Perseus Builder Package
Contains all classes to build a Model tree (see the com.sun.perseus.model package )
from an SVG document.
The Builder package uses the SAX 2 API to parse an SVG document and turn
SVG elements into ModelNode instances.
The package classes are:
BuildContext . This class contains contextual information about the build
process, such as the current Locator into the SVG source (i.e., the current
line number) or the constants to use for units conversion (which depend on context).
BuilderErrors . Defines the error codes generated by the module.
BuilerException . The type of exceptions thrown by the ModelFactory
(and the classes it uses) when an error happens while building a Model tree from an SVG source
BuilderUtil . This is where the nitty gritty details
happen. BuilderUtil is used by all the ElementHandler implementations in
an effort to factor code as much as possible.
ElementHandler . This is the interface for all classes which can turn
a XML Element and its attributes in a CompositeNode instance. It is
possible to implement ElementHandler to make Perseus handle any type
of XML markup. By default, Perseus comes with the ElementHandler
implementations necessary to implement SVG Tiny content.
FontElementHandler . Handles all SVG Tiny elements in the
SVG Tiny Font module
ModelBuilder . This is Perseus' interface with the SAX 2 engine.
It extends the org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandlers class. This is where
SAX events are received and where building of ModelNode instances is
delegated to ModelFactory .
ModelFactory . This class handles all elements found in the
input SVG source. If there is an ElementHandler for the element, then
building a corresponding ModelNode is delegated to that element. Otherwise,
a generic CompositeNode is built to represent the input content.
ShapeElementHandler . Handles all SVG Tiny elements in the
SVG Tiny Shape module
StructureElementHandler . Handles all SVG Tiny elements in the
SVG Tiny Basic Structure module
SVGTinyModelFactory . This extension of ModelFactory is
a utility class that registers (with itself) all the ElementHandler s
necessary to handle SVG Tiny content.
TextElementHandler . Handles all SVG Tiny elements in the
SVG Tiny Basic Text module