always n.
571:             *
572:             * @exception EOFException If the end-of file was reached before
573:             * all the bytes could be skipped.
574:             *
575:             * @exception IOException If an I/O error ocurred.
576:             * */
577:            public int skipBytes(int n) throws IOException {
578:                if (complete) { /* we know the length, check skip is within length */
579:                    if (pos + n > len) {
580:                        throw new EOFException();
581:                    }
582:                }
583:                pos += n;
584:                return n;
585:            }
587:            /**
588:             * Does nothing since this class does not implement data output.
589:             */
590:            public void flush() { /* no-op */
591:            }
593:            /**
594:             * Throws an IOException since this class does not implement data output.
595:             */
596:            public void write(int b) throws IOException {
597:                throw new IOException("read-only");
598:            }
600:            /**
601:             * Throws an IOException since this class does not implement data output.
602:             */
603:            public void writeByte(int v) throws IOException {
604:                throw new IOException("read-only");
605:            }
607:            /**
608:             * Throws an IOException since this class does not implement data output.
609:             */
610:            public void writeShort(int v) throws IOException {
611:                throw new IOException("read-only");
612:            }
614:            /**
615:             * Throws an IOException since this class does not implement data output.
616:             */
617:            public void writeInt(int v) throws IOException {
618:                throw new IOException("read-only");
619:            }
621:            /**
622:             * Throws an IOException since this class does not implement data output.
623:             */
624:            public void writeLong(long v) throws IOException {
625:                throw new IOException("read-only");
626:            }
628:            /**
629:             * Throws an IOException since this class does not implement data output.
630:             */
631:            public void writeFloat(float v) throws IOException {
632:                throw new IOException("read-only");
633:            }
635:            /**
636:             * Throws an IOException since this class does not implement data output.
637:             */
638:            public void writeDouble(double v) throws IOException {
639:                throw new IOException("read-only");
640:            }
641:        } | Contact Us
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