| com.sun.satsa.aclapplet.ACLApplet
ACLApplet | public class ACLApplet extends Applet (Code) | | Card side application for ACL implementation.
Field Summary | |
final static byte | INS_READ INS byte for command APDU. | final static byte | INS_SELECT INS byte for command APDU. | DFile | base Root DF for WIM application. | File | current Currently selected file. | DFile | top Root DF for entire file structure. | final static byte | x0 Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation. | final static byte | x1 Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation. | final static byte | x2 Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation. | final static byte | x3 Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation. | final static byte | x4 Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation. | final static byte | x5 Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation. | final static byte | x6 Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation. | final static byte | x8 Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation. |
Method Summary | |
static short | getDERSize(short i) Returns the size of DER object for given value size. | File | getFile(byte[] data, short index, short l) Returns file object specified by path in the buffer. | void | init() Initialises the WIM data structures. | public static void | install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) To create an instance of the Applet subclass, the JCRE will call
this static method first. | public void | process(APDU apdu) Main entry point. | static short | putLength(byte[] data, short offset, short length) Places encoded length of DER object into the buffer. | void | read(APDU apdu) Handles READ BINARY APDU. | File | readFile(DFile parent) Creates new file object. | public boolean | select() Called by the JCRE to inform this applet that it has been
selected. | File | select(short id) Selects the file specified by file identifier. | void | selectFile(APDU apdu) Handles SELECT FILE APDU. |
INS_READ | final static byte INS_READ(Code) | | INS byte for command APDU.
INS_SELECT | final static byte INS_SELECT(Code) | | INS byte for command APDU.
base | DFile base(Code) | | Root DF for WIM application. All relative paths start from
current | File current(Code) | | Currently selected file.
top | DFile top(Code) | | Root DF for entire file structure.
x0 | final static byte x0(Code) | | Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation.
x1 | final static byte x1(Code) | | Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation.
x2 | final static byte x2(Code) | | Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation.
x3 | final static byte x3(Code) | | Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation.
x4 | final static byte x4(Code) | | Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation.
x5 | final static byte x5(Code) | | Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation.
x6 | final static byte x6(Code) | | Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation.
x8 | final static byte x8(Code) | | Constant that is used to avoid '(short) x' notation.
ACLApplet | ACLApplet()(Code) | | Constructor.
getDERSize | static short getDERSize(short i)(Code) | | Returns the size of DER object for given value size.
Parameters: i - the value size the size of DER object |
getFile | File getFile(byte[] data, short index, short l)(Code) | | Returns file object specified by path in the buffer.
Parameters: data - the buffer Parameters: index - path offset Parameters: l - path length file object or null if not found |
init | void init()(Code) | | Initialises the WIM data structures.
install | public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)(Code) | | To create an instance of the Applet subclass, the JCRE will call
this static method first.
Parameters: bArray - the array containing installation parameters Parameters: bOffset - the starting offset in bArray Parameters: bLength - the length in bytes of the parameter data in bArray |
process | public void process(APDU apdu)(Code) | | Main entry point.
Parameters: apdu - command APDU |
putLength | static short putLength(byte[] data, short offset, short length)(Code) | | Places encoded length of DER object into the buffer.
Parameters: data - the buffer Parameters: offset - offset in the buffer where the length must beplaced Parameters: length - the length to be placed the new offset |
read | void read(APDU apdu)(Code) | | Handles READ BINARY APDU.
Parameters: apdu - command APDU |
readFile | File readFile(DFile parent)(Code) | | Creates new file object.
Parameters: parent - parent DF for this file the new file object |
select | public boolean select()(Code) | | Called by the JCRE to inform this applet that it has been
selected. When invoked first time initialises the file system.
true |
select | File select(short id)(Code) | | Selects the file specified by file identifier.
Parameters: id - file identifier selected file |
selectFile | void selectFile(APDU apdu)(Code) | | Handles SELECT FILE APDU.
Parameters: apdu - command APDU |