J2SE MMS Message Connection Implementation
J2SE MMS Message Connection Implementation
Implementation classes for the MMS Message Connection layered
on a DatagramPacket low-level transport.
A single class is shared by the J2ME client and the J2SE service to allow
formatted messages to be transmitted across platforms.
com.sun.midp.io.j2me.mms.MMSPacket provides the interfaces to
get/set fielded data packed into a binary datagram message.
Configuration File
Properties can be set in a configuration file called "connections.prop" in
the current working directory to override the built-in default values.
Such values include the phone number of the device and the input/output
port numbers for receiving/sending datagrams, respectively. A phone number
may also configured in order to identify the address of the sender.
These are the default MMS configurations in connections.prop :
# The datagram host is the name of the client or /target device. Messages are
# sent to and/or received from this client. The host can be an alias that maps
# in /etc/hosts (UNIX/Linux systems) to a a real client device name. The alias
# can also be mapped to the IP address of the device under test.
# The phone number starts with "+" and is followed by a number of digits
# (e.g.: +5551234). The phone number represents the number of a device that
# would contact the MIDP code under test. The phone number is the same across
# all protocols.
# MMS properties -- These properties are used by MMSMessageConnector.
# The port numbers represent the server-side datagram ports. These values
# will be opposite to the "in" and "out" ports in the XML properties file
# of the client (MIDP) code.
# The "reply-to" application ID is not real, but simply representative of
# a real-world application ID string. Normally, this would be the path to
# the application that would process the message data sent to the server
# (or, in this case, to the tool code.).