This package consists of JUMP JSROP event system abstractions. All optional JSRs
that need to receive native (platform) asynchronous events should use this module.
All native events are transferred from an underlying platform by means of JavaCall
events mechanism and the respective JavaCall API. Each event consists of the
following fields:
type - an integer representing number of the JSR that corresponds
to this event;
id - an integer that allows to distinguish event sub-types within
one JSR;
data - a byte array holding whatever additional data is needed to
be passed with the event (data size is limited by the JavaCall implementation).
Each JSR that is interested in some type of platform events must have a class
(probably, also an executive module) that implements JUMPEventHandler
interface, and register it as a handler for a certain type of events. For instance,
this is how JSR-75 module will register itself:
public class FileSystemModuleImpl implements JUMPModule, JUMPEventHandler {
public void load(Map config) {
JUMPEventQueueModule eventQueue = JUMPEventQueueModuleFactory.getInstance().getModule();
eventQueue.registerEventHandler(75, this);
// more initialization here...
public void handleEvent(int id, byte[] data) {
// event processing code here...
// more fields and methods...
After a handler has been registered, all events of the respective type that appear
in the queue will be passed to this handler for processing. The event handler
itself may process events in a separate thread, if it is reasonable.