Provides a reference implementation of SSLv3.0 Library for MIDP.
The code is modified version of KSSL from Sun Labs.
Supports abbreviated SSL handshakes.
Does not support SSL client authentication. This is
because purpose of HTTPS for MIDP is to provide the
wireless device with end-to-end confidentiality.
The authentication must be done at the application level,
which is what nearly all consumer applications do.
Only supports the SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,
SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5, and
SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 cipher suites.
All known HTTPS servers support these suites.
Only Supports RSA X.509 certificates, these are the defacto
standard. KSSL supports version 1, 2, and 3 X.509 certificates
signed using RSA with either SHA-1, MD5 and MD2. For
security reasons only version 3 certificates
are allowed to be chained. While the key usage extension is supported,
the name constraints extension is not.
Related Information