Calculates a signle-byte hash code of the string.
Parameters: s - is a string for which a hash code must be calculated hash code (from 0 to parameterLessHeaders.length) of the string
Gets the value for the header as opaque object (returned value
will depend upon the header. Note that this is not the same as
the getHeaderValue above.
the header field value
public static boolean isAuthorization(String name)(Code)
Checks if a header with the given name is an Authorization
or Authentication header.
Parameters: name - the name of the header true if the header is an Authorization or Authentication header
public static boolean isParameterLess(String name)(Code)
Checks if the specified header can have some parameters.
Parameters: name - the name of the header true if the header can not have any parameters, false otherwise
public static boolean isReliableTagPresent(String strOptionTags)(Code)
Search for the reliable tag, "100rel" in a "Require" Header value.
This method is internally used to identify if the response
received at UAC is reliable provisional response
Parameters: strOptionTags - List of option tags that is actually a valueof Require Header true if "100rel" tags is found; else false