jj2000.j2k.util |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
ArrayUtil.java | Class | This class contains a colleaction of utility static methods for arrays. |
CodestreamManipulator.java | Class | This class takes a legal JPEG 2000 codestream and performs some
manipulation on it. |
FacilityManager.java | Class | This class manages common facilities for mutithreading environments, It can
register different facilities for each thread, and also a default one, so
that they can be referred by static methods, while possibly having
different ones for different threads. |
ISRandomAccessIO.java | Class | This class implements a wrapper to turn an InputStream into a
RandomAccessIO. |
MathUtil.java | Class | This class contains a collection of utility methods fro mathematical
operations. |
MsgLogger.java | Interface | This class provides a simple common abstraction of a facility that logs
and/or displays messages or simple strings. |
MsgPrinter.java | Class | This utility class formats messages to the specified line width, by
inserting line-breaks between words, and printing the resulting
lines. |
NativeServices.java | Class | This class presents a collection of static methods that allow access to
some native methods. |
ProgressWatch.java | Interface | |
StreamMsgLogger.java | Class | This class implements the MsgLogger interface for streams. |
StringFormatException.java | Class | Thrown to indicate that the application has attempted to parse a
badly formatted string. |
ThreadPool.java | Class | This class implements a thread pool. |